• Title/Summary/Keyword: land classification

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Physical Geography of Sangju, Korea (상주(尙州)의 자연지리)

  • Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.281-294
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    • 2002
  • Inhabitants make a specific cultural landscape in various ways according to his culture. In this paper, I consider the characteristics of cultural landscapes distributed in Sangju. I divide Sangju-City Area owing to physical criteria(relief and drainage basin}, appreciate them according to human criteria(administrative district of Joseon Period, dialects, periodical market area} and classify into 6 small regions: (1) Nakyang Region is the traditionally central place based on alluvial plain marginal to Byeongseong stream and Dong stream, and on hills of Sabeol. (2) Nakdong Region is the traffic center which the water transport of Nakdong river and the land transport of Yeongnamdaero cross each other. (3) The upstream region of Byungseong stream is the agricultural region connected with Nakyang Region. (4) Jungmo Region is a intermontane basin where grape cultivation using its specific climate flourish. (5) Wharyeong Region is a mountainous sightseeing district based on the beautiful scenery and Gyeonwhueon's remains of Sogni mountains and Yongyu valley. (6) Hamnyeong Region is the district of Goryeonggaya realm where 3 whites(cocoon, dried persimmon, rice) are abundant.

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A Case Study on Suitability Analysis of Solid Waste Landfill Site utilizing GIS (GIS를 활용한 폐기물 매립지의 적지분석 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Yeon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Sung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2000
  • This research demonstrates the application of GIS to the selection of the waste landfill site through the case study of a urban area. The estimation factors for the suitability analysis of the waste landfill site were determined. The database was built through collection, input, and transformation of data. The recent land cover classification data and NDVI data which were obtained through processing of satellite imagery were incorporated into GIS data as estimation factors. The relative weights of importance among 2nd category estimation factors were determined by the pairwise comparison method. Also relative weights of 1st category estimation factors which are divided into the social-economical factor and the natural environmental factor were combined with those of 2nd category estimation factors. As the results of this case study, the suitability analysis was conducted in accordance with various estimation criteria. The highest suitability index was obtained in the case where we considered the relative weights of 2nd category estimation factors as different in the viewpoint which regards the social economical factor as important.

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Comparison of field- and satellite-based vegetation cover estimation methods

  • Ko, Dongwook W.;Kim, Dasom;Narantsetseg, Amartuvshin;Kang, Sinkyu
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2017
  • Background: Monitoring terrestrial vegetation cover condition is important to evaluate its current condition and to identify potential vulnerabilities. Due to simplicity and low cost, point intercept method has been widely used in evaluating grassland surface and quantifying cover conditions. Field-based digital photography method is gaining popularity for the purpose of cover estimate, as it can reduce field time and enable additional analysis in the future. However, the caveats and uncertainty among field-based vegetation cover estimation methods is not well known, especially across a wide range of cover conditions. We compared cover estimates from point intercept and digital photography methods with varying sampling intensities (25, 49, and 100 points within an image), across 61 transects in typical steppe, forest steppe, and desert steppe in central Mongolia. We classified three photosynthetic groups of cover important to grassland ecosystem functioning: photosynthetic vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation, and bare soil. We also acquired normalized difference vegetation index from satellite image comparison with the field-based cover. Results: Photosynthetic vegetation estimates by point intercept method were correlated with normalized difference vegetation index, with improvement when non-photosynthetic vegetation was combined. For digital photography method, photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic vegetation estimates showed no correlation with normalized difference vegetation index, but combining of both showed moderate and significant correlation, which slightly increased with greater sampling intensity. Conclusions: Results imply that varying greenness is playing an important role in classification accuracy confusion. We suggest adopting measures to reduce observer bias and better distinguishing greenness levels in combination with multispectral indices to improve estimates on dry matter.

A Study on the Classification of Types of Han Riverside Forests -In the Case of Yangpyeng and Yeoju gun- (남한강변 강변숲 조성을 위한 유형분류연구 -경기도 양평·여주군 구간을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Dong-Su
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2010
  • Riverside forests make a river bank stable because trees of them hold together the stone and soil by roots and decrease the speed of running fluid by trunks. So they become known to have positive effects on flood prevention. So This study will be a basic study to preserve and restore of riverside forests. The goal of this study is to classify types of Han riverside forests between Yangpyeng and Yeoju gun. and find out sites of planting. Results of this study can be summarized as follows; The evaluation indicators were set up based on literature review and site survey. Two indicator categories were developed: natural environment and human environment. And they were divided into 5 sub-categories for calculating weights. As for the major indicator categories, the weighted index of natural environment is at 0.5. And the weighted index of human environment is at 0.5 followed by access at 0.15, the range of user at 0.15, cultivated land at 0.1 and legislation at 0.1. This study selected 53 sites for riverside forests planting. They were classified with types of bank(11), level-upped riverside(32), island(10). The amount of the length of 11 bank types is 23,050m, the area of 32 level-upped riverside types is $4,490,000m^2$ and the area of 10 island types is $4,590,000m^2$. After the evaluation of 53 riverside forests, this study selected 12 sites of riverside forests. They were two bank types, nine level-upped riverside types, and one island type. Rebuilding riverside forests are to accomplish the green network which links and divides region. It will be one of the best ecological methods to construct friendly environmental region.

A Case Study on Vegetation System Applied on Cutting Slope (비탈면에 적용된 식생공법의 사례연구)

  • Lee, Cheo-Keun;Bae, Woo-Seok;Kim, Sang-Su;Han, Ju-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of vegetation on the cutting slope applied by vegetation system in the whole land. The engineering characteristics of slopes were investigated using the face mapping and physical tests. From the statistical methods, a relationship between a geologic stratum and degree of covering was independent. Therefore, the afforestation of slope was affected more by condition of vegetation as direction and opening of joints, and a topsoil state than by conventional classification of layer. It was concluded that the adjustable vegetation on the slope considering condition of geometric shape of slope, joint data and spontaneous type could make useful early afforestation.

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Study on the Classification of Rural Landscape which Needs to be Conserved in Daegu

  • Lee, Sook-Hyang;Kaneko, Tadakazu;Kumagai, Yoichi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Conference
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    • 2007.10b
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2007
  • The Korean rural landscape has changed significantly due to nationwide modernization and industrialization in recent years. Moreover, as urbanization progresses due to population and economic growth, rural areas surrounding the suburbs of cities are feeling the pressure of encroaching urban sprawl. Use of land for human-made structures such as road and housing development is also increasing, resulting in the destruction of nature in rural areas. Adopting a concept of conserving rural landscape in future development projects is therefore highly desirable.The main focus of this study is to look into the traditional concept of the village and to classify some elements of the traditional rural landscape. Daegu Metropolitan City, the third metropolitan city in Korea, is chosen as the subject of the study. The existing 227 villages have been studied on the basis of their principles and types of village locations in relation to the traditional concepts of 'Feng-shui' and 'Tackriji'. The characteristics of the village location are divided into two aspects: the natural landscape, such as topography, hydrosphere, and azimuth, and the historical and cultural landscape, such as customs(Only the natural landscape aspect is included in this study). The natural landscape, a condition of the village location, is divided into three areas: topography, hydrosphere, and azimuth. There are two types of topography: flatland type and mountain type. There are two sub-types in the mountain type: ridge and valley, which depend on the village location in relation to the shapes of the mountains. There are four types of hydrosphere which include waterways and three directions of mountain depending on the shape: front, behind and side. The direction of the village is analyzed from the direction which the houses in the village face. Therefore, the natural landscape element as a condition of the village location is closely related to the traditional concepts of the village.

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A Prediction of Forest Vegetation based on Land Cover Change in 2090 (토지피복 변화를 반영한 미래의 산림식생 분포 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Kim, Jae-Uk;Park, Chan
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2010
  • Korea's researchers have recently studied the prediction of forest change, but they have not considered landuse/cover change compared to distribution of forest vegetation. The purpose of our study is to predict forest vegetation based on landuse/cover change on the Korean Peninsula in the 2090's. The methods of this study were Multi-layer perceptrom neural network for Landuse/cover (water, urban, barren, wetland, grass, forest, agriculture) change and Multinomial Logit Model for distribution prediction for forest vegetation (Pinus densiflora, Quercus Spp., Alpine Plants, Evergreen Broad-Leaved Plants). The classification accuracy of landuse/cover change on the Korean Peninsula was 71.3%. Urban areas expanded with large cities as the central, but forest and agriculture area contracted by 6%. The distribution model of forest vegetation has 63.6% prediction accuracy. Pinus densiflora and evergreen broad-leaved plants increased but Quercus Spp. and alpine plants decreased from the model. Finally, the results of forest vegetation based on landuse/cover change increased Pinus densiflora to 38.9% and evergreen broad-leaved plants to 70% when it is compared to the current climate. But Quercus Spp. decreased 10.2% and alpine plants disappeared almost completely for most of the Korean Peninsula. These results were difficult to make a distinction between the increase of Pinus densiflora and the decrease of Quercus Spp. because of they both inhabit a similar environment on the Korean Peninsula.

An Analysis of the Spatial Range of Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) - Focusing on Landscape Ecological Aspects - (환경영향평가대상의 공간적 평가범위 설정에 관한 연구 - 경관생태학적 측면에서 -)

  • Oh, Kyushik;Kim, Hee-Ju;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.130-141
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    • 2009
  • The spatial range of EIA is mainly related to landscape ecological factors such as topography, geology, animals, and plants. Problems were detected involved land, soil, noise, oscillation, the atmosphere, animals, and plants in the natural-environment. First of all, the current EIA lacks explicit spatial ranges and sections in terms of scientific exactitude and objectivity for assessment. Secondly, there are overlapping influence-area problems resulting in cumulative impacts of unit developments that accumulate. Finally, some developments have no regard for ecological and conservational value in relation to determining which effect ecological stability, and which should be regarded as Regional Ecological Resources. Therefore, this study suggests that EIA should be improved in the following manner. First, the standard classification of landscape unit for analysis should be established 10 regulate each spatial range on a wide-landscape scale. Secondly, the impacts resulting from the interaction of overlapping influence-area developments between individual development should be assessed. Third, Minimization of the of the environmental effects is needed by applying the cumulative effects to the influence-area where developments occur in the same time or in a sequence. Fourth, individual characteristics of landscape elements such as roads, rivers, and green networks need to be considered separately in the analysis. Finally, regional ecological habitats should be included in the analysis in order to achieve stable ecosystems.

Patterning Waterbirds Occurrences at the Western Costal Area of the Korean Peninsula in Winter Using a Self-organizing Map (인공신경회로망을 이용한 서해안 겨울철 수조류의 발생특성 유형화)

  • Park, Young-Seuk;Lee, Who-Seung;Nam, Hyung-Kyu;Lee, Ki-Sup;Yoo, Jeong-Chil
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2007
  • This study focused on patterning waterbirds occurrences at the western costal area of the Korean Peninsula in winter and relating the occurrence patterns with their environmental factors. Waterbird communities were monitored at 10 different study areas, and the composition of land cover as environmental factors was estimated at each study area. Overall dabbling ducks were the most abundant with 84% of total individuals, followed by shorebird and diving ducks. Species Anae platyrhynchos was the first dominant species, and Anas formosa was the second one. Self-organizing map (SOM), an unsupervised artificial neural network, was applied for patterning wintering waterbird communities, and identified 6 groups according to the differences of communities compositions. Each group reflected the differences of indicator species as well as their habitats.

Development of USLExls and its Application for the Analysis of the Impact of Soil-Filling Work on Soil Loss (USLExls를 이용한 복토법에 따른 필지 단위 토양유실량 분석)

  • Kim, Sorae;Yu, Chan;Lee, Sang-Whan;Ji, Won-Hyun;Jang, Min-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.59 no.6
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    • pp.109-125
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to develop a parcel-unit soil loss estimation tool embedded in Excel worksheet, USLExls, required for the design of contaminated farmland restoration project and to analyze the impact of the project carried out soil-filling work on soil loss. USLE method was adopted for the estimation of average annual soil loss in a parcel unit, and each erosivity factor in the USLE equation was defined through the review of previous studies. USLExls was implemented to allow an engineer to try out different combinations just by selecting one among the popular formulas by each factor at a combo box and to simply update parameters by using look-up tables. This study applied it to the estimation of soil loss before and after soil-filling work at Dong-a project area. The average annual soil loss after the project increased by about 2.4 times than before on average, and about 60 % of 291 parcels shifted to worse classes under the classification criteria proposed by Kwak (2005). Although average farmland steepness was lower thanks to land grading work, the soil loss increased because the inappropriate texture of the cover soil induced the soil erosion factor K to increase from 0.33 before to 0.78 after the soil-filling work. The results showed that the selection of cover soil for soil-filling work should be carefully considered in terms soil loss control and the estimation of change in soil loss should be mandatory in planning a contaminated farmland restoration project.