• Title/Summary/Keyword: land classification

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Comparison of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Sensor Data for Land Use Classification

  • Kim, Dae-Sung;Han, Dong-Yeob;Yun, Ki;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.388-393
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    • 2002
  • Remote sensing data is collected and analyzed to enhance understanding of the terrestrial surface. Since Landsat satellite was launched in 1972, many researches using multispectral data has been achieved. Recently, with the availability of airborne and satellite hyperspectral data, the study on hyperspectral data are being increased. It is known that as the number of spectral bands of high-spectral resolution data increases, the ability to detect more detailed cases should also increase, and the classification accuracy should increase as well. In this paper, we classified the hyperspectral and multispectral data and tested the classification accuracy. The MASTER(MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator, 50channels, 0.4~13$\mu$m) and Landsat TM(7channels) imagery including Yeong-Gwang area were used and we adjusted the classification items in several cases and tested their classification accuracy through statistical comparison. As a result of this study, it is shown that hyperspectral data offer more information than multispectral data.

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Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Spectral Mutual Information (분광 상호정보를 이용한 하이퍼스펙트럴 영상분류)

  • Byun, Young-Gi;Eo, Yang-Dam;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2007
  • Hyperspectral remote sensing data contain plenty of information about objects, which makes object classification more precise. In this paper, we proposed a new spectral similarity measure, called Spectral Mutual Information (SMI) for hyperspectral image classification problem. It is derived from the concept of mutual information arising in information theory and can be used to measure the statistical dependency between spectra. SMI views each pixel spectrum as a random variable and classifies image by measuring the similarity between two spectra form analogy mutual information. The proposed SMI was tested to evaluate its effectiveness. The evaluation was done by comparing the results of preexisting classification method (SAM, SSV). The evaluation results showed the proposed approach has a good potential in the classification of hyperspectral images.

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A Study for the Land-cover Classification of Remote Sensed Data Using Quadratic Programming (원격탐사 데이터의 이차계획법에 의한 토지피복분류에 관한 연구)

  • 전형섭;조기성
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2001
  • This study present the quadratic programming as the classification method of remote sensed data applying to the extraction of landcover and examine it's applicable capability by comparing the classification accuracy of quadratic programming with that of neural network and maximum likelihood method which are used in the extraction of thematic layer. As the results, as drawing the more improved classification results by 6% than maximum likelihood method, we could discern that the method of quadratic programming is appliable to classifying the remote sensed data. Also, in the classification of quadratic programming method, we could definitely indicate the results which was ignored in the previous extreme(binary) classification method by affecting the class decision with the class composition proportion.

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A Study on the Classification System of Cadastral Cultural Heritage : Focusing on LX museum collection (지적 문화유산 분류체계 연구 - LX국토정보박물관 소장품을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2024
  • The fundamental basis for revitalizing cultural resources and developing content is national heritage(cultural property). In national heritage, cultural heritage is a tangible cultural heritage that represents the uniqueness of history and tradition, identity, and changes in life. In the case of museums, the collections (a museum-owned cultural heritage) represent the unique characteristics of the institution. In South Korea, it is recommended that museum collections be registered and used in the Cultural Heritage Standard Management System so that cultural heritage can be managed and utilized in connection with academics, industry, and administration. However, due to a lack of awareness of modern and contemporary heritage, the thematic classification chronology of the system was set mainly before the Joseon Dynasty, and a cultural heritage classification system suitable for national land information has not been established. Therefore, this study aims to propose a classification system for cadastral cultural heritage, based on the modern era when cadastral terminology was first used, using the cultural heritage owned by the LX Museum. Cadastral cultural heritage is characterized by the fact that although it is a field of specialized technology, the surveying or the production of it is not done by specific individuals only, and that while the production is professional, there are many educational aspects in its use. Therefore, unlike other specialized museum collections that are classified based on the functional aspects of their production methods, intended use, and creators, the classification method for cadastral cultural artifacts should be based on the characteristics of the cadastral tools and the outputs. This classification follows a three-tier stages with reference to the items in the Cultural Heritage Standard Management System. This classification aims at the effective use of knowledge by categorizing concepts and systematizing the subjects of data into a series of orders. A safe conservation and management environment for cadastral cultural heritage can be established, and academic and socio-cultural interpretation of the collection is possible by this classfication. Moreover, It is also expected to serve the basis for the national land information as well as searching for the national land information research, planning a exhibition, and the field of education in museum.

A study on the Derivation of Improvement Method for the Problems of the Current Land Category System - Focused on Land Category Classification and Conversion Cases - (현행 지목제도의 문제점에 대한 개선방안 도출에 관한 연구 - 지목의 설정과 변경 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Dae-Jiup;Shin, Man-Joong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2022
  • This study proposes a legal limit from the administrative and management standpoint of the city hall/county office/gu office, which is the cadastral authority, in relation to the discrepancy between the actual land use status and the cadastral study that has been continuously raised. And also, from the point of view of civil complaints such as landowners, this study tried to evaluate the practical problems of the current land category system from the point of view of civil complaints such as landowners and to derive a solution to these problems. Therefore, this study indicates how the category of land use is classified, and how land use is restricted by the laws of Registration & Management of public cadastre. Also, it shows the reasons why discrepancy between the land use fixed by the law and the current state of actual use of land occurs. Addtionally, This study suggests a plan to reorganize the Land Category system and it includes consolidation and subdivision of land. The study also describes a way to minimize the targets for conversion of land under control of Land Category System as well as to improve the law that protects the people's property rights.

Analysis of Electrical Conductivity during Desalinization of Reclaimed Tidal Lands (간척지 토양의 제염과정 중 전기전도도 분석)

  • 구자웅;최진규;손재권;윤광식;이동욱;조경훈
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2001
  • This study was performed in order to produce the basic data for developing prediction techniques of desalinization to be applicable to reclaimed tidal lands at the beginning stage. the desalinization experiments were carried out by two water management practices, namely, the leaching method by subsurface drainage and the rinsing method by surface drainage. The 5 soil samples used in this study were collected in 4 tidal land reclamation projects. Regression equations were obtained in order to investigate the changes of electrical conductivity during the desalinization of reclaimed tidal lands and to estimate water requirements for desalinization. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows: 1. According to USDA Salinity Laboratory classification system of salt affected soils the reclaimed tidal land soils used in this study were saline-sodic soils with the high electrical conductivity and the high exchangeable sodium percentage. 2. With the increase of the water requirements for desalinization the electrical conductivity was decreased with high degree of correlationships and the desalinization effects were remakable in both the leaching method and the rinsing method. 3. In case of the leaching method the electrical conductivity had been reduced below the classification value of salt affected soils when the depth o water leached per unit depth of soil (Dwl/Ds) was 0.3 and the desalinization effects showed a tendency to be much the same in each treatment.

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The Study of Physiographic province in Korea (한국지형구(韓國地形區))

  • Park, No-Sik
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.68
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    • pp.75-98
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    • 2005
  • Korea physiographic province is divided into two provinces which is northern Chugaryung graben zone and southern Chugraryung graben zone. Northern Chugraryung is also divided in to Gema block and Kohan block, and southern Chugraryung dividedinto Han block, Yongnam basin and Honam plain. The above mentioned macro geomorophic units is divided, mainly on the geotectonics. The meso geomorphic units is divided, based upon the regional distribution of topographic characteristic that is plateaus, mountains, mountain range, basins and great plain etc. Micro geomorphic units id into a mountain, a hill, a plain, and a lowland, and then it is formed by selfreliant topographic unit. And micro topographic (fan, peneplain, delta, etc) dealt with a characteristics unit. In this article has a disregarded amallest scale that is included flood plait natural levee, back marsh and oxbow lake etc. Accordingly, it shows macro units are meso units are 5, meso units are 53, micro units are 299. A study method of physiographic provincs prefered to aufsteigende and abstergands methoy. How to organically combine topographic factors can be seen in regional distribution of the peculiar topographic characteristics, for charage teristic of topographic makes a study on the topographic of micro unit such understanding as aufsteigende method. At the same time, since it can be studied systematically from marco unit to micro unit like the absteigende methods, I used both methods. And this establishment of physiographic province based on the scientific method depend on the base map of climate classification. Geology, Soil, Biology. I feel confident that it will be used the basic map for land use map, land classification map, study of geomorphology of Korea. And will be used for study of a topographic standard data.

Study on the Space Composition Characteristics in the Urban Complex Building (도심복합시설의 공간용도구성 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-Hee;Chae, Chang-U
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2010
  • The city means not only a geographical area as a role of the spatial boundary, but also a socio-economic place to communicate with each area. It requires various functions to get the income and economic-activities. But city has a limitation of a available land to provide the required functions and a sufficient space to supply the urban activity. Therefore, the development trend of city has not been to spread to the horizontal area any more and considered the vertical area. In addition, various functions put into a massive building because many people want to solve the daily requirements without spending time and cost in outer area. In this paper, it aimed at classifying the mixed-use building into function, circulation, relation according to the public and private space and the building shape to provide the design information such as land area, functional complex, accessibility, etc.. The classification of the mixed-use buildings is divided into four areas. The data are collected with foreign countries in Japan, Europe and US. Results of the study are as follows; First, the commercial function is mainly centered with other functions. Second, after studied the development scale, accessibility, building form, the commercial and residential area overwhelmly share at the total area.

Runoff Analysis for Weak Rainfall Event in Urban Area Using High-ResolutionSatellite Imagery (고해상도 위성영상을 이용한 도시유역의 소강우 유출해석)

  • Kim, Jin-Young;An, Kyoung-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2011
  • In this research, enhanced land-cover classification methods using high-resolution satellite image (HRSI) and GIS in terms of practicality and accuracy was proposed. It aims for understanding non-point pollutant origin/loading, assessment the efficiency of rainfall storage/infiltration facilities and sounds water-environment management. The result of applying enhanced land-cover classification methods to the urban region verifies that roof and road area are including various vegetations such as roof garden, flower bed in the median strip and street tree. This accounts for 3% of total study area, and more importantly it was counted as impervious area by GIS alone or conventional indoor work. The feasibility of the method was assessed by applying to rainfall-runoff analysis for three weak rainfall in the range of 7.1-10.5 mm events in 2000, Chiba, Japan. A good agreement between simulated and observed runoff hydrograph was obtained. In comparison, the hydrograph simulated with land-use parameters by the detailed land-use information of 10m grid had an error between 31%~71%, while enhanced method showed 4% to 29%, and showed the improvement particularly for reproducing observed peak and recession flow rate of hydrograph in weak rainfall condition.