• Title/Summary/Keyword: landform development

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Influence of Grid Cell Size and Flow Routing Algorithm on Soil-Landform Modeling (수치고도모델의 격자크기와 유수흐름 알고리듬의 선택이 토양경관 모델링에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, S.J.;Ruecker, G.R.;Agyare, W.A.;Akramhanov, A.;Kim, D.;Vlek, P.L.G.
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.122-145
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    • 2009
  • Terrain parameters calculated from digital elevation models (DEM) have become increasingly important in current spatially distributed models of earth surface processes. This paper investigated how the ability of upslope area for predicting the spatial distribution of soil properties varies depending on the selection of spatial resolutions of DEM and algorithms. Four soil attributes from eight soil-terrain data sets collected from different environments were used. Five different methods of calculating upslope area were first compared for their dependency on different grid sizes of DEM. Multiple flow algorithms produced the highest correlation coefficients for most soil attributes and the lowest variations amongst different DEM resolutions and soil attributes. The high correlation coefficient remained unchanged at resolutions from 15 m to 50 m. Considering decreasing topographical details with increasing grid size, we suggest that the size of 15-30 m may be most suitable for soil-landscape analysis purposes in our study areas.

The Type of Dwelling Sites of Ancient People and Excavation-Recommended Spot in the Viewpoint of Geomorphology - 'Ohnju Region Urban Development Business Site' as an Example - (지형학적 관점에서 본 고대인의 생활터전 유형 및 시굴 추천지점 -충남 아산 '온주지구 도시개발 사업부지'를 사례로-)

  • Park, Ji-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to assume the particular area of hills where it is highly possible for historical site to be buried in the viewpoint of geomorphology and based on this to suggest excavation-recommended area. Namely, this writer is to understand the dwelling site type of ancient people who had resided there at that time for the object of 'Ohnju region urban development business site' (referred as investigation area hereinafter) and considering the characteristics of micro-landform of hills which are distributed in investigation area and is to recommend the area where it is highly possible for historical site to be buried. The result of analysis is like the following. (1) Dwelling site types of ancient people who might have resided in the whole area of investigation region are discovered to be largely 'low hills+wetland' of Type-I and 'alluvial fan(or river terrace+wetland' of Type-II. (2) In investigation area if the area which has high possibility of distribution of historical site namely, excavation-recommended area is looked as based on micro-landform unit of hills, they are Crest slope and Crest flat. Individual area ratios which Crest slope and Crest flat occupies in investigation area are 12.9% and 10.2% respectively and the rankings are 3 and 6 each. And excavation-recommended areas in valley plain(or bottomland) of investigation area are in the vicinity of 'distal end' or 'buried distal end'of small scale alluvial fan.

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Spatial Designation of Impact Fee Zone based on the Parcel Development Permit Information (개발허가필지의 지리정보를 이용한 기반시설 부담구역 지정방안)

  • Choei, Nae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.116-127
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    • 2009
  • One of the criteria provided by the law to spatially determine the zones to levy the so-called development impact fee requires that the increase rate of the development permit should exceed that of the entire locality by more than 20 percent. Since the permits are issued to scattered parcels, however, it renders significant difficulties in accurately figuring out the finite local areas that exceed such legal criteria. This study, in this context, tries to join the development permit time-series data with the Korea Land Information System (KLIS) so that, with the aid of the landform layer and existing infrastructure layer, it could pinpoint the local area where the development activities are concentrating. Taking a sector in Yangpyong County as the case, the study demonstrates the methods to designate the zone by processing the permit information data.

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Spatial Designation of Impact Fee Zone Using the Parcel Development Permit Information (기반시설설치구역 지정을 위한 공간정보 적용방안 연구)

  • Choei, Nae-Young
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2009
  • In September, 2008, the government has amended the National Territory Planning Act" by adding criteria to designate the Impact Fee Zone on the basis of the increase rate of the development permit. Since the permits are issued to scattered parcels on the individual basis, however, it renders significant difficulties in accurately figuring out the finite local areas that exceed such legal criteria. This study, in this context, tries to join the development permit time-series data with the Korea Land Information System (KLIS) so that, with the aid of the landform layer and existing infrastructure layer, it could pinpoint the local area where the development activities are concentrating. Taking a sector in Yangpyong County as the case, the study practically demonstrates as to how the designation process is geospatially processed.

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Determination of the Impact Fee Zone by the Parcel Based Information of Development Permit (개발행위허가 지적정보에 의한 기반시설부담구역 선별방안)

  • Choei, Nae-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2009
  • One of the criteria provided by the law to designate the Impact Fee Zone requires that the increase rate of the development permit should exceed that of the entire locality by more than twenty percent. Since the permits are issued to scattered parcels on the individual basis, however, it renders significant difficulties in accurately figuring out the finite local areas that exceed such legal criteria. This study, in this context, tries to join the development permit time-series data with the Korea Land Information System (KLIS) so that, with the aid of the landform layer and existing infrastructure layer, it could pinpoint the local area where the development activities are concentrating. Taking a sector in Yangpyong County as the case, the study practically demonstrates as to how the designation process is geospatially processed.

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Development and distribution of geo-hazards triggered by the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake in China

  • Runqiu, Huang;Weile, Li
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2009.03a
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    • pp.1225-1234
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    • 2009
  • As the Wenchuan Earthquake was of high magnitude and shallow seismic focus, it caused great damage and serious geo-hazards. By the field investigation and remote-sensing interpretation after the earthquake and by using means of GIS, the distribution of geo-hazards triggered by the earthquake was analyzed and the conclusions are as follows: (1) the earthquake geo-hazards showed the feature of zonal distribution along the earthquake fault zone and linear distribution along the rivers; (2) the distribution of earthquake geo-hazards had a marked hanging wall effect, for the development density of geo-hazards in the hanging wall of earthquake fault was obviously higher than that in the foot wall and the width of strong development zone in the hanging wall was about 10 km; (3) the topographical slope was a main factor which controlled the development of earthquake geo-hazards and a vast majority of geo-hazards were distributed on the slopes of 20 to 50 degrees; (4) the earthquake geo-hazards had a corresponding relationship with the elevation and micro-landform, for most hazards happened in the river valleys and canyon sections below the elevation of 1500 to 2000 m, particularly in the upper segment of canyon sections (namely, the turning point from the dale to the canyon). Thin ridge, isolated or full-face space mountains were most sensitive to the seismic wave, and had a striking amplifying effect. In these areas, collapses and landslides were most likely to develop; (5) the study also showed that different lithologies determined the types of geo-hazards, and usually, landslides occurred in soft rocks, while collapses occurred in hard rocks.

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Evaluation Method Development for Ecological Restorations by Damaged Types (훼손지 유형에 따른 생태복원 평가방법 개발)

  • Choi, Jaeyong;Lee, Sanghyuk;Lee, Sol Ae;Ji, Seung Yong;Lee, Peter Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.121-133
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    • 2016
  • It was required to evaluate ecological restorations in a comprehensive way in order to systematically manage conservation areas such as DMZ and national parks in South Korea. In this research we developed a new approach to evaluating ecological restorations with more various indexes than vegetation covering-related indexes. By analyzing damaged areas in the vicinity of DMZ, major damaged types were identified as six classes: landform modification, surface loss, soil pollution, soil physio-chemical modification, vegetation decline and vegetation damaged. From literature review, 39 indexes were selected and were grouped into four divisions: soil property, vegetation growth & structure, habitat property and landscape structure & functions. By conducting a survey with the selected indexes targeting relevant experts, data on relative importance among the divisions and indexes by damaged type were collected. As a result, it was found that the orders and values of weighted values of the divisions were different by damaged type: for example, soil property (0.402), vegetation growth & structure (0.209), habitat property (0.225), landscape structure & function (0.163) for "landform modification"; but soil property (0.171), vegetation growth & structure (0.401), habitat property (0.270), landscape structure & function (0.158) for "vegetation decline". Similarly, evaluation indexes showed different orders and values of relative importance, easiness in field measurement and representativeness for the division by damaged type, and the values were used for calculating importance factor for each index. In the evaluation table, score1 and score2 were made by the importance factors of indexes multiplied by distribution values which present grades and by the weighted values of divisions. In conclusion, while dealing with the damaged type was considered significant for evaluating and managing restorations, further tests on this table with a range of cases were needed to improve its quality.

A Prediction of Forest Wetlands Distribution using Topographic Position Index (Topographic Position Index를 활용한 산지습지 분포예측)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Gwak, Haeng-Goo;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.194-204
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper was to propose a Topographic Position Index(TPI) method for predicting forest wetlands, and also to test the suitability of the predicted forest wetlands by comparing with the existing wetlands in Ulaju-gun and Gyengsangnam-do. A prediction of the spatial distribution of forest wetlands was accomplished by TPI grids from Digital Elevation Model(DEM), and the classification results of slope position and landform categories in study area using the TPI values. According to the results of predicting forest wetlands distribution by TPI method, the predicted area in case of less than $5^{\circ}$ flat slope criteria occupied 0.1%($1.38km^2$) of the total area, and 3.5%($37.1km^2$) of total area in below $10^{\circ}$ slope criteria. According to the results of the suitability analysis by comparing the predicted area with the existing forest wetlands, the suitability value (0.066) of the predicted area with less than $10^{\circ}$ flat slope criteria was the highest, but the predicted area in case of less than $20^{\circ}$ had the lowest value(0.019).

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Soil Characteristics on the Fluvial Surface in the Basin of Kyeongan-cheon (Stream) (경안천 유역 하성면에 발달한 토양 특성)

  • Kang, Young-Pork;Sin, Kwang-Sig
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.548-556
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the relict landform development of fluvial terrace and the soil characteristics occurring on the fluvial deposits. The physico-chemical properties of soil that are developed on terrace deposits and X-ray diffraction analysis of clay were investigated specifically. The horizon of $A_1$ consists of silt loam with reddish-brown color (5YR4/3). Its soil structures is a weak, fine, subangular, and blocky, breaking to granular. The horizon of $B_{1t}\;and\;B_{2t}$ are silt clay with either a yellowish red (5YR5/6), bright red (2.5YR4/6) color. This soil structure is weak, subangular, and blocky, with thin discontinuous bright red (2.5YR4/6) clay cutans and soft manganese concretions. This red soil structure is made on heavy-textures. It is packed compactly with parent materials of high fluvial surface sediments, and usually has a $A_1-B_{1t}-B_{2t}-C$ profile, from top to bottom. In most cases, clay accumulation in the B-horizon and clay cutans on ped surfaces are observed, which means the argillic horizon has formed. The soils derived from fluvial surface deposits are associated with soils. The soils on the high fluvial surface are considered to be a kind of paleo-red soil which were developed by strong desilicification and rubefaction, and strong leaching of bases under warmer bio-climatic condition during the old Pleistocene period. According to these morphological and anlaytical characteristics,geomorphological features and bio-climatic conditions under which the soil have developed on the high terrace sediment indicate that the soil should be classified as paleo-red soils.

The Value and Application of The Mt. Palgong in Daegu (대구 팔공산의 가치와 활용방안)

  • JEON, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.51-68
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    • 2012
  • This paper aims to investigate the value in culture, history and ecology of the Mt. Palgong. It attempts to build the strategy for making use of The Mt. Palgong by literature survey, interview, and field survey. The main results are as follows: 1) The boundary of physical geography of the Mt. Palgong is classified into two. The boundary of the Mt. Palgong limits to granite mass block in a narrow sense, while in a broad sense, the boundary of the Mt. Palgong includes a contact aureole to be bordered on the Mt. Palgong granite mass block. The boundary from a cultural viewpoint limits to Daegu city(excluding Dalseong county) and Gyeongsan city, Yeongcheon city, Gunwi county and Chilgok (Dongmyeong-myeon, Giseong-myeon) in Gyeongbuk province. 2) In the geological boundary, one of the south-west slope is clearer than that of the north-east slope of the Mt. Palgong. The landforms such as tor, sheeting joint and gutter are well developed as a whole. Mountain landform such as boulder stream, polygonal cracking is relatively well developed on the south-west slope, while river landform is relatively well developed on the north-east slope of the Mt. Palgong. 3) It is necessary to develope various masterpiece of interesting stories related to Mt. Palgong in order to make the Mt. Palgong excellent tour complex. 4) It is desirable to designate the Mt. Palgong as a national park for systematic management. A master plan should be ultimately designed to raise brand value of Daegu city, and make good identity of the city by restoring 'The Mt. Palgong Jecheondan' and registering 'Gatbawi' as world heritage. 5) It is reasonable that the method of development in The Mt. Palgong should be based on the pattern of 'slow life town'. 'The Mt. Palgong museum' will then be designed to give visitors all the informations on The Mt. Palgong.