• Title/Summary/Keyword: lower drop

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Effect of Flooding and Organic Matter to the Release of Iron, Manganese, and Silica in Soils (침수처리(湛水處理) 및 유기물(有機物) 첨가(添加)가 답토양(畓土壤)의 Fe, Mn 및 SiO2의 용출량(溶出量)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Y.S.;Oh, W.K.;Park, N.J.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1968
  • A low yielding paddy soil was water logged at $30{\pm}2^{\circ}C$ with soluble starch as a easily decomposable organic matter for 3 weeks in the laboratory. The relation of pH and Eh changes and soluble iron, manganese and silica was investigated. The experimental results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. When organic matter was applied, reduction of the soil was severer, that is, Eh value was lower by 200 mv. for a week in the beginning of submergence. 2. pH of the untreated soil was dropped a little just after submergence, and then gradually increased to 60. When treated, pH was increased due to abrupt drop of Eh in the beginning but decreased to 4.5 after a week, and became constant at this pH value. 3. Slight increase in soluble iron, manganese and silica was observed in the untreated soil whereas soluble iron, manganese and silica in the treated soil were increased about 20, 10, and 3 times, respectively. 4. When soluble starch was treated, pH and soluble silica or manganese was highly correlated[($H^+$) and Mn ${\gamma}=0.734^{**}$, ($H^+$) and $SiO_2$ ${\gamma}=0.923^{**}$] and below pH 5.0, release of these element was rapidly increased.

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Systems for Production of Calves from Hanwoo(Korean Cattle) IVM/IVF/IVC Blastocyst III. Vitrification and One-Step Dilution of Hanwoo Blastocyst (체외생산된 한우 배반포기배로부터 송아지 생스을 위한 체계 III. 한우 배반포기배의 초자화 동결과 1단계 융해)

  • Kim, E.Y.;Kim, D.I.;Park, N.H.;Weon, Y.S.;Nam, H.K.;Lee, K.S.;Park, S.Y.;Yoon, S.H.;Park, S.P.;Chung, K.S.;Lim, J.H.
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 1999
  • This study was to examine whether Hanwoo IVM/IVF/IVC blastocyst can be successfully survived in vitro/in vivo after vitrification and one-step dilution. For vitrification, blastocysts were serially exposed in glycerol (G) and ethylene glycol(EG) mixtures[10% (v Iv) G for 5 min., 10% G plus 20% EG (v/v) for 5 min., and 25% G plus 25% EG (v/v) for 30 sec.] which is diluted in 10% FBS added D-PBS. And then they were loaded in the straw, placed in cold nitrogen vapor for 3 min. and plunged into L$N_2$(-196$^{\circ}C$). One-step dilution within the straw was done in $25^{\circ}C$ and 36$^{\circ}C$ water for about 5 min. and 3 min., respectively. Recovered embryos after one-step dilution were cultured in cumulus cell mono-layered drop for 48 h or were transferred into recipient cows. When the embryo survival in vitro was assessed to re-expanded and hatched rates at 24 hand 48 h after one-step dilution, the results of vitrified group (85.4, 43.8%) was high, although these results were significantly lower than normal development (100.0, 63.3%) of control group, respectively (P<0.001, P<0.05). When in vitro survival of vitrified groups according to developmental stage was compared, the results of fast developed embryos (expanded blastocyst and early hatching blastocyst stage) were significantly higher than those of delayed developed one (early blastocyst stage) after one-step dilution (early hatching: 88.0, 48.0%: expanded: 81.1, 45.3%; early: 66.7, 14.3%) (P<0.05). Also, in case of in vitro survival of vitrified groups according to embryo age (day 7, 8 and 9), when embryo age was younger, in vitro survival was significantly higher (day 7: 67.3, 34.5%; day 8: 76.9, 40.7%; day 9: 60.9, 23.9%)(P<0.05). Finally, when in vivo development potential of vitrified and one-step diluted Hanwoo blastocysts was examined, 4 of 8 recipient (50%) cows became confirmed pregnant. These results demonstrated that our vitrification and one-step dilution technique can be applied easily and effectively on field trial without the equipment and embryological skills required for conservative dilution and transfer.

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Production of Multiple Probiotics and the Performance of Laying Hens by Proper Level of Dietary Supplementation (복합 생균제의 생산과 산란계에서 생균제의 적정 급여 수준에 의한 산란 효과)

  • Kim, Hyung-Jun;Lee, Bong-Ki;Seok, Ho-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2011
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate the dietary effects of multiple mixture of probiotics on laying performance and the faecal examination in laying hens (Hy-line Brown) at the early (21~40 wk) and middle (41~65 wk) laying term. Multiple probiotics were produced by developing products and the properties of microorganisms were examined for detecting of acid-resistance, bile salt-resistance and antibacterial activity against pathogenic enteric bacteria. Probiotics produced to the fermenting cultures of four selected organisms and soybean meal substrates by nine steps of NK proliferating system. The most microorganisms were shown higher resistance of acidity and bile salt. High antibacterial activities against Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum and Enterococcus faecium were observed, but was not against Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Total egg production of the treatment was significantly higher than control group but was not statistically different between 0.1% and 0.2% treatments (P>0.05). Average egg weight of the treatment in early laying term was also significantly higher than control but was not significantly different between 0.1% and 0.2% treatments (P>0.05). But the egg weight of the treatment in middle laying term was significantly higher than control and between 0.1% and 0.2% treatments (P>0.05). The mortality of 0.2% treatment was significantly lower than control (P<0.05), and 0.2% treatment in the early laying term was tended to decreased than 0.1% treatment and control. But there was not significantly between 0.1% and 0.2% treatments in middle laying term. In feed intake, 0.2% treatment in middle laying term was significantly increased than control and 0.1% treatment (P<0.05) but not in early laying term. In faecal examination, the total number of Lactobacillus of 0.1% treatment was significantly increased than control in whole laying term (P<0.05), but Coli form of the treatment was decreased than control in middle laying term. In conclusion, dietary long term supplementation of multiple probiotics improved performance of lay hens, egg weight and mortality drop by regulating enteric bacteria.

Feasibility Test on Automatic Control of Soil Water Potential Using a Portable Irrigation Controller with an Electrical Resistance-based Watermark Sensor (전기저항식 워터마크센서기반 소형 관수장치의 토양 수분퍼텐셜 자동제어 효용성 평가)

  • Kim, Hak-Jin;Roh, Mi-Young;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Jeon, Sang-Ho;Hur, Seung-Oh;Choi, Jin-Yong;Chung, Sun-Ok;Rhee, Joong-Yong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2011
  • Maintenance of adequate soil water potential during the period of crop growth is necessary to support optimum plant growth and yields. A better understanding of soil water movement within and below the rooting zone can facilitate optimal irrigation scheduling aimed at minimizing the adverse effects of water stress on crop growth and development and the leaching of water below the root zone which can have adverse environmental effects. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using a portable irrigation controller with an Watermark sensor for the cultivation of drip-irrigated vegetable crops in a greenhouse. The control capability of the irrigation controller for a soil water potential of -20 kPa was evaluated under summer conditions by cultivating 45-day-old tomato plants grown in three differently textured soils (sandy loam, loam, and loamy sands). Water contents through each soil profile were continuously monitored using three Sentek probes, each consisting of three capacitance sensors at 10, 20, and 30 cm depths. Even though a repeatable cycling of soil water potential occurred for the potential treatment, the lower limit of the Watermark (about 0 kPa) obtained in this study presented a limitation of using the Watermark sensor for optimal irrigation of tomato plants where -20 kPa was used as a point for triggering irrigations. This problem might be related to the slow response time and inadequate soil-sensor interface of the Watermark sensor as compared to a porous and ceramic cup-based tensiometer with a sensitive pressure transducer. In addition, the irrigation time of 50 to 60 min at each of the irrigation operation gave a rapid drop of the potential to zero, resulting in over irrigation of tomatoes. There were differences in water content among the three different soil types under the variable rate irrigation, showing a range of water contents of 16 to 24%, 17 to 28%, and 24 to 32% for loamy sand, sandy loam, and loam soils, respectively. The greatest rate increase in water content was observed in the top of 10 cm depth of sandy loam soil within almost 60 min from the start of irrigation.

Effects of Spices on the Growth of Lactic Acid Bacteria (향신료(香辛料)가 유산균(乳酸菌)의 증식(增殖)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Yoo, Jin-Young;Min, Byong-Yong;Suh, Kee-Bong;Hah, Duk-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.124-135
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    • 1978
  • This study was undertaken in order to examine the effect of ginger, gerlic and red pepper, usually used as the ingredients of Kimchi, on the growth and acid production of Lact. plantarum ATCC 8014 and Lact. fermenti ATCC 9338 during incubation in the medium containing different amount of each extract. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The effects of ginger extract a. The growth of Lact. plantarum ATCC 8014 and Lact. fermenti ATCC 9338 tended to be stimulated as the amount of extract added into the medium increased in a certain amount (3.64mg soluble solid/ml). b. The pH of the culture medium of Lact. plantarum ATCC 8014 became lower to some degree and acid production tended to be stimulated but acid production of Lact. fermenti ATCC 9338 tended to be suppressed as the amount of extract added in a certain amount (3.64mg soluble solid/ml) increased. 2. The effect of garlic extract a. The growth of Lact. plantarum ATCC 8014 and Lact. fermenti ATCC 9338 tended to be stim ulated as the amount of extract added in a certain amount (31.7 mg soluble solid/ml) increased. b. The acid production of Lact plantarum ATCC 8014 was suppressed (p<0.01) and drop in pH was suppressed (p<0.05) as the amount of extract added in a certain amount increased. In case of Lact. fermenti ATCC 9338, the acid production t ended to be suppressed also. 3. The effects of red pepper extract a. The growth of Lact. plantarum ATCC 8014 and Lact. fermenti ATCC 9338 tended to be stimulated as the amount of extract added in a certain amount (14.5 mg soluble solid/ml) increased.

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Policy Study on Korean Retail Micro Business (국제 비교를 통한 소매업 소상공인 현황과 정책적 시사점)

  • Suh, Yong Gu;Kim, Suk Kyung
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2012
  • The unabated influx of micro businesses has turned the Korean retailing market to a rat race, which causes severe financial distress for micro business owners due to heavy competition. The woes of these micro business owner's are exacerbated by the presence of large scale distributors such as Super Supermarket(SSM) and large discount stores. In summary, the Korean retail market is overburdened an uneconomically viable. Retailing has low barriers to entry which attracts unskilled labor or those with little capital. These start-ups have low opportunity costs since they would make low wages elsewhere in the economy. Thus, these owners are content with relatively low returns on their investment. These 'subsistence ventures' are maintained for economical viability rather than economic growth. These 'subsistence ventures' intensifies competition among small-scale businesses. The presence of large retail corporations also aggravates the situation. The recent stagnation of the economy has worsened the retail market in Korea. The overwhelming competition solidifies the coarse structural system and the prolonged economic sluggishness has increased the risk of insolvency for micro business owners. As the economy continues to stagnate, the imminent risk in retailing market will rise up to surface threatening economic stability. More systematic inflows and outflows of retailers are required in order to redress this structural problem. It has been empirically shown that the self-employment rate is high in Korea compared to other OECD countries. To draw the comparison of self-employment rate by industry, Korea shows high rates among transportation, whole sale, retail, education, lodging, and restaurants. In the case of the transportation and education service sectors, this high rate can be explained by the idiosyncratic nature of Korean culture. In the transportation sector, political policies favor private cap service and private freight carriers. In the education service sector, Koreans put particular emphasis on education that leads to many private institutions that outnumber other OECD countries. For these singular reasons, Korea maintains high micro business, self-employed rates particularly in retailing. A comparable nation is Japan, with its similar social, economic, cultural environment among OECD countries. Unlike Korea, Japan has much lower rates of micro business which continues to decrease. Also Korean retailers are much more destitute than Japanese. The fundamental problem of Korean retailing is the involuntary exit of these 'subsistence ventures,' micro businesses with low margins, in which a small drop in demand can lead to financial difficulties for the owner. This problem will be exacerbated when Korean babyboomers retire and join the micro business ventures. The first priority in order to cope with the severity of oversupply in retailing is to provide better opportunities for the potential self-employers. There should be viable alternatives to subsistent ventures. Strengthening the retirement program, scrutiny of exit process, reconfiguration of policy funds are the recommendations.

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An Analysis of 10th Grade Students' Understanding of Concepts about the Plates' Motions according to the Level of Spatial Ability (공간능력의 차이에 따른 10학년 학생들의 판 운동 관련 개념에 대한 이해 분석)

  • Lee, Hyo-Nyong;Cho, Hyun-Jun;Park, Mi-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.360-375
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to compare 10th grade students' understanding of concepts about the plates' motions depending on the different spatial ability. Based on previous studies and literature reviews, two instruments were selected and used in this study. The Spatial Perception Test developed in Korean Testing Center was applied to measure students' spatial ability. Another instrument for testing students' understandings of plates' motions consists of a total of 10 items. The instruments were distributed to 118 students who were 10th graders in metropolitan city. The results are as follows: First, a correlation coefficient between conceptual understanding of plates' motions and spatial ability was r=0.439 (p<.01). It indicates that conceptual plates' motions and spatial ability have a moderate relationship. The students were divided into two groups (high and low) by spatial ability. The independent t-test was performed and reveals that the statistically significant difference between high and low groups. On the other hand, the 6 students (3 higher spatial ability students and 3 lowers) were selected and interviewed individually to find the differences in their understanding of the concept of plates' motions. The findings from interviews indicate that most students recognized about concepts of trench and ocean ridge, a rise and drop of the mantle, and divergent and convergent boundaries. However, students had misconceptions about section of trench and ocean ridge. In addition, the students who had higher spatial ability knew the more proper concepts about the creation and extinction of plate, crustal movements, and bottom of the ocean extension, whereas the students who had the lower spatial ability had misconceptions.

Studies on the Processing and Management Forms of Filatures (우리나라 제사공장의 공정 관리실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • 송기언;이인전
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • no.12
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 1970
  • The processing management forms of our country's filature factories in 1969 are summarized as follows. (1) About 80% of total cocoon collection is made within 5 days involving peak day, and 10% of cocoon collection is finished until 3 days before and after the peak day, (2) About 92% of alive cocoons transported on unpaved road, and about 40% of the cocoons purchased by all factories are loaded on trucks from common selling station which is far beyond 40km, therefore a new packing system of alive cocoons to drop the damage of cocoon qualities, should be taken. (3) 22% of all factories in our. country have only low-temperature cocoon drying machine. Therefore the installment of hot-air cocoon drying machine is required urgently. (4) In view of cocoon qualities in our country, the grouping method of cocoon for reeling. taken by about 50% of the factories at percent, which classify cocoons for reeling as high group (1,2,3,4 grades) and low group(5,6 grades), will have to be replaced by the method tat classify them high group (1,2 grades) middle group (3,4 grades), low group (5,6 grades). (5) The .ratio of cocoon assorting stood about 10% in multi-ends reeling, about 15% in automatic reeling, conclusively, the ratio of cocoon assorting for automatic reeling was higher tan that for multi-ends reeling. One person's ability for a day in cocoon assorting reaches to about 80-100kg. (6) Cocoon cooking condition requires the increase of the cooking time, the pressure and temperature used to be prolonged as much as the qualities of cocoons are material cocoon ior automatic and double cocoon machines are treated uncompletely. (7) Automatic silk reeling is being performed at 1-2$^{\circ}C$ lower in reeling water temperature and operated at about twice velocity. (8) The temperature and humidity of rereeling room stood at 25$^{\circ}C$, 67.2% R.H and 32.3$^{\circ}C$, 51.9% R.H of rereeling machine are showed, Average rereeling velocity is 233m/min and large reefs charged for one person are 7.5 reels and form of skein used in all factories is double skein. (9) About 73% of water sources for filature used under-earth water. About 48% of all filature factories in our country have not yet water purifying equipments. Installation of the equipment for these factories seems to be urgent, (10) Denier .balance, sizing reel, seriplane, are being used in most factories as self-inspection apparatus. (11) More than 90% of the factories use the vacum tank in rereeling process and about 20% of them use it in cocoon cooing process (12) Only 21% of the factories use chemicals in filature process. About all them use "Seracol 100" in cocoon cooking process and "Seracol 500" in rereeling process, (13) Above survey results explain each all factories show large difference in the processing management. Therefore, it is believed that intercommunication through seminar or technical exchange will contribute to the production evaluation of cocoon in our filature industry.

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Using Synoptic Data to Predict Air Temperature within Rice Canopies across Geographic Areas (종관자료를 이용한 벼 재배지대별 군락 내 기온 예측)

  • 윤영관;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to figure out temperature profiles of a partially developed paddy rice canopy, which are necessary to run plant disease forecasting models. Air temperature over and within the developing rice canopy was monitored from one month after transplanting (June 29) to just before heading (August 24) in 1999 and 2001. During the study period, the temporal march of the within-canopy profile was analyzed and an empirical formula was developed for simulating the profile. A partially developed rice canopy temperature seemed to be controlled mainly by the ambient temperature above the canopy and the water temperature beneath the canopy, and to some extent by the solar altitude, resulting in alternating isothermal and inversion structures. On sunny days, air temperature at the height of maximum leafages was increased at the same rate as the ambient temperature above the canopy after sunrise. Below the height, the temperature increase was delayed until the solar noon. Air temperature near the water surface varied much less than those of the outer- and the upper-canopy, which kept increasing by the time of daily maximum temperature observed at the nearby synoptic station. After sunset, cooling rate is much less at the lower canopy, resulting in an isothermal profile at around the midnight. A fairly consistent drop in temperature at rice paddies compared with the nearby synoptic weather stations across geographic areas and time of day was found. According to this result, a cooling by 0.6 to 1.2$^{\circ}C$ is expected over paddy rice fields compared with the officially reported temperature during the summer months. An empirical equation for simulating the temperature profile was formulated from the field observations. Given the temperature estimates at 150 cm above the canopy and the maximum deviation at the lowest layer, air temperature at any height within the canopy can be predicted by this equation. As an application, temperature surfaces at several heights within rice fields were produced over the southwestern plains in Korea at a 1 km by 1km grid spacing, where rice paddies were identified by a satellite image analysis. The outer canopy temperature was prepared by a lapse rate corrected spatial interpolation of the synoptic temperature observations combined with the hourly cooling rate over the rice paddies.

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Effect of High Temperature, Daylength, and Reduced Solar Radiation on Potato Growth and Yield (고온, 일장 및 저일사 조건이 감자 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yean-Uk;Lee, Byun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.74-87
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    • 2016
  • Potato phenology, growth, and yield are projected to be highly affected by global warming in the future. The objective of this study was to examine the responses of potato growth and yield to environmental elements like temperature, solar radiation, and daylength. Planting date experiments under open field condition were conducted using three cultivars differing in maturity group (Irish Cobbler and Superior as early; Atlantic as mid-late maturing) at eight different planting dates. In addition, elevated temperature experiment was conducted in four plastic houses controlled to target temperatures of ambient temperature (AT), $AT+1.5^{\circ}C$, $AT+3^{\circ}C$, and $AT+5^{\circ}C$ using cv. Superior. Tuber initiation onset was found to be hastened curve-linearly with increasing temperature, showing optimum temperature around $22-24^{\circ}C$, while delayed by longer photoperiod and lower solar radiation in Superior and Atlantic. In the planting date experiments where the average temperature is near optimal and solar radiation, rainfall, pest, and disease are not limiting factor for tuber yield, the most important determinant was growth duration, which is limited by the beginning of rainy season in summer and frost in the late fall. Yield tended to increase along with delayed tuber initiation. Within the optimum temperature range ($17^{\circ}-22^{\circ}C$), larger diurnal range of temperature increased the tuber yield. In an elevated temperature treatment of $AT+5.0^{\circ}C$, plants failed to form tubers as affected by high temperature, low irradiance, and long daylength. Tuber number at early growth stage was reduced by higher temperature, resulting in the decrease of assimilates allocated to tuber and the reduction of average tuber weight. Stem growth was enhanced by elevated temperature at the expense of tuber growth. Consequently, tuber yield decreased with elevated temperature above ambient and drop to almost nil at $AT+5.0^{\circ}C$.