• Title/Summary/Keyword: magnetic treatment

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Preparation of Hard Magnetic $Sm_2Fe_{17}N_x$ Compound by Mechanical Alloying (기계적 합금화법에 의한 영구자석용 $Sm_2Fe_{17}N_x$ 화합물의 제조)

  • 이충효;김명근;석명진;김지순;윤석길;권영순
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2001
  • Mechanical alloying technique was applied to prepare hard magnetic $Sm_2Fe_{17}N_x$ compound powders. Staring from pure Fe and Sm powders, the formation process of hard magnetic $Sm_2Fe_{17}N_x$ phase by mechanical alloying and subsequent solid state reaction was studied. As milled powders were found to consist of Sm-Fe amorphous and $\alpha$-Fe phases in all compositions of $Sm_xFe_{100-x}$(x = 11, 13, 15, 17). The effects of starting composition on the formation of $Sm_2Fe_{17}$ intermetallic compound was investigated by heat treatment of mechanically-alloyed powders. When Sm content was 15 at.%, heat-treated powders consisted of nearly $Sm_2Fe_{17}$ single phase. For preparation of hard magnetic $Sm_2Fe_{17}N_x$ powders, additional nitriding treatment was performed under $N_2$ gas flow at 45$0^{\circ}C$. The increase in the coercivity and remanence was proportional to the nitrogen content which increased drastically at first and then increased gradually as the nitriding time was extended to 3 hours.

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A Case of Meningoencephalitis Managed with Imatinib Mesylate in a Maltese Dog; Clinical and Serial Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings (말티즈 견에서 발생한 뇌수막염에서 이마티닙을 적용한 증례; 임상적 그리고 연속적인 자기공명영상 결과)

  • Jung, Dong-In;An, Su-Jin;Hwang, Tae-Sung;Lee, Hee-Chun;Song, Joong-Hyun;Cho, Kyu-Woan
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.152-155
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    • 2017
  • A 5-year-old intact female Maltese dog was referred to us with a history of left side head tilt and ataxia. Based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cerebrospinal fluid analysis results, the patient was tentatively diagnosed to meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology (MUE). Clinical signs were gradually improved and diminished after imatinib mesylate plus prednisolone therapy. At 90 days after treatment, we performed MRI recheck and brain inflammatory lesions were significantly improved compared with initial MRI results. However, the present patient showed head turn and tetraparesis after anesthesia and euthanized according to client's request. This report describes the clinical findings, serial magnetic resonance imaging characteristics under imatinib mesylate treatment in a MUE case.

Hydrothermal synthesis, structure and sorption performance to cesium and strontium ions of nanostructured magnetic zeolite composites

  • Dran'kov, Artur;Shichalin, Oleg;Papynov, Evgeniy;Nomerovskii, Alexey;Mayorov, Vitaliy;Pechnikov, Vladimir;Ivanets, Andrei;Buravlev, Igor;Yarusova, Sofiya;Zavjalov, Alexey;Ognev, Aleksey;Balybina, Valeriya;Lembikov, Aleksey;Tananaev, Ivan;Shapkin, Nikolay
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.1991-2003
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    • 2022
  • The problem of water contamination by long-living cesium and strontium radionuclides is an urgent environmental issue. The development of facile and efficient technologies based on nanostructured adsorbents is a perspective for selective radionuclides removal. In this regard, current work aimed to obtain the nanostructured magnetic zeolite composites with high adsorption performance to cesium and strontium ions. The optimal conditions of hydrothermal synthesis were established based on XRD, SEM-EDX, N2 adsorption-desorption, VSM, and batch adsorption experiment data. The role of chemical composition, textural characteristics, and surface morphology was demonstrated. The monolayer ionexchange mechanism was proposed based on adsorption isotherm modeling. The highest Langmuir adsorption capacity of 229.6 and 105.1 mg/g towards cesium and strontium ions was reached for composite obtained at 90 ℃ hydrothermal treatment. It was shown that magnetic characteristics of zeolite composites allowing to separate spent adsorbents by a magnet from aqueous solutions.

Acute dural venous sinus thrombosis in a child with idiopathic steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome: a case report

  • Se Jin Park;Haing-Woon Baik;Myung Hyun Cho;Ju Hyung Kang
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2022
  • Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a hypercoagulable state in which children are at risk of venous thromboembolism. A higher risk has been reported in children with steroid-resistant NS than in those with steroid-sensitive NS. The mortality rate of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is approximately 10% and generally results from cerebral herniation in the acute phase and an underlying disorder in the chronic phase. Our patient initially manifested as a child with massive proteinuria and generalized edema. He was treated with albumin replacement and diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, and deflazacort. Non-contrast computed tomography showed areas of hyperattenuation in the superior sagittal sinus when he complained of severe headache and vomiting. Subsequent magnetic resonance imaging revealed empty delta signs in the superior sagittal, lateral transverse, and sigmoid sinuses, suggesting acute CVST. Immediate anticoagulation therapy was started with unfractionated heparin, antithrombin III replacement, and continuous antiproteinuric treatment. The current report describes a life-threatening CVST in a child with steroid-dependent NS, initially diagnosed by contrast non-enhanced computed tomography and subsequently confirmed by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, followed by magnetic resonance venography for recanalization, addressing successful treatment.

Magnetic Force-based Immunochip using Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles

  • Park, Je-Kyun;Kim, Kyu-Sung
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.19-19
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    • 2005
  • This paper reports a novel magnetic force-based microfluidic immunoassay using microbeads and magnetic nanoparticles. The magnetic force-based immunoassay was devised first and successfully applied to detect the rabbit IgG as the model analyte of microfluidic sandwich immunoassay. The microchannels were fabricated by poly(dimethysiloxane) (PDMS) molding processes and bonded on a slide glass by plasma treatment. At the part of the inlet, sample solution was hydrodynamically focused. The focused microbeads of sample solution were flowed through the 150 ${\mu}m$ width channel of outlet. However, when the microbeads are conjugated with the superparamagnetic nanoparticles under the applied magnetic fields, they will switch their flow path and flow through the 95 ${\mu}m$ width channel of outlet. The movements of microbeads conjugated with magnetic nanoparticles were demonstrated by magnetic field $gradients.^{1)}$ High magnetic field gradients using micro electromagnets could be applied to this detection method for high sensitivity and lower detection limit. In addition, the multiplexed $immunoassay^{2)}$ using an encoded microbead which is immobilized with a certain antibody could be possible using this detection principle.

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Case Report: Changes in Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Lumbar Disc Herniation Treated with Korean Medicine (한의원에서 도침치료로 영상의학적 소견을 호전시킨 요추 추간판 탈출증 증례 1례)

  • Park, Sang-kyu;Kim, Yoon-sik;Jo, Hyun-kyung;Yoo, Ho-ryong;Seol, In-chan
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.863-869
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this case study was to report the effectiveness of Korean medicine treatment on severe lumbar disc herniation patient diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods: The patient was treated with complex Korean medicine treatment, including acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, acupotomy, and Chu-na treatment. The treatment effect was evaluated by a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), and MRI. Results: After the treatment, the NRS score of pain intensity was reduced from severe to mild degree. The volume of extruded disc in MRI images was clearly reduced. Conclusion: Korean medicine treatment might be effective in patients with lumbar disc herniation.

Cervical and Lumbar Herniated Nucleus Pulposus Resorption after Acupotomy with Integrative Korean Medicine Treatment: A Case Series of Two Patients

  • Lee, Ye Ji;Kim, Jae Ik;Kim, Hyo Bin;Jeon, Ju Hyun;Kim, Eunseok;Kim, Young Il
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to report on the resorption of herniated nucleus pulposus following acupotomy treatment. Two patients were treated with acupotomy which included integrative Korean Medicine treatment, for either cervical, or lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus. Magnetic Resonance Imaging was used to produce images before and after (several months) treatment. The Numerical Rating Scale scores and Range of Motion were used to assess the patients at admission and discharge. In both cases, substantial resorption of the respective herniated disc was observed in the magnetic resonance images, with a decrease in the Numerical Rating Scale score. Range of Motion improved in 1 case. This study shows that acupotomy treatment may be a clinically effective treatment for herniated nucleus pulposus resorption and pain relief.

Indirect Fault Detection Method for an Onboard Degaussing Coil System Exploiting Underwater Magnetic Signals

  • Jeung, Giwoo;Choi, Nak-Sun;Yang, Chang-Seob;Chung, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Dong-Hun
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2014
  • This paper proposes an indirect fault detection method for an onboard degaussing coil system, installed to reduce the underwater magnetic field from the ferromagnetic hull. The method utilizes underwater field signals measured at specific magnetic treatment facilities instead of using time-consuming numerical field solutions in a three-dimensional space. An equivalent magnetic charge model combined with a material sensitivity formula is adopted to predict fault coil locations. The purpose of the proposed method is to yield reliable data on the location and type of a coil breakdown even without information on individual degaussing coils, such as dimension, location and number of turns. Under several fault conditions, the method is tested with a model ship equipped with 20 degaussing coils.

Analysis of Deperming Performance According to Deperming Protocol Transform of Vessel Model (함정모델의 탈자프로토콜 변화에 따른 탈자성능 분석)

  • Kim, Jong-Wang;Kim, Ji-Ho;Park, Hyun-Soo;Jung, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Hyang-Beom
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.9
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    • pp.1693-1699
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, for magnetic silence technology of naval vessel, is to make lab deperm system and to evaluate the deperm capacity of naval vessel regarding deperm protocol. Initial permanent magnetic field of naval vessel is magnetized before deperm, having the magnetic field of the same size, to evaluate the deperm capacity regarding a variety of deperm protocol for experimental reliability growth. Current dead time effect of deperm protocol is measured at the different initial current, which are 8A, 6A and 4A respectively. Furthermore, the experiment under the same condition except changing duty cycle into 50% is carried out. As a result, it is possible to compare the six different experiment outcomes. The result shows that the experiment with dead time improve the deperm capacity more than 48.51 percent comparing to the case without dead time.

CASE REPORTS ON THE MAGNETIC RETAINED OVERDENTURES (자석 유지장치를 이용한 Overdenture 수복에 관한 임상적 연구)

  • Vang Mong-Sook;Choi Chang-Hwan;Kim Young-Yi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate a cases which was treated with magnetic attachments on the patients in edentulous mandible and maxilla. Author made magnetic overdenture for two patients and then clinical examination were used for evaluation of the function and change in retention during 30months. Patients showed difficulty in oral hygiene care at the beginning but they go used to it soon. It was effective in promotion of denture retention and stability and also gave patient emotionally uplifting psychologic state. This study suggest that magnetic attachment was effective for the treatment of patients presenting a few remaining teeth or teeth under severe caries or mobility.