• 제목/요약/키워드: low income family children

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Elementary Schoolers' Skipping Breakfast (초등학생의 아침결식 실태 및 관련요인)

  • Kim Young-Hae;Ju Hyeon-Ok
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.488-495
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study is a descriptive study to contribute to children health improvement by finding out the actual state of breakfast and related features of skipping breakfast. Method: The subjects of this study were 724 children. The collected data were analyzed through real numbers, percentage, mean and standard deviation, cross tabulation, χ2-test and t-test using the SPSS WIN 10.0. Result: The rate of the children's skipping breakfast recorded 48.6%. Related Factors to skipping breakfast were sex, income, mother's education level and father's education level. 53.1% of girls skipped breakfast. In case of the group their family's income was over 3 million won/month andtheir father graduated college, the rate of skipping breakfast was low significantly. In groups having breast with rice, soup and side dishes, getting up before 7 A.M. and having good eating habit, the rate of skipping breakfast was low significantly. Conclusion: It is necessary to induce a desirable breakfast habit by health education about the importance and necessity of breakfast. Therefore, it is supposed that parents should pay attention to their children to form the right eating habits and encourage them not to skip breakfast.

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Television Watering, Family Social Class, Parental Overweight, and Parental Physical Activity Levels in Relation to Childhood Overweight (아동기 과체중 위험 인자로서의 TV시청시간, 사회계층요인, 부모의 과체중 및 부모의 활동수준)

  • 윤군애
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2002
  • This study was done to determine the factors associated with childhood overweight in 721 sixth grade elementary school students, in Busan. The students' heights, weights, waist circumferences and triceps-skinfold thicknesses were measured using standard techniques. Other data were collected using a questionnaire that included information about physical activity, television watching, and the amount of exorcise taken during leisure times, family history of diseases related to obesity: social data including family income, parents'education and occupations, eating behaviors; parental weights and heights; and parental activity levels. Childhood overweight was defined as a body mass index at or above the 85th percentile for age and sex. The prevalence of overweight revealed no significant difference between sexes, (24.2% in boys and 22.03% in girls). The risk of childhood overweight was significantly greater if either the mother or the father were overweight. The odds ratio for childhood overweight associated with maternal overweight was 5.045 (94% CI : 3.262-7.801), and 2.727 (95% CI : 1.764-4.218) was the case for parental overweight. Children having a history of hear diseases had higher odds ratios than those who did not. The odds ratios for overweight associated with income were not different. However, a higher odds ratio for overweight was observed in children whose fathers had only an elementary or middle school education than those whore fathers had a high school or college education. Children whose fathers' occupations were service workers or shopkeepers (OR : 3.314, 95% C = 1.851-5.934) or had no occupation (OR = 3.756, 95% CI : 1.898-7.430) had a treater risk of overweight than those whose fathers'were professionals or once workers. The risk of overweight increased in children having more irregular meal times and faster eating times, rather than those having an intake pattern of high energy and sugar containing floods. The amount of exercise taken during leisure times, and daily physical activity showed no difference between overweight and non-overweight children. However, television watching time, especially on weekends, was greater in overweight children than in non-overweight children. Television watching time was positively correlated with BMI, triceps-skin(31d thickness, waist circumference and waist/height ratio. Therefore, television watching was found to be a useful predictor of overweight in children. Television watching in children was negatively related to paternal activity levels, and positively related to parental television watching time. In fact, fathers whose children were overweight were physically less active than fathers whose children were non-overweight. Parents appeared to be a strong influence on their children's physical activity levels. In conclusion, a low family social class, defined on the basis of the father's occupation or education, parental overweight, increased television watching, and unhealthy physical activity levels in parents were all considered risk factors for childhood overweight. Among these, television watching time and lack of physical activity were considered to be the most important risk factors that could be easily modified for the prevention of and intervention in, overweight in children.

A Study on Emotional Behavioral Problem of Children in Low-Income Family (일 지역 저소득 가정 아동의 정서행동문제)

  • Lee, Chung-Sook;Kim, Soo-Jin;Kim, Bo-Young;Kweon, Young-Ran;Joung, Hey-Joung;Jeung, Soon-Bok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : This study was to examine the emotional behavioral problem of children in low-income family who were participating in local children care center. Method : From June 2 to September 9, 2008, 322 elementary school children were surveyed using structured questionnaire. Emotional behavioral problem were measured using K-YSR. Result : In the distribution of three groups by emotional behavioral problems scores of subjects, normal group was 83.23%, borderline group was 9.32%, clinical group was 7.45% among 322 children. The emotional behavioral problem score of subjects showed attention problem .62(5.61), aggressive behavior .52(9.87), anxiety and depression .50(7.89), withdrawn .49(3.46), social problem .43(3.50), somatic complaints .35(3.17), thought problem .32(2.27), delinquent behavior .31(3.11) and total behavioral problem scores were .44(44.55). Also, total behavioral problem scores was not significantly difference by sex and grade, but the scores of girls students was higher compared with boys. Conclusion : This finding will be significant in that it can provide basic data for school mental health services, which can provide early intervention program for the students who belong to borderline and clinical groups.

A Qualitative Study on Experience of Parents Who Use Community Welfare Center Supporting Their Children's Career in the Underprivileged Families (지역사회복지관을 이용하는 빈곤가정 부모의 청소년자녀 진로지원경험 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung Hee;Park, Ju Hye
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.60
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    • pp.101-132
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this qualitative study was to explore and understand the roles, efforts, difficulties and challenges parents have in the process of raising teenage children and supporting their career development in the underprivileged families. The research was conducted through focus group interviews with low-income parents, with support from 11 local community welfare centers nationwide, and then thematic analysis was done with collected data. And we could draw on findings on the difficulties those parents are dealing with while assisting career plans of their children, the endeavors they make when doing so, the helpful support from the society, and things to be done in the future. With the results, we provide final recommendations on family-centered action plans and the roles of community welfare center that can effectively assist career development of teenage kids in the process of child upbringing of the underprivileged families.

A Study on Work and Family Life of Married Female Production Workers and Policy Implications(II) (대구지역 생산직 기혼여성의 취업 및 가족생활실태파악과 대책수립에 관한 연구(II))

  • 유가효
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.283-309
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    • 1992
  • This study examines work and family life of married women employed in a manufacturing industry. Data were gathered from the use of fact-to-face interview method from a sample of 230 married working women. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows : (1) With high rates of change of job, most of the respondents remain unstable in their working situation. It was shown that the important factors influencing job satisfaction of married women are women's life cycle, degree of contribution of wife's income toward total family income, and husband's attitude toward wife's empolyment. The degree of job satisfaction is also strongly influenced by labor structural factors such as pay, work environment and fringe benefits. (2) The amount of household labor time was limited by job-related factors rather than by family-related factors, because among these working women employment itself is necessarily for their subsistance. (3) It was shown that wives participated more actively in their marital communications than their husbands. Most of the respondents showed the syncratic type of the decision making patterns, but this results does not necessarily mean wives exercised an equal power with their husbands. The economic factors and the emotional instability of the husband are the ones mostly influencing marital conflicts of the employed women. It was found that the respondents easily revealed marital conflicts related to personal problems of their husbands(such as extramarital affairs, gambling and alchoholism). However, they tried to overcome the structural conflicts related to authoritarian attitudes of their husbands or economic problems without any complaints. (4) Mothers have difficulty in controlling their adolescent children, due to the weakening of parental authority. Although most of the respondents perceived their employment as having negative impacts on their children, they still have high expectations toward their children. Inspite of low degree of father role expectations and facther role performance of their husbands, most of the respondents anticipated expressive roles as well as traditionally instrumental role from their husbands. Finally, these findings would help us determine family welfare policies in Korea. Improvements in paid and household labor structure of married women should be accomplished at the national level. Also, the acting programs for parent education, marital councelling services, and law enforcement for equal employment between men and women should be provided in our society.

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A Study on the Leisure Activities and Their Constraints of Housewives (주부의 여가활동과 여가제약요인에 관한 연구)

  • 홍성희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.153-174
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the leisure activities of housewives, to identify the factors that influence leisure activities, and to explore the factors contribute to their life satisfaction. So, this study analyses the effects of econo-demographic and socio-cultural variables and of leisure constraint factors on the leisure activities of housewives. And it deals with how these variables and the leisure activities influence life satisfaction of housewives. For these puoposes, 508 housewives residing in Seoul & Daegu were selected for interviews. For data analysis such statistical methods as ANOVA, t-test, Pearson's correlation, adn Multiple Regression Analysis can be summarised. The main findings of the research are as follows: 1. Leisure acivities are classified in Self-developmental, Home-oriented, Time-consuming, Social and Children-concerned types by the technique of factor analysis. The average particiation level was high in Time-consuming type, but low in Self-developmental type. 2. The participation level of leisure activities shows significant differences by selected variables: The Self-developmental type shows significant differences by housewife's education level, income, husband's occupation, role orientation, home management type and leisure constraints. And Children-concerned type was differed to number of family nember, number of children, age of housewife and age of housewife and age of the youngst child. 3. The preference level of leisure activities differ by housewife's education level, income, husband's occupation, home management type and leisure constraints in the Self-developmental and the Social type. And the preference level of Home-oriented leisure activities was high in the middle class of income and husband's occupation. 4. The preference and participation level of leisure activities show differences. And the variables affecting the differences were housewife's age, education level, home management type, role orientation, leisure constraint factors in the Self-developmental type, and were demographic variables such as number of family member, housewife's age in the Home-oriented type. 5. The variables which affected the level of life satisfaction independently were leisure space, income, the participation level of the Self-developmental and the Social type and the preference level of the Self-developmental type.

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Nutrition survey of young children in a day care center in the low income area of seoul (서울 시내 변두리 저소득지역 유아원 어린이의 영양실태조사)

  • 이혜상
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 1986
  • A nutrition survey of 128 perschool children, 4 to 6 years old, in the Saemaul Youlgok day care center, located in one uplane, overpolulated, poor area of the city of Seoul, sponsered by the Korean Red Cross Society, was undertaken between August 21 and 31, 1984, to investigate dietary and nutritional status. RESULTS: Mean values of height, weight, arm circumference, girth of chest, and head circumference ranged from 95 to 100% of KIST mean. However, 4.8~14.2% of the subjects were assessed as undernourished in terms of 'weight for height'. Mean hemoglobin vcalue was 12.1±0.7gm%, and mean hematocrit value was 38.5±2.2%; 4.1% of the subjects were proven to be anemic according to the criterion of hemoglobin established by the ICNND. Mean urinary urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio was 11.4±3.8. Regarding mean energy and nutrient intake, the following percentages had intakes below two-thirds of the 1985 RDAs: 28.8% of children, for protein; 48.8% of children, for iron; and 28.8% of children, for calcium. About 25% of children had vitamin A intake below one-third of the recommended allowance. Carbohydrate provided 71% of total energy intake; protein accounted for 13%; fat provided 16%. Energy intake was divided among breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in a percentage ration of 19:26:21:34. The lunch, and snacks which were served at the day care center provided 36.5~79.1% of daily energy and nutrient intake. The survey clarified that the day care feding largely supplemented the inadequate dietary intakes of these young children at home. According to factor analysis of energy and nutrient intake, there were two factor groups : the first factor group, for energy, protein, carbohydrate, iron and niacin, mainly provided by grains; and the second factor group, for calcium, vitamin A, thamin, riboflavin and ascorbic acid, provided by vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products. The survey also revealed significant correlation coefficients between family factors such as family income, educational level of parents, and number of children; and dietary or nutritional status of the subjects.

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Testing the Economic Rationality Hypothesis of the Low Fertility Trap Among Korean Youths (청년층의 경제적 합리성으로 본 희망자녀수와 출산시기 : '저출산트랩'가설을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Gye-Sook
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to test the economic rationality hypothesis of the low fertility trap among 412 college students at 13 private universities located in Seoul. The respondents were requested to complete the self-administered questionnaire, and the hierarchical multiple regression analyses were performed for analyzing the data. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, the students' views on the prospects for their future employability were 54.6% for big business, 64.51% for medium-sized business, and 49.63% for public sector. In the most employable job, the mean desired monthly salary was 3,505,400 won, while the mean expected monthly salary 2,753,600 won. Second, hierarchical regression analyses revealed that the family income in parental home was positively related to youths' consumption aspirations. Finally, the gap between youths' consumption aspirations and their expected income was negatively related to their desired number of children, while not significantly related to their planned age of first child birth. Thus, the low fertility trap hypothesis was supported in terms of birth rate drop, but not supported in terms of childbearing postponement. The implications of the study results are discussed.

Factors Affecting the Conflict between Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and Adult Children: Focusing on Grandparents' Characteristics (손자녀 양육 조부모와 자녀와의 갈등에 영향을 미치는 요인: 조부모의 특성을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mee-hye;Seong, Ki-ok;Paeng, Kyoung-hee;Choi, Hee-jin;Choi, So-young
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.905-923
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to examine factors affecting the conflict between grandparents raising grandchildren and adult children. The data were based on the panel survey to explore korean retirement and income study conducted by National Pension Service in 2009. For this study, 287 parenting grandparents rearing grandchild are selected from the survey. Included variables are a demographic factor, a economic factor, a caregiving-related factor, a health factor, and a family relationship factor. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, co-relation and logistic regression, with SPSS WIN 18.0 program. The results are as follows: First, when grandparents are male, older, highly educated, having no religion, and unemployed, a conflict with their adult children grows. Second, when grandparents do not have earned income or financial income, but have private income transfers, a conflict with their adult children is high. Third, when grandchildren are younger, there are no caregiving rewards, economic activities suspension or reduction because of caregiving, a conflict with their adult children is strong. Also, when grandparents' physical health is good, but their mental health is poor, a conflict with their adult children increases. Fourth, when grandparents' satisfactions with family relationship and spouse relationship are low, but their satisfaction with adult children relationship is high, a conflict with their adult children rises. This study suggests that unlike in the past, grandparents raising grandchildren can no longer make sacrifice themselves for their adult children, but they expect proper exchange between parents and children. Therefore, there needs to be understanding of grandparents raising grandchildren and further studies of a conflict between grandparents raising grandchildren their adult children.

Estimation of minimum food expenditure by computer program and its application in meal management (전산프로그램을 이용한 경제적식품구입비 산출 및 식생활관리에의 이용연구)

  • 최혜미
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 1991
  • This study was to calculate the minimum food expenditure by using OR linear program, and to determine the food plans for different income values based on the recommenced dietary allowances(RDA) for Koreans. VAX 11/780 system was used in this study. There were 6 family models-single man, single woman, married couple, couple with one child, couple with 2 children and couple with 2 children & grandmother. The market price quoted in this study was from July 1989 to June 1990 and the data file was made from RDA & food composition tables. After the minimum food expenditure was calculated from the computer, the low cost food plan was set. From the low cost food plan, we set the moderate cost food plan 25% above the low cost and the liberal food plan 50% above the low cost. One week menu was planned for different food plans. The low cost food plan could be used not only at the institutional levels and at home but also used at the national food policy making for scientific budget planning and for nutritionally well balanced diet. These food plans could control the use of time and efforts, too.

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