• Title/Summary/Keyword: imaging physics

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.29 no.spc1
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    • pp.415-418
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    • 1996
  • Space Solar Telescope (SST) is a space project for solar research, its main parameters are that total weight 2.0T, sun synchronous polar circular orbit, altitude of the orbit 730KM, 3 axis stabilized attitude system, power 1200W, telemetry of the downlink rate 30Mb/s, size $5{\ast}2{\ast}2\;M^3$, mission life 3 years. It is expected it will be launched in 2001 or later. The main objective is structure and evolution of solar vector magnetic field with very high spatial resolution. The payloads are consisted of 6 instruments: Main optical telescope with 1-M diameter and diffraction limited resolution 0.1 arc second, EUV imaging telescope with a bundle of four telescopes and 0.5 arc second resolution, spectrometric optical coronagraph, wide band spectrometer, H-alpha and white light telescope and solar and interplanetary radiospectrometer. An assessment study between China and Germany is under operation.

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Basic Principles of MR

  • 김성은
    • Proceedings of the KSMRM Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1999
  • 핵자기 공명(NMR:nuclear magnetic resonance)은 19451건 Bloch, Procell등에 의해 처음으로 실험적으로 입증된 후에 생화학 및 약학 분야에서 분자단위의 물질의 성분, 구조, 대사물질의 역학적 운동 및 상태에 관한 정보를 아는데 유용한 기법으로 사용 되어 왔다. 의학분야에서는 Lauterber등에 의해 자기공명영상볍(Magnetic Resonance Imaging:MRI)으로 개발되어 질병의 진단 및 치료에 많은 공헌을 하게되었다. 해부학적영상 뿐 아니라 분석방법으로 병변 부위 및 인체 기관에서의 각종 대사물질의 정량적인 양과 변화를 알 수 있는 자기공명분광기법(magnetic resonance spectroscopy:MRS)도 활발한 임상적용이 이루어지고 있다. 자기공명영상법의 활발한 임상적 응용 및 새로운 technique이해를 위해서는 물리학적 개념(MR Physics)을 이해하는 것이 매우 중요하다.

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The design study of optics and opto-mechanics for Lyman-a sun camera of scientific satellite

  • Kim, Kil-Seon;Lee, J.G.;Lee, Y.H.;Rim, Cheon-Seog;Jang, Min-Hwan;Oh, Oh;Park, Jung-Sun;Lee, Woo-Yun;Kim, Geon-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2004.07a
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 2004
  • The optics and opto-mechanics are disigned for imaging the sun at Lyman-${\alpha}$ line for scientific satellite. The optics are composed of conic mirrors. In order to block stary light. the new baffle design method is suggested. And we will present the opto-mechanics for this scientific satellite.

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Analysis of the Motion Picture Quality of Stereoscopic Three-dimensional Images

  • Choi, Hee-Jin;Jung, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hwi;Lee, Byoung-Ho
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.383-387
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    • 2010
  • The stereoscopic three-dimensional (3D) display provides a 3D image by inducing binocular disparity for the observers who wear special glasses. With the rapid progress in flat panel display technologies, the stereoscopic 3D display is becoming a new benefit-model of the current display industry, and several kinds of commercial stereoscopic 3D products have been released and are attracting people. Nowadays, the motion picture quality of the 3D image becomes as important as resolution or luminance since most of the commercial 3D products are 3D televisions or 3D monitors which are required to display a clear motion 3D image. In this paper, an analysis and simulation of the motion picture quality of stereoscopic 3D image is proposed, and a comparison of the motion picture performance among the current stereoscopic 3D technologies is also provided.

On the LACBED Method to Determine the Nature of the Dislocation Defect in Crystalline Materials (결정체내의 전위 결함 형태를 결정하는 LACBED 방법에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Hwang-Su
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2005
  • In this paper we discussed in details how to determine the nature of dislocations in a crystal such as a Burgers vector, the line vector of dislocation and the associated slip plane, using LACBED and usual imaging techniques. These techniques basically involve the application of Cherns and Prestone s rules, the simulations of LACBED patterns with a certain form of the dynamical diffraction theory. The theoretical aspects including necessary approximations for calculations also were in details discussed. As a test specimen for experiments, the foils of a pure aluminum, containing many dislocations with appropriate density for LACBED experiments, were used..

Extragalactic Science with SPHEREx II

  • Kim, Minjin;Jeong, Woong-Seob;Im, Myungshin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.47.3-48
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    • 2018
  • SPHEREx is a proposed MIDEX mission, planned to conduct spectral imaging survey to cover 0.75-5 um with a spectral resolution of R~40-135. We will briefly overview the uniqueness of SPHEREx data, and how Korean community can take advantage of it. We will present extragalactic science cases that can be addressed with SPHEREx dataset. In particular, SPHEREx survey will uniquely provide the variability information of bright QSOs, both in continuum and fluxes of emission lines, which enables us to investigate the central structures of QSOs through the reverberation mapping method. SPHEREx will also allow us to understand how supermassive black holes and host galaxies co-evolve, by discovering new high-z QSOs, and investigating star formation properties in nearby QSOs.

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Cross Sectional Thermal and Electric Potential Imaging of an Operating MOSFET (작동중인 모스 전계 효과 트랜지스터 단면에서의 상대온도 및 전위 분포 측정)

  • Kwon, Oh-Myoung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.829-836
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    • 2003
  • Understanding of heat generation in semiconductor devices is important in the thermal management of integrated circuits and in the analysis of the device physics. Scanning thermal microscope was used to measure the temperature and the electric potential distribution on the cross-section of an operating metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). The temperature distributions were measured both in DC and AC modes in order to take account of the leakage current. The measurement results showed that as the drain bias was increased the hot spot moved to the drain. The density of the iso-potential lines near the drain increased with the increase in the drain bias.

Measurement of metal materials structure by using the manufactured Scanning Confocal Microscopy (초소형 공초점 현미경의 제작과 금속의 구조 측정)

  • Seo, Myeong-Hee;Kim, Jong-Bae;Kwon, Nam-Ic
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2008
  • We demonstrate the operation of an apparatus that we call the laser scanning confocal microscopy. It is valuable tool of the investigations for imaging process. We measured the thin metal structure through the SCM manufacture. Confocal microscopy offers several advantages including shallow depth of field, elimination of out-of-focus glare, and the ability to collect serial optical sections from thick specimens than conventional optical microscope. This research is manufactured of scanning confocal microscopy and after measured of metal materials structure.

Recalibrating virial black hole mass estimators

  • Park, Da-Woo;Woo, Jong-Hak
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.63.1-63.1
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    • 2011
  • In understanding AGN physics, it is fundamental to determine black hole masses. Based on the gas kinematics of the broad-line region, black hole masses can be derived from the product of the width of the broad emission lines and the continuum/line luminosities. For a sample of 37 intermediate-luminosity AGN at z~0.4, we obtained high quality spectra (S/N~100) using the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(LRIS) at the KECK telescope, in order to calibrate various black hole mass estimators based on the Mg II (2798A), the $H{\beta}$ (4861A), and the $H{\alpha}$ (6563$\bar{A}$) emission lines. Based on our multicomponent fitting analysis, we subtract continuum, FeII emission, and host galaxy starlight, reducing systematic errors in measuring emission line widths. Combining low S/N SDSS spectra with our high S/N keck spectra, we determine a set of ~30 black hole masses of the sample for each emission line. Then by comparing various sets of black hole masses, we internally calibrate each mass estimators and investigate uncertainties and limitations of each mass estimator.

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A Simple Method for Determining Focal Distances Using Talbot Self-Images

  • Spires, Oliver;Sasian, Jose;Lee, Sukmock
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.638-642
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    • 2015
  • We present a simple method to determine the focal distances of lenses with the Talbot self-images. This method uses only one grating, and a priori knowledge of the period of the grating is replaced with a linear relation between the (de)magnified periods of the Talbot images and the lens-to-grating distance. A thick lens whose effective focal length is 500 mm was used to validate the method, and the focal distance of the converging beam was determined with the difference of 0.15% for the nominal focal distance of 521.9 mm. The determined period of the grating with the difference of 0.2% also supports the validation.