• Title/Summary/Keyword: map accuracy

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The accuracy analysis on continuance cadastral map matching with Autodesk Map 5 (Autodesk Map 5을 이용한 연속지적도 접합에 대한 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Kam-Lae;Ra, Yoong-Hwa;Park, Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2003
  • As of date, the cadastral information which is the utility to be computerized have not been identical with local autonomous entities and relational groups each other and updated real-time, therefore the relation group or the academic circles carried out in many researches on a cadastral map matching, but the cadastral maps have not been even occurred the expansion and contraction so that the theory arrangement doesn't seem simple as to a cadastral map matching. As being take such reality into consideration, We have to be based on $\boxDr$construction ministry of the rules for continuous map$\boxUl$ for a continuous cadastral map with using PBLIS data; so the operators use Autodesk Map 5 which added applications and match the neat line by the identical scale, the different scale, the district boundary and the origin according to the judgement myself We have the purpose to minimize the problem as analyzing the accuracy between the parcel coordinates If the matched map and ones of moved map.

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Error and Accuracy Analysis about Road Name Address for Reliability Improvement and Efficient Utilization (신뢰도 향상과 활용성 제고를 위한 도로명주소기본도의 오류 및 정확도 분석)

  • Lee, Jong-Sin;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Min-Gyu;Yun, Hee-Cheon
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2015
  • Due to the conversion from the existing address system to road name address system, the versatility of the road name address from the public and private sectors is increasing gradually. Therefor, the reliability of the road name address basic map, of the default data is also an urgent need, this means the accuracy of the data. But, road name address basic map is production time due to the use of different map accuracy is to fall, so is also the situation insufficient of utilization. This study Construction of identify each attempt by the road name address basic map and analysis the location accuracy of road name address basic map. As a result, the RMSE of cadastral survey results showed that appears lower than the RMSE of digital map survey results. The judgment can be utilized as the basis for the proposed improvements for the road name address basic map.

The Improvement Method of Position Accuracy of Digital-Map in Small Area (소규모 지역에서 수치지도의 위치정확도 향상 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 이근상;장영률
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2001
  • With increasing of utilization of 1/1,000 Digital-Map being constructed with NGIS project, it is entering upon the stage that problem as the inspection of position accuracy of Digital-Map before its use. This paper evaluated position accuracy of Digital-Map being based on the construction of college facility management system into small area and presented modification/renovation of Digital-Map on area being occurred position error. With a view to evaluation of position error to building using RTK survey, position error was shown more than 0.5mm that is prescribed in survey-law. In order to acquire good position accuracy, first we carried out Static survey to college and selected control point. And, we evaluated coordinate value to important building from control point and compared these results with RTK survey results. Second, we carried out Affine transform based on the control point of building being surveyed with RTK, transformed pre-constructed Digital-Map and compared these results with RTK Survey results. We analyzed first and second method and presented improvement method of position accuracy of Digital-Map suited on small area.

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Assessment of Accuracy of IKONOS Image Map, Traditional Orthophoto Map and Conventional Line Map of Kathmandu Valley : A Pilot Study

  • Kayastha, D.M.;Chhatkuli, R.R.;Paudel, J.R.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.988-990
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    • 2003
  • IKONOS image mapping is being considered a possible replacement to the traditional mapping in many countries due to their ease of access to current data and their potential high resolution. Survey Department of His Majesty's Government completed traditional orthophoto mapping of all urban and semi-urban areas of the country. The 1:5000 monochrome orthophoto maps of Kathmandu Valley were completed in 2003. In 2002, as a test, production of a near natural colour Image Map at 1:5000 scale of a part of Kathmandu Valley based on IKONOS data was carried out. A conventional line map plotting of the same area at 1:5000 was also prepared. The objective of the pilot project was to assess the geometric accuracy and the information content of these maps. The details of the study and their results are underlined. The findings of the study helps to explain whether IKONOS image map can replace conventional orthophoto map at 1:5,000 for urban areas of Nepal like Kathmandu.

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Map Error Measuring Mechanism Design and Algorithm Robust to Lidar Sparsity (라이다 점군 밀도에 강인한 맵 오차 측정 기구 설계 및 알고리즘)

  • Jung, Sangwoo;Jung, Minwoo;Kim, Ayoung
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we introduce the software/hardware system that can reliably calculate the distance from sensor to the model regardless of point cloud density. As the 3d point cloud map is widely adopted for SLAM and computer vision, the accuracy of point cloud map is of great importance. However, the 3D point cloud map obtained from Lidar may reveal different point cloud density depending on the choice of sensor, measurement distance and the object shape. Currently, when measuring map accuracy, high reflective bands are used to generate specific points in point cloud map where distances are measured manually. This manual process is time and labor consuming being highly affected by Lidar sparsity level. To overcome these problems, this paper presents a hardware design that leverage high intensity point from three planar surface. Furthermore, by calculating distance from sensor to the device, we verified that the automated method is much faster than the manual procedure and robust to sparsity by testing with RGB-D camera and Lidar. As will be shown, the system performance is not limited to indoor environment by progressing the experiment using Lidar sensor at outdoor environment.

A Study on the Map Accuracy Assessment of Positioning Data Using Statistical Approach Analysis (오차분석을 이용한 지도 위치정확도 평가기법에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Bong-Whan;Lee, Yong-Woong;Choi, Sun-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.5 no.1 s.9
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 1997
  • This paper suggests a Map Accuracy Standards by analyzing U.S. National Map Accuracy Standards, by considering korean terrain feature and statistical error theory for paper and digital maps on the scale of 1:50,000. Map accuracy standards require horizontal accuracy to be reported as a circular error with 90% confidence level through Linear Error Probable(LEP) theory and Circular Error Probable(CEP) theory. In order to verify the proposed methodology for positioning accuracy testing, several kinds of test point were selected and tested. These test points were extracted at the centers of roads and bridges, the comers of the independent building, the edges of geographical botany, and the tops of mountains. The positioning accuracy assessment was peformed by comparing the positions of test points in digital maps generated three different sources with those acquired by high accurate GPS surveying. The digital maps were produced from aerial photographs and SPOT satellite image using analytical plotter and 1:50,000 paper map.

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An Efficient Local Map Building Scheme based on Data Fusion via V2V Communications

  • Yoo, Seung-Ho;Choi, Yoon-Ho;Seo, Seung-Woo
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2013
  • The precise identification of vehicle positions, known as the vehicle localization problem, is an important requirement for building intelligent vehicle ad-hoc networks (VANETs). To solve this problem, two categories of solutions are proposed: stand-alone and data fusion approaches. Compared to stand-alone approaches, which use single information including the global positioning system (GPS) and sensor-based navigation systems with differential corrections, data fusion approaches analyze the position information of several vehicles from GPS and sensor-based navigation systems, etc. Therefore, data fusion approaches show high accuracy. With the position information on a set of vehicles in the preprocessing stage, data fusion approaches is used to estimate the precise vehicular location in the local map building stage. This paper proposes an efficient local map building scheme, which increases the accuracy of the estimated vehicle positions via V2V communications. Even under the low ratio of vehicles with communication modules on the road, the proposed local map building scheme showed high accuracy when estimating the vehicle positions. From the experimental results based on the parameters of the practical vehicular environments, the accuracy of the proposed localization system approached the single lane-level.

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Evaluation of Utilization through Various Accuracy Analysis of Drone Photogrammetry (드론사진측량의 다양한 정확도 분석을 통한 활용성 평가)

  • Doo-Pyo Kim;Hye-Won Choi;Jae-Ha Kwak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2023
  • Although the utilization of drone photogrammetry that can generate spatial information using ultra-high-resolution images is increasing in the civil engineering and construction fields, analysis of areas that can be used is insufficient. Therefore, this study attempted to determine how far drone photogrammetry can be used in the civil engineering and construction fields by applying a detailed analysis method. The status map and cross-sectional map were actually vectorized using drone photogrammetry outcomes, compared and analyzed with the results acquired in the field, and the qualitative aspects of traffic safety facilities were analyzed to determine their usability. As a result, the accuracy of the plane position using drone photogrammetry was reliable, but the height accuracy was difficult to trust. Accordingly, although there is a possibility of preparing a status map, the use of it in areas requiring high accuracy such as cross-sectional plans was limited, and it is believed that it can be used in the construction management field where qualitative analysis is conducted.

Construction of a Radio map for WPS Resistant to Signal Strength Fluctuation (신호 세기 변동에 강인한 WPS용 라디오 맵 구축 기법)

  • Lee, Hyoun-Sup;Kim, Jin-Deog
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.2685-2690
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    • 2014
  • WPS determines position via a two-step process. In the construction phase, a radio map is constituted by collecting radio information signals. Positioning procedure is a step of comparing the radio signal newly acquired with the radio map. If the signals collected and the radio map are different the accuracy decreases. Even though the rate of accuracy is different according to positioning algorithms, accuracy drop is an issue common to all WPS systems. Signal strength fluctuation is caused by the malfunction of the device that receives positioning signals, obstruction and channel interference, etc. In this paper, in order to solve the problem caused by signal strength change, we propose a new radio map construction technique. The proposed method is intended to constitute a strong radio map to changes in the signal strength and updated by collecting the signal strength changes to the radio map. The use of this method is expected to enhance the accuracy of WPS by actively counteracting signal fluctuation.

Process Map for Improving the Dimensional Accuracy in the Multi-Stage Drawing Process of Rectangular Bar with Various Aspect Ratio (다양한 종횡비의 직사각바 다단 인발공정에서 치수정도 향상을 위한 프로세스 맵)

  • Ko, P.S.;Kim, J.H.;Kim, B.M.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.154-159
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    • 2018
  • In the rectangular bar multi-stage drawing process, the cross-section dimensional accuracy of the rectangular bar varies depending on the aspect ratio and process conditions. It is very important to predict the dimensional error of the cross-section occurring in the multi-stage drawing process according to the aspect ratio of the rectangular bar and the half die angle of each pass. In this study, a process map for improving the dimensional accuracy according to the aspect ratio was derived in the drawing process of a rectangular bar. FE-simulation of the multi-stage shape drawing process was carried out with four types of rectangular bar. The results of the FE-simulation were trained to the nonlinear relationship between the shape parameters using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and the process maps were derived from them. The optimum half die angles were determined from the process maps on the dimensional accuracy. The validity of the suggested process map for aspect ratios 1.25~2:1 were verified through FE-simulation and experimentation.