• Title/Summary/Keyword: integrated information map

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Improvement of the Criteria on Naturalness of the Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) (국토환경성평가지도 자연성 평가기준 개선)

  • Song, Wonkyong;Kim, Eunyoung;Jeon, Seong Woo;Park, Sangho;Lee, June
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2012
  • The Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) is a five grade assessment map created with nationally integrated environmental information and environmental values. The map is made through the evaluation of 65 items, including greenbelt area and naturalness. Naturalness means original state of nature, and it is one of the most important evaluation items for conserving nature. The criteria of naturalness includes the Degree of Green Naturality (DGN) made by MOE. Using the data which has been not updated is a problem of accuracy for ECVAM. Therefore, this study would like to improve the criteria of naturalness. To improve the criteria, the study examined the effectiveness of DGN using field survey. The results of analysis the naturalness without DGN, some area changed grade of naturalness have been already damaged or cleared for agriculture and industrial purposes. The grade of naturalness should be included the concept of vegetation transition like DGN. The study suggested a improved method using vegetation type (natural and planted forest), forest age, and the grade of vegetation conservation. The method was reviewed by experts and field survey. After applying the method in South Korea, the grade of naturalness were distributed evenly like GradeI is 38.87%, GradeII is 37.62%, GradeIII is 23.51%, respectively. From the results of field survey, over 4 grade of forest age in natural forest showed similar pattern of structure and composition in original forests. Therefore, the improved criteria explained the naturalness better than existing criteria, and the accuracy of ECVAM has been improved more.

Application of Geophysical Methods to Cavity Detection at the Ground Subsidence Area (물리탐사 기술의 지반침하지역 공동탐지 적용성 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Ryol;Kim, Jung-Ho;Park, Young-Soo;Park, Sam-Gyu;Yi, Myeong-Jong;Son, Jeong-Sul;Lim, Heong-Rae;Jeong, Ji-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.376-383
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    • 2005
  • In this study, we conducted geophysical investigations for the organization of integrated geophysical methods to detect underground cavities of ground subsidence area at the field test site, located at Yongweol-ri, Muan-gun. We examined the applicability of geophysical methods such as electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, and microgravity to cavity detection with the aid of borehole survey results. Underground cavities are widely present within the limestone bedrock overlain by the alluvial deposits in the area of the test site where the ground subsidences have occurred in the past. The limestone cavities are mostly filled with groundwater and clays in the test site. Thus, cavities have low electrical resistivity and density compared to the surrounding host bedrock. The results of the study have shown that the zones of low resistivity and density correspond to the zones of the cavities identified in the boreholes at the site, and that the geophysical methods used are very effective to detect underground cavities. Furthermore, we could map the distribution of cavities more precisely with the test results incorporated from the various geophysical methods. It is also important to notice that the microgravity method is a very promising tool since it has rarely used for the cavity detection in korea. Beyond the investigation of underground cavities, the geophysical methods are required to provide useful information for the reinforcement design for the ground subsidence areas. It is, therefore, necessary to develop integrated geophysical technique incorporating different geophysical methods to precisely map underground cavities and image the subsurface of the ground subsidence areas.

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Integration of Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Images and GIS Thematic Data for Supervised Land Cover Classification

  • Jang Dong-Ho;Chung Chang-Jo F
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.315-327
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    • 2004
  • Nowadays, interests in land cover classification using not only multi-sensor images but also thematic GIS information are increasing. Often, although useful GIS information for the classification is available, the traditional MLE (maximum likelihood estimation techniques) does not allow us to use the information, due to the fact that it cannot handle the GIS data properly. This paper propose two extended MLE algorithms that can integrate both remote sensing images and GIS thematic data for land-cover classification. They include modified MLE and Bayesian predictive likelihood estimation technique (BPLE) techniques that can handle both categorical GIS thematic data and remote sensing images in an integrated manner. The proposed algorithms were evaluated through supervised land-cover classification with Landsat ETM+ images and an existing land-use map in the Gongju area, Korea. As a result, the proposed method showed considerable improvements in classification accuracy, when compared with other multi-spectral classification techniques. The integration of remote sensing images and the land-use map showed that overall accuracy indicated an improvement in classification accuracy of 10.8% when using MLE, and 9.6% for the BPLE. The case study also showed that the proposed algorithms enable the extraction of the area with land-cover change. In conclusion, land cover classification results produced through the integration of various GIS spatial data and multi-spectral images, will be useful to involve complementary data to make more accurate decisions.

A Study on the Utilization of Biotope Map in Urban Planning - Focusing on the land use designation and planned urbanized area - (도시계획 수립에 있어 도시생태현황지도 활용방안 연구 - 용도지역과 시가화예정용지를 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Jeon-O;Park, Seok-Cheol;Baek, Seung-A
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2021
  • In South Korea, there is a growing domestic need for a biotope map which contains ecological and environmental geographic information of a city. After the production of a Urban Ecological Maps(biotope map) by the Seoul metropolitan government in 2000, Natural Environment Conservation Act was revised in 2017 to make it mandatory for a local government to draw up its own urban ecological map. The aim of the present study was to find out ways to utilize an urban ecological map as a mean of communication between natural environment planning and urban planning sectors in a preliminary stage before introducing a big framework of 'environmental and ecological planning.' The northern area of Incheon metropolitan city was selected as the target area for this study. The major research content includes a comparative analysis of special-purpose zones, urban planning zones, restricted development zones, and conservation forests with focus on biotope types and Grades 1 of 'Biotope Type Assessment.' Farmland biotopes and forest biotopes within an area designated as an urban zone (residential, commercial and industrial zones) need to be redesignated as a zone which can conserve them. Especially considering a high possibility of damage to a large scale of natural green areas, these areas need to be readjusted immediately. If the entire area designated as an urban planning zone is to be developed, it is likely to cause serious damage to natural biotopes in the area (56.2%), including farmland biotope (30.4%), forest biotope (15.0%) and grassland biotope (10.8%), and thus, readjustment is needed. In case of a conservation forest, as it can possibly be damaged by the designation of special-purpose zones, it is necessary to match the designation of conservation forests or a special-purpose zones with their biotope types. In conclusion, we present a variety of thematic maps for utilization of an urban ecological map and propose a phase-specific environmental and ecological plan. Phase 1 is the establishment of a urban plan in consideration of ecological status; Phase 2 is the independent establishment of an environmental and ecological plan by an environment department; Phase 3 is an integrated management of ecological planning system and urban planning system.

A Study on the Integration of Airborne LiDAR and UAV Data for High-resolution Topographic Information Construction of Tidal Flat (갯벌지역 고해상도 지형정보 구축을 위한 항공 라이다와 UAV 데이터 통합 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Jin;Lee, Jae Bin;Kim, Yong Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2020
  • To preserve and restore tidal flats and prevent safety accidents, it is necessary to construct tidal flat topographic information including the exact location and shape of tidal creeks. In the tidal flats where the field surveying is difficult to apply, airborne LiDAR surveying can provide accurate terrain data for a wide area. On the other hand, we can economically obtain relatively high-resolution data from UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) surveying. In this study, we proposed the methodology to generate high-resolution topographic information of tidal flats effectively by integrating airborne LiDAR and UAV point clouds. For the purpose, automatic ICP (Iterative Closest Points) registration between two different datasets was conducted and tidal creeks were extracted by applying CSF (Cloth Simulation Filtering) algorithm. Then, we integrated high-density UAV data for tidal creeks and airborne LiDAR data for flat grounds. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and tidal flat area and depth were generated from the integrated data to construct high-resolution topographic information for large-scale tidal flat map creation. As a result, UAV data was registered without GCP (Ground Control Point), and integrated data including detailed topographic information of tidal creeks with a relatively small data size was generated.

A Study on the Construction of a Document Input/Output system (문서 입출력 시스템의 구성에 관한 연구)

  • 함영국;도상윤;정홍규;김우성;박래홍;이창범;김상중
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.29B no.10
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    • pp.100-112
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    • 1992
  • In this paper, an integrated document input/output system is developed which constructs the graphic document from a text file, converts the document into encoded facsimile data, and also recognizes printed/handwritten alphanumerics and Korean characters in a facsimile or graphic document. For an output system, we develop the method which generates bit-map patterns from the document consisting of the KSC5601 and ASCII codes. The binary graphic image, if necessary, is encoded by the G3 coding scheme for facsimile transmission. For a user friendly input system for documents consisting of alphanumerics and Korean characters obtained from a facsimile or scanner, we propose a document recognition algirithm utilizing several special features(partial projection, cross point, and distance features) and the membership function of the fuzzy set theory. In summary, we develop an integrated document input/output system and its performance is demonstrated via computer simulation.

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Dsign of Virtual Manufacturing Device for MMS Operations in MAP Network (MAP네트웨크에서 MMS운영을 위한 가상 제조 기기의 설계)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Sang-Beom
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.397-405
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    • 1995
  • In order to operate the automatic devices of manufacturing process more efficiently and to solve the needs of the resource sharing,network technology is applied to the unit control devices located in common manufacturing zone and operated by connecting them.In this paper,functional standard of the network operation layer is set as MAP standard application layer of MMS(manufacturing message standard)for the cell or group,which is suggested by CIM (computer integrated manufacturing) standardization as common manufacturing zone.MMS is composed of abstract message which is not consider specific devices.Then,specific message standard must be defined to operate MMS.It is designed as VMD (virtual manufacturing device)objects which are abstract objects to perform group management based on the companion standard.Also they are operated in the group management model system.Group management operation takes multicast communication method which is the communication from single source to the multiple sinks, and the group management system and unit control devices are performed as VMD and real device mapping.

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Assessment of Regional Seismic Vulnerability in South Korea based on Spatial Analysis of Seismic Hazard Information (공간 분석 기반 지진 위험도 정보를 활용한 우리나라 지진 취약 지역 평가)

  • Lee, Seonyoung;Oh, Seokhoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.573-586
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    • 2019
  • A seismic hazard map based on spatial analysis of various sources of geologic seismic information was developed and assessed for regional seismic vulnerability in South Korea. The indicators for assessment were selected in consideration of the geological characteristics affecting the seismic damage. Probabilistic seismic hazard and fault information were used to be associated with the seismic activity hazard and bedrock depth related with the seismic damage hazard was also included. Each indicator was constructed of spatial information using GIS and geostatistical techniques such as ordinary kriging, line density mapping and simple kriging with local varying means. Three spatial information constructed were integrated by assigning weights according to the research purpose, data resolution and accuracy. In the case of probabilistic seismic hazard and fault line density, since the data uncertainty was relatively high, only the trend was intended to be reflected firstly. Finally, the seismic activity hazard was calculated and then integrated with the bedrock depth distribution as seismic damage hazard indicator. As a result, a seismic hazard map was proposed based on the analysis of three spatial data and the southeast and northwest regions of South Korea were assessed as having high seismic hazard. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for constructing seismic risk management systems to minimize earthquake disasters.

Development of Integrated Management System for Steep Slope Prevention and Management (급경사지 방재 및 관리를 위한 급경사지정보 통합관리시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Kyungchul;Jang, Yonggu;Song, Jihye;Kang, Injoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2014
  • Recently, the National Emergency Management Agency of Korea has been operating the National Disaster Management System. Nevertheless, there are numerous difficulties in systematic controlling the steep slope DB promptly, because the system's functions in input and control for steep slope information are merely simple. Futhermore, the hazard degrees of steep slope lands nowadays have risen suddenly in accordance with the increase rate of large scale landslides such as the landslide cases of Umyeonmountain, Chuncheon province and others or sever rain storm cases. these lead to rapid increases in frequencies of nature disasters nationally. therefore, it is needed to develop the GIS-based integrated management system for steep slope information in order to manage disasters in advance or high-degree control. This study shows the national GIS-based integrated management system to prevent the disasters that caused by steep slope lands. The integrated management system developed in this study consists of surface information input modules, realtime DB liaison modules of integrated underground information, V-world background map-based GIS, integrated management system for steep slope information user modules, realtime liaison interface modules designed for utilizing steep slope information. Also, tests about stability of data storage, system stability and consistency of processing speed were performed.

A Study on the Stratege for Intergrating National Geographic Information System and National Very High-speed Communication Network (국가지리정보시스템과 초고속 정보통신망의 연계전략에 관한 연구)

  • 유근배;황철수;구자용;오충원
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 1997
  • National Geographic Information System(NGIS) should be designed on the assumption that geographic data collected by each national organization should be integrated into geographic database systemically. To achieve this object, NGIS database would be better connected to National Very High-Speed Communication Network. In the process of research, some problems related to Korean NGIS are found. These are standardization, compatibility, extension, issue of making and opening digital map, and issue related to land information. So, it is required that pilot project apply National Geographic Information System in terms of National Very High-Speed computer network project. This project is to contain two main theme building of physical network and special management of network which is related with NGIS.

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