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신라왕경 성곽의 현황과 조경학적 차원의 연구방향 (Present Condition of Fortress of Silla Capital and Research Direction on Landscape Architecture)

  • 김형석;심우경;이원호;안계복
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2015
  • 신라왕경 경주는 그동안 고도의 경관골격으로서 성곽에 대한 가치에 관심이 부족했다. 경주를 포함한 많은 성곽들은 정비하여 야간 경관조명을 설치하거나 산성에 탐방로를 조성하는 것이 그간의 방법이었다. 이에 본 연구는 신라왕경 경주의 경관골격인 성곽에 대해 월성(月城)과 명활성(明活城)을 중심으로 역사적 경관적 가치를 살펴보고 조경학적 차원에서 기여할 수 있는 방안을 찾고자 하였다. 월성과 명활성은 신라시대 왕궁으로 기능하였던바 단순히 외형적 정비만을 통한 복원보다는 성곽 내부에 대한 자세한 조사와 연구가 필요하다. 월성의 경우 전면적인 발굴조사가 시행중에 있지만 산성지구를 대표하는 명활성은 세계유산이라는 명칭에 걸맞지 않은 관리로 인해 그 가치를 상실하고 있다. 이들 유적에 대해 면밀한 조사와 연구가 이루어진다면 왕궁으로 사용될 당시의 흔적을 통해 신라 왕궁의 조경사적 연구에 큰 기여를 하게 될 것으로 보인다. 경주지역 성곽유적에 대한 조경학적 차원의 연구방향으로는 첫째, 그동안 성곽의 형태와 축성방법 등에 치중한 연구에서 벗어나 성곽 내부공간까지 포함할 수 있는 연구가 필요하다. 월성과 명활성의 경우 신라시대 왕궁으로 기능했던바 원지, 누정, 수구시설, 괴석, 조산, 포장, 동선체계, 식재흔적 등에 대한 연구가 가능할 것이다. 이를 위해 비교 대상으로 동시대의 중국, 일본, 고구려의 사례와 비교를 통한 조사와 연구가 필요하다. 둘째, 정원고고학적 방법의 적용은 문헌기록이 빈약한 고대정원 연구에 있어서 객관적인 해석이 가능한 방법이다. 하지만 월성발굴조사에 있어 지금까지의 발굴처럼 고고학 중심의 발굴이 이루어진다면 얻을 수 있는 성과와 정보가 제한 될 것이다. 이러한 문제점에 대한 대안이 정원고고학의 토대를 통한 조경분야의 참여방안이다. 항공사진, 고고학적 조사, 역사적 건물 분석, 지표면 탐사, 발굴기법, 토양 및 화분분석 등을 통한 환경시료 채취, 유적 발견과 분석과 같은 정원고고학의 적용을 통해 월성을 포함한 신라왕경의 조사 및 연구에 활용한다면 조경학 차원의 많은 연구 성과를 이끌어 낼 수 있을 것이다. 이를 위해서는 조경학 전공자들의 고고학적 지식습득과 노력이 뒤따라야 할 것이다. 또한 정원고고학분야의 세계적 권위자를 초청하여 국제학술심포지엄을 통한 국내의 정원고고학에 대한 관심을 환기시킬 필요가 있다. 기타 월성과 경주지역 신라 성곽의 입지 연구, 성곽 내외 공간에 대한 수목 활용 및 처리방안 연구, 월성 해자의 조경학적 연구방향을 제안하였다.

가정용수의 용도별 사용량 조사 및 원단위 분석 (End-use analysis of household water by metering)

  • 김화수;이두진;김주환;김정현;정관수
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2008년도 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.869-877
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구에서는 전국 140여개 가구를 대상으로 조사된 가정용수의 각 용도별 사용량 자료를 바탕으로 가정용수의 용도별 사용량을 도출함으로써 상, 하수도시설설계에 활용할 수 있는 원단위를 제시하고, 또한 용도별 사용특성분석, 영향인자 평가 등을 통하여 가정용수의 변동특성을 이해하고 향후 사용경향을 예측할 수 있는 정보를 제공하고자 하였다. 가정용수의 총사용량 기준 원단위는 $165.8{\ell}pcd$였으며, 각 용도별 사용량은 세면용수 $15.4{\ell}pcd$(10%), 욕조용수 $24.7{\ell}pcd$(16%), 싱크대용수 $29.7{\ell}pcd$(19%), 세탁기용수 $30.8{\ell}pcd$(20%), 변기용수 $38.5{\ell}pcd$(25%), 기타용수 $13.5{\ell}pcd$(9%)로 나타났다. 가정용수 중에서 변기용수의 사용량이 가장 많은 것으로 나타났으며, 베란다, 정원용수 등이 포함된 기타용수의 경우 사용빈도가 일정하지 않고 사용량의 편차도 심하여 변동계수와 표준편차가 가장 크게 나타났다. 가정용수의 용도별 사용량을 미국, 영국 가정과 비교한 결과, 기타용수와 실외용수를 제외하고는 미국의 실내용수 사용량과 비율이 우리나라와 매우 유사한 특성을 보였다. 가정에서 물사용에 기초한 생활양식이 미국과 유사하게 변화되고 있음을 간접적으로 보여준 결과이다. 또한 1985년에 서울에서 조사된 용도별 사용량과 금번결과를 비교한 결과, 목욕, 변기, 세탁, 취사용수의 총량은 $23{\ell}$가 증가하였으며, 특히 세면과 욕조용수를 합산한 목욕용수가 $27{\ell}$에서 $40{\ell}$로 크게 늘어났고, 세탁용수도 $17{\ell}$나 늘어났다. 생활양식이 서구화되면서 가정에서의 목욕, 사워문화가 점차 확산되고 대용량 세탁기의 보급이 늘어난 것 등이 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 추측되었다.

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제주도 북촌연안 수산자원유영생물의 출현과 먹이연쇄에 관한 연구 1. 종조성과 다양도 (Species Occurrence and Food Chain of Fisheries Resources, Nekton, on the Coast of Pukchon, Cheju Island 1. Species composition and diversity)

  • 고유봉;신희섭
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 1988
  • 제주도 북촌연안 정치망에서 채집된 생물의 군집구조를 밝혀내기 위해 1985년 5월부터 1986년 5월까지 어업이 행해지는 동안 매월 1회씩 조사한 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조사기간동안 26과 32속 36종이 채집되었고 20cm 이하 $(93\%)$, 120g 이하 $(91\%)$의 생물이 대부분이었다. 2. 출현개체수와 어획량은 계절에 따라 다르나 모두 2종에 의해 $50\%$ 이상을 차지했다. 그 중 전갱이와 오징어가 전 조사기간동안 거의 우점 출현, 개체수와 어획량에서 모두 $50\%$ 이상을 차지하였다. 3. 다양도$(1-\lambda)$와 정보량지수(H', H') 등은 10월에 가장 높고 9월에 가장 낮은 값을 나타내었는데, 이러한 지수값들은 출현 종류수의 변화양상 및 어획량 변동과 ?은 관계를 갖고 있었다. 4. 2회이상 출현한 17종은 모두 유사도값 0.2에서 군을 이루었고, 비교적 유사도가 높은 0.60값을 기준으로 했을 때 3개의 군이 나타나고 있었다. 즉, 제 1군은 전갱이, 게르치, 오징어, 꼬치고기, 날치, 말쥐치 등 6종으로 이루어 졌는데 이들은 개체수와 어획량에서 각각 전체의 $60\%$이상을 차지했고, 조사기간동안 자주 출현하는 특징을 보였다. 제2군은 독가시치, 인상어, 용치놀래기, 자리돔 등 4종으로 구성되었으며 개체수와 어획량에서 전체의 $20\%$ 이상을 차지하였고, 봄과 여름에만 자주 출현하는 특징을 나타냈다. 제3군은 돌돔과 참돔 등 2종으로 이루어졌고, 그 밖의 종들은 비교적 낮은 유사도값에서 간헐적으로 출현하여 군을 이루고 있었다.병용 첨가하였을 때 세균발육 억제효과가 상승하였으나 직접 균의 배양 시험에서 보다 효과가 적었다. 튀김어묵을 lysozyme$(0.05\%)$ 단독 그리고, lysozyme$(0.05\%)$ + sodium pyrophosphate $(0.5\%)$ + sodium hexametaphosphate$(0.1\%)$ 용액에 5분간 침지 처리하였을 때 약간의 방부효과는 인정되었으나 sorbic acid$(0.2\%)$을 첨가한 것보다 효과가 적었다.나타내었다., MW=0.4913 TW-0.1228 (r=0.9809)이었다.로 함량은 각각 902.2 mg/100 g, 28.3 mg/100g 및 8.6mg/100g이었다. 이외에 malic acid 등 6종의 유기산이 미량 함유되어 있었다. 제품의 유리아미노산 및 관련화합물의 조성은 histidine이 641.8 mg/100g으로 가장 많았고, alanine 214.7 mg/100g, hydroxyproline이 48.9mg/100g, 이외에 lysine, glutamic acid 및 anserine 등이 전체의 $80.8\%$를 차지하였다. 고등어분말수우프의 맛성분은 건물량 기준으로 유리아미노산 및 관련화합물이 1,279.4 mg/100g, 불휘발성유기산이 948.1mg/100g, 핵산 관련물질 672.8 mg/100g, 총 creatinine이 430.4 mg/100g, betaine 86.6mg/100g 및 미량의 TMAO로 이루어져 있었고 국물로 우려낼때 맛성분의 추출조건은 $100^{\circ}C$에서 1분간의 고온단시간 추출이 적합하였다. 증가를

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측시이한국위배경적사치품패태도(测试以韩国为背景的奢侈品牌态度), 고객자산화고객종신개치지간적관계(顾客资产和顾客终身价值之间的关系) (Examining the Relationships among Attitude toward Luxury Brands, Customer Equity, and Customer Lifetime Value in a Korean Context)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Park, Seong-Yeon;Lee, Seung-Hee;Knight, Dee K.;Xu, Bing;Jeon, Byung-Joo;Moon, Hak-Il
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2010
  • 在过去的10年里,奢侈品销售已经有了显著的增长. 在2007年, 奢侈品消费额已经超过1300亿美元. 在奢侈品产业中, 有超过一半的利润来自平均收入显著增长, 对奢侈品的需求快速增加的亚洲. 在这个区域购买奢侈品牌已经成为一个有趣的社会现象并为这些公司带来利润. 作为新兴的发达国家, 韩国是亚洲最有吸引力的奢侈品市场之一. 如今, 共有120个奢侈时装品牌进入了韩国市场. 这些品牌主要集中在首尔的奢侈区域, 因此竞争也十分激烈. 本文的目的是: (1) 识别奢侈品牌态度的要素. (2) 测试奢侈品牌态度对顾客资产的影响. (3) 测定奢侈品牌态度对顾客终身价值的影响 (4) 深入研究顾客资产对顾客终身价值的影响. 以前的研究已经测定物质主义, 社会需要, 经验需要, 独特需要, 适应性和时尚卷入是对奢侈品牌态度的组成要素. Richins and Dowson (1992) 认为物质主义对与产品质量相关的购买行为有影响. Nueno and Quelch (1998) 写到对奢侈品牌的拥有传递着和所有者社会地位相关的信息. 表达着一种成功和声望的形象, 是购买行为的一个要素. 经验需要被认为是消费的一个重要方面. 尤其是发展满足消费者需求的新产品. 由于奢侈品被定义为相对稀少的产品, 对这些类型产品的拥有满足消费者对独特性的需要. 本研究中, 价值资产, 关系资产和品牌资产被测试为顾客资产的驱动因素. 样本 (n=114) 是在韩国首尔的两所私立女子大学的本科生和研究生. 我们在2009年3月进行了自填式问卷调查来收集数据. 我们运用SPSS15.0来分析数据, 包括叙述性统计, 因子分析, 信赖度分析和回归分析. 通过数据分析我们得出一些结论, 首先, 经验需要和时尚卷入对参与者对奢侈品牌的态度有积极的影响. 第二, 对奢侈品牌的态度对品牌资产有积极影响. 紧随其后的是价值资产和关系资产. 但是我们没有发现奢侈品牌态度和顾客终身价值之间的显著关系. 最后, 关系资产积极影响顾客终身价值. 总而言之, 年轻消费者是重要的潜在消费群. 他们尝试不同的品牌到最终发现哪种品牌最适合自己. 奢侈品营销者使用有效的行销策略来吸引这些可获利的潜在消费者并使他们产生忠诚度并增加顾客资产和顾客终身价值.

병원에 입원한 노인의 무력감 현상 연구 (A Phenomenological Study for Hospitalized Elderly무s Powerlessness)

  • 최영희;김경은
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.223-247
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    • 1996
  • This study was done to provide information which would lead to nursing care of the elderly being more holistically through an understanding of the phenomena of powerlessness based on the lived experience of powerlessness by the elderly, the meaning the elderly give to such phenomena, and what essence of powerlessness is. The methodology used in this study was Max Van Manen's phenomenological method based on the philosophy of Merleu-Ponty and a concerted approach was realized through the 11 steps suggested in the Van Manen's method. Data collection was done from March 2, 1995 to December 30, 1995. The subjects for this study were four elderly persons who lived with their families and who were over 60 years of age. Data were collected about the lived experience of the elderly, this researcher's experience of powerlessness, the linguistic meaning of powerlessness, idioms of the word or a feeling of powerlessness, and descriptions of powerlessness in the elderly as they appeared in the literature, are works, and phenomenological literature. All data were used to provide insights into the phenomena of powerlessness. Data about the experience of powerlessness by the elderly were collected through open interviews, participation, and observation. In the analysis of the theme of this study, the aspects of the theme, powerlessness in the elderly were clarified, thereby abstracting and finding meaningful statements by the elderly about their feeling of powerlessness, and then those significant statements were expressed as linguistic transformations. The summarized findings from the study are as follows : 1. Five meanings of powerlessness in the elderly were defined. 〈weakness〉, 〈dependence〉, 〈frustration〉, 〈worthlessness〉 and 〈giving up〉. 2. 〈Weakness〉 means that the elderly experience, not only their aging but also, their becoming weak and the loss of physical function frequently caused by diseases. 〈Dependence〉 means that the elderly experience dependence without any influence from the surroundings and that elderly patients who are hospitalized lose their autonomy, follow entirely their doctor's prescriptions, use aid equipment and directions, and depend only on those things. 〈Frustration〉 means that the elderly experience the loss of their roles from the past, there by feeling that there is no work for them to do anymore and therefore feel unable to do anything. 〈Worthlessness〉 means that the elderly experience the feeling of losing their social roles from the past, having no financial ability, thereby being a burden to their children or the people around them, and therefore regarding themselves useless. 〈Giving up〉 means that the elderly experience the feeling of closeness to death in the final stage of their lifetime, lose hope to be healed from their disease, and recognize the incontrollability of their own body. 3. From a general view of the meaning of the theme the powerlessness in the elderly-the most essential meaning of the theme is the 〈sense of loss〉. For the elderly are experiencing a sense of loss in the situation of being elderly and therefore being often hospitalized. Brief definitions of the five phenomena could be 〈weakness〉 meaning the loss of physical strength, 〈dependence〉 the loss of mentality caused by disease and hospitalization, 〈frustration〉 and 〈worthlessness〉 the loss of social performance caused by the loss of social functions from the past, and lastly 〈giving up〉 the loss of the controllability of such situations of aging and suffering disease. In light of the discussion above, it is understandable that the hospitalized elderly experience powerlessness not only as it related to their diseases but also to their normal aging, and this related to other characteristics of being elderly means that the 〈sense of loss〉 is the very essence of their powerlessness. 4. While most cases are of the normal elderly experiencing powerlessness in relation to their social network, cases of elderly who are hospitalized are of those experiencing powerlessness in relation to the loss of their physical desire. 5. The findings discussed above can serve as guidelines for nurses who take care of the ill elderly who are hospitalized and that can provide cues to appropriate nursing service, recognizing that the subjective experience of the objective age of the elderly is so important. Nurses can provide highly qualitative nursing service, based on their deep understanding of the suffering of the elderly due to feelings of powerlessness.

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광주·전남 일부지역 초등학생의 채소류 섭취에 대한 인식 (The Dietary Habits and Perception of Vegetable Intake of Elementary Students in Gwangju and Jeonnam)

  • 고영숙;전은례;정난희
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구는 광주 전남 곡성군지역 초등학생의 식생활 특성, 채소류 섭취에 대한 실태와 인식, 채소류에 대한 관심을 조사하여 채소류와 채소류 음식에 대한 관심과 섭취 증진을 위한 식생활 교육의 방향을 설정하는데 기초 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 조사기간은 2010년 8월 20일부터 9월 10일까지 광주와 전남 곡성군지역 초등학교 5, 6학년 362명을 대상으로 일반적 특성, 초등학생의 식생활 특성, 채소류 섭취에 대한 실태와 인식, 채소류에 대한 관심을 설문지를 통해 조사하였다. 자료 분석은 SPSS(Statistics Package for Social Science, Ver. 18.0 for Window, SPSS Inc., Chicago IL, USA) 프로그램으로 통계 처리하여 분석하고, chi-square 검증을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등학생의 식생활 특성에서는 식사속도(p<0.001)에서 남학생과 여학생 간에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 남학생은 '10~15분 미만'이 40.1%, 5~10분 미만이 25.7%로 가장 많았고, 여학생은 15~20분 미만이 36.7%, 10~15분 미만은 34.7%로 여학생의 식사 속도가 더 느린 것으로 나타났다. 식생활 방법 및 영양에 관한 정보는 가족에게서 얻는다가 가장 많았고 가정에서 식사를 준비해 주는 사람은 '어머니, 아버지'로 응답한 경우가 지역별, 성별에 관계없이 가장 많았다. 간식으로 자주 먹는 음식으로 광주지역은 과일류등 자연식품이 40.0%, 전남 곡성군지역은 패스트푸드, 가공식품, 인스턴트식품이 34.5%로 전남 곡성군지역이 패스트푸드, 가공식품을 더 많이 먹는 것으로 나타났고, 성별 간에는 과일류 등 자연식품이 남학생이 35.4%, 여학생이 39.4%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 지역별, 성별에 관계없이 식습관의 문제점으로는 '편식', 가장 싫어하는 식품군은 '채소류'라고 응답한 경우가 가장 많았다. 둘째, 초등학생의 채소류 섭취에 대한 실태와 인식 항목에서 지역에 따라서는 채소류 음식을 먹지 않을 경우 부모님의 태도에서 유의한 차이(p<0.05)가 나타났고, 성별에 따라서는 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 그러나 채소류 음식을 먹지 않을 경우 부모님의 태도에서 '채소류의 유익한 영양 성분을 설명해 준다'가 광주지역 43.8%, 전남 곡성군지역 40.4%, 남학생 39.4%, 여학생 44.3%로 가장 높게 나타났고, 채소류가 우리 몸에 미치는 영향에 대해서는 '영양가가 높아서'라고 응답한 경우가 광주지역 90.6%, 전남 곡성군지역 88.2%, 남학생 87.1%, 여학생 91.2%로 거주 지역별, 성별에 관계없이 채소류의 영양성분의 중요성에 대해서는 높이 인식하고 있었다. 셋째, 초등학생의 채소류에 대한 관심에서는 식이섬유에 대한 인식여부(p<0.01), 식이섬유의 역할(p<0.01), 친환경 채소류의 인증표 구별여부(p<0.01), 식이섬유가 치아에 미치는 영향(p<0.01), 가족과 함께 채소류 재배섭취 경험(p<0.001) 등의 항목에서 지역에 따라 유의한 차이를 나타냈다. 초등학생의 채소류에 대한 관심은 친환경 채소류의 인증표 구별여부와 가족과 함께 채소류 재배섭취 경험에서 전남 곡성군지역이 광주지역보다 더 관심이 많았으며, 이외에 모든 항목에서는 광주지역이 전남 곡성군지역보다 더 관심이 많은 것을 알 수 있었다. 성별의 경우 남 여학생 모두에서 친환경 채소류의 인증표 구별여부, 식이섬유가 치아에 미치는 영향을 알고 있는가에서 관심이 가장 적게 나타났고, 여학생이 남학생보다 채소류에 대한 관심이 더 많았다. 위와 같이 광주 전남 곡성군지역 초등학생들은 지역과 성별과 관계없이 자신의 식습관 중에서 편식을 가장 고쳐야 할 사항으로 인식하고 있었고 그 중에서도 채소류 영양성분의 중요성을 알고 있으면서도 가장 싫어하고 있는 식품군이었다. 이에 초등학생들의 채소류에 대한 관심과 섭취 증진을 위해서는 지역과 성별에 따른 맞춤 식생활 교육이 필요하다고 보인다. 지역의 특성을 고려하여 광주지역 초등학생들의 경우는 채소의 이름 알기, 전남 곡성군지역 초등학생들의 경우는 채소의 기능 알기 등으로 흥미를 가질 수 있도록 하고, 여학생보다 채소류에 관심이 더 적은 남학생들에게 더 많은 기회를 제공, 초등학생들이 정보뿐만 아니라 영향을 많이 받는 부모에게도 동시에 연계교육실시 등을 통하여 체계적이고 지속적인 교육이 이루어져야 할 것으로 보인다.

암 환아 발생이 가족에게 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (The Impact of Childhood Cancer on The Korean Family)

  • 김수지;양순옥
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.636-652
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    • 1992
  • This study identified the impact of childhood cancer on the Korean family. The purpose was to contribute knowledge for family nursing and pediatric hospice care practice with sick children and their families. This descriptive study was conducted during a 6 month period with children who were being treated for cancer at six university hospitals in Seoul. The data were gathered from members of 68 families ; 24(Group A), with a child newly diagnosed with cancer : 27(Group B), with a child under treatment and without complications, and 17 (Group C), with a child in relapse. Medical records, structured questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection. The questionnaires and interview schedules had been used previously in Martinson's research in the USA and China. The findings, conclusions, and suggestions are as follows. 1. The impact of childhood cancer on the family. Members of the family experienced fear, helplessness, guilty feelings, and anger at the time of the initial diagnosis and at relapse. Mothers complained of headache, anorexia and poor appetite, weight loss, sleep disturbance, and bad dreams. Many of the fathers either lost or changed jobs, and all working mothers stopped working. Half the parents reported changes in their marital relationships such as frequent quarrels but also stronger unity. Family members perceived cancer as the most frightening disease. Change in their world view was expressed as living on faith understanding suffering, determining to live a better life, wanting to live an upright life and valuing health as the most important. Religious activities are found most helpful through this difficult experience. Financial debt due to the treatment and care of the sick child, burdened 22 families. The above mentioned impact was most evidant in Group B(those presently undergoing treatment) and Group C(those in relapse). Findings indicate that nursing care should embrace the family of a child who is being treated for cancer. 2. Characteristics of the child with cancer The majority of the children in this sample had a diagnosis of leukemia. Their mean age was 6.8 and the ratio of boys to girls was 1.12 ; 1. The mean hospitalization frequency was 13.5 times and the mean duration of illness was 16.8 months. Most of 1.he children perceived cancer as the most frightening disease ; 32.7% of the children described their sickness as serious. Children in Group C were hospitalized more frequently, stayed in hospital for longer periods, and expressed their sickness as quite serious more often than the other two groups. These findings indicate how much comprehensive pediatric hospice nursing care services are needed along with relevant research and nursing education. 3. Characteristics of the families. The mean age of the father was 39.5 and the mother, 36,6 ; they are in their most productive life period. Mothers especially expressed feelings of financial uneasiness and powerlessness about giving up their jobs, and guilty feelings for not providing enough care and concern to other children due to taking care of the sick one. The burden of caring for the sick child can bring negative changes in family dynamics which they think provoke potential health problems in members of the family These findings suggest a need for nursing support and counselling resources. Findings also suggest the need for ethical inquiry about such questions as who should give information to the child in regard to diagnosis and prognosis, when, and how. Other suggestions included : 1) Quality health care for childhood cancer such as home care and pediatric hospice programs should be established. 2) Special and practical consideration for long-term patients should be made in the present insurance coverage. The reimbursement period for long-term patients should be lengthened. 3) Further in-depth qualitative studies are needed. 4) Education programs including guided practice experience for pediatric hospice care practitioners are needed.

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지지간호가 군 요통환자의 우울ㆍ기분ㆍ만족에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Supportive Nursing Care on Depression, Mood and Satisfaction in Military Patients with Low Back Pain)

  • 김정아
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.324-340
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    • 1990
  • Support has always been considered an important nursing concept. However, there is no agreement among nurse researchers as to a conceptual definition of supportive nursing or meaningful supportive behaviors. Clarification of the concept, support in nursing, is necessary to promote communication among nurses on nursing behaviors that are effective in providing support and on understanding the relevant properties and charcteristics of the concept, supportive nursing care. The objectives of the study were : 1. to analyse the concept, support in nursing, in order to provide a definition of supportive nursing care, and 2. to operationalize the definition of supportive nursing care and use it as an experimental nursing intervention for patients with low back pain. The first part of the study used the concept analysis approach developed by Walker and Avant(1983) to define the concept of supportive nursing care. The properties of supportive nursing care, defined by this analysis, included perception of supportive need, reciprocal interaction(Transaction), listening, providing empathy and information related to health, and confirmation of the patient's verbal and non - verbal response. The second part, the experimental part of the study, was done using King's(1970) Interpersonal Theory for Nursing. The concept, supportive nursing care, as defined in the concept analysis was operationalized and used as the experimental intervention. The experiment tested the effectiveness of the independent variable, supportive nursing care on the dependent variables, depression, mood and patient satisfaction, in the patients with low back pain in army hospitals. The instruments used to measure the dependent variables were Zung's(1965) Self- Rating Depression Scale, Ryman and Colleagues'(1974) Mood Questionnaire and LaMonica and Colleagues'(1986) Patient Satisfaction Scale. The experimental design used for this study was a Solomon 4 group experimental design. This design has the strength of allowing for observation of the main effects of supportive nursing care and pretesting, and for observation of the interaction effects of pretesting and supportive nursing care. The design includes one experimental group and three control groups. The Subjects of this study were 150 young male patients with low back pain on Neuro - Surgical Wards in three general army hospitals. There were 35 in the experimental group, 39 in the pre - posttest control group, 36 in the treatment - posttest control group and 40 in the posttest only control group. Supportive nursing care, as operationalized by the researcher according to the concept analysis, was given to the patients in the experimental group and the treatment -posttest control group, individually for 30 minute sessions, every other day for 5 days. Data collection was done using a questionnaire. The data were collected in a pretest one week before the supportive nursing care sessions, a posttest immediately after the sessions and follow- up test one week later. Hypotheses testing was done using 2×2 factorial analysis of variance and Meta analysis(Stouffer's Z method). The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Hypothesis Ⅰ, “There will be a difference on depression level between the patients with low back pain who receive supportive nursing care and those who do not receive supportive nursing care”, was supported (F=8.49, p<.05). 2. Hypothesis Ⅱ, “There will be a difference on mood level between the patients with low back pain who receive supportive nursing care and those who to not receive supportive nursing care”, was supported (Z meta=2.17, p<.05). 3. Hypothesis Ⅲ, “There will be a difference on satisfaction level between the patients with low back pain who receive supportive nursing care and those who do not receive supportive nursing care”, was supported (F=13.67, p<.05). 4. ANOVA, done to examine the interaction effect of history and maturation, showed no significant difference on the dependent variables between the observations of the pretest scores of the experimental group, the pretest scores of the pre- posttest control group and the posttest score of the posttest only control group. 5. To test for continuing effect of supportive nursing care, paired t-test was done to compare the scores for the dependent variables at the posttest and at the one week later follow-up test. No significant difference on the scores for the dependent variables was found between the posttest scores and the follow-up test scores for the two groups that received supportive nursing care, the experimental group and the treatment-posttest control group. In conclusion, it was found that in the case of young soldiers with low back pain in army hospitals, their depression level was decreased, their mood state was changed positively and their satisfaction level was increased by receiving supportive nursing care. Further, the effectiveness of the supportive nursing care lasted for at least one week in this study. The significance of this study to nursing is in the analysis of the concept of supportive nursing care and the demonstration of the effectiveness of supportive nursing care as an intervention within the limits of the study.

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뇌졸중환자 가족의 간호요구 (A Study on the Care Needs of Family-Caregivers to the Patients with Stroke)

  • 김미희
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.175-192
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the care needs of family-caregivers to the patients with stroke. Subjects were 115 family-caregivers caring for the patients while they were in-patients or out-patients with stroke in two general hospitals and one oriental medicine hospital located in Seoul and Kwang-Ju. The instrument used for this study was made by the researcher on the basis of results of literature review and interviews with family-caregivers, composed of 35 items. Internal validity by calculation of cronbach's alpha with data of respondents was 0.91, which was regarded as high. The Data were analyzed by SAS program, with percentage, mean, t-test, and ANOVA. Factor structures of care needs of family-caregivers were elicited by factor analysis(PCA, Varimax rotation). Datum collection had been from July 1 to August 14, 1997. The results of this study were as follows : 1. The mean score of the sum of the care needs of family-caregivers was 3.96 and the highest-mean item was 'need for immediate care(M=4.77)', and the lowest-mean item was 'need for chaplian's visit (M=2.82)'. 2. Care needs of the family-caregivers were : Need to be informed of the disease, treatment and care ; need of education and assistance related to physical functional level ; need of social support and consultation ; need of management of nursing problem related to immobility ; need of appreciation ; need of the way to communicate with patients ; need of immediate care and help. The highest mean factor was the 'need for immediate care and help(M=4.74)', and the lowest mean factor was the 'need of appreciation(M=3.58)'. 3. The variables influencing the degree of care needs perceived by family-caregivers to the patients with stroke were as follows : There were significant differences between need to be informed of the disease, treatment and care and general characteristic factors, which were family caregiver's sex (p=.0178), caring period(p=.0223) and patient's suffering period(p=.0244). There were significant differences between need of education and assistance related to physical functional level and general characteristic factors, which were patient's paralysis(p=.0177), patient's ADL dependency(p=.0032). There were significant differences between need of social support and consultation and general characteristic factors, which were family caregiver's sex(p=.0055), occupation(p=.0159), religion(p=.0093) and patient's sex(p=.0134). There was significant difference in the degree of need of management of nursing problem related to immobility, according to the patient's ADL dependency(p=.0493). There were significant differences between need of appreciation and general characteristic factors, which were family caregiver's age(p=.0107), sex(p=.0133), and patient's age(p=.0338). There were significant differences between need of the way to communicate with patient and general characteristic factors, which were patient's paralysis(p=.0002) and aphasia(p=.0001). There were significant differences between need of immediate care and help and general characteristic factors, which were family caregiver's caring period(p=.0162) and patient's suffering period(p=.0116). 4. The mean score of patient's ADL dependency was 3. 38 and the highest-mean item was 'ascending and descending stairs(M=4.12)', and the lowest-mean item was 'drinking(M=2.60)'. There was no significant difference in the degrees of care needs related to the patient's ADL dependency. 5. The highest information source of family-caregivers was from the doctors about the disease, treatment and care(26.1%). The second highest one was from mass media(20.8%), and the third one was from the nurses. The above findings may be used as the basic data to seek more efficient way of elevating nursing practice and quality for family-caregivers to the patients with stroke.

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유인도서와 무인도서 산림식생의 종조성 및 군락 구조 비교 (A Comparison of Species Composition and Stand Structure of the Forest Vegetation between Inhabited and Uninhabited Island in the South Sea, Korea)

  • 김준수;전철현;정성철;김찬수;원현규;조준희;조현제
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.771-782
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    • 2016
  • 우리나라 도서지역 산림식생의 인간 간섭 유무와 정도에 따른 생태적 보전 및 관리를 위한 기초 정보를 수집하기 위하여 남해안 유인도서(대모도)와 무인도서(구도)를 대상으로 식물사회학적 연구방법으로 산림식생을 분류하고 그 구조 및 종조성 특성(총피도, 중요치, 종다양성, 지표종, 생활형 조성 등)을 파악하였다. 산림식생 유형은 대모도에서 총 11개 식생단위(1개 군락군, 2개 군락, 개 아군락, 9개 변군락, 그리고 4개 아변군락), 구도에서 총 8개 식생단위(2개 군락군, 5개 군락, 그리고 6개 아군락)가 구분되었다. 총피도(S)와 종다양도(H')에 있어서 구도는 교목층이, 대모도는 관목층이 다른 층위에 비하여 상대적으로 아주 높게 나타났다. 생활형 조성 체계는 대모도 N-R5-D2-e, 구도 MM-R5-D2-e로 나타났다. 과중요치(FIV) 분석결과 대모도에서는 차나무과와 소나무과, 구도는 녹나무과와 참나무과 분류군들이 상위그룹을 이루고 있었으며, 과별 종구성비에 있어서는 대모도는 국화과가 4.5%(19종류), 구도는 백합과가 7.3%(8종류)로 가장 높게 나타나 두 도서간 인위적 교란 정도를 가늠할 수 있었다. 지표종 분석에서는 대모도는 청미래덩굴, 광나무, 사스레피나무 등 미소지상식물(N)이, 구도는 황칠나무, 구실잣밤나무, 육박나무 등 대형지상식물(MM)이 대개 유의한 지표종(p<0.0005)으로 나타났다.