• Title/Summary/Keyword: laser-scanner

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Characterization of the Three Dimensional Roughness of Rock Joints and Proposal of a Modified Shear Strength Criterion (암석 절리의 3차원 거칠기 특성화와 수정 전단강도 관계식의 제안)

  • Jang, Bo-An;Kim, Tae-Ho;Jang, Hyun-Sick
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2010
  • Surface roughness profiles were measured from 19 joint samples using a laser scanner, and Joint Roughness Coefficient (JRC) values were calculated from 30 sections in each sample. Although JRC values varied with the location of the section, the average JRC values from any three sections provides an adequate representation of the average JRC value for the entire surface well. Direct shear tests were performed on nine joints reproduced using molds of real joints in samples of gypsum. The peak friction angles (${\phi}_p$) showed a linear relationship with the average JRC values, yielding the following relationship: ${\phi}_p=41.037+1.046JRC$. However, the shear strengths measured by direct shear tests differed from those calculated using Barton's criterion. The relationship between calculated from direct shear tests and JRC measured from joint surfaces is defined as $JRC_R=f{\cdot}JRC$, and the correction coefficient f is was calculated as $f=3.15JRC^{-0.5}$, as calculated by regression. A modified shear-strength criterion, is proposed using the correction coefficient, ${\tau}={\sigma}_n{\cdot}tan(3.15JRC^{0.5}{\bullet}{\log}_{10}\frac{JCS}{{\sigma}_n}+{\phi}_b)$. This criterion may be effective in calculating the shear strength of moderately weathered rock joints and highly weathered rock joints with low strength and ductile behavior.

A 3D Terrain Reconstruction System using Navigation Information and Realtime-Updated Terrain Data (항법정보와 실시간 업데이트 지형 데이터를 사용한 3D 지형 재구축 시스템)

  • Baek, In-Sun;Um, Ky-Hyun;Cho, Kyung-Eun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2010
  • A terrain is an essential element for constructing a virtual world in which game characters and objects make various interactions with one another. Creating a terrain requires a great deal of time and repetitive editing processes. This paper presents a 3D terrain reconstruction system to create 3D terrain in virtual space based on real terrain data. In this system, it converts the coordinate system of the height maps which are generated from a stereo camera and a laser scanner from global GPS into 3D world using the x and z axis vectors of the global GPS coordinate system. It calculates the movement vectors and the rotation matrices frame by frame. Terrain meshes are dynamically generated and rendered in the virtual areas which are represented in an undirected graph. The rendering meshes are exactly created and updated by correcting terrain data errors. In our experiments, the FPS of the system was regularly checked until the terrain was reconstructed by our system, and the visualization quality of the terrain was reviewed. As a result, our system shows that it has 3 times higher FPS than other terrain management systems with Quadtree for small area, improves 40% than others for large area. The visualization of terrain data maintains the same shape as the contour of real terrain. This system could be used for the terrain system of realtime 3D games to generate terrain on real time, and for the terrain design work of CG Movies.

Verification on the Design Formulas of Apron Length by Scour Analysis at Weir Downstream (보 하류부 세굴 분석을 통한 물받이공 길이 설계 공식 검토)

  • Ko, Dongwoo;Lee, Changhun;Kang, Joongu
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2020
  • This hydraulic study analyzed the scour effect at fixed downstream weirs based on the changes in the upstream bed slope. The study was performed using six different bed slopes, that is, 0%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 7%, and 10% at 0.117 ㎥/s in all cases. The scour depth, scour length, and scour volume were measured using a broadband laser scanner to quantitatively analyze the scour at the downstream weir. This study also examined the adequacy of the designed apron length by comparatively analyzing the results of the scour experiments and the apron length calculated using conventional design standard formulas. The analysis of the local scour effect at the downstream weir showed that scour length and scour depth increased as the bed slope became steeper. A comparison between the results of the scour experiment and that of the conventional design formulas showed that both formulas of the National Construction Research Institute and the Bligh were distributed within the allowable values when there was no upstream bed slope. However, as the bed slope upstream of the weir gradually increased, the scour lengths of the apron deviated slightly from the values obtained from the conventional design formulas.

An Error Analysis of the 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus (3D-AFRA) Hardware (3차원 안면자동분석 사상체질진단기의 Hardware 오차분석)

  • Kwak, Chang-Kyu;Seok, Jae-Hwa;Song, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Hyun-Jin;Hwang, Min-Woo;Yoo, Jung-Hee;Kho, Byung-Hee;Kim, Jong-Won;Lee, Eui-Ju
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2007
  • 1. Objectives Sasang Contitutional Medicine, a part of the traditional Korean medical lore, treats illness through a constitutional typing system that categorizespeople into four constitutional types. A few of the important criteria for differentiating the constitutional types are external appearances, inner state of mind, and pathological patterns. We had been developing a 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus (3D-AFRA) in order to evaluate the external appearances with more objectivity. This apparatus provides a 3D image and numerical data on facial configuration, and this study aims to evaluate the mechanical accuracy of the 3D-AFRA hardware. 2. Methods Several objects of different shapes (cube, cylinder, cone, pyramid) were each scanned 10 times using the 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus (3D-AFRA). The results were then compared and analyzed with data retrieved through a laser scanner known for its high accuracy. The error rates were analyzed for each grid point of facial contour scanned with Rapidform2006 (Rapidform2006 is a 3D scanning software that collects grid point data for contours of various products and products and product parts through 3D scanners and other 3D measuring devices; the grid point data thusly acquired is then used to reconstruct highly precise polygon and curvature models). 3. Results and Conclusions The average error rate was 0.22mm for the cube, 0.22mm for the cylinder, 0.125mm for the cone, and 0.172mm for the pyramid. The visual data comparing error rates for measurement figures retrieved with Rapidform2006 is shown in $Fig.3{\sim}Fig.6$. Blue tendency indicates smaller error rates, while red indicates greater error rates The protruding corners of the cube display red, indicating greater error rates. The cylinder shows greater error rates on the edges. The pyramid displays greater error rates on the base surface and around the vertex. The cone also shows greater error around the protruding edge.

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Three-dimensional Digital Restoration and Surface Depth Modeling for Shape Analysis of Stone Cultural Heritage: Haeundae Stone Inscription (석조문화유산의 형상분석을 위한 3차원 디지털복원과 표면심도 모델링:해운대 석각을 중심으로)

  • Jo, Young-Hoon;Lee, Chan-Hee
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2012
  • This study was focused on digital restoration and surface depth modeling applying the three-dimensional laser scanning system of the Haeundae Stone Inscription. Firstly, the three-dimensional digital restoration carried out acquiring of point cloud using wide range and precision scanner, thereafter registering, merging, filtering, polygon mesh and surveyed map drawing. In particular, stroke of letters, inscribed depth and definition appearing the precision scanning polygon was outstanding compared with ones of the wide range polygon. The surface depth modeling completed through separation from polygon, establishment of datum axis, selection of datum point, contour mapping and polygon merging. Also, relative inscribed depth (5~17mm) and outline by the depth modeling was well-defined compared with photograph and polygon image of the inscription stone. The digital restoration technology merging wide range and precision scanning restored the total and detailed shape of the Stone Inscription quickly and accurately. In addition, the surface depth modeling visibly showed unclear parts from naked eye and photograph. In the future, various deteriorations and surrounding environment change of the Stone Inscription will be numerically analyze by periodic monitoring.

Accuracy Analysis of Medium Format CCD Camera RCD105 (중형카메라 RCD105 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Won, Jae-Ho;Kim, Chung-Pyeong;So, Jae-Kyeong;Yun, Hee-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.449-454
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    • 2010
  • Lately, airborne digital camera and airborne laser scanner in field of airborne surveying are used to build geography information such as digital ortho photo map and DEM(Digital Elevation Model). In this study, 3D position accuracy is compared medium format CCD camera RCD105 with airborne digital camera DMC. For this, test area was decided for aerial photograph. And using 1/1,000 scale digital map, ground control points were selected for aerial triangulation and check points were selected for horizontal/vertical accuracy analysis using softcopy stereoplotter. Accuracy of RCD105 and DMC was estimated by result of aerial triangulation and result of check points measurement of using softcopy stereoplotter. In result of aerial triangulation, RMSE(Root Mean Square Error) X, Y, Z of RCD105 is 2.1, 2.2, 1.3 times larger than DMC. In result of check point measurement using softcopy stereoplotter, horizontal/ vertical RMSE of RCD105 is 2.5, 4.3 times larger than DMC. Even though accuracy of RCD105 is lower than DMC, it is maybe possible to make digital map and ortho photo using RCD105.

Application of Photo-realistic Modeling and Visualization Using Digital Image Data in 3D GIS (디지털 영상자료를 이용한 3D GIS의 사실적 모델링 및 가시화)

  • Jung, Sung-Heuk;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2008
  • For spatial analysis and decision-making based on territorial and urban information, technologies on 3D GIS with digital image data and photo-realistic 3D image models to visualize 3D modeling are being rapidly developed. Currently, satellite images, aerial images and aerial LiDAR data are mostly used to build 3D models and textures from oblique aerial photographs or terrestrial photographs are used to create 3D image models. However, we are in need of quality 3D image models as current models cannot express topographic and features most elaborately and realistically. Thus, this study analyzed techniques to use aerial photographs, aerial LiDAR, terrestrial photographs and terrestrial LiDAR to create a 3D image model with artificial features and special topographic that emphasize spatial accuracy, delicate depiction and photo-realistic imaging. A 3D image model with spatial accuracy and photographic texture was built to be served via 3D image map services systems on the Internet. As it was necessary to consider intended use and display scale when building 3D image models, in this study, we applied the concept of LoD(Level of Detail) to define 3D image model of buildings in five levels and established the models by following the levels.

Technical Development for Extraction of Discontinuities in Rock Mass Using LiDAR (LiDAR를 이용한 암반 불연속면 추출 기술의 개발 현황)

  • Lee, Hyeon-woo;Kim, Byung-ryeol;Choi, Sung-oong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.10-24
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    • 2021
  • Rock mass classification for construction of underground facilities is essential to secure their stabilities. Therefore, the reliable values for rock mass classification from the precise information on rock discontinuities are most important factors, because rock mass discontinuities can affect exclusively on the physical and mechanical properties of rock mass. The conventional classification operation for rock mass has been usually performed by hand mapping. However, there have been many issues for its precision and reliability; for instance, in large-scale survey area for regional geological survey, or rock mass classification operation by non-professional engineers. For these reasons, automated rock mass classification using LiDAR becomes popular for obtaining the quick and precise information. But there are several suggested algorithms for analyzing the rock mass discontinuities from point cloud data by LiDAR scanning, and it is known that the different algorithm gives usually different solution. Also, it is not simple to obtain the exact same value to hand mapping. In this paper, several discontinuity extract algorithms have been explained, and their processes for extracting rock mass discontinuities have been simulated for real rock bench. The application process for several algorithms is anticipated to be a good reference for future researches on extracting rock mass discontinuities from digital point cloud data by laser scanner, such as LiDAR.

Accuracy Evaluation of Earthwork Volume Calculation According to Terrain Model Generation Method (지형모델 구축 방법에 따른 토공물량 산정의 정확도 평가)

  • Park, Joon Kyu;Jung, Kap Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2021
  • Calculation of quantity at construction sites is a factor that has a great influence on construction costs, and it is important to calculate accurate values. In this study, topographic model was created by using drone photogrammetry and drone LiDAR to estimate earthwork volume. ortho image and DSM (Digital Surface Model) were constructed for the study area by drone photogrammetry, and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) of the target area was established using drone LiDAR. And through accuracy evaluation, accuracy of each method are 0.034m, 0.35m in horizontal direction, 0.054m, 0.25m in vertical direction. Through the research, the usability of drone photogrammetry and drone LiDAR for constructing geospatial information was presented. As a result of calculating the volume of the study site, the UAV photogrammetry showed a difference of 1528.1㎥ from the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) survey performance, and the 3D Laser Scanner showed difference of 160.28㎥. The difference in the volume of earthwork is due to the difference in the topographic model, and the efficiency of volume calculation by drone LiDAR could be suggested. In the future, if additional research is conducted using GNSS surveying and drone LiDAR to establish topographic model in the forest area and evaluate its usability, the efficiency of terrain model construction using drone LiDAR can be suggested.

Development of a Building Safety Grade Calculation DNN Model based on Exterior Inspection Status Evaluation Data (건축물 안전등급 산출을 위한 외관 조사 상태 평가 데이터 기반 DNN 모델 구축)

  • Lee, Jae-Min;Kim, Sangyong;Kim, Seungho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.665-676
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    • 2021
  • As the number of deteriorated buildings increases, the importance of safety diagnosis and maintenance of buildings has been rising. Existing visual investigations and building safety diagnosis objectivity and reliability are poor due to their reliance on the subjective judgment of the examiner. Therefore, this study presented the limitations of the previously conducted appearance investigation and proposed 3D Point Cloud data to increase the accuracy of existing detailed inspection data. In addition, this study conducted a calculation of an objective building safety grade using a Deep-Neural Network(DNN) structure. The DNN structure is generated using the existing detailed inspection data and precise safety diagnosis data, and the safety grade is calculated after applying the state evaluation data obtained using a 3D Point Cloud model. This proposed process was applied to 10 deteriorated buildings through the case study, and achieved a time reduction of about 50% compared to a conventional manual safety diagnosis based on the same building area. Subsequently, in this study, the accuracy of the safety grade calculation process was verified by comparing the safety grade result value with the existing value, and a DNN with a high accuracy of about 90% was constructed. This is expected to improve economic feasibility in the future by increasing the reliability of calculated safety ratings of old buildings, saving money and time compared to existing technologies.