• Title/Summary/Keyword: isotropic point

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Finite Element Stress Analysis according to Apical-coronal Implant Position

  • Kang, Tae-Ho;Kim, Su-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of apical-coronal implant position on the stress distribution after occlusal and oblique loading. Materials and Methods: The cortical and cancellous bone was assumed to be isotropic, homogeneous, and linearly elastic. The implant was apposed to cortical bone in the crestal region and to cancellous bone for the remainder of the implant-bone interface. The cancellous core was surrounded by 2-mm-thick cortical bone. An axial load of 200 N was assumed and a 200-N oblique load was applied at a buccal inclination of 30 degrees to the center of the pontic and buccal cusps. The 3-D geometry modeled in Iron CAD was interfaced with ANSYS. Results: When only the stress in the bone was compared, the minimal principal stress at load Points A and B, with a axial load applied at 90 degrees or an oblique load applied at 30 degrees, for model 5. The von Mises stress in the screw of model 5 was minimal at Points A and B, for 90- and 30-degree loads. When the von Mises stress of the abutment screw was compared at Points A and B, and a 30-degree oblique load, the maximum principal stress was seen with model 2, while the minimum principal stress was with model 5. In the case of implant, the model that received maximum von Mises stress was model 1 with the load Point A and Point B, axial load applied in 90-degree, and oblique load applied in 30-degree. Discussion and Conclusions: These results suggests that implantation should be done at the supracrestal level only when necessary, since it results in higher stress than when implantation is done at or below the alveolar bone level. Within the limited this study, we recommend the use of supracrestal apical-coronal positioning in the case of clinical indications.

Morphology-Based Step Response Extraction and Regularized Iterative Point Spread Function Estimation & Image Restoration (수리형태학적 분석을 통한 계단응답 추출 및 반복적 정칙화 방법을 이용한 점확산함수 추정 및 영상 복원)

  • Park, Young-Uk;Jeon, Jae-Hwan;Lee, Jin-Hee;Kang, Nam-Oh;Paik, Joon-Ki
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we present morphology-based step region extraction and regularized iterative point-spread-function (PSF) estimation methods. The proposed PSF estimation method uses canny edge detector to extract the edge of the input image. We extract feasible vertical and horizontal edges using morphology analysis, such as the hit-or-miss transform. Given extracted edges we estimate the optimal step-response using flattening and normalization processes. The PSF is finally characterized by solving the equation which relates the optimal step response and the 2D isotropic PSF. We shows the restored image by the estimated PSF. The proposed algorithm can be applied a fully digital auto-focusing system without using mechanical focusing parts.

Analysis on Optimal Approach of Blind Deconvolution Algorithm in Chest CT Imaging (흉부 컴퓨터단층촬영 영상에서 블라인드 디컨볼루션 알고리즘 최적화 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Jun;Min, Jung-Whan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2022
  • The main purpose of this work was to restore the blurry chest CT images by applying a blind deconvolution algorithm. In general, image restoration is the procedure of improving the degraded image to get the true or original image. In this regard, we focused on a blind deblurring approach with chest CT imaging by using digital image processing in MATLAB, which the blind deconvolution technique performed without any whole knowledge or information as to the fundamental point spread function (PSF). For our approach, we acquired 30 chest CT images from the public source and applied three type's PSFs for finding the true image and the original PSF. The observed image might be convolved with an isotropic gaussian PSF or motion blurring PSF and the original image. The PSFs are assumed as a black box, hence restoring the image is called blind deconvolution. For the 30 iteration times, we analyzed diverse sizes of the PSF and tried to approximate the true PSF and the original image. For improving the ringing effect, we employed the weighted function by using the sobel filter. The results was compared with the three criteria including mean squared error (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE) and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), which all values of the optimal-sized image outperformed those that the other reconstructed two-sized images. Therefore, we improved the blurring chest CT image by using the blind deconvolutin algorithm for optimal approach.

Reformation of Naphtha Cracking Bottom Oil for the Preparation of Carbon Fiber Precursor Pitch (탄소섬유용 프리커서 피치를 제조하기 위한 나프타 분해 잔사유의 개질)

  • Kim, Myoung Cheol;Eom, Sang Yong;Ryu, Seung Kon;Edie, Dan D.
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.745-750
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    • 2005
  • Naphtha cracking bottoms(NCB) oil was reformed by varying the heat treatment temperature, treatment time, and nitrogen flow rate in preparation of precursor pitch for isotropic pitch-based carbon fibers and activated carbon fibers. The reformed pitches were investigated in the yield, softening point, elementary analysis, and molecular weight distribution, and then the precursors reformed were melt spun to certify the optimum reforming conditions. The optimum precursor pitch was prepared when the NCB oil was reformed at $380^{\circ}C$, 3 h and 1.25 vvm $N_2$, and it's the softening point was around $240^{\circ}C$. The reforming resulted in product yield of 21 wt%. The C/H mole ratio of the precursor pitch increased from 1.07 to 1.34, the aromaticity increased from 0.85 to 0.88. The insolubles in benzene and quinoline were 30.0 wt% and 1.5 wt%, respectively. The spinning temperature was about $50^{\circ}C$ higher than the softening point. The molecular weights of the precursor components were distributed from 250 to 1250, and 80% of them were in the range of 250 to 700.

A study on the fatigue bending strength of quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates subjected to impact damage (축격손상을 받은 의사등방성 탄소섬유강화 복합재의 굽힘피로강도)

  • Park, Soo-Chul;Park, Seol-Hyeon;Jung, Jong-An;Cha, Cheon-Seok;Yang, Yong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.688-695
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    • 2017
  • Compared to metal, CFRP has excellent mechanical characteristics in terms of intensity, hardness, and heat resistance as well as its light weight that it is used widely in various fields. Therefore, this material has been used recently in the aerospace field. On the other hand, the material has shortcomings in terms of its extreme vulnerability to damage occurring internally from an external impact. This study examined the intensity up to its destruction from repeated use with the internal impact of a CFRP laminated plate that had also been exposed to external impact obtain design data for the external plate of aircraft used in the aerospace field. For the experimental method, regarding the quasi-isotopic type CFRP specimen and orthotropic CFRP specimen that are produced with a different layer structure, steel spheres with a diameter of 5 mm were collided to observe the resulting impact damage. Through a 3-point flexural fatigue experiment, the progress of internal layer separation and impact damage was observed. Measurements of the flexural fatigue strength after the flexural fatigue experiment until internal damage occurs and the surface impacted by the steel spheres revealed the quasi-isotopic layer structure to have a higher intensity for both cases.

Effects of Antenna Modeling in 2-D FDTD Simulation of an Ultra-Wide Band Radar for Nondestructive Testing of a Concrete Wall (콘크리트 벽의 비파괴검사를 위한 초광대역 레이더의 2차원 FDTD 시뮬레이션에서 안테나 모델링의 영향)

  • Joo, Jeong-Myeong;Hong, Jin-Young;Shin, Sang-Jin;Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Oh, Yisok
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents a finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) simulation and a data processing technique for radar sensing of the internal structure of a wall using an ultra-wide band antenna. We first designed an ultra-wide band anti-podal vivaldi antenna with a frequency range of 0.3~7 GHz which is chosen to be relatively low after considering the characteristics of wave attenuation, wall penetration, and range resolution. In this study the two-dimensional FDTD technique was used to simulate a wall-penetration-radar experiment under practical conditions. The next, the measured radiation pattern of the practical antenna is considered as an equivalent source in the FDTD simulation, and the reflection data of a concrete wall and targets are obtained by using the simulation. Then, a data processing technique has been applied to the FDTD reflection data to get a radar image for remote sensing of the internal structure of the wall. We compared the two different source excitations in the FDTD simulation; (1) commonly-used isotropic point sources and (2) polynomial curve fitting sources of the measured radiation pattern. As a result, when we apply the measured antenna pattern into the FDTD simulation, we could obtain about 2.5 dB higher signal to noise level than using a plane wave incidence with isotropic sources.

Contrast-Enhanced High-Resolution Intracranial Vessel Wall MRI with Compressed Sensing: Comparison with Conventional T1 Volumetric Isotropic Turbo Spin Echo Acquisition Sequence

  • Chae Jung Park;Jihoon Cha;Sung Soo Ahn;Hyun Seok Choi;Young Dae Kim;Hyo Suk Nam;Ji Hoe Heo;Seung-Koo Lee
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.1334-1344
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    • 2020
  • Objective: Compressed sensing (CS) has gained wide interest since it accelerates MRI acquisition. We aimed to compare the 3D post-contrast T1-weighted volumetric isotropic turbo spin echo acquisition (VISTA) with CS (VISTA-CS) and without CS (VISTA-nonCS) in intracranial vessel wall MRIs (VW-MRI). Materials and Methods: From April 2017 to July 2018, 72 patients who underwent VW-MRI, including both VISTA-CS and VISTA-nonCS, were retrospectively enrolled. Wall and lumen volumes, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were measured from normal and lesion sites. Two neuroradiologists independently evaluated overall image quality and degree of normal and lesion wall delineation with a four-point scale (scores ≥ 3 defined as acceptable). Results: Scan coverage was increased in VISTA-CS to cover both anterior and posterior circulations with a slightly shorter scan time compared to VISTA-nonCS (approximately 7 minutes vs. 8 minutes). Wall and lumen volumes were not significantly different with VISTA-CS or VISTA-nonCS (interclass correlation coefficient = 0.964-0.997). SNR was or trended towards significantly higher values in VISTA-CS than in VISTA-nonCS. At normal sites, CNR was not significantly different between two sequences (p = 0.907), whereas VISTA-CS provided lower CNR in lesion sites compared with VISTA-nonCS (p = 0.003). Subjective wall delineation was superior with VISTA-nonCS than with VISTA-CS (p = 0.019), although overall image quality did not differ (p = 0.297). The proportions of images with acceptable quality were not significantly different between VISTA-CS (83.3-97.8%) and VISTA-nonCS (75-100%). Conclusion: CS may be useful for intracranial VW-MRI as it allows for larger scan coverage with slightly shorter scan time without compromising image quality.

Implicit Numerical Integration of Two-surface Plasticity Model for Coarse-grained Soils (Implicit 수치적분 방법을 이용한 조립토에 관한 구성방정식의 수행)

  • Choi, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2006
  • The successful performance of any numerical geotechnical simulation depends on the accuracy and efficiency of the numerical implementation of constitutive model used to simulate the stress-strain (constitutive) response of the soil. The corner stone of the numerical implementation of constitutive models is the numerical integration of the incremental form of soil-plasticity constitutive equations over a discrete sequence of time steps. In this paper a well known two-surface soil plasticity model is implemented using a generalized implicit return mapping algorithm to arbitrary convex yield surfaces referred to as the Closest-Point-Projection method (CPPM). The two-surface model describes the nonlinear behavior of coarse-grained materials by incorporating a bounding surface concept together with isotropic and kinematic hardening as well as fabric formulation to account for the effect of fabric formation on the unloading response. In the course of investigating the performance of the CPPM integration method, it is proven that the algorithm is an accurate, robust, and efficient integration technique useful in finite element contexts. It is also shown that the algorithm produces a consistent tangent operator $\frac{d\sigma}{d\varepsilon}$ during the iterative process with quadratic convergence rate of the global iteration process.

Quantitative Assessment and Ligament Traceability of Volume Isotropic Turbo Spin Echo Acquisition (VISTA) Ankle Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Fat Suppression versus without Fat Suppression (발목관절 VISTA 자기공명영상에서 정량평가와 인대의 Traceability: 지방억제 대비 지방억제기법)

  • Cho, Kyung Eun;Yoon, Choon-Sik;Song, Ho-Taek;Lee, Young Han;Lim, Daekeon;Suh, Jin-Suck;Kim, Sungjun
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 2013
  • Purpose : To compare the image quality and ligament traceability in ankle images obtained using Volume Isotropic Turbo Spin Echo Acquisition (VISTA) MRI with and without fat suppression. Materials and Methods: The signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) in images from a phantom and from the ankle of a volunteer were compared. Ten ankles from 10 non-symptomatic volunteers were imaged for comparisons of contrast ratio (CR) and ligament traceability. All examinations were performed using VISTA sequences with and without fat suppression on a 3T MRI scanner. The SNRs were obtained from images with subjects and without subjects (noise-only). Contrast ratios from images of the 10 ankles were acquired between fluid and tendon (F-T), F-cartilage (C), F-ligament (L), fat (f)-T, f-C and f-L. Two musculoskeletal radiologists independently scored the traceability of 7 ligaments, in sagittal, axial and coronal images respectively, based on a 4-point scale (1 as not traceable through 4 as clearly traceable). The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare the CR. Fisher's exact test and Pearson's chi-squared test were used to compare the ligament traceability. Results: The SNRs did not differ significantly between the two sequences except in bone marrow. VISTA SPAIR showed the higher CR only in F-T (p = 0.04), whereas VISTA showed higher CR in f-T (p = 0.005), f-C (p = 0.005) and f-L (p = 0.005). The calcaneofibular ligament traceability with VISTA was superior to that obtained with VISTA SPAIR (p < 0.05) in all planes. Conclusion: VISTA showed significant superiority to VISTA SPAIR in tracing CFL due to the superior CR between fat and ligament.

Finite Element Analysis of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation and Scattering (초음파 전파 및 산란 문제의 유한요소 해석)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Jo;Park, Moon-Cheol;Park, Yun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.411-421
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    • 2002
  • The accurate analysis of ultrasonic wave propagation and scattering plays an important role in many aspects of nondestructive evaluation. A numerical analysis makes it possible to perform parametric studies, and in this way the probability of detection and reliability of test results can be improved. In this study, a finite element method was developed for the analysis of ultrasonic fields, the accuracy of results was checked by solving several representative problems. The size of element and the integral time step, which are the critical components for the convergence of numerical results, were determined in a commercial finite element code. Several propagation and scattering problems in 2-D isotropic and anisotropic materials were solved and their results were compared with known analytical or experimental results.