• Title/Summary/Keyword: initial land surface

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Characteristicsin Spatial Distribution of Incision and Uplift Based on the Highest Level Terraces Around the Taebaek Mountains (하안단구 최고위면에 기초한 태백 산지 일대의 하각과 융기의 공간 분포 특성)

  • Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes the spatial distribution of the highest level terrace which can be regarded as an initial land surface before the uplift of the Taebaek Mountains and estimates spatial characteristics of the incision and uplift rates around the Mountains. The altitude above the riverbed of the 54 highest level terraces seems to be greatly influenced by the incision of large stream and their elevation shows a high correlation with the uplift of the Mountains. The elevation of the terraces in the north and middle parts decreases westward with a rate of 5~6 m/km and meets with the sea level at area 100~120 km apart from the Mountains. Therefore, it can be suggested that the west coast of Korea might have generally experienced subsidence during the Quaternary. The elevation of the terraces suggests that area with a direction of N-S or NNW-SSE from Yeoryang-myeon, Jeongseon-gun to Taebaek-si shows the highest uplift rate around the Mountains and area with a direction of N-S connecting Girin-myeon, Inje-gun and Pyeongchang-eup, Pyeongchang-gun also indicates a high uplift rate.

Applicable Evaluation of the Latest Land-use Data for Developing a Real-time Atmospheric Field Prediction of RAMS (RAMS의 실시간 기상장 예측 향상을 위한 최신 토지피복도 자료의 적용가능성)

  • Won, Gyeong-Mee;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Yu, Jeong-Ah;Hong, Hyun-Su;Hwang, Man-Sik;Chun, Kwang-Su;Choi, Kwang-Su;Lee, Moon-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2008
  • Chemical Accident Response Information System (CARIS) which has been designed for the efficient emergency response of chemical accidents produces the real-time atmospheric fields through the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System, RAMS. The previous studies were emphasized that improving an initial input data had more effective results in developing prediction ability of atmospheric model. In a continuous effort to improve an initial input data, we replaced the land-use dataset using in the RAMS, which is a high resolution USGS digital data constructed in April, 1993, with the latest land-use data of the Korea Ministry of Environment over the South Korea and simulated atmospheric fields for developing a real-time prediction in dispersion of chemicals. The results showed that the new land-use data was written in a standard RAMS format and shown the modified surface characteristics and the landscape heterogeneity resulting from land-use change. In the results of sensitivity experiment we got the improved atmospheric fields and assured that it will give more reliable real-time atmospheric fields to all users of CARIS for the dispersion forecast in associated with hazardous chemical releases as well as general air pollutants.

A RAMS Atmospheric Field I Predicted by an Improved Initial Input Dataset - An Application of NOAA SST data - (초기 입력 자료의 개선에 의한 RAMS 기상장의 예측 I - NOAA SST자료의 적용 -)

  • Won, Gyeong-Mee;Jeong, Gi-Ho;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Jung, Woo-Sik;Lee, Kang-Yoel
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.489-499
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    • 2009
  • In an effort to examine the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS ver. 4.3) to the initial meteorological input data, detailed observational data of NOAA satellite SST (Sea Surface Temperature) was employed. The NOAA satellite SST which is currently provided daily as a seven-day mean value with resolution of 0.1 $^{\circ}$ grid spacing was used instead of the climatologically derived monthly mean SST using in RAMS. In addition, the RAMS SST data must be changed new one because it was constructed in 1993. For more realistic initial meteorological fields, the NOAA satellite SST was incorporated into the RAMS-preprocess package named ISentropic Analysis package (ISAN). When the NOAA SST data was imposed to the initial condition of prognostic RAMS model, the resultant performance of near surface atmospheric fields was discussed and compared with that of default option of SST. We got the good results that the new SST data was made in a standard RAMS format and showed the detailed variation of SST. As the modeling grid became smaller, the SST differences of the NOAA SST run and the RAMS SST43 (default) run in diurnal variation were very minor but this research can apply to further study for the realistic SST situation and the development in predicting regional atmospheric field which imply the regional circulation due to differential surface heating between sea and land or climatological phenomenon.

Analysis on the Type of Damaged Land in DeMilitarized Zone(DMZ) Area and Restoration Direction (비무장지대(DMZ) 인근의 훼손지 유형 분석 및 복원방향)

  • Sung, Hyun-Chan;Kim, Su-Ryeon;Kang, Da-In;Seo, Joung-Young;Lee, Sang-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2016
  • Purpose of this study is to classify damaged lands according to the cause of the damage and their influences based on characteristic of the damaged lands in DeMilitarized Zone(DMZ) area, and utilize this study as a fundamental study for establishment of ecosystem restoration system. Literature review and field survey have been conducted to review the damage status of DMZ area. For field survey, first year and second year have been conducted, in which type of the damage has been reviewed in this study. In the result, types of damage have been classified into 6 categories: 'alteration of initial landform', 'loss of surface layer', 'land pollution', 'alteration of soil chemical property', 'decline of vegetation', and 'invasion of foreign species'. Restoration for each damage type is as following. First, for alteration of initial landform, the land is restored to the original landform prior to the damage and connection to surrounding ecosystem is considered. Second, for loss of surface layer, lost surface layer is restored or further loss is prevented with stabilization. Third, for land pollution, source of the pollution is eradicated or self-circulation with purification of polluted land is encouraged. Fourth, for alteration of soil chemical property, soil is restored of its original property with eradication of the pollution source and improvement of soil. Fifth, for decline of vegetation, current vegetation and anticipated alteration in future are considered and number of wild species is to be increased based on structure and characteristic of nearby vegetation. Sixth, for invasion of foreign species, prevention of dominance by risky species and facilitation ecological stability with ecological management are to be considered. Influence according to the cause of damage has occurred in secondary(indirect) influence or simultaneous occurrence of several damage types. Considering all these aspects, when type of the damage is complex, restoration process for each of former mentioned 6 damage types with solitary influence should be considered in unison.

Modeling Land Surface Temperature Using Spatial Statistical Methods: A Regression Modelling Approach to Analyzing Spatial Patterns Between Temperature and Demographic Data in Seoul, South Korea (공간통계 기법을 이용한 서울시 지표면온도 모델링: 온도와 인구변수 간의 공간적 분포를 고려한 회귀모형분석)

  • Lee, Changho;Kim, Hyeondeok
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzes the relationship between demographic data and land surface temperature (LST) in urban areas using statistical approach. Remote sensing techniques, LST values were used to derive from Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery, while demographic variables-such as employment density and population density-were incorporated from census output area data. Initial modeling with ordinary least squares (OLS) regression was found to be unreliable due to assumption violations, prompting the adoption of a spatial regression approach. The spatial error model ultimately proved most effective in capturing the relationship between LST and demographic factors. Findings revealed a positive correlation between surface temperature and population variables: a 10% increase in employment density corresponded to a 0.095% rise in surface temperature, while a 10% increase in population density led to a 0.085% increase. Dummy variables representing rivers and mountainous areas were incorporated to control for potential overestimation by natural environmental factors, showing a negative correlation with surface temperature. Additionally, residuals exceeding 2.5 standard deviations identified high-temperature zones associated with specialized land use (e.g., military installations, airfields, parking lots, and railway facilities), whereas residuals below -2.5 standard deviations indicated cooler, natural areas.

Trajectory and Attitude Control for a Lunar lander Using a Reference Model (2nd Report)

  • Abe, Akio;Uchiyama, Kenji;Shimada, Yuzo
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.531-536
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a redesigned guidance and control system for a lunar lander is presented. In past studies, the authors developed a trajectory and attitude control system which achieves the vertical soft landing on the lunar surface. It is confirmed that the system has a good tracking ability to a predefined profile and good robustness against a thruster failure mode where a partial failure of clustered engines was assumed. However, under the previous control laws, the landing point tends to be shifted, in response to the system parameter values, from a target point. Also, an unbalanced moment due to a thruster failure mode was not considered in the simulation. Therefore, in this study, the downrange control is added to the system to enable the vehicle to land at a pre-assigned target point accurately. Furthermore, inhibiting the effect of the unbalanced moment is attempted thorough redesigning the attitude control system. A numerical simulation was performed to confirm the ability of the proposed system with regard to the above problems. Moreover, in the past simulations, a low initial altitude was assumed as an initial condition: in this study, however, the performance of the proposed system is examined over the whole trajectory from an initial altitude of 10 [km] to the lunar surface.

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An experimental study on tailings deposition characteristics and variation of tailings dam saturation line

  • Wang, Guangjin;Tian, Sen;Hu, Bin;Kong, Xiangyun;Chen, Jie
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2020
  • This study adopted soil test and laboratory physical model experiments to simulate the tailings impoundment accumulation process according to the principle of similarity. Relying on the practical engineering, it analyzed the tailings deposition characteristics on dry beach surface during the damming process, as well as the variation rules of dam saturation line. Results suggested that, the tailings particles gradually became finer along the dry beach surface to inside the impoundment. The particle size suddenly changed at the junction between the deposited beach and the water surface, which displayed an obvious coarsening phenomenon. Besides, the deposited beach exhibited the vertical feature of coarse upward and fine downward on the whole. Additionally, in the physical model, the saturation line elevated with the increase in dam height, and its amplitude was relatively obvious within the range of 1.0-4.5 m away from the initial dam. Under flood condition, the saturation line height was higher than that under normal condition on the whole, with the maximum height difference of 4 cm. This study could provide an important theoretical basis for further studies on dam failure experiments and the evolution rules of leaked tailings flow.

Application of Land Initialization and its Impact in KMA's Operational Climate Prediction System (현업 기후예측시스템에서의 지면초기화 적용에 따른 예측 민감도 분석)

  • Lim, Somin;Hyun, Yu-Kyung;Ji, Heesook;Lee, Johan
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.327-340
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the impact of soil moisture initialization in GloSea5, the operational climate prediction system of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), has been investigated for the period of 1991~2010. To overcome the large uncertainties of soil moisture in the reanalysis, JRA55 reanalysis and CMAP precipitation were used as input of JULES land surface model and produced soil moisture initial field. Overall, both mean and variability were initialized drier and smaller than before, and the changes in the surface temperature and pressure in boreal summer and winter were examined using ensemble prediction data. More realistic soil moisture had a significant impact, especially within 2 months. The decreasing (increasing) soil moisture induced increases (decreases) of temperature and decreases (increases) of sea-level pressure in boreal summer and its impacts were maintained for 3~4 months. During the boreal winter, its effect was less significant than in boreal summer and maintained for about 2 months. On the other hand, the changes of surface temperature were more noticeable in the southern hemisphere, and the relationship between temperature and soil moisture was the same as the boreal summer. It has been noted that the impact of land initialization is more evident in the summer hemispheres, and this is expected to improve the simulation of summer heat wave in the KMA's operational climate prediction system.

Prediction of the Salinization in Reclaimed Land by Soil and Groundwater Characteristics

  • Jeon, Jihun;Kim, Donggeun;Kim, Taejin;Kim, Keesung;Jung, Hosup;Son, Younghwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.63 no.6
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2021
  • It is becoming more important to utilize reclaimed lands in South Korea, due to the increasing competition for its usage among different sectors. However, the high groundwater level and poor permeability are exposing them to deterioration by salinization. Salinization is difficult to predict because the pattern changes according to various characteristics of soil and groundwater. In this study, the capillary rising time was studied by the water content profile in the soil. The prediction equation of soil salinity was developed based on simulation result of the CHEMFLO model. to enable prediction considering various soil water content and groundwater level. The two terms constituting the equation showed the coefficients of determination of 0.9816 and 0.9824, respectively. Using the prediction equation of the study, the surface salinity can be easily predicted from the initial surface salinity and the salinity of the groundwater. In the future, more precise predictions will be possible with the results of studies on the hydraulic characteristics of various reclaimed soils, changes in water content profile by seasonal and climate events.