• Title/Summary/Keyword: local environmental factor

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A Dynamic Panel Approach to Examining the Effects of Local Fiscal Expenditures on Water Quality (동태적 패널접근을 활용한 지방 재정지출의 수질개선 효과분석)

  • Hyonyong Kang;Dong Hee Suh
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.159-178
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to assess the direct and indirect impacts of local fiscal expenditures on water quality. Panel data spanning from 2010 to 2018 for 173 cities and districts in Korea are assembled, and a two-stage dynamic panel model is utilized for our estimation. The empirical findings reveal several key insights. Firstly, local fiscal expenditures on water quality are effective in ameliorating both Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Phosphorus (T-P). Notably, the direct impact on T-P surpasses that on BOD in the short and long run. Secondly, expenditures dedicated to water quality improvement demonstrate a positive effect on local economic growth, and an inverted U-shaped relationship is observed between BOD and local economic growth. Due to the positive linkage, the indirect effect on BOD suggests, on average, a deterioration in water quality during local economic growth. Thirdly, concerning BOD, the direct effect of government expenditure on water quality improvement outweighs the indirect effect, but in the case of T-P, the indirect effect is not significant, and the total effect is solely determined by the direct impact. Despite local fiscal expenditures potentially exacerbating water quality through regional economic growth, the study finds that the direct enhancement of water quality remains a more substantial factor in the short and long run.

Patterns of Forest Landscape Structure due to Landcover Change in the Nakdong River Basin (토지이용변화에 따른 낙동강 유역 산림경관의 구조적 패턴 분석)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Kwon, Jin-O;Oh, Jeong-Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.11 no.4 s.29
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2005
  • The goal of this research is to evaluate landscape-ecological characteristics of watersheds in the Nakdong River Basin by using Geogaphic Information System (GIS) and landscape indices for integation of spatio-temporal informations and multivariate statistical techniques for quantitative analysis of forest landscape. Fragmentation index and change matrix techniques using factor analysis and grid overlay method were used to efficiently analyze and manage huge amount of information for ecological-environmental assessment (land-cover and forest landscape patterns). According to the results based on the pattern analysis of land-cover changes using the change detection matrix between 1980s and 1990s, addition on 750km$^2$ became urbanized areas. The altered 442.04km$^2$ was agricultural areas which is relatively easy for shifting of land-use, and 205.1km$^2$ of forests became urbanized areas, and average elevation and slope of the whole altered areas were 75m and 4$^{\circ}$. On the other hand, 120km$^2$ of urban areas were changed into other areas (i.e., agricultural areas and green space), and fortunately, certain amount of naturalness had been recovered. But still those agricultural areas and fallow areas, which were previously urban areas, had high potential of re-development for urbanization due to their local conditions. According to the structural analysis of forest landscape using the landscape indices, the forest fragmentation of watersheds along the main stream of the Nakdong River was more severe than my other watersheds. Furthermore, the Nakdong-sangju and Nakdong-miryang watersheds had unstable forest structures as well as least amount of forest quantity. Thus, these areas need significant amount of forest through a new forest management policy considering local environmental conditions.

source Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons of Airborne Particulate Matter in Taegu Area (대구지역 부유분진중 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons의 발생원 특성)

  • 최성우;윤성훈
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the seasonal variation of PAHs and to estimate their source characteristics in Taegu area. To do this, four sampling sites were selected to represent an industrial, a traffic, a traffic & residential, and a residential area in Taegu. Total of 72 samples had been collected from January, 1999 to September, 1999 on glass micro fiber filters by high volume air sampler. The PAHs in the total suspended particulate were extracted by a soxhlet process with dichloromethane and analyzed by GC/MSD, GC/FID. A statistical analysis was performed for the PAHs data set using a principal component analysis to derive important factor inherent in the interactions among the variables. The specific conclusions of this research are: 1) There was a significant seasonal and local variation in the atmospheric concentration of PAHs. The seasonal variation is winter>spring>Fall>summer, and the local variation is industrial>traffic>graffic & residential>residential area. 2) To evaluate the correlation between a measured PAHs and other affecting factors such as air pollutant concentration and meterological data, statistical analysis was performed. PAHs and other affecting factors such as air pollutant concentration and meterological data, statistical analysis was performed. PAHs have negative correlation with temperature (r=-0.593, p<0.05), radiation(r=-0.535, p<0.05), and O3(r=-0.719, p<0.05), but have positive correlation with NO(r=0.615, p<0.05) 3)Finally, multivariate analysis was performed for the PAHs dat set to identify and to estimate the source contributions of PAHs. According to results of statistical analysis, it could be identifies as three factors such as vehicular/gasoline, vehicular/diesel, and combustion in Taegu area.

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The Evaluation for Estimation Method of Deformation Modulus of Rock Mass Using RMR System (RMR을 이용한 암반의 주요 변형계수 추정식의 적용성 평가)

  • Chun, Byung-Sik;Lee, Yong-Jae;Jung, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2006
  • The deformation modulus of rock masse is a very important design factor for the computation of stability of tunnels and their support systems. Several empirical formulas to estimate the deformation modulus using simple rock classification methods such as RQD or RMR are widely used because field tests to evaluate the deformation modulus are very expensive and time consuming work. However, these formulas can be depended on experiences from the characteristics of local sites in each country. Therefore, in this study, the applicability of empirical formulas was analyzed by comparing estimated value with the measured value from eight sites in South Korea. The results show that the estimated value based on the empirical formulas partially have tendency to overestimate. Especially, in case of sedimentary rocks, it was too difficult to apply to the empirical formulas because there was no relationship between estimated value and measured value. For these reasons, additional data from many tests and accurate analyses are necessary to evaluate the estimation method for the deformation modulus considering the local characteristics of rock masse.

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The comfort evaluation and analysis of the urban rail vehicle (도시철도차량 시트의 안락성 평가 및 분석)

  • Goo, Jae-Kwang;Suh, Woo-Sung;Choi, Se-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.222-228
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    • 2007
  • In order to solve the problem of traffic holdups and environmental pollution(contamination), several metropolises are operating the subway and many local government plans hereafter the light rail vehicle operation and it is in the process of preparing. This point of time, it need to evaluate the comfortable characteristic of the seat which is closely connected with passenger and it should be reflected to the product design through the data analysis. The methods of the comfortable characteristic evaluation should be considered to various methods from physical factor to psychological factor. Among these, the most universal and possible quantitative measurement estimate through 'Body pressure measurement system'. From this paper, it was measured the body pressure of the subway seat which is in the process of operating in a domestic and it will be compared and analyzed the material & seat shape, so we evaluated the comfortable characteristic of the short-distance transportation railway vehicle. It was operated the man and woman who belongs in standard shape of Korean, we compared and analyzed the Peak position where the body pressure is visible and body pressure spread out.

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Problem of Evaluation Methods on the Wall Facing-Geosynthetics Connection Strength and Its Improvement (전면 벽체-보강재 연결강도 평가방법의 문제점 및 개선 방향)

  • Hong, Ki-Kwon;Shin, Ju-Oek;Han, Jung-Geun;Cho, Sam-Deok;Lee, Kwang-Wu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.184-195
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    • 2008
  • The use of geosynthetics for the reinforced earth wall system has been increasing rapidly for a number of years. The connection strength between wall facing and geosynthetics should be evaluated in the design of geosynthetics. However, the connection strength is not often evaluate, exactly, and it causes problems such as deformation of the wall facing, local failure of the reinforced earth wall system, conservative design and so on. Therefore, the connection strength in the design of geosynthetics should be applied evaluation result by reasonable method. This study is evaluated connection strength using the typical design method, NCMA(1997) and FHWA(1996), in the field case. Then the results compared with the evaluation results of connection strength, which is suggested by Soong & Koener(1997). The analysis results confirmed that the connection strength for the design of geosynthetics should be evaluate using reasonable method with considering various factor, such as safety factor, installation and importance of construction.

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Development of the Priority Decision System for Redevelopment of Agricultural Reservoir (농업용저수지 재개발 우선순위 산정시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Hae-Do;Kim, Sun-Joo;Kim, Phil-Shik
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2011
  • This study is to develop a Priority Decision System for Redevelopment (PDSR) which is able to decide the priority for redevelopment of agricultural reservoirs. The major scopes of this research are to make the related GIS data like hydrologic unit map and other thematic maps to determine the suggested priority index (PI), and to develop the PDSR handling the GIS data and calculating weighing factors for the PI. In order to make the weighing factor decision module, the AHP technique was adopted. The result of the weighing factor calculation was showed PC (Possibility Criteria) and RC (Restriction Criteria) were 76% and 24% respectively. Which means that most of the specialist selected PC category prior to RC because of whom to mostly of major technique. So, in order to make more objective result, the selection of specialists is important like environmental activists or local residents and so on. The product from this research can provide more scientific support to decide the priority decision.

A Study on the Applicability of Water Footprint Methodology in Korea by Analyzing Domestic Water Resources Statistics (국내 물 자원 통계자료 분석을 통한 물발자국 방법론 국내 적용 가능성 확인 연구)

  • Kim, Sun Uk;Jo, Seo Weon;Ahn, Jae Hyun;Lee, Han Woong;Yeon, Sung Mo
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.146-153
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    • 2018
  • The water footprint is an important component of the Single Market for Green Product initiative based on the EU's Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe. In July 2014, the EU has established the International Standard for Water Footprint (ISO 14046) and Korea has complied with the Korean Industrial Standard (KS I ISO 14046) in April 2015. If a certification system based on the international standard (ISO 14046) is introduced, developing countries such as India and Vietnam, which are not equipped with bases, can become a trade barriers in exporting, so Korea should establish a strategy to reverse them. On the other hand, water footprints are designed to take into account local environmental impacts when compared to similar footprints (eg, carbon footprint) using LCA, so that products manufactured and manufactured in Korea will have an impact on domestic waters Should be considered. Therefore, the method of the water footprint should conform to the standard for compatibility with other countries. In order to consider the domestic water condition, it is necessary to identify suitable indicator or factor for estimating water footprint on Korea. For this purpose, this study analyzed the water footprint estimation study conducted at domestic and foreign based on international standards and through the analysis of statistical data related to domestic water resources, we confirmed the applicability of the water footprint methodology in Korea.

Crime-Prevention in the Community and the Security Activity (환경설계를 통한 범죄예방과 민간경비의 역할)

  • Jang, Ye-Jin
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.17
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    • pp.301-316
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    • 2008
  • The occurrence of complicating, multilateral social condition demands the strategy for facing many social state and consolidating public security against criminal loss. The lacking ability of local police for preventing crime can't satisfy the demand of security and can't get rid of fear of crime. At last, it brings a distrust of public confidence and became a factor of serious social crisis. We have problems - not only making an alternative plan for preventing crime, but also introducing CPTED(Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) by environmental design, to expect crime prevention and to select systemic crime prevention system and the most suitable model. And we have a goal - to recognize the importance of guard activity for local crime, analyse public safety activity in community & focusing guard activity as a strategy for them, apply CPTED in police and private security company as a local crime prevention & setting effective model, and, make it as an index for preventing & dealing with intellectual, brutal crime. The rapid growth in the guarding-activity field lighten the burden of police for crime-prevention. But the misjudgement of some people blocks it to be settled institutionally. It needs to reconsider what is the effective crime-prevention method, at this point of time when the all parts of a nation changing into unlimited competitive, private self-control system.

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Development of hierarchically structured control algorithm of a mobile robot (자율이동로봇의 계층구조 제어 알고리즘의 개발)

  • 최정원;박찬규;이석규
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.384-389
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    • 2003
  • We propose a hierarchically structured navigation algorithm for multiple mobile robots under unknown dynamic environment based on fussy-neural algorithm. The proposed algorithm consists of two basic layers. The lower layer consists of two parts such as fuzzy algorithm for goal approach and fuzzy-neural algorithm for obstacle avoidance. The upper layer which is basically fuzzy algorithm adjusts the magnitude of the weighting factor depending on the environmental situation. In addition, The proposed algorithm provides an efficient method to escape local mimimum points as shown in the simulation result. The efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated via some simulations.