• Title/Summary/Keyword: long-term shape sensing

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Long-term shape sensing of bridge girders using automated ROI extraction of LiDAR point clouds

  • Ganesh Kolappan Geetha;Sahyeon Lee;Junhwa Lee;Sung-Han Sim
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.399-414
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    • 2024
  • This study discusses the long-term deformation monitoring and shape sensing of bridge girder surfaces with an automated extraction scheme for point clouds in the Region Of Interest (ROI), invariant to the position of a Light Detection And Ranging system (LiDAR). Advanced smart construction necessitates continuous monitoring of the deformation and shape of bridge girders during the construction phase. An automated scheme is proposed for reconstructing geometric model of ROI in the presence of noisy non-stationary background. The proposed scheme involves (i) denoising irrelevant background point clouds using dimensions from the design model, (ii) extracting the outer boundaries of the bridge girder by transforming and processing the point cloud data in a two-dimensional image space, (iii) extracting topology of pre-defined targets using the modified Otsu method, (iv) registering the point clouds to a common reference frame or design coordinate using extracted predefined targets placed outside ROI, and (v) defining the bounding box in the point clouds using corresponding dimensional information of the bridge girder and abutments from the design model. The surface-fitted reconstructed geometric model in the ROI is superposed consistently over a long period to monitor bridge shape and derive deflection during the construction phase, which is highly correlated. The proposed scheme of combining 2D-3D with the design model overcomes the sensitivity of 3D point cloud registration to initial match, which often leads to a local extremum.

Use of Crown Feature Analysis to Separate the Two Pine Species in QuickBird Imagery

  • Kim, Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 2008
  • Tree species-specific estimates with spacebome high-resolution imagery improve estimation of forest biomass which is needed to predict the long term planning for the sustainable forest management(SFM). This paper is a contribution to develop crown distinguishing coniferous species, Pinus densiflora and Pinus koraiensis, from QuickBird imagery. The proposed feature analysis derived from shape parameters and first and second-order statistical texture features of the same test area were compared for the two species separation and delineation. As expected, initial studies have shown that both formfactor and compactness shape parameters provided the successful differentiating method between the pine species within the compartment for single crown identification from spaceborne high resolution imagery. Another result revealed that the selected texture parameters - the mean, variance, angular second moment(ASM) - in the infrared band image could produce good subset combination of texture features for representing detailed tree crown outline.

Extraction of Waterline Using Low Altitude Remote Sensing (저고도 원격탐사 영상 분석을 통한 수륙경계선 추출)

  • Jung, Dawoon;Lee, Jong-Seok;Baek, Ji-Yeon;Jo, Young-Heon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_2
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    • pp.337-349
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    • 2020
  • In this study, Helikite, Low Altitude Remote Sensing (LARS) platform, was used to acquire coastal images. In the obtained image, the land and water masses were divided using four types of region clustering algorithms, and then waterline was extracted using edge detection. Quantitative comparisons were not possible due to the lack of in-situ waterline data. But, based on the image of the infrared band where water masses and land are relatively clear, the waterlines extracted by each algorithm were compared. As a result, it was found that each algorithm differed significantly in the part where the distinction between water masses and land was ambiguous. This is considered to be a difference in the process of selecting the threshold value of the digital number that each algorithm uses to distinguish the regions. The extraction of waterlines through various algorithms is expected to be used in conjunction with a Low Altitude Remote Sensing system that can be continuously monitored in the future to explain the rapid changes in coastal shape through several years of long-term data from fixed areas.