• Title/Summary/Keyword: low income family children

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Effects of Support from Spouse and Family on the Child Rearing among Marriage Immigrant Women (결혼이주여성의 배우자지지와 가족지지가 자녀양육에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Soon-Ok;Kim, HyeonSuk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.462-473
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    • 2016
  • This study was proposed in obtaining basic data for an intervention programs of the stable child care by identifying the effects of support from the spouse and family on the child rearing among marriage immigrant women. Subjects consisted of 110 marriage immigrant women in Gyeonggi-do in December, 2014. SPSS/WIN 22.0 program was used for ANOVA, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis to figure out burden and efficacy of child rearing through the general characteristics. The increased burden of child rearing was statistically significant with young age, lower level of education, low income and less spending time to raise their children by husband. Additionally, the increased efficacy of child rearing was statistically significant with young age and using two languages. The pressure of the child rearing showed a negative correlation with spouse support, income, and old age. The efficacy of child rearing had a positive correlation with spouse support, spending time to take care of their children by family, and ages. In the regression analysis, the burden of child rearing among immigrant women increased by old age (${\beta}=-2.097$, p<.05) and less time to raise their children by husband (${\beta}=-2.165$, p<.05). It is important to provide spouse and family support to encourage desirable child rearing behavior. These results may provide to improve intervention programs for child rearing among marriage immigrant women.

The Relationships among Korean Mothers' Parental Intelligence, Parenting Stress and the Perception of Parents Regarding Very Early Extra-Curricula Education (어머니의 부모역할지능과 양육 스트레스 및 유아 조기 특기교육에 대한 인식과의 관계)

  • Kwon, Jeong-Yoon;Jang, Young-Hee
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.25 no.1 s.85
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2007
  • This study examines the relationship between mothers' parental intelligence, parenting stress and the perception of parents regarding their children's very early extra-curricula education. A total of 436 mothers, whose children were enrolled in seven private kindergarten and child-care centers in Seoul, responded to the questionnaire. The results of this study show that the mothers who participated generally have high parental intelligence scores, but the scores of their parenting stress were low. They also tend to view their very young children's extracurricular education in a positive light. These three variables also appear to be significantly different based on the educational level and family income of the mothers. Finally, a significant relationship is shown to exist between the mothers' parental intelligence and their parenting stress, although the mothers' parental intelligence does not seem to be significantly related to their perceptions of very early extracurricular education for their children. However, the study suggests that the parenting stress of mothers is significantly related to their perception regarding very early extracurricular education.

A Study on the Difference between Gender Role Attitude and Dual Income Attitude: Focusing on Classification of Married Couple with Children (성역할 태도와 맞벌이 태도의 차이에 관한 연구: 기혼·유자녀 가구를 중심으로 한 유형화)

  • Jung, Yun-Tae;Suh, Jae-Wook
    • Journal of Family Relations
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.143-160
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to empirically verify the difference between traditional gender role attitude and realistic dual earner attitude. Most preceding studies analyzed gender role attitude by summated rating scale while few studies have been conducted on the difference between traditional gender role attitude and dual earner attitude. Method: By using the 9th Korea Welfare Panel Data (year 2014), this study extracted households of married couples and with children in working age (18 through 64 years of age) who are the main subjects in work-family relationship. First, this study classified traditional group and modern group in their gender role attitude and passive group and active group in their dual earner attitude and by crossing these attitudes, drew out 4 gender role/dual earner attitudes. For analysis, this study investigated frequency of attitude types through descriptive statistics. By conducting ANOVA, study verified if there are significant differences in the satisfaction with family relationship depending on the types of gender role/dual earner attitudes. Lastly, study examined the effect of socio-economic status and demographic characteristics on the types of gender role/dual earner attitudes by conducting multi-nominal logistic regression analysis. Results: As the result of analysis, first, half of respondents belonged to 'equal-role-oriented type' who has modern gender role attitude and active dual earner attitude. However, there were not a few 'dual-earner-avoiding type' who has modern gender role attitude but passive dual earner attitude and 'incongruous attitude type' who has traditional gender role attitude but active dual earner attitude. Next, 'incongruous attitude type' had significantly low level of satisfaction with overall family life, relationship with spouse and relationship with children than other attitude types. Lastly, those whose incomes belong to poor strata, those who are high school graduates and lower, males and those who are over the age of 60 had significantly higher probability of belonging to 'incongruous attitude type.' Conclusion: The results of analysis demonstrate that the difference between gender role attitude and dual earner attitude is an important matter and since 'incongruous attitude type' exhibits low level of satisfaction with family relationship, scrupulous policy approaches are required for those who have high possibility of belonging to 'incongruous attitude type.'

Longitudinal Trajectories of Computer Game Use among School Age Children: Using Latent Class Growth Model (학령기 아동의 게임 사용시간 변화궤적 분석 : 잠재계층성장분석(LCGM)을 활용하여)

  • Kim, Dong Ha
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.303-329
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to explore the trajectories of computer game use of school age children and to identify the related predictors. The data for this study used Korean Children and Youth Panel data covering from the second year to the sixth year of elementary school. A total of 1,959 participants were analyzed. Latent class growth model was employed to explore the trajectories of computer game use and multinomial logistic regression was conducted to identify the significant predictors. Main results indicated that three types of trajectories were identified: low game using group, high initial using-fluctuating group, and high increasing game using group. Each group was found to be associated deferentially with sex, aggression, attention deficit, main caregiver's education, siblings, parent absence after-school, neglecting, family income, family trip, school grades, and peer relationship. Based on these findings, this study emphasized the importance of predictive intervention for the game user among early school age children and suggested useful practical strategies.

A Qualitative Study on Multi-child Families' Investment in Human Capital (다자녀 가족의 인적자본 투자에 관한 질적연구)

  • Moon, Sook-Jae;Lee, Sung-Eun;Yang, Jung-Sun
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study is to identify the significance of haying many children, their motive of childbirth, patterns of investment in human capital, and their expectations of their children. For this purpose, thirteen mothers of multi-child families have been interviewed in depth. Key findings of the study are as follows. First, the significance of children in many-child families varied. The fundamental features were: symbol of strong ties between God and humans, proud existence displayable to others about their level of happiness, and a means of defining their identity. Second, the typical motives of the majority of interviewees to have many children were "unplanned" but "natural accommodation and adaptation." Third, striking aspects, in terms of many-child families' investment in human capital were to consider many-child families to be a community in itself as a great environment of teaming and to have to deal with issues of limits and impartiality when allocating resources of a limited income and parents' time. Fourth, expectations of parents for their children were "normal growth" and mediocrity, and they cited intangible human assets as the greatest gift to their children. This study will hopefully offer a new analytical perspective to the growing concerns of low birth rates and excessive zeal of parents for their children's education, and thereby lay the groundwork of methodological approaches for resolving such social problems.

A Study on the Development of the Normative Scores for the IT-HOME Inventory (영아기 가정환경검사(IT-HOME) 규준 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Young;Lee, Jeong Rim;Park, Shin Jin;Woo, Hyun Kyung;Koo, Ja Yeun;Chung, Hyun Joo
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.433-445
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    • 2015
  • This study develops normative scores of the Infant/Toddler version of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (IT-HOME) inventory for Korean infants and toddlers. We selected 482 0- to 36-month-old infants and families by a stratified sampling procedure that considered residency, age, and gender of children. The pass rate, discrimination rate, and internal consistency were analyzed for the item analysis. Statistical validity included intercorrelation among the IT-HOME subscales, correlation between IT-HOME scores and environmental status variables, and correlation between IT-HOME and Korean Bayley Scales of Infant Development second edition (K-BSID-II) scores. Normative scores were prepared by percentile ranks. The results of this study were as follows: First, 45 items were acceptable for Korean subjects with few exceptions. IT-HOME was developed to screen unfavorable environmental factors during infancy; therefore, items such as 12, 17, 23, 39, 44 need to be retained even though they had low discriminating power. Second, IT-HOME subscales were correlated, and IT-HOME was significantly related to parents' education level, household income level, and infant' developmental levels. Third, percentile scores and the median of each IT-HOME subscales were suggested as normative scores. We discussed the normative scores of the IT-HOME to screen the quality of home environments for children aged 0-36 months in Korea, and provide the intervention basis for the at-risk population.

Household, personal, and financial determinants of surrender in Korean health insurance

  • Shim, Hyunoo;Min, Jung Yeun;Choi, Yang Ho
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.447-462
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    • 2021
  • In insurance, the surrender rate is an important variable that threatens the sustainability of insurers and determines the profitability of the contract. Unlike other actuarial assumptions that determine the cash flow of an insurance contract, however, it is characterized by endogenous variables such as people's economic, social, and subjective decisions. Therefore, a microscopic approach is required to identify and analyze the factors that determine the lapse rate. Specifically, micro-level characteristics including the individual, demographic, microeconomic, and household characteristics of policyholders are necessary for the analysis. In this study, we select panel survey data of Korean Retirement Income Study (KReIS) with many diverse dimensions to determine which variables have a decisive effect on the lapse and apply the lasso regularized regression model to analyze it empirically. As the data contain many missing values, they are imputed using the random forest method. Among the household variables, we find that the non-existence of old dependents, the existence of young dependents, and employed family members increase the surrender rate. Among the individual variables, divorce, non-urban residential areas, apartment type of housing, non-ownership of homes, and bad relationship with siblings increase the lapse rate. Finally, among the financial variables, low income, low expenditure, the existence of children that incur child care expenditure, not expecting to bequest from spouse, not holding public health insurance, and expecting to benefit from a retirement pension increase the lapse rate. Some of these findings are consistent with those in the literature.

Women's Wage and Childbearing (여성임금과 출산력)

  • Choi, Seul-Ki
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.29-53
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    • 2012
  • This research studies how women's hourly wages affect childbearing using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. The results of discrete time hazard model show that the relationship between women's hourly wage and fertility is dynamic. Overall relationship looks negative, but they are not consistent across education levels. Women who have a high school diploma or less have a tendency to decrease childbearing when their wages increase. But women who have some college experience or a college degree are likely to have children when their wages increase. It means that only for highly educated women who are likely to be in high paying decent jobs, the rise of income can be used as a resource for reconciling the mother's and worker's roles. Or, for less educated women who are likely to be in the low paying jobs, the rise of income is not large enough to lessen role incompatibility.

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A Study on the Pattern and Extent of Washer Use in Household (가계의 세탁기사용방식과 사용정도에 관한 연구)

  • 김선미;이기영
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 1989
  • In this study one aspect of consumer behavior in household equipment utilization was investigated the pattern, frequency, rate of washer use and their relation to the following factors a) Washer related factors : extent of the presence of desired characteristics, the evaluation of washer's intrinsic features and related household facilities. b) Psycho-social factors : attitude of energy conservation, preference & ability to wash by hand, standard of washing of the respondent homemaker. c) Socio-demographic factors : age, education level and employment status of homemaker, house-hold income, the presence of children under seven years, size of family, the presence of a paid help. The subjects of this study were 286 homemakers with washer in Seoul. Analysis methods were used to fuequency, one-way ANOVA, Gamma test, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, t-test and multiple regression of SPSS program. The major findings are the following; 1) The pattern, frequency, rate of washe use appeared various in every household. 2) Extent of the presence of desired characteristics was very low and respondents evaluated their washer's intrinsic features moderate. 3) The pattern of washer use was affected by the evaluation of washer's intrinsic features, preference & ability to wash by hand, wife's employment and household income. The frequency of washer use was affected by family size and preference & ability to wash by hand. The rate of washer use was affected by extent of the presence of desired characteristics, the evaluation of washer's intrinsic features and preference & ability to wash by hand. Therefore, washing by hand is major substitute for washer. If more desired characteristics are added to washer, intrinsic features are improved, and maintenance costs are reduced or household income is raised, every houshold with washer will use washer more than washing by hand in washing ask so that it may gain more utility from washer.

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A Study of Developing Comprehensive Policies for Low-Income Single-parent Households - Using a Concept of Social Exclusion (사회적 배제 집단으로서의 저소득 모자가족과 통합적 복지대책 수립을 위한 연구)

  • Song, Da-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.54
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    • pp.295-319
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    • 2003
  • The study starts from the critical thought on why most of female-headed single-parent families are under poverty regardless of their hard working. The study is to explore the lives of low-income single-parent families as working poor and to develop comprehensive policies for them out of poverty and other social vulnerability, using the concept of social exclusion which has been broadly introduced in the field of social science. Specifically, the study aims to analyse the process of social exclusion of low-income single-parent households, by comparing the differential lives in the economic, social, political aspects among male-headed dual-parent household, female-headed single-parent household, and poor female-headed lone-parent household who is under the public poverty line. The study was based on the secondary data analysis. A total of 3182 samples(the first 2508, the second 235, and the third 439) were included. Using SAS 6.12, frequency, chi-square, means, and ANOVA were utilized for the statistical analysis. Results show that single mothers, on the whole, are vulnerable population in terms of employment, housing stability and income. Also, low-income households of single mothers are more negatively affected by the IMF economic crisis and carry more pessimism on their future. In comparison with male-headed households, single mothers have fewer support from social insurance as well as family resources and higher burdens of additional caring need for the old, the disabled, and the chronically ill. These findings identify the reality in which female-headed households with dependent children are exposed to the overall social vulnerability and thus are easily trapped into the social disadvantaged. finally, the study suggests the development of comprehensive policies and counter-measurements for low-income female-headed families to be the primary member in our society.

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