• Title/Summary/Keyword: impedance-based method

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Application of Multiple Fuzzy-Neuro Controllers of an Exoskeletal Robot for Human Elbow Motion Support

  • Kiguchi, Kazuo;Kariya, Shingo;Wantanabe, Keigo;Fukude, Toshio
    • Transactions on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2002
  • A decrease in the birthrate and aging are progressing in Japan and several countries. In that society, it is important that physically weak persons such as elderly persons are able to take care of themselves. We have been developing exoskeletal robots for human (especially for physically weak persons) motion support. In this study, the controller controls the angular position and impedance of the exoskeltal robot system using multiple fuzzy-neuro controllers based on biological signals that reflect the human subject's intention. Skin surface electromyogram (EMG) signals and the generated wrist force by the human subject during the elbow motion have been used as input information of the controller. Since the activation level of working muscles tends to vary in accordance with the flexion angle of elbow, multiple fuzzy-neuro controllers are applied in the proposed method. The multiple fuzzy-neuro controllers are moderately switched in accordance with the elbow flexion angle. Because of the adaptation ability of the fuzzy-neuro controllers, the exoskeletal robot is flexible enough to deal with biological signal such as EMG. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed controller.

Printed Annular Ring Slot Antenna for Circular Polarization (원형편파를 갖는 원형 링 마이크로스트립 슬롯 안테나)

  • 이태훈;김명석;김영두;이홍민
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents novel compact circularly polarized(CP) operation of a annular ring slot antenna with a 45$^{\circ}$truncated in the patch and a cross-slot of unequal slot lengths. A simple configuration based on a cross-slot of unequal slot lengths on the annular ring patch is adopted to realize a small-size element antenna and used a proximity coupled feed method. Experimental results show that much wider impedance bandwidth of 7.74 % and axial ratio bandwidth of 1.9 % in GPS band(1.5 GHz).

Instantaneous Frequency Estimation of the Gaussian Enveloped Linear Chirp Signal for Localizing the Faults of the Instrumental Cable in Nuclear Power Plant (가우시안 포락선 선형 첩 신호의 순시 주파수 추정을 통한 원전 내 계측 케이블의 고장점 진단 연구)

  • Lee, Chun Ku;Park, Jin Bae;Yoon, Tae Sung
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.62 no.7
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    • pp.987-993
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    • 2013
  • Integrity of the control and instrumental cables in nuclear power plant is important to maintain the stability of the nuclear power plants. In order to diagnose the integrity of the cables, the diagnostic methods based on reflectometry have been studied. The reflectometry is a non-destructive method and it is applicable to diagnose the live cables. We introduce a Gaussian enveloped linear chirp reflectometry to diagnose the cables in the nuclear power plants. In this paper, we estimate the instantaneous frequency of the Gaussian enveloped linear chirp signal by using the weighted robust least squares filtering to localize the impedance discontinuities in the class 1E instrumental cable.

Distance Relaying Algorithm for Intertie Protection of a Wind Farm Considering the Fault Ride-through Requirement (Fault ride-through 요구를 고려한 풍력발전단지 연계선 보호 거리계전 알고리즘)

  • Kang, Yong-Cheol;Kang, Hae-Gweon;Zheng, Tai-Ying;Kim, Yeon-Hee;Lee, Young-Gui
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.6
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    • pp.1053-1058
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    • 2010
  • A large modern wind farm should satisfy the requirements for a grid and accomplish the optimization of the wind farm system. The wind farm intertie protection system should consider a Fault Ride-Through (FRT) requirement for more reliable protection. The wind farm should keep connected to the grid in the case of a grid fault whilst it should be isolated for an intertie fault. This paper proposes a distance relaying algorithm suitable for wind farm intertie protection considering the FRT requirement. The proposed algorithm estimates the impedance based on a differential equation method because the frequency of the voltage and current deviates the nominal frequency. The algorithm extends the reach of Zone 1 up to 100 % of the length of the intertie to implement the FRT requirement. To discriminate an intertie fault from a grid fault, the algorithm uses a voltage blocking scheme because the magnitude of the voltage at the relaying point for an intertie fault becomes less than that for a grid fault. The performance of the algorithm is verified using a PSCAD/EMTDC simulator under various fault conditions. The algorithm can discriminate successfully the intertie fault from grid fault and thus helps to implement the FRT requirement of a wind farm.

Analysis of Anthropometric Measuremetnts, Eating Habits, and Dietary Intake of Women with Child-bearing Experiences and Different Body Fat Contents (비만도가 다른 출산경험여성의 신체계측, 식습관 및 영양소섭취상태 연구)

  • 유윤희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.201-209
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible causal factors of obesity in women with child-bearing experiences in effects to provide optimal information for the prevention and/or treatment of obesity. Sventy one women with child-bearing experiences were divided into five groups based on the degree of obesity by BROCA method ; normal weight, overweight, and obesity which was further divided into three groups of light, moderate, and sever obesity. Various anthropomnetric measurements, overall eating habits, and dietery intakes were asessed for each groups. Out of eighteen anthropometric factors asociated with obesity, thirteen measurements were represented to be valid for the diagnosis of obesity. Body fat % which was analyzed by Bioelectrical Impedance fatnee Analyzer were 24.765, 28.05%, and 29.85 for normal, overweight, and obesity group respectively. WHR(waister to hip ratio) or BMI(body mass index) widely used index was also resulted to be valid as a predictor of obesity. Waist circumference which represents abdominal fat mass showed a good correlatin with body fat%. The analysis of dietary intakes suggested that the overintakes of total calorie may not be the only causal factor of obesity, rather the amount of daily protein, fat and carbohydrate intakes or the physical activity level would be more closely related with the prevalence of obesity. Further investigation considering more variety of food composition of diet and the activity level involving larger number of subjects would be needed.

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A Study on the Power System Application of High-Tc Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (고온초전도 한류기의 전력계통 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Hyeong-Thaek;Yu, In-Keun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07a
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    • pp.115-116
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    • 2006
  • Since the discovery of the high-temperature superconductors, many researches have been performed for the practical applications of superconductivity technologies in various fields. As results, significant progress has been achieved. Especially, Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) offers an attractive means to limit fault current in power systems. The SFCLS, in contrast to current limiting reactors or high impedance transformers, are capable of limiting short circuit currents without adding considerable voltage drop and energy loss to power systems during normal operation. Under fault conditions, a resistance is automatically inserted into the power grid to limit the peak short-circuit current by transition from the superconducting state to the normal state, the quench. The advantages, like fail safe operation and quick recovery, make SFCL very attractive, especially for rapidly growing power systems with higher short-circuit capacities. In order to verify the effectiveness of the SFCL, in this paper, the analysis of fault current and voltage stability assessment in a sample distribution system and a transmission system are performed by the PSCAD/EMTDC based simulation method. Through the simulation, the advantage of SFCL application is shown, and the effective parameters of the SFCL are also recommended for both distribution and transmission systems. A resistive type component of SFCL is adopted in the analysis. The simulation results demonstrate not only the effectiveness of the proposed simulation scheme but also SFCL parameter assessment technique.

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Implementation of Data Transmission System Using PSD Sensor and Laser Diode Module (PSD 센서와 Laser를 이용한 데이터 전송 시스템 구현)

  • Kim, Myung-Hwan;Ma, Keun-Su;Lee, Jae-Deuk
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.07d
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    • pp.3016-3018
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    • 2005
  • The PSD(Position Sensitive Detector) is a sensor for detecting the position of incident light. Because of its various advantages, it is used for position and angle sensing, optical range finders, laser displacement sensing, and etc. In the previous study of the position finding system, the laser tracking robot is developed. Small data rate and unidirectionality is the characteristics of data communication both DSP-based pan/tilt control board and the robot. If we can transmit data to the target using PSD sensor and laser diode module, there is no need for communication devices such as the bluetooth and wireless module. For this reason, this paper presents the new method for data transmission. Transmit data using RS-232 is modulated by a VTF(Voltage To Frequency) converter The laser diode module transmits the modulated data. And then the PSD sensor receive that data. Demodulation process is accomplished by the system which is consisted with trans-impedance amplifier, FTV(Frequency To Voltage) converter, and etc.

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Experimental Study on Acoustic Characteristics of Perforated Tube and Perforated Tube Muffler (다공관 및 다공형 소음기의 음향학적 특성에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Yoon, Doo-Byung;Kim, Yang-Hann
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 1995
  • The acoustic characteristics of perforated tube muffler are studied in terms of non-dimensional wavenumber ka and admittance-ratio AZ. This study includes not only the case of perforated tubes having uniform hole distribution along the length but also the case of having non-uniform hole distributions. The acoustic hole impedance and transmission loss of perforated tube of which has various hole distributions were measured. The experimental results demonstrated that the transmission loss of perforated tube is a function of non-dimensional wave number ka and admittance-ratio AZ. The transmission loss of perforated tube muffler is predicted by the numerical method which is based on Sullivans and compared with the experimental ones.

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Design and Implementation of Internal Multiband Loop Embedded Monopole Antenna for Mobile Handset

  • Jung, Pil Hyun;Yang, Cheol Yong;Lee, Seong Ha;Yang, Woon Geun
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.484-491
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we proposed an internal multiband loop embedded monopole antenna for mobile handset that could be used for smart phones. The proposed antenna has a volume of 40 mm(W) ${\times}$ 15 mm(L) ${\times}$ 5 mm(H), ground plane size is 40 mm(W) ${\times}$ 80 mm(L), and covers the GSM900 (Global System for Mobile communications : 880-960 MHz), K-PCS (Korea-Personal Communications Service : 1750-1870 MHz), US-PCS (US Personal Communications Service : 1850-1990 MHz), WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access : 1920-2170 MHz), Wibro (2300-2390 MHz), Bluetooth (2400-2483 MHz) and WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network : 2400-2483.5 MHz) bands for VSWR (voltage standing wave ration) less than 3. The proposed loop adding design at middle section of longest branch showed wide impedance bandwidth for the lowest resonance frequency band. The proposed antenna have a lowest resonance frequency band from 738 MHz to 1075 MHz for S11 value of -6dB. A HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator) of the Ansys Corporation based on a finite element method is employed to analyze the proposed antenna in the design process and to compare the simulation and experimental results.

Debonding monitoring of CFRP strengthened RC beams using active sensing and infrared imaging

  • Sohn, Hoon;Kim, Seung Dae;In, Chi Won;Cronin, Kelly E.;Harries, Kent
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.391-406
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    • 2008
  • This study attempts to develop a real-time debonding monitoring system for carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) strengthened structures by continuously inspecting the bonding condition between the CFRP layer and the host structure. The uniqueness of this study is in developing a new concept and theoretical framework of nondestructive testing (NDT), in which debonding is detected without relying on previously-obtained baseline data. The proposed reference-free damage diagnosis is achieved based on the concept of time reversal acoustics (TRA). In TRA, an input signal at an excitation point can be reconstructed if the response signal measured at another point is reemitted to the original excitation point after being reversed in the time domain. Examining the deviation of the reconstructed signal from the known initial input signal allows instantaneous identification of damage without requiring a baseline signal representing the undamaged state for comparison. The concept of TRA has been extended to guided wave propagations within the CFRP-strengthened reinforced concrete (RC) beams to improve the detectibility of local debonding. Monotonic and fatigue load tests of large-scale CFRP-strengthened RC beams are conducted to demonstrate the potential of the proposed reference-free debonding monitoring system. Comparisons with an electro-mechanical impedance method and an inferred imaging technique are provided as well.