• Title/Summary/Keyword: magnetic minerals

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Analysis of Regional Potential Mapping Factors of Metal Deposits using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 이용한 광역 금속 광상 배태 잠재성 평가 인자 분석)

  • Park, Gyesoon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2020
  • The genesis of ore bodies is a very diverse and complex process, and the target depth of mineral exploration increases. These create a need for predictive mineral exploration, which may be facilitated by the advancement of machine learning and geological database. In this study, we confirm that the faults and igneous rocks distributions and magnetic data can be used as input data for potential mapping using deep neural networks. When the input data are constructed with faults, igneous rocks, and magnetic data, we can build a potential mapping model of the metal deposit that has a predictive accuracy greater than 0.9. If detailed geological and geophysical data are obtained, this approach can be applied to the potential mapping on a mine scale. In addition, we confirm that the magnetic data, which provide the distribution of the underground igneous rock, can supplement the limited information from the surface igneous rock distribution. Therefore, rather than simply integrating various data sets, it will be more important to integrate information considering the geological correlation to genesis of minerals.

Magneto-electro-elastic vibration analysis of modified couple stress-based three-layered micro rectangular plates exposed to multi-physical fields considering the flexoelectricity effects

  • Khorasani, Mohammad;Eyvazian, Arameh;Karbon, Mohammed;Tounsi, Abdelouahed;Lampani, Luca;Sebaey, Tamer A.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.331-343
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, based on the CPT, motion equations for a sandwich plate containing a core and two integrated face-sheets have derived. The structure rests on the Visco-Pasternak foundation, which includes normal and shear modules. The piezo-magnetic core is made of CoFe2O4 and also is subjected to 3D magnetic potential. Two face sheets at top and bottom of the core are under electrical fields. Also, in order to obtain more accuracy, the effect of flexoelectricity has took into account at face sheets' relations in this work. Flexoelectricity is a property of all insulators whereby they polarize when subject to an inhomogeneous deformation. This property plays a crucial role in small-scale rather than macro scale. Employing CPT, Hamilton's principle, flexoelectricity considerations, the governing equations are derived and then solved analytically. By present work a detailed numerical study is obtained based on Piezoelectricity, Flexoelectricity and modified couple stress theories to indicate the significant effect of length scale parameter, shear correction factor, aspect and thickness ratios and boundary conditions on natural frequency of sandwich plates. Also, the figures show that there is an excellent agreement between present study and previous researches. These finding can be used for automotive industries, aircrafts, marine vessels and building industries.

Synthesis of Zeolite From Fly Ash (석탄회를 이용한 제올라이트의 열수합성)

  • 진지영
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.575-584
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    • 1999
  • Through alkaline hydrothermal activation processes, zeolite minerals were synthesized from fly ashes produced at Youngwol and Boryoung power plants. The syntheses were performed in a closed teflon vessel with a teflon-coated magnetic bar for continuous stirring during the reaction periods. The experiments were caeeied out at three different reaction temperatures ($100^{\circ}C$,$200^{\circ}C$, and $250^{\circ}C$), with varying NaOH concentations (0.5~8N) and reaction time (24 to 288 hours). Mineralogical characterization of the reaction products indicated that Na-p1, analcime, and hydroxysodalite were dominant zeolites formed from the both fly ashes at the given experimental conditions, The highest amount of zoelites produced from the Youngwol and Boryoung fly ash were:60 and 45wt%for Na-P1, 70 and 45wt% for analicime, 50 and 40wt% for hydroxysodalite, respectively. A small amount of zeolite A was present in NaP-dominant dample is about 250 meq/100g. This suggests the possibility of its utilization as an ion-absorbent.

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Magnetic Characteristics of TA19-1 and TA19-2 Seamounts in the Lau Basin, the South Western Pacific (남서태평양 라우분지 TA19-1 해산과 TA19-2 해산의 지자기 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Chang Hwan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 2014
  • We conducted the geophysical survey of possible hydrothermal vent sites at 2009, in the Lau Basin, the south western Pacific and analyzed the magnetic characteristics of TA19-1 and TA19-2 seamounts. TA19-1 is a cone-shaped seamount with a caldera summit. TA19-2 seamount is bigger and shows more complicated topography than TA19-1 seamount. TA19-2 has a large caldera, a summit in the west side of the caldera and several crests. Simple dipole anomalies with a high over the north and a low over the south occur in TA19-1 seamount. High magnetic anomalies are located in the northern flank and the summit of TA19-2 seamount and low anomalies around the summit and the caldera. The results of bathymetry and magnetic data suggest that TA19-2 seamount might have more complicated magmatic process than TA19-1. Low magnetization zones are located over the summit, the calderas and the caldera rims. The magnetization lows indicate that submarine hydrothermal vents, along faults and fracture zones, could have caused an alteration of magnetic minerals. The magnetization highs over the summit and the calderas might have been related with later magmatisms like volcanic sills, intrusions.

Changes of Physical and Chemical Properties for Making Raw Materials and Reproductions According to Manufacturing Stages in Traditional Korean White Porcelain

  • Kim, Du Hyeon;Jeong, Ji Youn;Oh, Eun Jeong;Han, Min Su
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.301-313
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    • 2022
  • We made a Korean white porcelain or Joseon Baekja jar and based on the raw materials used and reproductions of each stage, we aimed to compare and analyze the physicochemical changes of the raw materials such as clay at each manufacturing stage, as well as identify the characteristics and correlations. Although the basic main components of clay and glaze material are similar, their texture becomes denser in the process of bisque firing pottery (Chobeol-pyeon) and glaze firing pottery (Jaebeol-pyeon), and we confirmed that in addition to the tendency of increasing vitrification, low-temperature minerals such as mica and illite gradually disappeared, while high-temperature minerals such as cristobalite were newly created. This phenomenon has also been verified by the rapid decrease in absorption rate while the change in specific gravity was small. In addition, the color was greatly affected by the firing atmosphere, and the yellow-red chromaticity of the raw materials was higher during bisque firing but showed a rapidly decreasing characteristic during glaze firing. The value of magnetic susceptibility, which is related to iron (Fe) component, showed a tendency to decrease in glaze firing pottery. CT images were confirmed as a method that can indirectly estimate the change in the material properties of the object step-by-step for the entire object. In conclusion, the study of manufacturing stages of reproduction can provide basic data for scientific research on the estimation of porcelain and pottery making technology and changes in raw materials.

A Study on the Iron Compounds of Cinder Cones' Scoria in the Southern Area of Halla Mt., Jeju Island (제주도 한라산 남부 지역 분석구 스코리아의 철 화합물에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Jeong Dae;Choi, Won Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.213-218
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    • 2016
  • This study reviewed mineral composition on Scoria samples of this area, atomic value state of oxidized steel, and magnetic property in order to look into characteristics of scoria that was distributed in southern area of mountainous areas, Halla Mt. of Jeju Island. By XRD analysis, mineral composition was confirmed, and characteristics of iron compounds existed in samples were investigated through $M{\ddot{o}}ssbauer$ spectroscope. Composing minerals could be learnt as feldspar basalt from XRD analysis because composting minerals were composed of quartz and feldspar anorite mainly, and iron compounds were made up with olivine, pyroxene, ilmenite, hematite, and magnetite. By $M{\ddot{o}}ssbauer$ spectroscope analysis on these iron compounds. it consisted of hematite and magnetite which showed hyperfine magnetic field of sextet mostly, and also doublet by olivine, pyroxene, ilmenite could be seen as appearing together. As a result of comparing with samples of Jeju western area having been announced in previous research, I.S. and Q.S. values of olivine, $Fe^{2+}$, were 122 mm/s and 3.09~3.13 mm/s respectively, and a fact could be known that $Fe^{2+}$ olivine having similar structure each other was contained, and the ratio of $Fe^{3+}/Fe_{tot.}$. was 85.90~92.82 %. From these findings, it was able to be presumed that they belonged to samples having been formed on the land at the same period of time. As a result of investigating area ratio of tetrahedron (A site) and octahedron (B site) regarding magnetite in samples, it was turn out to be 0.22~0.55 less than 2.

Magnetic Properties of Magnetites at Low Temperatures (자철석의 저온 자화특성)

  • Hong, Hoa-Bin;Yu, Yong-Jae
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2011
  • Magnetic properties at low-temperatures can diagnose the presence of certain magnetic minerals in rocks. At the Verwey transition temperature ($T_v$, ~105~120 K), magnetite transforms from monoclinic to cubic structure as the temperature increases. At the isotropic point ($T_i$, ~135 K), magnetocrystalline anisotropic constant of magnetite passes through zero (from negative to positive) as the temperature decreases so that its optimal remanence acquisition axis changes from [111] to [001]. A sharp remanence drop was observed at $T_v$ during warming of LTSIRM (low-temperature saturation isothermal remanent magnetization). For cooling of RTSIRM (room-temperature saturation isothermal remanent magnetization), the remanence decreased on passing $T_i$ and $T_v$. On warming of RTSIRM, remanence recovery becomes more prominent as the average grain size of magnetite increases. In summary, the SIRM memory decreases with increasing grain size of magnetite. A similar, but rather gradual, remanence transition occurs for natural samples due to contribution of cations other than Fe. As a non-destructive tool, low-temperature magnetic behavior is sensitive to unravel the magnetic remanence carriers in terrestrial rocks or meteorites.

Synthesis and Magnetic Property of Nanocrystalline Fe-Ni-Co Alloys during Hydrogen Reduction of Ni0.5Co0.5Fe2O4 (Ni0.5Co0.5Fe2O4의 수소환원에 의한 나노구조 Fe-Ni-Co 합금의 제조 및 자성특성)

  • Paek, Min Kyu;Do, Kyung Hyo;Bahgat, Mohamed;Pak, Jong Jin
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2011
  • Nickel cobalt ferrite($Ni_{0.5}Co_{0.5}Fe_2O_4$) powder was prepared through the ceramic route by the calcination of a stoichiometric mixture of NiO, CoO and $Fe_2O_3$ at $1100^{\circ}C$. The pressed pellets of $Ni_{0.5}Co_{0.5}Fe_2O_4$ were isothermally reduced in pure hydrogen at $800{\sim}1100^{\circ}C$. Based on the thermogravimetric analysis, the reduction behavior and the kinetic reaction mechanisms of the synthesized ferrite were studied. The initial ferrite powder and the various reduction products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, reflected light microscope and vibrating sample magnetometer to reveal the effect of hydrogen reduction on the composition, microstructure and magnetic properties of the produced Fe-Ni-Co alloy. The arrhenius equation with the approved mathematical formulations for the gas solid reaction was applied to calculate the activation energy($E_a$) and detect the controlling reaction mechanisms. In the initial stage of hydrogen reduction, the reduction rate was controlled by the gas diffusion and the interfacial chemical reaction. However, in later stages, the rate was controlled by the interfacial chemical reaction. The nature of the hydrogen reduction and the magnetic property changes for nickel cobalt ferrite were compared with the previous result for nickel ferrite. The microstructural development of the synthesized Fe-Ni-Co alloy with an increase in the reduction temperature improved its soft magnetic properties by increasing the saturation magnetization($M_s$) and by decreasing the coercivity($H_c$). The Fe-Ni-Co alloy showed higher saturation magnetization compared to Fe-Ni alloy.

Physical Properties of Rocks at the Gagok Skarn Deposit (가곡 스카른광상 암석의 물리적 특성)

  • Shin, Seungwook;Park, Samgyu;Kim, Hyoung-Rae
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.180-189
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    • 2013
  • Geophysical exploration is widely used to develop strategic mineral resources in the world because of its efficient method in detecting mineralized zones in the metallic ore deposit. It is important to understand the physical properties of the stratum so that geophysical data can be more accurately interpreted. This paper is to comprehend physical properties of the rock at the Gagok mine, a typical skarn deposit in Korea. Thus, laboratory tests were conducted on specimens of ore and host rocks which were collected from rock outcrops and drill cores at the Gagok mine. Using the measurement system of rock physical property, we investigated the density, magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, and spectral induced polarization. According to the results, all physical properties of specimens had wide differences depending on contents of ore minerals, which are formed by skarnization. Especially, using the chargeability and time constant from the calculated spectral induced polarization data by the Cole-Cole inversion, we could estimate the volume contents as well as the grain size of the sulfide minerals. Therefore, the spectral induced polarization technique may be considered a useful method when exploring metallic ore deposit with sulfide minerals.

Archaeological Scientific Characteristics of Patternless Pottery with Talc Temper: Baekseokdong Gojaemigol Site in Cheonan, Korea (활석비짐 무문토기의 고고과학적 특성: 천안 백석동 고재미골 유적)

  • Kim, Su Kyoung;Lee, Chan Hee
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.159-173
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    • 2015
  • The patternless potteries excavated from the Baekseokdong Gojaemigol site in Cheonan, was subdivided into talc and non-talc (including amphibole) type pottery. The potteries showed black, reddish brown and yellowish brown colors, but represent to difference with occurrences and internal texture of raw materials and temper minerals. The all potteries and paleosoils are commonly high content of temper minerals with poorly sorting and roundness of particles, and the paleosoils composed mainly of quartz, plagioclase, mica, chlorite and kaolinite. Between the talc and non-talc type potteries are very similar with magnetic susceptibility, absorption ratio and specific gravity. Geochemical behaviors of major, minor, compatible and incompatible elements in talc pottery are very similar with amphibole, non-talc pottery and paleosoils, and well correspondence with enrichment and deficiency patterns of each element, and the talc and amphibole potteries are highly enriched patterns of MgO concentration. In paleosoils of Gojaemigol site, talc and amphibole are not detected, therefore, making the pottery of the site estimate the possible to artificial additions of the temper minerals of talc and amphibole used interbedded talc layer within gneiss complex near the Baekseokdong area. Based on the phase relations, differential thermal and thermal gravimetric analyses, the potteries could be classified into two groups by firing temperature. The one group of talc temper pottery fired from 800 to $870^{\circ}C$ and the other group of amphibole and non-talc temper pottery revealed of 900 to $950^{\circ}C$.