• Title/Summary/Keyword: land classification

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Polarimetric Scattering of Sea Ice and Snow Using L-band Quad-polarized PALSAR Data in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard (북극 스발바드 콩스피오르덴 해역에서 L 밴드 PALSAR 데이터를 이용한 눈과 부빙에 의한 다중편파 산란특성 해석)

  • Jung, Jung-Soo;Yang, Chan-Su;Ouchi, Kazuo;Nakamura, Kuzaki
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • This study describes measurements of fast ice recorded on May 23, 2009, in Kongsfjorden (translated as 'Kongs Fjord'), an inlet on the west coast of Spitsbergen in the Svalbard Archipelago. Seasonal fast ice is an important feature for Svalbard fjords, both in relation to their physical environment and also the local ecosystem, since it grows seaward from the coast and remains in place throughout the winter. Ice thickness, snow, ice properties, and wind speed were measured, while SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data was observed simultaneously observed two times from ALOS-PALSAR (L-band). Measured ice thickness was about 25-35 cm while the thickness of ice floe broken from fast ice was measured as 10-15 cm. Average salinity was 1.9-2.0 ppt during the melting period. Polarimetric data was used to extract H/A/alpha-angle parameters of fast ice, ice floe, snow and glacier, which was classified into 18 classes based on these parameters. It was established that the area of fast ice represents surface scattering which indicates low and medium entropy surface scatters such as Bragg and random surfaces, while fast ice covered with snow belongs to a zone of low entropy surface scattering similar to snow-covered land surfaces. The results of this study will contribute to various interpretations of interrelationships between H/A/alpha parameters and the wave scattering Phenomenon of sea ice.

Survey for Farmland Development in Western Coast of North Korea Using Satellite Image Data (인공위성 화상데이터를 이용한 북한 서해안지역의 농지기반조성 현황조사)

  • An, Gi Won;Jo, Byeong Jin;Seo, Du Cheon;Lee, Jeong Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.96-96
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    • 2001
  • The aim of this study was to find out and confirm the project formulation, feasibility, scale and locations on the farmland development projects such as planned and ongoing tideland reclamation and irrigation facilities along the western coast of North Korea using satellite image data, Landsat TM, JERS OPS and SPOT PAN and aged maps. In order to apply to the study, remote sensing technologies such as geometric correction. digital mosaicking, image merging, linear extraction and land cover classification were studied. As the results of the study, the reclaimable tidal flats are recognized at about 178,000 ha equivalent to 59% of announced 300,000ha. and 16,000 ha of completed, 17,000 ha of ongoing project areas although 27,000 ha were revealed to be completed during 1987-1993. Almost planned projects are appeared to be shortage of water supply due to their small watersheds, however, most projects are connected with 2000 mile canal system.

A Water Quality Management System at Mokhyun Stream Watershed Using GIS and RS (GIS와 RS를 이용한 목현천 수질관리 정보체계)

  • Lee, In Soo;Lee, Kyoo Seock
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a Water Quality Management System(WQMS), which calculates pollutant discharge and forecasts water quality with a water pollution model. Operational water quality management requires not only controlling pollutants but acquiring and managing exact information. A GIS software, ArcView 3.1 was used to enter or edit geographic data and attribute data, and Avenue Script was used to customize the user interface. PCI, a remote sensing software, was used to derive land cover classification from 20 m resolution SPOT data by image processing. WQMS has two subsystems, database subsystem and modelling subsystem. The database subsystem consisted of watershed data from digital maps, remote sensing data, government reports, census data and so on. The modelling subsystem consisted of NSPLM(NonStorm Pollutant Load Model) and SPLM(Storm Pollutant Load Model). It calculates the amount of pollutant and predicts water quality. These two subsystems were connected through a graphic display module. This system has been calibrated for and applied to Mokhyun Stream watershed.

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A Study on the Development of Eco-cultural City Evaluation Indicator Using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) (AHP를 활용한 생태문화도시 평가지표 개발 연구)

  • Choi, Song-Hun;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to develop detailed evaluation indicator as a way for evaluating sustainable urban ecosystem health focused on ecological urban elements from an eco-cultural point of view after the appearance of Eco-cultural City to meet various needs. And this study was also conducted to search for ways to utilize the detailed evaluation indicator like institutionalization. Eco-cultural City was defined as a city where ecological environment and cultural environment coexist and was aimed to derive applicable planning indicators in Korea. For this, FGI was executed, planning indicators were derived, and suitability was examined. The weights were calculated based on the selected indicators through AHP expert survey. After getting the result of FGI, experts reviewed the adequacy of definition from Eco-cultural City and its necessity, and the applicability of planning indicators was examined with evaluation of suitability. As a result of evaluating suitability, it was judged that 41 indicators based on an overall average of 4 areas were relatively high on suitability and also important among sectors. As for the analysis result, the priority order in multistage classification was as followed : harmony between human and environment(B) 0.349, environmental resources(A) 0.266, city environment and quality of culture(C) 0.208, and role division and citizen participation(D) 0.177. In the second level of relative importance, environment protection and infra in the role and citizen participation section was the highest, 0.449, harmonization policy and system in calculating weights was the highest.

Downtown Area Cadastral Boundary Surveying Using Real-time GPS/GLONASS Combination

  • Seo, Dong-Ju;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Jong-Chool
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2003
  • To manage national territory and cadastral data efficiently, accuracy and cost-efficiency in cadastral boundary surveying is inevitable. The efficient management of cadastral data is a very important element in national land management. Survey techniques are being introduced. Recently, improvements in survey techniques have been made with the development of satellite surveying, Allowing accurate and fast surveys. If we can calculate the output accurately in real-time in survey fields, it will open a new method in cadastral detail surveying. According to the classification on Law of cadastral surveying, Cadastral surveying can be divided into cadastral control point surveying and cadastral detail surveying. The control point survey can be divided into cadastral triangulation surveying and cadastral traverse surveying. The detailed survey is usually perform by plane surveying. Among these, cadastral detail surveying will be reviewed in this study. In this study, the combination of the satellites, such as US managed GPS and Russian managed GLONASS was used. In the satellite survey in downtown, data interruption symptoms arose(according to the mask angle of the satellite). Therefore; we combined the satellites to get date more accurately. A block of Haewoondae New City in Busan, Korea, which has Numerical Cadastral Law was selected as the sample area for this study. Block II and III are surrounded by high rise apartments. One side of Block I and IV is level ground and the other side is full of high rise apartments. Especially, Block II is surrounded by high rise apartment houses with 20 meters width. In the results of the study Block II did not satisfy the allowable precision, while Block I, II and IV satisfied the allowable precision of the enforcement regulations of Cadastral Law. Therefore, it is judged that the traditionally used Total Station method should be used for supplementary survey on Block II, in stead.

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EU Water Framework Directive-River Basin Management Planning in Ireland

  • Earle, R.;Almeida, G.
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.105-109
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    • 2010
  • The European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) was transposed into Irish law by Statutory Instrument Nos. 722 of 2003, 413 of 2005 and 218 of 2009, which set out a new strategy and process to protect and enhance Ireland's water resources and water-dependent ecosystems. The Directive requires a novel, holistic, integrated, and iterative process to address Ireland's natural waters based on a series of six-year planning cycles. Key success factors in implementing the Directive include an in-depth and balanced treatment of the ecological, economic, institutional and cultural aspects of river basin management planning. Introducing this visionary discipline for the management of sustainable water resources requires a solemn commitment to a new mindset and an overarching monitoring and management regime which hitherto has never been attempted in Ireland. The WFD must be implemented in conjunction with a myriad of complimentary directives and associated legislation, addressing such key related topics as flood/drought management, biodiversity protection, land use planning, and water/wastewater and diffuse pollution engineering and regulation. The critical steps identified for river basin management planning under the WFD include: 1) characterization and classification of water bodies (i.e., how healthy are Irish waters?), 2) definition of significant water pressures (e.g., agriculture, forestry, septic tanks), 3) enhancement of measures for designated protected areas, 4) establishment of objectives for all surface and ground waters, and 5) integrating these critical steps into a comprehensive and coherent river basin management plan and associated programme of measures. A parallel WFD implementation programme critically depends on an effective environmental management system (EMS) approach with a plan-do-check-act cycle applied to each of the evolving six-year plans. The proactive involvement of stakeholders and the general public is a key element of this EMS approach.

Geophysical methods for the investigation of a closed dumping ground

  • Xin, Ling;Chu, Jian;Wang, Jing-Yuan;Yin, Ke;Tong, Huan-Huan;Chia, Charles Y.H.;Mohamed Noh, Omar A.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.727-739
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    • 2015
  • Reclamation of closed dumping grounds is a potential solution to solve land scarce problems. Traditional geotechnical investigations of closed dumping grounds face some problems, such as the emission of hazardous liquids and gases, and the lack of ground information due to the discontinuity between two boreholes. Thus, noninvasive and continuous investigation methods are needed to supplement traditional geotechnical investigations. In this paper, two types of geophysical investigation methods, Seismic Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) and 2D Resistivity, were carried out to study noninvasive and continuous site investigations for dumping grounds. The two geophysical methods are able to profile the distribution of physical properties of the fill and original materials, by which the extent of the dumping ground can be found and some anomalies in the subsurface can be located. Boreholes were used to assist in locating the dumping material-ground interfaces. The results show that dumping material-ground interfaces obtained from the two geophysical methods are roughly consistent. Moreover, attempt is made in the paper to use the geophysical methods to classify the types of dumping materials. The results show that the classification of dumping materials using the geophysical methods follows the results of the manual sorting of the dumping materials from a borehole.

Calculation of Passenger Car Equivalents on National Highway using Time Headway (차두시간을 이용한 일반국도의 승용차 환산계수 산정)

  • Kim, Tae-woon;Oh, Ju-sam
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.52-61
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    • 2015
  • PCE(Passenger Car Equivalents) is used to analysis of road capacity and LOS(Level of Service). In this study calculates PCE by number of lane and 12 vehicle type by MOLIT(Minister of Land, Infra Structure and Transport) using individual vehicle data. The results of the calculation, PCEs are increased when high vehicle classification level, many number of lanes and weekend. Heavy vehicle factors are smaller than KHCM on 4, 6 lane. Also, In this study estimates of PCE variation model by heavy vehicle percentage. Impact of Heavy vehicles on PCEs is the most sensitive on 2 lane. The results of the study, heavy vehicles low impact on PCE on multi-lane and business trips are a little in weekend.

Riparian forest and environment variables relationships, Chichibu mountains, central, Japan (일본 Chichibu산지 계반림의 입지환경)

  • Ann, Seong-Won
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2003
  • In most mountainous parts of the temperate zone of Japan along the Pacific Ocean, some climatic climax forests, whose main dominant species is Fagus crenate, F. japonica or Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata, are distributed. In the riparian regions of the zone, however, there appear summer green forests composed of the different species from the climatic climax forests. Climate plays an important role in determining the overall distribution of vegetation, but some environmental factors, i.e., topography, soil type, soil moisture content, etc. have a great influence on vegetation formation. Riparian forests seem to be controlled by various geomorphologic disturbances, such as landslide, soil erosion and accumulation. The study aims to present the relationships among vegetation, soils and landforms in the process of determining riparian forests dominated by Fraxinus platypoda and Pterocarya rhoifolia establishment in the mountainous region of central Japan. The study area extends an area of 302 ha with a range of elevation between 925 m and 1,681 m at the Chichibu mountains. The landforms were corditied at sampling grids (25 $\times$ 25 m, n = 4,843) using a hierarchical system, and a brief description of the forest soil classification was also given. The mutual relationship analysis indicated that forest soils and landforms play a significant role in determining the geomorphological process of riparian forest, and shaping the ultimate pattern of vegetation. At the study area, riparian forests were mainly found on the $B_E$ forest soil type and steep slopes ( > 30$^{\circ}$) at convex slopes along the streams. On the other hand, the direction of slopes did not have a significant impact on the establishment of the riparian forests. A mosaic of patchy distribution of those riparian forests on the slightly wetter $B_E$ forest soil type was one of the characteristic features of the study area. This particular soil which contained large talus gravels was found on the land formed by erosion and deposition of landslide.

Haussmann's Urban Green Space System in Paris' The Efficacities and the Logic of the Green Politics (오스만의 파리시 도심녹지시스템 : 그 효용성과 녹지정책의 논리)

  • 견진현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2003
  • The urban park provides a safe rest and leisure area, and offers the beauty of nature to counter the drearyness of urban space. It can provide benefits such as the reduction of environmental pollution, the regulation of the local climate, and it can also provide a safe area during times of disaster. However, there was no interest in urban park development and control in Korea during the economic boom of the mid 1960s. Furthermore, during the industrialization process, the population grew significantly in the cities and the cities' scales were noticeably extended; as a result of this, the living environment and the natural environment in the cities worsened. With rapid urbanization and industrialization, urban green area diminished, and it became necessary to organize the urban park system to improve quality of life. 45% of south korea's population lives in 6 cities, which is only 4% of Korea's land size. The Urban park system has to be considered in the urban planning process. Paris' urban green system can be a role-model for Korea's urban green development plan to function organically. Urban public park concepts have been used in Paris's urban planning since 1850. There were hardly any parks, gardens and squares for the public before the middle of the 19th century. For improving life-styles for the poor, Napoleon III strongly supported the development of green space systems in Paris by G.E. Haussmann. Napoleon III and Haussmann established and applied the urban green regulation within Paris urban planning. The purpose of this study is to investigate the green regulations Haussmann's Paris urban plan and urban green space system: and as a result of this, it can be an indicator for urban green space development in Korea.