• Title/Summary/Keyword: map matching

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Development of the Precision Image Processing System for CAS-500 (국토관측위성용 정밀영상생성시스템 개발)

  • Park, Hyeongjun;Son, Jong-Hwan;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Kweon, Ki-Eok;Lee, Kye-Dong;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.881-891
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Science and ICT are developing the Land Observation Satellite (CAS-500) to meet increased demand for high-resolution satellite images. Expected image products of CAS-500 includes precision orthoimage, Digital Surface Model (DSM), change detection map, etc. The quality of these products is determined based on the geometric accuracy of satellite images. Therefore, it is important to make precision geometric corrections of CAS-500 images to produce high-quality products. Geometric correction requires the Ground Control Point (GCP), which is usually extracted manually using orthoimages and digital map. This requires a lot of time to acquire GCPs. Therefore, it is necessary to automatically extract GCPs and reduce the time required for GCP extraction and orthoimage generation. To this end, the Precision Image Processing (PIP) System was developed for CAS-500 images to minimize user intervention in GCP extraction. This paper explains the products, processing steps and the function modules and Database of the PIP System. The performance of the System in terms of processing speed, is also presented. It is expected that through the developed System, precise orthoimages can be generated from all CAS-500 images over the Korean peninsula promptly. As future studies, we need to extend the System to handle automated orthoimage generation for overseas regions.

Descent Dataset Generation and Landmark Extraction for Terrain Relative Navigation on Mars (화성 지형상대항법을 위한 하강 데이터셋 생성과 랜드마크 추출 방법)

  • Kim, Jae-In
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1015-1023
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    • 2022
  • The Entry-Descent-Landing process of a lander involves many environmental and technical challenges. To solve these problems, recently, terrestrial relative navigation (TRN) technology has been essential for landers. TRN is a technology for estimating the position and attitude of a lander by comparing Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data and image data collected from a descending lander with pre-built reference data. In this paper, we present a method for generating descent dataset and extracting landmarks, which are key elements for developing TRN technologies to be used on Mars. The proposed method generates IMU data of a descending lander using a simulated Mars landing trajectory and generates descent images from high-resolution ortho-map and digital elevation map through a ray tracing technique. Landmark extraction is performed by an area-based extraction method due to the low-textured surfaces on Mars. In addition, search area reduction is carried out to improve matching accuracy and speed. The performance evaluation result for the descent dataset generation method showed that the proposed method can generate images that satisfy the imaging geometry. The performance evaluation result for the landmark extraction method showed that the proposed method ensures several meters of positioning accuracy while ensuring processing speed as fast as the feature-based methods.

Hole-Filling Method for Depth-Image-Based Rendering for which Modified-Patch Matching is Used (개선된 패치 매칭을 이용한 깊이 영상 기반 렌더링의 홀 채움 방법)

  • Cho, Jea-Hyung;Song, Wonseok;Choi, Hyuk
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.186-194
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    • 2017
  • Depth-image-based rendering is a technique that can be applied in a variety of 3D-display systems. It generates the images that have been captured from virtual viewpoints by using a depth map. However, disoccluded hole-filling problems remain a challenging issue, as a newly exposed area appears in the virtual view. Image inpainting is a popular approach for the filling of the hole region. This paper presents a robust hole-filling method that reduces the error and generates a high quality-virtual view. First, the adaptive-patch size is decided using the color and depth information. Also, a partial filling method for which the patch similarity is used is proposed. These efforts reduce the error occurrence and the propagation. The experiment results show that the proposed method synthesizes the virtual view with a higher visual comfort compared with the existing methods.

Upgrade Development of a Centrifugal Compressor for Marine Engine Turbochargers (선박용 터보차져 원심압축기의 성능향상 개발)

  • Oh, Jong Sik;Oh, Koon Sup;Yoo, Kwang Taek
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.3 no.1 s.6
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2000
  • Upgrade development of a high pressure ratio centrifugal compressor in marine engine turbochargers is presented. A new matched operating point at increased speed of rotation was determined through system cycle analysis using the exisitng test data of turbine performance. Under some severe restrictions for geometric parameters, the state-of-the-art methods of both aerodynamic design and CFD analysis were applied, in which only an impeller, a vaned diffusor and some part of casing wall were modified. Prototype hardware was fabricated and assembled for system performance tests. Excellent performance in pressure ratio and efficiency was obtained over whole speed region. Reduced surge and choke margin was, however, observed at design speed of rotation.

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    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.667-670
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    • 2005
  • Ground control points(GCPs) can be extracted from SAR data given precise orbit for DTM generation using optic images and other SAR data. In this study, we extract GCPs from ERS SAR data and SRTM DEM. Although it is very difficult to identify GCPs in ERS SAR image, the geometry of optic image and other SAR data are able to be corrected and more precise DTM can be constructed from stereo optic images. Twenty GCPs were obtained from the ERS SAR data with precise Delft orbit information. After the correction was applied, the mean values of planimetric distance errors of the GCPs were 3.7m, 12.1 and -0.8m with standard deviations of 19.9m, 18.1, and 7.8m in geocentric X, Y, and Z coordinates, respectively. The geometries of SPOT stereo pair were corrected by 13 GCPs, and r.m.s. errors were 405m, 705m and 8.6m in northing, easting and height direction, respectively. And the geometries of RADARS AT stereo pair were corrected by 12 GCPs, and r.m.s. errors were 804m, 7.9m and 6.9m in northing, easting and height direction, respectively. DTMs, through a method of area based matching with pyramid images, were generated by SPOT stereo images and RADARS AT stereo images. Comparison between points of the obtained DTMs and points estimated from a national 1 :5,000 digital map was performed. For DTM by SPOT stereo images, the mean values of distance errors in northing, easting and height direction were respectively -7.6m, 9.6m and -3.1m with standard deviations of 9.1m, 12.0m and 9.1m. For DTM by RADARSAT stereo images, the mean values of distance errors in northing, easting and height direction were respectively -7.6m, 9.6m and -3.1m with standard deviations of 9.1m, 12.0m and 9.1m. These results met the accuracy of DTED level 2

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Automatic Detecting of Joint of Human Body and Mapping of Human Body using Humanoid Modeling (인체 모델링을 이용한 인체의 조인트 자동 검출 및 인체 매핑)

  • Kwak, Nae-Joung;Song, Teuk-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.851-859
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose the method that automatically extracts the silhouette and the joints of consecutive input image, and track joints to trace object for interaction between human and computer. Also the proposed method presents the action of human being to map human body using joints. To implement the algorithm, we model human body using 14 joints to refer to body size. The proposed method converts RGB color image acquired through a single camera to hue, saturation, value images and extracts body's silhouette using the difference between the background and input. Then we automatically extracts joints using the corner points of the extracted silhouette and the data of body's model. The motion of object is tracted by applying block-matching method to areas around joints among all image and the human's motion is mapped using positions of joints. The proposed method is applied to the test videos and the result shows that the proposed method automatically extracts joints and effectively maps human body by the detected joints. Also the human's action is aptly expressed to reflect locations of the joints

Development of Digital Photogrammetric Systems for Three-Dimensional Topographic Information Analysis (3차원 지형정보분석을 위한 수치사진측량시스템 개발)

  • 유환희;안충현;오성남;성민규
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 1999
  • Lately, with the development of the fields of computer and photogrammetry, Digital Photogrammetric Systems are widely used for the generation of GIS basemap, the acquisition of topographic information and DEM, the formation of digital orthophoto, three-dimensional viewing and so on. According as the demand for the systems is rapidly increasing, we suggest keenly the necessity of domestic technical development, because all of these systems depend on foreign technology until now. In this study, by using digital photogrammetry method, with Visual C++ language, we have developed Digital Photogrammetric Systems for Windows which is able to get three-dimensional coordinates through interior orientation, exterior orientation, epipolar line, image matching from a pair of aerial photos taken with metric camera. This system consists of not only a module which can revise digital map that is being made at National Geographic Institute as a part of data construction project of National Geographic Information System, but also a module which can view three-dimensional image on the screen monitor by using anaglyph for three-dimensional analysis. The digital photogrammetry modules developed in this study are expected to be used as primary modules for the effective management of the urban as well as main modules in developing professional digital photogrammetric systems.

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Analysis System for SNS Issues per Country based on Topic Model (토픽 모델 기반의 국가 별 SNS 관심 이슈 분석 시스템)

  • Kim, Seong Hoon;Yoon, Ji Won
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.11
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    • pp.1201-1209
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    • 2016
  • As the use of SNS continues to increase, various related studies have been conducted. According to the effectiveness of the topic model for existing theme extraction, a huge number of related research studies on topic model based analysis have been introduced. In this research, we suggested an automation system to analyze topics of each country and its distribution in twitter by combining world map visualization and issue matching method. The core system components are the following three modules; 1) collection of tweets and classification by nation, 2) extraction of topics and distribution by country based on topic model algorithm, and 3) visualization of topics and distribution based on Google geochart. In experiments with USA and UK, we could find issues of the two nations and how they changed. Based on these results, we could analyze the differences of each nation's position on ISIS problem.

Shape Based Framework for Recognition and Tracking of Texture-free Objects for Submerged Robots in Structured Underwater Environment (수중로봇을 위한 형태를 기반으로 하는 인공표식의 인식 및 추종 알고리즘)

  • Han, Kyung-Min;Choi, Hyun-Taek
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes an efficient and accurate vision based recognition and tracking framework for texture free objects. We approached this problem with a two phased algorithm: detection phase and tracking phase. In the detection phase, the algorithm extracts shape context descriptors that used for classifying objects into predetermined interesting targets. Later on, the matching result is further refined by a minimization technique. In the tracking phase, we resorted to meanshift tracking algorithm based on Bhattacharyya coefficient measurement. In summary, the contributions of our methods for the underwater robot vision are four folds: 1) Our method can deal with camera motion and scale changes of objects in underwater environment; 2) It is inexpensive vision based recognition algorithm; 3) The advantage of shape based method compared to a distinct feature point based method (SIFT) in the underwater environment with possible turbidity variation; 4) We made a quantitative comparison of our method with a few other well-known methods. The result is quite promising for the map based underwater SLAM task which is the goal of our research.

A Study of Location Correction Algorithm for Pedestrian Location Tracking in Traffic Connective Transferring System (교통 연계 환승 시스템의 보행자 위치 추적을 위한 보정 알고리즘 연구)

  • Jung, Jong-In;Lee, Sang-Sun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2009
  • Tracking technologies which provide real-time and customized information through various information collecting and processing for pedestrians who use traffic connective and transferring center have been being examined. However some problems are caused due to the wide-range positioning error for some services as device installation and service place. It is also difficult to be applied to traffic linkage and transfer services because many situations can be barren. In the testbed, Gwangmyoung Station, we got some results in bad conditions such as a lot of steel construction and another communication device. Practically, conditions of the place which will be built can be worse than Gwangmyoung station. Therefore, we researched suitable Location correction algorithm as a method for accuracy to traffic connective and transferring system. And its algorithm is designed through grid coordinates, map-matching, modeling coordinates and Kalman filtering and is being implemented continuously. Also preparing for optimization of various transferring center model, we designed for simulator type algorithm what is available for deciding algorithm factor.

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