• 제목/요약/키워드: implementation Analysis

검색결과 6,553건 처리시간 0.031초

The Needs Assessment of Middle School Students for Practical Reasoning Home Economics Classes in the Distance Learning Environment (원격학습 환경에서 가정교과 실천적 추론 과정에 대한 중학생의 요구도 조사연구)

  • Choi, Seong-Youn
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the needs of middle school students for the practical reasoning in a distance learning environment, to verify the needs differences based on the learner's personal characteristics, student-teacher interaction, and student-student interaction, and to investigate the relationships among student-teacher interaction, voluntary participation of students, and the students' perception of the extent to which practical reasoning is implemented in distance learning. For this purpose, 1,842 middle school students from seven schools in Gyeonggi, Daejeon, Chungbuk, and Sejong areas were surveyed online to investigate the importance of the practical reasoning questions and the how much practical reasoning is implemented in current distance learning. Among them, 1,095 responses were used for final analysis and descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and path analysis were conducted. As a result of the study, first, middle school students acknowledged that the practical reasoning was important with the importance average 3.76. Based on the locus for focus model, the priorities of the needs in home economics class were examined, and the values and importance of the problem, and the ramification of the solution were considered to be of high priority. Second, characteristics of middle school students, student-teacher interaction and student-student interaction were found to have positive influence on needs for practical reasoning, while no difference were found by gender or voluntary participation in distance learning. Third, the voluntary participation of students and the student-teacher interaction in distance learning had a positive (+) significant effect on perceived implementation of practical reasoning, yet negative (-) significant effect on needs for practical reasoning.

Comparative Analysis of Nitrogen Concentration of Rainfall in South Korea for Nonpoint Source Pollution Model Application (비점오염모델 적용을 위한 우리나라 행정구역별 강수 중 질소농도 비교분석)

  • Choi, Dong Ho;Kim, Min-Kyeong;Hur, Seung-Oh;Hong, Sung-Chang;Choi, Soon-Kun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND: Water quality management of river requires quantification of pollutant loads and implementation of measures through monitoring study, but it requires labour and costs. Therefore, many researchers are performing nonpoint source pollution analysis using computer models. However, calibration of model parameters needs observed data. Nitrogen concentration in rainfall is one of the factors to be considered when estimating the pollutant loads through application of the nonpoint source pollution model, but the default value provided by the model is used when there are no observed data. Therefore, this study aims to provide the representative nitrogen concentration of the rainfall for the administrative district ensuring rational modeling and reliable results. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this study, rainfall monitoring data from June 2015 to December 2017 were used to determine the nitrogen concentration in rainfall for each administrative district. Range of the $NO_3{^-}$ and $NH_4{^+}$ concentrations were 0.41~6.05 mg/L, 0.39~2.27 mg/L, respectively, and T-N concentration was 0.80~7.71 mg/L. Furthermore, the national average of T-N concentration in this study was $2.84{\pm}1.42mg/L$, which was similar to the national average of T-N 3.03 mg/L presented by the Ministry of Environment in 2015. Therefore, the nitrogen concentrations suggested in this study can be considered to be resonable values. CONCLUSION: The nitrogen concentrations estimated in this study showed regional differences. Therefore, when estimating the pollutant loads through application of the nonpoint source pollution model, resonable parameter estimation of nitrogen concentration in rainfall is possible by reflecting the regional characteristics.

Clinical Practice Guideline for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Korea

  • Kim, Chul;Sung, Jidong;Lee, Jong Hwa;Kim, Won-Seok;Lee, Goo Joo;Jee, Sungju;Jung, Il-Young;Rah, Ueon Woo;Kim, Byung Ok;Choi, Kyoung Hyo;Kwon, Bum Sun;Yoo, Seung Don;Bang, Heui Je;Shin, Hyung-Ik;Kim, Yong Wook;Jung, Heeyoune;Kim, Eung Ju;Lee, Jung Hwan;Jung, In Hyun;Jung, Jae-Seung;Lee, Jong-Young;Han, Jae-Young;Han, Eun Young;Won, Yu Hui;Han, Woosik;Baek, Sora;Joa, Kyung-Lim;Lee, Sook Joung;Kim, Ae Ryoung;Lee, So Young;Kim, Jihee;Choi, Hee Eun;Lee, Byeong-Ju;Kim, Soon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제52권4호
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    • pp.248-329
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    • 2019
  • Background: Though clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for cardiac rehabilitation (CR) are an effective and widely used treatment method worldwide, they are as yet not widely accepted in Korea. Given that cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of death in Korea, it is urgent that CR programs be developed. In 2008, the Government of Korea implemented CR programs at 11 university hospitals as part of its Regional Cardio-Cerebrovascular Center Project, and 3 additional medical facilities will be added in 2019. In addition, owing to the promotion of CR nationwide and the introduction of CR insurance benefits, 40 medical institutions nationwide have begun CR programs even as a growing number of medical institutions are preparing to offer CR. The purpose of this research was to develop evidence-based CPGs to support CR implementation in Korea. Methods: This study is based on an analysis of CPGs elsewhere in the world, an extensive literature search, a systematic analysis of multiple randomized control trials, and a CPG management, development, and assessment committee comprised of 33 authors-primarily rehabilitation specialists, cardiologists, and thoracic surgeons in 21 university hospitals and 2 general hospitals. Twelve consultants, primarily rehabilitation, sports medicine, and preventive medicine specialists, CPG experts, nurses, physical therapists, clinical nutritionists, and library and information experts participated in the research and development of these CPGs. After the draft guidelines were developed, 3 rounds of public hearings were held with staff members from relevant academic societies and stakeholders, after which the guidelines were further reviewed and modified. Results: CR involves a more cost-effective use of healthcare resources relative to that of general treatments, and the exercise component of CR lowers cardiovascular mortality and readmission rates, regardless of the type of coronary heart disease and type and setting of CR. Conclusion: Individualized CR programs should be considered together with various factors, including differences in heart function and lifestyle, and doing so will boost participation and adherence with the CR program, ultimately meeting the final goals of the program, namely reducing the recurrence of myocardial infarction and mortality rates.

Comparison on Patterns of Conflicts in the South China Sea and the East China Sea through Analysis on Mechanism of Chinese Gray Zone Strategy (중국의 회색지대전략 메커니즘 분석을 통한 남중국해 및 동중국해 분쟁 양상 비교: 시계열 데이터에 근거한 경험적 연구를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Yongsu
    • Maritime Security
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.273-310
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    • 2020
  • This study aims at empirically analyzing the overall mechanism of the "Gray Zone Strategy", which has begun to be used as one of Chinese major maritime security strategies in maritime conflicts surrounding the South China Sea and East China Sea since early 2010, and comparing the resulting conflict patterns in those reg ions. To this end, I made the following two hypotheses about Chinese gray zone strategy. The hypotheses that I have argued in this study are the first, "The marine gray zone strategy used by China shows different structures of implementation in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, which are major conflict areas.", the second, "Therefore, the patterns of disputes in the South China Sea and the East China Sea also show a difference." In order to examine this, I will classify Chinese gray zone strategy mechanisms multi-dimensionally in large order, 1) conflict trends and frequency of strategy execution, 2) types and strengths of strategy, 3) actors of strategy execution, and 4) response methods of counterparts. So, I tried to collect data related to this based on quantitative modeling to test these. After that, about 10 years of data pertaining to this topic were processed, and a research model was designed with a new categorization and operational definition of gray zone strategies. Based on this, I was able to successfully test all the hypotheses by successfully comparing the comprehensive mechanisms of the gray zone strategy used by China and the conflict patterns between the South China Sea and the East China Sea. In the conclusion, the verified results were rementioned with emphasizing the need to overcome the security vulnerabilities in East Asia that could be caused by China's marine gray zone strategy. This study, which has never been attempted so far, is of great significance in that it clarified the intrinsic structure in which China's gray zone strategy was implemented using empirical case studies, and the correlation between this and maritime conflict patterns was investigated.

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An Implementation of OTB Extension to Produce TOA and TOC Reflectance of LANDSAT-8 OLI Images and Its Product Verification Using RadCalNet RVUS Data (Landsat-8 OLI 영상정보의 대기 및 지표반사도 산출을 위한 OTB Extension 구현과 RadCalNet RVUS 자료를 이용한 성과검증)

  • Kim, Kwangseob;Lee, Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.449-461
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    • 2021
  • Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for optical satellite images represents a pre-processed product by applying spectral characteristics and viewing parameters for each sensor. The atmospheric correction is one of the fundamental and complicated topics, which helps to produce Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) and Top-of-Canopy (TOC) reflectance from multi-spectral image sets. Most remote sensing software provides algorithms or processing schemes dedicated to those corrections of the Landsat-8 OLI sensors. Furthermore, Google Earth Engine (GEE), provides direct access to Landsat reflectance products, USGS-based ARD (USGS-ARD), on the cloud environment. We implemented the Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) atmospheric correction extension, an open-source remote sensing software for manipulating and analyzing high-resolution satellite images. This is the first tool because OTB has not provided calibration modules for any Landsat sensors. Using this extension software, we conducted the absolute atmospheric correction on the Landsat-8 OLI images of Railroad Valley, United States (RVUS) to validate their reflectance products using reflectance data sets of RVUS in the RadCalNet portal. The results showed that the reflectance products using the OTB extension for Landsat revealed a difference by less than 5% compared to RadCalNet RVUS data. In addition, we performed a comparative analysis with reflectance products obtained from other open-source tools such as a QGIS semi-automatic classification plugin and SAGA, besides USGS-ARD products. The reflectance products by the OTB extension showed a high consistency to those of USGS-ARD within the acceptable level in the measurement data range of the RadCalNet RVUS, compared to those of the other two open-source tools. In this study, the verification of the atmospheric calibration processor in OTB extension was carried out, and it proved the application possibility for other satellite sensors in the Compact Advanced Satellite (CAS)-500 or new optical satellites.

Developing Content System for Home Economics Curriculum in Connection with Education for Sustainable Development(ESD): Focusing on the 'Life Environment and Sustainable Choice' Area (지속가능발전교육(ESD)을 연계한 가정과 교육과정의 내용체계 개발: '생활환경과 지속가능한 선택' 영역)

  • Yoon, So Hee;Sohn, Sang-Hee;Lee, Soo-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.145-161
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a content system for the home economics curriculum that integrates Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) and provides basic material for ESD implementation in schools. In view of this, the content elements of the revised home economics curriculum for 2022 were analyzed, and a content system for the home economics curriculum, linked to ESD, was proposed based on the implications drawn from the analysis. The results are as follows. First, the three components of competencies, namely knowledge, values, and skills, were organized equally as a whole. However, the association between the content elements and key competencies in sustainability was found to be insufficient. Consequently, it is proposed that key competencies in sustainability should be cultivated integrally. Second, no content element was identified that can promote social participation. Therefore, it is proposed that solutions should be dealt with at the level of social participation. Third, the connection with Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) was observed in only six of the 28 content elements. Wherever relevant, it is proposed to incorporate key issues related to SDGs. Fourth, the analysis confirmed that only the environmental dimension of sustainable development was considered. Therefore, it is proposed to pursue coexistence based on temporal and spatial relationship and consider the dimensions of environment, society, and economy in an integrated manner.

Effect of Development and Implementation of Home Economics Education's 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' Education Program in Preparation for the High School Credit System (고교학점제를 대비한 가정 교과 '1인 가구의 식사와 조리' 교육 프로그램 개발 및 실행 효과)

  • Choi, Buroni;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.19-41
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to confirm the effect of the 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program on improving the dietary management competency of high school students. In order to achieve this research purpose, 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program was developed, implemented, and evaluated based on the ADDIE instructional design model. The results of this study are as follows. First, an analysis was conducted on literature and prior research related to the dietary life of single-person households and dietary education programs of the home economics subject. Based on this, the theoretical background for the 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program was established. Then, teaching-learning process plan and student workbooks for a total of 16 unit classes were developed. The expert validity of the program was verified by 6 experts who are current high school home economics teachers and have experience in conducting research related to dietary education programs. As a result, the average of all items was 4.89 (out of 5 points) and the CVI was 0.98, securing very excellent content validity. Second, the researcher directly implemented 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program for 100 students in Y high school located in Sejong city. Considering the school's situation, the 16th session of teaching-learning process plan was shortened to 6th sessions while all the core topics. A survey was conducted on students who participated in the program and the pre- and post- results were analyzed. As a result of the survey analysis, the 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program had a positive effect on improving the dietary management competency of high school students. This study is meaningful in that it has implications for the development of a new subject in home economics in preparation for the high school credit system and improving dietary management competency in accordance with social changes in the era of single-person households, and the 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program developed in this study can be used as a mini-subject in the 2022 revised curriculum.

Effect of Job Fit and Organizational Justice on Job Commitment of Social Enterprise: Moderating Effect of Emotional Leadership (사회적기업의 직무 적합성과 조직 공정성이 직무 몰입에 미치는 영향: 감성적 리더십의 조절효과)

  • Lee, Eun-Hee;Ha, Kyu-Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.205-218
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    • 2022
  • A social enterprise is an enterprise that pursues a social purpose with financial resources obtained through its own profit-making activities.. In a rapidly changing market environment, it is becoming increasingly difficult for social enterprises to maintain sustainability. Due to the poor and limited resources of social enterprises, the core competency of human resources is the most important point. In order for social enterprises to maintain their sustainability, it is very urgent to create conditions so that workers can stably commit themselves in their work. Therefore, this study tried to increase the sustainability of social enterprises by empirically analyzing the factors that affect job commitment among workers of social enterprises. As factors affecting job commitment, job fit and organizational justice factors were derived. In addition, the moderating effect of emotional leadership was also analyzed in the relationship between them. For this, a questionnaire survey was conducted on employees of social enterprises and 260 valid samples were used for the analysis. The empirical analysis results were as follows. Job knowledge, job skill, job experience, job desire as sub-factors of job fit, and distributive justice, procedural justice, which were sub-factors of organizational justice, had a significant positive (+) effect on job commitment. The impact of influence was in the order of procedural justice, job experience, job desire, distributive justice, job skill, and job knowledge. On the other hand, the significance of interactional justice was not tested. Emotional leadership was analyzed to play a moderating role between job knowledge, job skill, job desire, distributive justice, procedural justice and job commitment. However, moderating effect were not tested between job experience, interactional justice and job commitment. The results of this empirical study expanded the scope of existing job-related studies by empirically analyzing the factors affecting job commitment within the category of social enterprises at the academic level. At the psychological level, job experience was found to be one of the most important factors among various influencing factors. Significant implications necessary for future training for workers and implementation of various systems were presented.

A Study on the Implications of Korea Through the Policy Analysis of AI Start-up Companies in Major Countries (주요국 AI 창업기업 정책 분석을 통한 국내 시사점 연구)

  • Kim, Dong Jin;Lee, Seong Yeob
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.215-235
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    • 2024
  • As artificial intelligence (AI) technology is recognized as a key technology that will determine future national competitiveness, competition for AI technology and industry promotion policies in major countries is intensifying. This study aims to present implications for domestic policy making by analyzing the policies of major countries on the start-up of AI companies, which are the basis of the AI industry ecosystem. The top four countries and the EU for the number of new investment attraction companies in the 2023 AI Index announced by the HAI Research Institute at Stanford University in the United States were selected, The United States enacted the National AI Initiative Act (NAIIA) in 2021. Through this law, The US Government is promoting continued leadership in the United States in AI R&D, developing reliable AI systems in the public and private sectors, building an AI system ecosystem across society, and strengthening DB management and access to AI policies conducted by all federal agencies. In the 14th Five-Year (2021-2025) Plan and 2035 Long-term Goals held in 2021, China has specified AI as the first of the seven strategic high-tech technologies, and is developing policies aimed at becoming the No. 1 AI global powerhouse by 2030. The UK is investing in innovative R&D companies through the 'Future Fund Breakthrough' in 2021, and is expanding related investments by preparing national strategies to leap forward as AI leaders, such as the implementation plan of the national AI strategy in 2022. Israel is supporting technology investment in start-up companies centered on the Innovation Agency, and the Innovation Agency is leading mid- to long-term investments of 2 to 15 years and regulatory reforms for new technologies. The EU is strengthening its digital innovation hub network and creating the InvestEU (European Strategic Investment Fund) and AI investment fund to support the use of AI by SMEs. This study aims to contribute to analyzing the policies of major foreign countries in making AI company start-up policies and providing a basis for Korea's strategy search. The limitations of the study are the limitations of the countries to be analyzed and the failure to attempt comparative analysis of the policy environments of the countries under the same conditions.

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An Analysis of Web Services in the Legal Works of the Metropolitan Representative Library (광역대표도서관 법정업무의 웹서비스 분석)

  • Seon-Kyung Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • 제58권2호
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    • pp.177-198
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    • 2024
  • Article 22(1) of the Library Act, which was completely revised in December 2006, stipulated that regional representative libraries are statutory organizations, and Article 25(1) of the Library Act, which was revised again in late 2021, renamed them as metropolitan representative libraries and expanded their duties. The reason why cities and provinces are required to specify or establish and operate metropolitan representative libraries is that in addition to their role as public libraries for public information use, cultural activities, and lifelong learning as stipulated in Article 23 of the Act, they are also responsible for the legal works of metropolitan representative libraries as stipulated in Article 26, and lead the development of libraries and knowledge culture by serving as policy libraries, comprehensive knowledge information centers, support and cooperation centers, research centers, and joint preservation libraries for all public libraries in the city or province. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and diagnose whether the metropolitan representative library has been faithfully fulfilling its legal works for the past 15 years(2009-2023), and whether it is properly providing the results of its statutory planning and implementation on its website to meet the digital and mobile era. Therefore, this study investigated and analyzed the performance of the metropolitan representative library for the last two years based on the current statutory tasks and evaluated the extent to which it provides them through its website, and suggested complementary measures to strengthen its web services. As a result, it was analyzed that the web services for legal works that the metropolitan representative library should perform are quite insufficient and inadequate, so it suggested complementary measures such as building a website for legal works on the homepage, enhancing accessibility and visibility through providing an independent website, providing various policy information and web services (portal search, inter-library loan, one-to-one consultation, joint DB construction, data transfer and preservation, etc.), and ensuring digital accessibility of knowledge information for the vulnerable.