• Title/Summary/Keyword: implementation Analysis

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Development of Convergence Education (STEAM) Program for High School Credit System (고교학점제를 위한 융합교육(STEAM) 프로그램 개발)

  • Kwon, Hyuksoo;Kim, Eojin;Kim, Jaewoon;Min, JaeSik;Bae, SangIl;Son, MiHyun;Lee, Hyonyong;Choi, JinYoung;Han, MiYoung;Ham, HyungIn
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a STEAM program that can be used in the high school credit system to be fully implemented in 2025, and to examine its validity and effectiveness. The STEAM program analyzed the 2015 revised curriculum centering on science, technology, and engineering through the 2015 revised curriculum analysis, and then selected the five latest issues: hydrogen fuel, climate crisis, data science, appropriate technology, and barista. In accordance with this self-developed program development format (frame), it was developed for seven months through a process of group deliberation. The draft of the STEAM program for 29 sessions of five types, developed to indirectly experience the career path and occupation of high school students, was verified through consultation with 2 STEAM education experts. It was applied at five different high schools for a pilot implementation. As a result of the pilot application, it was confirmed that the students' STEAM attitude significantly improved in the post-test than the pre-test, and the students' high satisfaction with the program was confirmed. In addition, through an interview with the pilot application teacher, it was positively evaluated that 'the content and level of the program are suitable and through experience solving real-life problems, you can apply the content knowledge of related subjects and have an opportunity to experience careers.' Based on the results of the pilot application, the high school credit system STEAM program for students and teachers was finally completed in 29 lessons of five types. Through this study, the development and operation of the next-generation STEAM program that can be applied in the high school credit system should be actively developed, and a plan to improve teachers' professionalism so that the high school credit system can be established and operated properly for blended classes triggered by COVID-19. The necessity of design was suggested. This study is expected to be used as basic data for the development and operation of STEAM programs in the high school credit system, which will be fully implemented in 2025.

A Study on Contents Activism Analysis using Social Media - Focusing on Cases Related to Tom Moore's 100 Laps Challenge and the Exhibition of the Statue of Peace - (소셜미디어를 활용한 콘텐츠 액티비즘 분석 연구 - 톰 무어의 '100바퀴 챌린지'와 '평화의 소녀상' 전시를 중심으로-)

  • Shin, Jung-Ah
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to define the process of leading to self-realization and social solidarity through the process of contents planning, production, and distribution as Contents Activism, and to categorize specific execution steps. Based on this, we try to analyze concrete cases to find out the social meaning and effect of the practice of Contents Activism. As for the research method, after examining the differences between traditional activism and Contents Activism through a review of previous studies, the implementation process of Contents Activism was categorized into 7 steps. By applying this model, this study analyzed two cases of Contents Activism. The first case is the 100 laps challenge in the backyard planned by an elderly man ahead of his 100th birthday in early 2020, when the fear of COVID-19 spread. Sir Tom Moore, who lives in the UK, challenged to walk 100 laps in the backyard to help medical staff from the National Health Service as COVID-19 infections and deaths increased due to a lack of protective equipment. His challenge, which is difficult to walk without assistive devices due to cancer surgery and fall aftereffects, drew sympathy and participation from many people, leading to global solidarity. The second case analyzes the case of 'The Unfreedom of Expression, Afterwards' by Kim Seo-kyung and Kim Woon-seong, who were invited to the 2019 Aichi Triennale special exhibition in Japan. The 'Unfreedom of Expression, After' exhibition was a project to display the Statue of Peace and the lives of comfort women in the Japanese military, but it was withdrawn after three days of war due to threats and attacks from the far-right forces. Overseas artists who heard this news resisted the Triennale's decision, took and shared photos in the same pose as the Statue of Peace on social media such as Twitter and Instagram, empathizing with the historical significance of the Statue of Peace. Activism, which began with artists, has expanded through social media to the homes, workplaces, and streets of ordinary citizens living in various regions. The two cases can be said to be Contents Activism that led to social practice while solidifying and communicating with someone through contents.

Analysis of Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection among Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Single Center Study

  • Kim, Minhye;Choi, Sujin;Jung, Young Hwa;Choi, Chang Won;Shin, Myoung-jin;Kim, Eu Suk;Lee, Hyunju
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aimed to determine the incidence of central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), evaluate the patients' clinical characteristics, and identify the etiologic agents for guidance in prevention and treatment. Methods: A retrospective chart review study of infants classified as having CLABSI was conducted at the NICU of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital from January 2016 to December 2020. Results: Of the 45 infants, 53 had CLABSIs within a follow-up period of 18,622 catheter days. The incidence of CLABSIs was 2.85 per 1,000 catheter days. The most common catheter type was a peripherally inserted central catheter (n=47, 81%). A total of 57 pathogens were isolated, of which 57.9% (n=33) were Gram-positive bacteria, 36.8% (n=21) were Gram-negative bacteria, and 5.3% (n=3) were Candida spp. The most common pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus (n=12, 21%) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (n=12, 21%), followed by Klebsiella aerogenes (n=8, 14%). The median duration of bacteremia was 2 days, and 19 episodes showed bacteremia for 3 days or more. The mortality rate of infants within 14 days of CLABSI was 13.3% (n=6). Conclusions: This study analyzed the incidence of CLABSI and the distribution of pathogens in the NICU. Continuous monitoring of CLABSI based on active surveillance serves as guidance for empiric antibiotic use and also serves as a tool to assess the necessity for implementation of prevention strategies and their impact.

Changes in Perceptions of Science Classes Using Artificial Intelligence among Elementary Teachers Participating in Research School (연구학교 참여 초등교사의 인공지능 활용 과학 수업에 관한 인식 변화)

  • Kim, Tae Ha;Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.467-479
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    • 2023
  • For the successful implementation of education using artificial intelligence (AI) in schools, the perception of teachers is important. This study focuses on elementary school teachers and their perception of the need and teaching efficacy of science classes using AI before and after participating in a research school program. The analysis explores four key aspects, namely, learning, teaching, assessment, and communication. The study recruited 24 elementary school teachers from a school designated by the Gangwon Provincial Office of Education to participate in a year-long research school program. The study collected data using pre- and post-program surveys to explore changes in the perception of teachers regarding AI-based science classes. Furthermore, the researchers conducted individual in-depth interviews with four elementary school teachers to investigate the experience factors that influenced the changes in their perception of the aforementioned classes. The main findings were as follows. First, elementary school teachers were positively aware of the need for science classes using AI even prior to their research school experience; this perception remained positive after the research school program. Second, the science teaching efficacy of the elementary school teachers using AI was generally moderate. Even after the research school experience, the study found no statistically significant increase in efficacy in teaching science using AI. Third, by analyzing the necessity-efficacy as quadrants, the study observed that approximately half of the teachers who participated in the research school reported positive changes in learning, teaching, and assessment. Fourth, the study extracted four important experience factors that influenced the perception of the teachers of science classes using AI, namely, personal background and characteristics, personal class practice experience, teacher community activities, and administration and work of school. Furthermore, the study discussed the implications of these results in terms of the operation of research schools and science education using AI in elementary schools.

Discourse on Awaiting an Immortal in Honam Daoism and the Birth of Kang Jeungsan (호남 도교의 진인대망론(眞人待望論)과 강증산의 탄강(誕降))

  • Jung Jae-seo
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.41
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2022
  • This paper examines whether the dynamic and practical nature of Daoism has a significant relationship with the messianic figure Kang Jeungsan (姜甑山) via Honam (湖南) Daoism's Jinindaemangron (眞人待望論, discourse on awaiting an immortal). To this end, the historical implementation of Daoism's social transformation of consciousness in China and Korea is explored, and then the circumstances of Honam Daoism, in particular, are considered. Following that, analysis turns to the 'Jinindaemangron' in the late Joseon Dynasty that developed in Honam. As a result of the discussion, Daoism's social transformation of consciousness was expressed in China through the anti-establishment activities of the early Daoist groups such as Wudoumidao (五斗米道) and Taipingdao (太平道), movements that sought to build utopias. Throughout this process, the term, zhenren (眞人, 'jinin' in Korean), that originally meant 'master,' was transformed into the idea of a future savior. In the case of Korea, the dynamic and practical nature of Daoism can be found in the preface of Nanrang tombstone (鸞郎碑序) written by Choi Chi-won (崔致遠) which was later inherited by the Danhak sect (丹學派) practitioners who struggled against Buddhist monastics. Additionally, examined is the Docham theory of geomancy (圖讖說) that rose after Goryeo, the prophecy of 'Mokjadeuksul (木子得國說 a Lee clansman shall attain the kingdom)' that appeared thereafter, and the Prophecies of Jeong Gam (鄭鑑錄)'s 'Jinindaemangron' in the Joseon Dynasty. Next, the circumstances of Honam Daoism can be considered with regards ti Choi Chi-won and Doseon (道詵) in ancient times, and it can be confirmed that Nam Gung-du (南宮斗) and Kwon Geuk-jung (權克中) were entangled behind Kang Jeungsan. The close relationship among the Daoist Jeong family of Onyang (溫陽鄭氏), the Koh family of Jangheung (長興 高氏), and Kwon Geuk-jung was also confirmed in this study. Finally, in dealing with the 'Jinindaemangron' of Honam in the late Joseon Dynasty and the birth of Kang Jeungsan, Honam Daoism's intense consciousness of social transformation receives first focus, and this is expressed through Prophecies of Jeong Gam, and the religious ideologies of Donghak (東學) and Namhak (南學). These expressions are analyzed through Song of Gungeul (弓乙歌), composed by Jeongryeom (鄭磏), and through Daesoon Jinrihoe's The Canonical Scripture (典經). As a result, it can be confirmed that the messianic significance of the Kang Jeungsan's advent lay on the basis of the people's desire for an ideal future, which is a notion that had been ripening for several centuries.

A Study on Strategic Utilization of Smart Factory: Effects of Building Purposes and Contents on Continuous Utilization (스마트 팩토리의 전략적 활용 연구: 구축 목적 및 내용이 지속적 활용에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Ju-Hwan;Kim, Ji-Dae
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the relationships among purposes and contents of smart factory building and continuous utilization of smart factory. Specifically, this study identifies two types of purposes of smart factory building as follows: (1) improving productivity, (2) increasing flexibility. In this study, three aspects of smart factory building contents were suggested like this: (1) automation area (facility automation vs. work automation), (2) big data system focus (radical transformation vs. incremental improvement), and (3) value chain integration area (internal value chain integration vs. external value chain integration). In addition, we looked at how firm size moderates the purposes - contents - continuous utilization of smart factory relationship. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 151 manufacturing companies. More specifically, out of 151 companies, 100 are small-and-medium-sized enterprises and 51 large-sized enterprises. All questionnaires were targeted at companies with Smart Factory level above level 2. The analysis results of this study using Smart PLS statistical programs are as follows. First, the purposes of smart factory building including increasing productivity and flexibility had positive impacts on all of the contents of smart factory building. Second, all of smart factory building contents had positive impacts on the continuous use of smart factory except big data system for incremental improvement of manufacturing process. Third, the impacts of smart factory building purposes implementation on smart factory building contents varied depending on whether the purpose is productivity improvement or flexibility. Fourth, it was founded that firm size moderated the relationships of purposes - contents - continuous utilization of smart factory in such a way that large-sized firms tend to empathize the link between flexibility and smart factory building contents for continuous use of smart factory, while small-and-medium-sized-firms emphasizing the link between productivity and smart factory building contents. Most of the previous studies have focused on presenting current smart factory deployment cases. However, it is believed that this research has made a theoretical contribution in this field in that it established and verified a research model for the smart factory building strategy. Based on the findings from a working-level perspective, corporate practitioners also need to have a different approach to smart factory building, which should be emphasized depending on whether their purpose of building smart factory is to increase productivity or flexibility. In particular, since the results of this study identify the moderating effect of firm size, it is deemed necessary for firms to implement a smart factory building strategy suitable for their firm size.

A Study on the Linkage and Development of the BRM Based National Tasks and the Policy Information Contents (BRM기반 국정과제와 정책정보콘텐츠 연계 및 구축방안에 관한 연구)

  • Younghee, Noh;Inho, Chang;Hyojung, Sim;Woojung, Kwak
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.191-213
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    • 2022
  • With a view to providing a high-quality policy information service beyond the existing national task service of the national policy information portal (POINT) of the National Library of Korea Sejong, it would be necessary to effectively provide the policy data needed for the implementation of the new national tasks. Accordingly, in this study, an attempt has been made to find a way to connect and develop the BRM-based national tasks and the policy information contents. Towards this end, first, the types of national tasks and the contents of each field and area of the government function's classification system were analyzed, with a focus placed on the 120 national tasks of the new administration. Furthermore, by comparing and analyzing the national tasks of the previous administration and the current information, the contents ought to be reflected for the development of contents related to the national tasks identified. Second, the method for linking and collecting the policy information was sought based on the analysis of the current status of policy information and the national information portal. As a result of the study, first, examining the 1st stage BRM of the national tasks, it turned out that there were 21 tasks for social welfare, 14 for unification and diplomacy, 17 for small and medium-sized businesses in industry and trade, 12 for general public administration, 8 for the economy, taxation and finance, 6 for culture, sports and tourism, science and technology, and education each, 5 for communication, public order and safety each, 4 for health, transportation and logistics, and environment each, 3 for agriculture and forestry, 2 for national defense and regional development each, and 1 for maritime and fisheries each, among others. As for the new administration, it is apparent that science technology and IT are important, and hence, it is necessary to consider such when developing the information services for the core national tasks. Second, to link the database with external organizations, it would be necessary to form a linked operation council, link and collect the information on the national tasks, and link and provide the national task-related information for the POINTs.

A Study on The Effect of Psychological State occurred by the Organizational Change and Public Service Motivation on the JobAttitude: A comparison before and after the Implementation of Relocation of Electric Power Public Corporation to Local Areas (조직변화에 따른 심리상태와 공공봉사동기가 직무태도에 미치는 영향 조사연구: 전력공기업의 지방 이전 실시 전후의 비교)

  • Lee, Joon Tae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 2022
  • The relocation policy of public Institutions throughout provincial areas that implemented for the purpose of "balanced national development" finished in 2019 with the last relocation of the Korea Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning, which moved to Chungbuk Innovation City. Electric power public corporations also completed relocation program over eight regions across the nation. This study was conducted empirically to identify the structural relationship between the public service motivation and job attitude. In this, the relationship of organizational change, particularly occurred by the regional relocation, with the psychological state of these organization members (experienced direct changes and got substantial impacts in various aspects such as psychological, economic and living environment, etc.,) was studied. This study aims to seek early organizational stabilization ideas for electric power public corporations after relocation, and to present some implications that can contribute to the secondary relocation of public institutions to local areas. This study shows the statistically significant relationship between the psychological state occurred by relocation and organizational commitment. The result shows that the higher the expectation levels, the higher the degree of organizational commitment, while anxious psychological state has no relation with that. Additionally, expectation level has no significant functional relation with turnover intention. Followings are the major conclusions revealed in this study; The stronger the anxious psychological state, the higher the turnover inducement goes up. The higher the expectation levels, the higher the public service motivation grows, and the higher the anxiety psychological state, the public service motivation lowers. The organizational commitment grows according to the public service motivation proportionally, but the turnover inducement intention is weak. The moderating effect of public service motivation between the expectation of organizational change and turnover intention was not significant, but it was analyzed that the moderating effect of public service motivation formed a significant relationship with other anxiety psychology. The expectation levels of employees of electric power public corporations has grown up after moving to provincial areas. Relationship between the expectation mind and the turnover inducement has decreased after local relocation.

Analysis of risk evaluation procedures and consideration of risk assessment issues of living modified organisms for agricultural use in Korea (농업용(사료용) 유전자변형생물체의 위해성심사 제도 분석 및 환경위해성평가 관련 쟁점에 대한 고찰)

  • Myung-Ho Lim;Sang Dae Yun;Eun Young Kim;Sung Aeong Oh;Soon-Ki Park
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.50
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    • pp.275-289
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    • 2023
  • Since the implementation of the Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) Act in 2008, approximately 10 million tons of genetically modified corn, soybean, potato, canola, and other crops have been imported into South Korea. The import approval procedures have been completed for approximately 191 cases that include seven crops. Of these, approximately 90 cases, excluding crossbreeds of approved LMOs, were reviewed via consultation risk evaluation in four areas: human health, crop culture, natural ecology, and marine fishery environment. LMO developers in South Korea, who are major stakeholders in the import of LMO crops produced overseas, have raised concerns regarding procedural inefficiency in consultation reviews and the need of excessive reviews that are unsuitable for food-feed processing purposes. These procedures reflect the perspective of consultation agencies that deviate from the nature of risk assessment and demand specific supplementary data that do not reflect familiarity and substantial equilibrium. Based on frequent instances of unintentional environmental release of LMO crops imported into Korea, the ministries responsible for consultation insist on a review that considers the climate and natural environment of Korea. In addition, the ministries mandate that their reviews reflect the expertise of competent ministries and are based on risk assessment principles and methods in accordance with international guidelines. In this regard, considering that traits introduced into LMO crops involving familiar agricultural crops have been considered safe for more than two decades, we have suggested reasonable alternatives to several risk assessment items for agricultural LMOs. These alternatives can mitigate conflicts of interest among key stakeholders within the scope of the current LMO regulations.

Analysis of Private Road Toll Discounts and Subsidy Payment Plan for Sunset-type Vehicles (민자도로의 통행료 할인 현황과 일몰형 통행차량의 보조금 지급 방안)

  • Kim, Ji-Myong;Lim, Kwangk-kyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.519-529
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    • 2024
  • Vehicle toll discounts on private roads are categorized into two types: non-sunset and sunset. Sunset types refer to provisions in which all or part of a law loses its effect upon a specific legislator-set deadline. Vehicles eligible for 'sunset' discounts include cargo vehicles operating late at night and eco-friendly vehicles powered by electricity or hydrogen. Korean government has subsidized all reduced toll fees for vehicles classified as non-sunset types on private roads to operators, but no subsidies have been provided for toll reductions on sunset vehicles. The rapid increase in electric hydrogen vehicles escalates the burden of reduced toll revenue on private road operators. This study analyzed traffic volume and toll reduction data from eight private road operators nationwide as of the end of 2023 to propose the necessity and method of supporting sunset-type toll reduction subsidies. In 2022, the subsidy for non-sunset types amounted to 87.5 billion won, or 18.6 % of total traffic revenue. The toll exemption and reduction ratio under the concession agreement ranged from 4.0 % to 5.65 % of total traffic volume for each operator. Although the proportion of vehicles exempted from sunset traffic increased from 0.85 % in 2017 to 2.79 % in 2022, the reduction amount ratio reached 4.2 % (KRW 25.5 billion) of total traffic revenue in 2022. The escalating number of registered eco-friendly vehicles is gradually causing operating profit losses on private roads. In alignment with the government's policy to expand eco-friendly vehicles, it is imperative to consider including vehicles eligible for toll reductions listed under the sunset category for subsidy payments. The study established a minimum ratio for toll reduction assistance at 4.0 %, agreed upon between the road authorities and private operators. Three policy alternatives were proposed to ensure preservation of amounts exceeding this threshold for sustaining adequate toll revenue for private road operators.