• Title/Summary/Keyword: infrared space telescope

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Fabrication and Evaluation of Diameter 1 m Off-axis Parabolic mirror (직경 1 m 비축포물면의 가공 및 평가)

  • Yang, Ho-Soon;Lee, Jae-Hyeob;Jeon, Byung-Hyug;Lee, Yun-Woo;Lee, Kyoung-Muk;Choi, Se-Chol;Kim, Jong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2008
  • The collimator which makes a collimated beam, is an essential instrument for assembly and evaluation of telescopes. Recently, the Cassegrain type collimator has been widely used for its compact size as the focal length of high resolution cameras becomes longer. However, this kind of collimator has a disadvantage in that the secondary mirror is a heat source which can degrade the evaluation accuracy for an IR camera system. In this paper, we present the fabrication and measurement process for an off-axis parabolic mirror with the physical diameter pf 1 m, effective diameter 930 mm, and the focal length 6 m. After four months of works we obtained the final surface wave-front error of 30.4 nm rms ($\lambda$/138, ${\lambda}=4.2\;{\mu}m$), which is capable of evaluation of an IR camera as well as a visible camera.

Radio Observation of L1521F using HCN (J=1-0) Line (L1521F의 HCN(J=1-0) 분자선 전파 관측)

  • Sohn, Jung-Joo;Lee, Chang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.370-377
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we investigated the kinematical properties of the L1521F-IRS in Taurus region using HCN (J=1-0) molecular line. The high resolution mapping has carried out by $5{\times}5$ point observations covering $3.7'{\times}3.7'$ area using a 12-m telescope of Arizona Radio Observatory in Tucsan, USA. L1521F which harbors the faint infrared L1521F-IRS, displayed a strong central concentration of integrated intensity in HCN without serious molecular depletion. It showed a symmetric kinematical structure with the opposite infall motion in either side of the central cores. It is a direct evidence of bipolar outflows in the core of L1521F.

IGRINS Design and Performance Report

  • Park, Chan;Jaffe, Daniel T.;Yuk, In-Soo;Chun, Moo-Young;Pak, Soojong;Kim, Kang-Min;Pavel, Michael;Lee, Hanshin;Oh, Heeyoung;Jeong, Ueejeong;Sim, Chae Kyung;Lee, Hye-In;Le, Huynh Anh Nguyen;Strubhar, Joseph;Gully-Santiago, Michael;Oh, Jae Sok;Cha, Sang-Mok;Moon, Bongkon;Park, Kwijong;Brooks, Cynthia;Ko, Kyeongyeon;Han, Jeong-Yeol;Nah, Jakyuong;Hill, Peter C.;Lee, Sungho;Barnes, Stuart;Yu, Young Sam;Kaplan, Kyle;Mace, Gregory;Kim, Hwihyun;Lee, Jae-Joon;Hwang, Narae;Kang, Wonseok;Park, Byeong-Gon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.90-90
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    • 2014
  • The Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) is the first astronomical spectrograph that uses a silicon immersion grating as its dispersive element. IGRINS fully covers the H and K band atmospheric transmission windows in a single exposure. It is a compact high-resolution cross-dispersion spectrometer whose resolving power R is 40,000. An individual volume phase holographic grating serves as a secondary dispersing element for each of the H and K spectrograph arms. On the 2.7m Harlan J. Smith telescope at the McDonald Observatory, the slit size is $1^{{\prime}{\prime}}{\times}15^{{\prime}{\prime}}$. IGRINS has a plate scale of 0.27" pixel-1 on a $2048{\times}2048$ pixel Teledyne Scientific & Imaging HAWAII-2RG detector with a SIDECAR ASIC cryogenic controller. The instrument includes four subsystems; a calibration unit, an input relay optics module, a slit-viewing camera, and nearly identical H and K spectrograph modules. The use of a silicon immersion grating and a compact white pupil design allows the spectrograph collimated beam size to be 25mm, which permits the entire cryogenic system to be contained in a moderately sized ($0.96m{\times}0.6m{\times}0.38m$) rectangular Dewar. The fabrication and assembly of the optical and mechanical components were completed in 2013. From January to July of this year, we completed the system optical alignment and carried out commissioning observations on three runs to improve the efficiency of the instrument software and hardware. We describe the major design characteristics of the instrument including the system requirements and the technical strategy to meet them. We also present the instrumental performance test results derived from the commissioning runs at the McDonald Observatory.

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The Infrared Medium-deep Survey. VIII. Quasar Luminosity Function at z ~ 5

  • Kim, Yongjung;Im, Myungshin;Jeon, Yiseul;Kim, Minjin;Pak, Soojong;Hyun, Minhee;Taak, Yoon Chan;Shin, Suhyun;Lim, Gu;Paek, Gregory S.H.;Paek, Insu;Jiang, Linhua;Choi, Changsu;Hong, Jueun;Ji, Tae-Geun;Jun, Hyunsung D.;Karouzos, Marios;Kim, Dohyeong;Kim, Duho;Kim, Jae-Woo;Kim, Ji Hoon;Lee, Hye-In;Lee, Seong-Kook;Park, Won-Kee;Yoon, Yongmin;Byeon, Seoyeon;Hwang, Sungyong;Kim, Joonho;Kim, Sophia;Park, Woojin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.34.3-34.3
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    • 2020
  • Faint z ~ 5 quasars with M1450 ~ -23 mag are known to be the potentially important contributors to the ultraviolet ionizing background in the post-reionization era. However, their number density has not been well determined, making it difficult to assess their role in the early ionization of the intergalactic medium (IGM). In this work, we present the updated results of our z ~ 5 quasar survey using the Infrared Medium-deep Survey (IMS), a near-infrared imaging survey covering an area of 85 square degrees. From our spectroscopic observations with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) on the Gemini-South 8 m Telescope, we discovered eight new quasars at z ~ 5 with -26.1 ≤ M1450 ≤ -23.3. Combining our IMS faint quasars with the brighter Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasars, we derive, for the first time, the z ~ 5 quasar luminosity function (QLF) without any fixed parameters down to the magnitude limit of M1450 = -23 mag. We find that the faint-end slope of the QLF is very flat (-1.2) with a characteristic luminosity of -25.7 mag. The number density of z ~ 5 quasars from the QLF gives lower ionizing emissivity and ionizing photon density than those in previous works. These results imply that quasars are responsible for only 10-20% of the photons required to completely ionize the IGM at z ~ 5, disfavoring the idea that quasars alone could have ionized the IGM at z ~ 5.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.79-82
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    • 2015
  • The physical and chemical properties of prestellar cores, especially massive ones, are still far from being well understood due to the lack of a large sample. The low dust temperature (< 14 K) of Planck cold clumps makes them promising candidates for prestellar objects or for sources at the very initial stages of protostellar collapse. We have been conducting a series of observations toward Planck cold clumps (PCCs) with ground-based radio telescopes. In general, when compared with other star forming samples (e.g. infrared dark clouds), PCCs are more quiescent, suggesting that most of them may be in the earliest phase of star formation. However, some PCCs are associated with protostars and molecular outflows, indicating that not all PCCs are in a prestellar phase. We have identified hundreds of starless dense clumps from a mapping survey with the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) 13.7-m telescope. Follow-up observations suggest that these dense clumps are ideal targets to search for prestellar objects.

Doppler Shifts of the $H{\alpha}$ Line and the Ca II 854.2 nm Line in a Quiet Region of the Sun Observed with the FISS/NST

  • Chae, Jongchul;Park, Hyungmin;Yang, Heesu;Park, Young-Deuk;Cho, Kyung-Suk;Ahn, Kwangsu;Cao, Wenda
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.113.1-113.1
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    • 2012
  • The characteristics of Doppler shifts in a quiet region of the Sun are investigated by comparing between the $H{\alpha}$ line and the Caii infrared line at 854.2 nm. A small area of $16^{\prime\prime}{\times}40^{\prime\prime}$ was observed for about half an hour with the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) of the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope (NST) at Big Bear Solar Observatory. The observed area contains a network region and an internetwork region, and identified in the network region are $H{\alpha}$ fibrils, Caii fibrils and bright points. We infer the Doppler velocity from each line profile at a point with the lambdameter method as a function of half wavelength separation ${\Delta}{\lambda}$. It is confirmed that the bisector of the spatially-averaged Caii line profile has an inverse C-shape of with a significant peak redshift of +1.8 km/s. In contrast, the bisector of the spatially-averaged $H{\alpha}$ line profile has a different shape; it is almost vertically straight or, if not, has a C-shape with a small peak blueshift of -0.5 km/s. In both the lines, the bisectors of bright network points are much different from those of other features in that they are significantly redshifted not only at the line centers, but also at the wings. We also find that the spatio-temporal fluctuation of Doppler shift inferred from the Caii line is correlated with those of the $H{\alpha}$ line. The strongest correlation occurs in the internework region, and when the inner wings rather than the line centers are used to determine Doppler shift. In this region, the RMS value of Doppler shift fluctuation is the largest at the line center, and monotonically decreases with ${\Delta}{\lambda}$. We discuss the physical implications of our results on the formation of the $H{\alpha}$ line and Caii 854.2 nm line in the quiet region chromosphere.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.29 no.spc1
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    • pp.63-64
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    • 1996
  • The nature of distant faint blue field galaxies remains a mystery, despite the fact that much attention has been devoted to this subject in the last decade. Galaxy counts, particularly those in the optical and near ultraviolet bandpasses, have been demonstrated to be well in excess of those expected in the 'no-evolution' scenario. This has usually been taken to imply that galaxies were brighter in the past, presumably due to a higher rate of star formation. More recently, redshift surveys of galaxies as faint as B$\~$24 have shown that the mean redshift of faint blue galaxies is lower than that predicted by standard evolutionary models (de-signed to fit the galaxy counts). The galaxy number count data and redshift data suggest that evolutionary effects are most prominent at the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function. While these data constrain the form of evolution of the overall luminosity function, they do not constrain evolution in individual galaxies. We are carrying out a series of observations as part of a long-term program aimed at a better understanding of the nature and amount of luminosity evolution in individual galaxies. Our study uses the luminosity-linewidth relation (Tully-Fisher relation) for disk galaxies as a tool to study luminosity evolution. Several studies of a related nature are being carried out by other groups. A specific experiment to test a 'no-evolution' hypothesis is presented here. We have used the AUTOFIB multifibre spectro-graph on the 4-metre Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) and the Rutgers Fabry-Perot imager on the Cerro Tolalo lnteramerican Observatory (CTIO) 4-metre tele-scope to measure the internal kinematics of a representative sample of faint blue field galaxies in the red-shift range z = 0.15-0.4. The emission line profiles of [OII] and [OIII] in a typical sample galaxy are significantly broader than the instrumental resolution (100-120 km $s^{-l}$), and it is possible to make a reliable de-termination of the linewidth. Detailed and realistic simulations based on the properties of nearby, low-luminosity spirals are used to convert the measured linewidth into an estimate of the characteristic rotation speed, making statistical corrections for the effects of inclination, non-uniform distribution of ionized gas, rotation curve shape, finite fibre aperture, etc.. The (corrected) mean characteristic rotation speed for our distant galaxy sample is compared to the mean rotation speed of local galaxies of comparable blue luminosity and colour. The typical galaxy in our distant sample has a B-band luminosity of about 0.25 L$\ast$ and a colour that corresponds to the Sb-Sd/Im range of Hub-ble types. Details of the AUTOFIB fibre spectroscopic study are described by Rix et al. (1996). Follow-up deep near infrared imaging with the 10-metre Keck tele-scope+ NIRC combination and high angular resolution imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope's WFPC2 are being used to determine the structural and orientation parameters of galaxies on an individual basis. This information is being combined with the spatially resolved CTIO Fabry-Perot data to study the internal kinematics of distant galaxies (Ing et al. 1996). The two main questions addressed by these (preliminary studies) are: 1. Do galaxies of a given luminosity and colour have the same characteristic rotation speed in the distant and local Universe? The distant galaxies in our AUTOFIB sample have a mean characteristic rotation speed of $\~$70 km $s^{-l}$ after correction for measurement bias (Fig. 1); this is inconsistent with the characteristic rotation speed of local galaxies of comparable photometric proper-ties (105 km $s^{-l}$) at the > $99\%$ significance level (Fig. 2). A straightforward explanation for this discrepancy is that faint blue galaxies were about 1-1.5 mag brighter (in the B band) at z $\~$ 0.25 than their present-day counterparts. 2. What is the nature of the internal kinematics of faint field galaxies? The linewidths of these faint galaxies appear to be dominated by the global disk rotation. The larger galaxies in our sample are about 2"-.5" in diameter so one can get direct insight into the nature of their internal velocity field from the $\~$ I" seeing CTIO Fabry-Perot data. A montage of Fabry-Perot data is shown in Fig. 3. The linewidths are too large (by. $5\sigma$) to be caused by turbulence in giant HII regions.

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