• Title/Summary/Keyword: information needs analysis

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Analysis on Recognition, Practice and Information Acquisition Behaviors regarding Food Additives of University Students (식품첨가물에 대한 대학생의 인식과 실천 행동 및 정보 획득 행동 분석)

  • Kim, Hyochung;Kim, Meera
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.572-584
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of recognition, practice and information acquisition behaviors regarding food additives of university students for development of educational programs. The data were collected from 283 students in the Yeungnam region through a self-administered questionnaire. The level of concern about food additives was intermediate. The level of checking labels for food additives when buying processed foods was not high. The main reason for not checking labels for food additives was "Buying the special brand products repeatedly". In the factor analysis for perception of food additives, three factors were categorized; effect of food additives on human health, administration and regulation of food additives, and necessity of food additives. According to regression analyses, grade, concern about food additives and perception of amount of food additives had significant effects on human health. The significant variables for administration and regulation of food additives were gender, grade, major, monthly allowance and concern about food additives. In addition, major was a significant variable for the necessity of food additives. Many respondents did not reduce intake of food additives; males did less than females. Most respondents answered they did not acquire sufficient information about food additives. Regarding needs for information content on food additives, respondents wanted information about safety of food additives the most, followed by items of labels for food additives, and ways to reduce intake of food additives.

A study on method of setting up the defense integrated security system (군 통합보안시스템 구축 방안 연구)

  • Jang, Worl-Su;Choi, Jung-Young;Lim, Jong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.575-584
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    • 2012
  • A established military security tast based on existing manual and off-line needs the change and development to support effective and systematic task performance according to environment change of informational and scientific project in the military. Therefore this study suggests to set up the standard model of the defense integrated security system to automate and informationize major defense security task based on actual and problem in the area of major defense of security task and case analysis of these in America, England and other countries. The standard model consist of unit systems were made up integrated security system, security management system, man entrance system, vehicle entrance system, high-tech guard system, terror prevention system and the security accident analysis system, and this suggested model based on possible technology and system. If this model is apply to each real military unit, we will expect the development of defense security.

The Analysis of The Analysis of The Effect of Information Sharing for Improving the Quality of Infection Prevention and Service Quality on The Satisfaction of Visiting Companies on Disease Management (기업의 감염 예방 서비스품질 개선을 위한 정보공유가 방문업체의 질병관리에 대한 만족에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Han-Jib
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.360-374
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to provide basic information on how to secure competitiveness of companies from a practical point of view by examining how information sharing for companies' infection prevention and service quality improvement affects revisit intentions. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, 341 visitors over the age of 19 who visited offline stores located in Busan and Gyeongnam were selected as study subjects. As a result of this study, it was found that consumers' perceived health beliefs, perceived disease infection probability, and perceived disease infection severity had a significant effect on revisit intention. In addition, it was found that the company's infection prevention information sharing and infection prevention customer management had a significant mediating effect on the relationship between perceived health beliefs and revisit intention. Based on these research results, the conclusion suggested that a company needs a series of management activities that can contribute to the sharing of information on infection prevention and customer management among members of the organization and achievement of business performance.

Parents' Perceptions toward Students' Adjustments after Grade Skipping and Early Graduation (조기전급 및 조기졸업 이후 학생적응에 대한 부모지각)

  • Lee, Mi-Soon;Cho, Seok-Gee
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.411-432
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    • 2009
  • This study analyzed the differences in parents' perceptions toward children's adjustments after grade skipping and early graduation. Parents of an early entrancer to K university(n=43) and parents of a non-early entrancer to K university(n=12) responded two kinds of questionnaires, one is for parents' perceptions towards children's needs for grade skipping and early graduation, and the other is for parents' perceptions toward children's adjustments to university experiences. Parents' responses were analyzed by MANOVA and MANCOVA. Results indicated that there was the significant difference in parents' perceptions for 'information about early graduation.' That is, parents of an early-entrancer had more 'information about early graduation' than their counterparts. However, there was no significant difference in parents' perceptions, after the effect of 'information about early graduation' on parents' perceptions toward children' academical and social-emotional adjustments. Thus, parents having more 'information about early graduation' considered more seriously the needs of grade skipping and early graduation in their children and worried less about their children's adjustments to university experiences.

User-Perspective Issue Clustering Using Multi-Layered Two-Mode Network Analysis (다계층 이원 네트워크를 활용한 사용자 관점의 이슈 클러스터링)

  • Kim, Jieun;Kim, Namgyu;Cho, Yoonho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we report what we have observed with regard to user-perspective issue clustering based on multi-layered two-mode network analysis. This work is significant in the context of data collection by companies about customer needs. Most companies have failed to uncover such needs for products or services properly in terms of demographic data such as age, income levels, and purchase history. Because of excessive reliance on limited internal data, most recommendation systems do not provide decision makers with appropriate business information for current business circumstances. However, part of the problem is the increasing regulation of personal data gathering and privacy. This makes demographic or transaction data collection more difficult, and is a significant hurdle for traditional recommendation approaches because these systems demand a great deal of personal data or transaction logs. Our motivation for presenting this paper to academia is our strong belief, and evidence, that most customers' requirements for products can be effectively and efficiently analyzed from unstructured textual data such as Internet news text. In order to derive users' requirements from textual data obtained online, the proposed approach in this paper attempts to construct double two-mode networks, such as a user-news network and news-issue network, and to integrate these into one quasi-network as the input for issue clustering. One of the contributions of this research is the development of a methodology utilizing enormous amounts of unstructured textual data for user-oriented issue clustering by leveraging existing text mining and social network analysis. In order to build multi-layered two-mode networks of news logs, we need some tools such as text mining and topic analysis. We used not only SAS Enterprise Miner 12.1, which provides a text miner module and cluster module for textual data analysis, but also NetMiner 4 for network visualization and analysis. Our approach for user-perspective issue clustering is composed of six main phases: crawling, topic analysis, access pattern analysis, network merging, network conversion, and clustering. In the first phase, we collect visit logs for news sites by crawler. After gathering unstructured news article data, the topic analysis phase extracts issues from each news article in order to build an article-news network. For simplicity, 100 topics are extracted from 13,652 articles. In the third phase, a user-article network is constructed with access patterns derived from web transaction logs. The double two-mode networks are then merged into a quasi-network of user-issue. Finally, in the user-oriented issue-clustering phase, we classify issues through structural equivalence, and compare these with the clustering results from statistical tools and network analysis. An experiment with a large dataset was performed to build a multi-layer two-mode network. After that, we compared the results of issue clustering from SAS with that of network analysis. The experimental dataset was from a web site ranking site, and the biggest portal site in Korea. The sample dataset contains 150 million transaction logs and 13,652 news articles of 5,000 panels over one year. User-article and article-issue networks are constructed and merged into a user-issue quasi-network using Netminer. Our issue-clustering results applied the Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) algorithm and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), and are consistent with the results from SAS clustering. In spite of extensive efforts to provide user information with recommendation systems, most projects are successful only when companies have sufficient data about users and transactions. Our proposed methodology, user-perspective issue clustering, can provide practical support to decision-making in companies because it enhances user-related data from unstructured textual data. To overcome the problem of insufficient data from traditional approaches, our methodology infers customers' real interests by utilizing web transaction logs. In addition, we suggest topic analysis and issue clustering as a practical means of issue identification.

Gait Recognition Using Shape Sequence Descriptor (Shape Sequence 기술자를 이용한 게이트 인식)

  • Jeong, Seung-Do
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.2339-2345
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    • 2011
  • Gait recognition is the method to identify the person who walks in front of camera using characteristics of individuals by a sequence of images of walking people. The accuracy of biometric such as fingerprint or iris is very high; however, to provide information needs downsides which allow users to direct contact or close-up, etc. There have been many studies in gait recognition because it could capture images and analysis characteristics far from a person. In order to recognize the gait of person needs a continuous sequence of walking which can be distinguished from the individuals should be extracted features rather than an single image. Therefore, this paper proposes a method of gait recognition that the motion of objects in sequence is described the characteristics of a shape sequence descriptor, and through a variety of experiments can show possibility as a recognition technique.

An Empirical Study on Nonlinear Relationship between Product Modularity and Customer Satisfaction (제품의 모듈화 전략과 고객만족의 비선형적 관계에 대한 실증적 연구)

  • Hwang, Sunil;Suh, Eung-Kyo
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - To meet the needs of various customers in an uncertain market environment, many companies use product modularization strategies. Modularization of a product means that one product consists of several components and that the type of product can be changed according to the combination of components. The greatest feature of modularity is that changes in one component do not significantly affect the physical changes in the other component to which they are connected. Modularization of products is recognized as a very important strategy to reflect increasingly complicated customer requirements to products and respond to the needs of various markets. Many studies have been made in connection with the concept of mass customer satisfaction. There are many prior studies that modularization of such products positively affects the operational performance (manufacturing cost, fast delivery, etc.) and innovation of the product. However, excessive modularization has been found to have a negative effect on this performance. However, there are very few studies on the nonlinear relationship between product modularization and customer satisfaction. Supplementing these academically insufficient parts is very necessary when considering the current market environment. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to make up for the shortcomings of academic research in Korea, this study collects data through questionnaires in electronic, auto, and defense industry. This is because these industries are using modularity of products. based on lots of previous studies and information overload theory, we made two hypothesis and verify with empirical analysis. All 108 data were used. We used the R program and SPSS program for statistical verification. Results - As a result of the study, modularization of products showed positive relationship with customer satisfaction to a certain level. However, it has been found that when the modularization is over and beyond a certain level, there is a negative relationship with customer satisfaction. Conclusions - Excessive modularization of products can have a negative impact on customer satisfaction. This result can be understood as a result of human limited rationality due to information overload. Therefore, it is important for companies to apply appropriate modularity to product design.

Needs Analysis of Software Education Curriculum at National Universities of Education for the 2015 Revised National Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정을 대비한 교육대학교의 소프트웨어 교육과정에 대한 수요 분석)

  • Jeong, Youngsik
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2016
  • In accordance with the 2015 Revised Practical Curriculum, software education for elementary school students will focus on making software and not using software. Therefore, we must revise the computer education curriculum at national universities of education to include classes on programming. In this study, I surveyed computer education students to learn more about their programming experience as well as their understanding of and necessity for software education. Based on results of the survey, I found that students had a strong understanding of software education and that they recognized its importance; however, students who had not experience related to programming education had a weak the understanding and necessity for software developing education. I suggested that software-related courses should open as a major subjects at the universities.

Subject 'Informatics' that Originated from Informatics in a Metascience as Academic base (메타학문인 정보학을 모태학문으로 하는 교과 '정보')

  • An, YoungHee;Kim, JaMee;Lee, WonGyu
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2016
  • In the $21^{st}$ century, countries around the world including Korea attempted many changes in informatics education. Considering its own situation, each country has recognized the necessity of informatics education and is taking actions. This research aims to study informatics which is the foundation of informatics education called in different names including computer science education and programming education. Terms related to information were focused. Mainly, it was analyzed the frequency of these terms from academic papers, higher educational institutions' department names, and academic journals. Results of this analysis suggested that infomatics subject is originated from informatics which can be a Meta science of all fields. This research investigated informatics education not only as academic perspectives but social-needs and provide evidence that informatics subject which is originated from the informatics of a meta science needs to be a mendatory subject in primary and secondary education.

Advancement in Mobile Service and Successful Model for Mobile Contents (모바일 서비스의 진화와 성공적인 모바일 콘텐츠 모델)

  • Suh, Byung-Moon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 2008
  • The study aims to anticipate evolution direction of mobile content business in the future, and derive successful strategies at the same time with multiple and composite analysis of evolution process and environmental change of mobile business. In conclusion, Firstly, it should strengthen customer approach performance, secondly, approaches with sensitively, and needs opened business model. Fourthly, it needs planning and production of contents which reflects the need of customers, and fifthly, it requires development of mobile platform leading contents group and multiplication of CP business model. In the aspect of industrial policy, sustainable and future-oriented policy should be arranged rather than short-term and simple police, for the continual development of mobile content industry. To establish healthy and active mobile contents industry, the government and regulatory institutes are more preferable to devote to the role of circumstance builder rather than the leader of mobile content market. In other words, they are recommended to focus on establishing basic regulation and order for smooth operation of the market and its management.

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