• Title/Summary/Keyword: linoleate

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Isolation and Identification of an Antioxidant Enzyme Catalase Stimulatory Compound from Garnoderma lucidum

  • Lee, Hyeon-Yong;Eum, Won-Sik;Kim, Dae-Won;Lee, Byung-Ryong;Yoon, Chang-Sik;Jang, Sang-Ho;Choi, Hee-Soon;Choi, Soo-Hyun;Baek, Nam-In;Kang, Jung-Hoon;Kang, Tae-Cheon;Won, Moo-Ho;Cho, Sung-Woo;Lee, Kil-Soo;Park, Jin-Seu;Choi, Soo-Young
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.450-455
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    • 2003
  • Antioxidant enzymes are scavenger reactive-oxygen intermediates and are involved in many cellular defense systems. We previously reported that a crude extract of Garnoderma lucidum, a medicinally potent mushroom, profoundly increased the catalase gene expression and enzyme activities in mouse livers (Park et al., J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 34. 144-149, 2001). In this study, we elucidated the detailed mechanism whereby G. lucidum stimulates the catalase activity and expression. The major active fraction was isolated from G. lucidum and methyl linoleate was considered the most major component of the fraction. In order to determine whether methyl linoleate increases mRNA and protein synthesis of catalase, Northern and Western blot analyses were performed in vivo with methyl linoleate-treated mouse liver homogenate after feeding methyl linoleate to the mice. Northern and Western blot analyses of the crude liver homogenates in the mice that were administered methyl linoleate revealed that the expression catalase was significantly increased when compared to the untreated controls. In addition, the catalase protein levels and enzymatic activities increased in the mouse liver homogenates. These results suggest that methyl linoleate that is produced by G. lucidum stimulates the catalase expression at the transcription level.

Protective Effects of HEAC and its Primary Active Compound on HCl-ethanol Induced Gastritis in Rats (흰쥐에서 염산-에탄올로 유발된 위염에 대한 HEAC 추출물과 그 주성분의 억제효과)

  • Choi, Won-Sik;Jang, Do-Yoen;Lee, Gyung-Rak;Kim, Seung-Han
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1769-1776
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the gastric mucosal damage effect by Hericium erinaceus cultibated with Artemisia capillaris (HEAC) with 0.15 M HCl in ethanol in rats. Among them, 80% ethanol extract showed potent inhibitory effect (67.7%) on gastritis. Using solvent fractionation, 80% ethanol extract of HEAC was separated into five fractions with $n$-hexane, methylene chloride, ethyl acetate, $n$-butanol and water. As a result, fractions obtained with methylene chloride exhibited strong inhibitory effects on gastritis. With this result, the methylene chloride extract was analyzed by GC/MS, HPLC, IR and NMR($^1H$, $^{13}C$) to identify primary active components and the main component in the extract was identified as ethyl linoleate. The effective does ($ED_{50}$) values of 80% ethanol extract of HEAC and ethyl linoleate showed 22.6 and 6.4 mg/kg, respectively and these values were higher than those of stillen (44.2 mg/kg) and selbex (46.5 mg/kg). Therefore, the administration of 80% ethanol extract of HEAC and ethyl linoleate have a strong protective effect agasint the gastritis induced by HCl-ethanol and may be promising new drug for treating gastritis and gastric ulcer.

Antioxidative Effectiveness and Oxidized Products in Mixture of Methyl Linoleate and Phenolic Compounds (Methyl Linoleate에 대한 Phenol성 물질의 항산화성과 산화 생성물)

  • Kim, Jeong-Sook;Lee, Gee-Dong;Kwon, Joong-Ho;Yoon, Hyung-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.379-385
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    • 1993
  • Antioxidative effectiveness and oxidized products in mixture of methyl linoleate(ML) and phenolic compounds were investigated under oxygen blowing at $37^{\circ}C$ for 9 days. Caffeic acid (3,4-dihydroxy cinnamate ; CML) and phloroglucinol(1,3,5-trihydroxy benzene ; PML) showed higher antioxidative effectiveness for methyl linoleate than 0.05% ${\alpha}-tocopherol$ (TML). Oxidized products in ML group were methyl 8-(2-furyl)-octanoate, 9,13-trans, cis hydroperoxide isomer, 9,13-trans, trans hydroperoxide isomer, and 9-TMSO-12,13-epoxy-10-octadecenoate. In CML group the oxidized products were methyl-8-(2-furyl)-octanoate, 9-trans, cis hydroperoxide isomer and 9-trans, trans hydroperoxide isomer, but 13-hydroxy isomer was not identified. It was shown that CML were oxidized more slowly than ML group and at 6th day of oxidation, caffeic quinone was found to be major oxidized product of caffeic acid. Oxidixed Products in PML group were methyl-8-(2-furyl)-octanoate, 9-trans, cis hydroperoxide isomer, and 9-trans, trans hydroperoxide isomer but phloroglucinol was not oxidized even at the 9th day of reaction.

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Effect of Temperature on Formation of Polymer in Oxidation of Methyl Linoleate (Methyl Linoleate 산화중 중합체 형성에 미치는 온도의 영향)

  • Kim, In-Hwan;Kim, Chul-Jin;Kim, Dong-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.446-450
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    • 1996
  • To investigate the effect of heating conditions on the polymerization of methyl linoleate, the esters were heated at $60^{\circ}C,\;90^{\circ}C,\;120^{\circ}C$ and $150^{\circ}C$, respectively, with sparging oxygen for different periods of time. On the basis of the peroxide curve obtained at each of the four temperatures, four heating times were chosen for the analysis of the polymers and total oxidation products. Significant linear relationships were found between polymer contents and total oxidation product contents. The contents of polymers and their linkage types were analyzed by High Performance Size Exclusion Chromatography. The polymers formed at four temperatures were qualitatively identified as dimers. The dimers with peroxide linkages were detected from methyl linoleate oxidized at $60^{\circ}C\;and\;90^{\circ}C$ but they were not detected from methyl linoleate oxidized at $120^{\circ}C\;and\;150^{\circ}C$. Therefore, all dimers formed at $120^{\circ}C\;and\;150^{\circ}C$ seemed to be the ones with ether linkage or carbon to carbon linkage. The degradation rate of the dimers with peroxide linkages at $90^{\circ}C$ was faster than at $60^{\circ}C$.

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Antimutagenic Compounds Identified from the Chloroform Fraction of Garlic (Allium sativum) (마늘의 쿨로로포름 분획에서 동정된 항돌연변이 물질)

  • 김소희;김정옥;이숙희;박건영;박희준;정해영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 1991
  • Methanol extract of garlic was fractionated to chloroform and aqueous fractions. The cholorform fraction possessed the highest antimutagenic activity in Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 and TA98, and was further fractionaed into four Allium sativum chromatography fractions (ASC F1, 2, 3 and 4) by column and thin layer chromatographies. The ASC F2 exhibited the higher antimutagenic activity and contained 18 chemical compounds tentatively identifed by GC-MS, NMR and FT-IR. Among the 18 compounds, methyl linoleate was a major compound to exhibit the antimutagenicity.

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The Effect of Autoxidized Methyl Linoleate on the Lipid Metabolism in the Mouse (Chronic Toxicity) (자동산화 Methyl Linoleate가 Mouse의 지질대사에 미치는 영향(만성독성))

  • Paik, Tai-Hong;Lee, Keun-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 1986
  • In order to investigate the effect of autoxidized methyl linoleate (AOML) on the lipid metabolism in the mouse, we administered the fixed dosage of AOML to mice onece per day for 20 days by using stomach tube. And the following results were obstained. The amounts of triglycerides, phospholipids, total cholesterol and TBA values in the blood serum of test group were increased more than these of normal group. And according to the electrophoresis, the amount of albumin in test group was increased about 22% in comparision with normal group but the amount of VLDL and LDL was decreased about 70% and 30% respectively. The POV, COV and TBA values in the liver of test group were significantly increased more than these in normal group. And also the amounts of triglycerides, phospholipids and total cholesterol in test group were slightly increased. And the damage of hepatic cells and the accumulation of fats were observed as the morphorogical changes in the liver of test group. Form these results obtained, we conclude that the autoxidized methyl linoleate fed in mice influences at lipid metabolism on the blood and the liver.

Effect of Linoleate Hydroperoxide on Pepsin Activity (리놀레산 과산화물이 펩신 활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Kap-Seong;Kim, Ze-Uook;Moon, Tae-Wha
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.224-228
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    • 1991
  • The effect of linoleate hydroperoxides(LAHPO) on pepsin activity was investigated. The activity of pepsin was largely decreased by LAHPO at various temperatures and pH. The inactivation of pepsin seems to be the radicals in the system because ascorbate and metal ions enhanced the inactivation of enzyme by LAHPO. It was shown by SDS-PAGE that LAHPO caused scission of the enzyme in the model system.

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Effect of peroxidized fatty acid enzyme activity in model system (모델계에서 지방산 산화에 의한 효소 활성 감소)

  • Choi, Kap-Seong;Kim, Ze-Uook;Moon, Tae-Wha
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 1991
  • In order to investigate interactions of autoxidizing lipids with protein, enzyme and peroxidizing linoleate were reacted in freeze-dried and emulsion systems at various level of water activities. Peroxide value, TBA value of oxidized linoleate increased during incubation Solubilities and the activities of enzymes decreased as water activity increased.

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Oxidation Products from the Mixture of $\alpha$-Tocopherol and ${\gamma}$-Tocopherol during Autoxidation of Methly Linoleate (Methyl Linoleate의 자동산화에 따른 $\alpha$-Tocopherol과 ${\gamma}$-Tocopherol 혼합계의 산화생성물)

  • 하귀현
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 1990
  • The oxidation products from the mixture of a-tocopherol (a-Toc) and γ-tocopherol)(γ-Toc) during autoxidation of methyl linoleate were isolated and identified. The sturctures of the oxida-tion products were characterized by UV, IR, 1H and 13CNMR and mass spectrometry 5-[2-(a-tocopherol-5'-yl)ethyl]-a-tocopherylquinone 5-[2-(a-tocopherol-5'-yl)ethyl]-8a-hydroxy-a-tocopherone and O-[8-(5-ethoxymethyl-7-methyltocol) methyl] a-tocopherol were obained from the mixture as the oxidation products derived from γ-Toc However oxidation product composed of both a-ToC and γ-Toc was detected in oxidation products of the misture. These results support the facts that at first oxidation of a-Toc proceeds during autoxidation of lipids and then γ-Toc decomposes after approximate consumption of a-Toc.

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Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Acanthopanax koreanum(ll)

  • Kim, Young-Ho;Chung, Bo-Sup;Ko, Young-Su;Han, Hee-Ja
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.159-162
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    • 1988
  • From the root bark of Acanithopanax koreanum, two polyacetylene compounds and one lignan compound were isolated and identified as falcarinon, falcarindiol and ariensin. Furthermore the steam bark also afforded methyl n-hexacosanoate, methyl linoleate and coniferin.

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