• 제목/요약/키워드: image vector

검색결과 1,583건 처리시간 0.023초

Robust Facial Expression Recognition Based on Local Directional Pattern

  • Jabid, Taskeed;Kabir, Md. Hasanul;Chae, Oksam
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.784-794
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    • 2010
  • Automatic facial expression recognition has many potential applications in different areas of human computer interaction. However, they are not yet fully realized due to the lack of an effective facial feature descriptor. In this paper, we present a new appearance-based feature descriptor, the local directional pattern (LDP), to represent facial geometry and analyze its performance in expression recognition. An LDP feature is obtained by computing the edge response values in 8 directions at each pixel and encoding them into an 8 bit binary number using the relative strength of these edge responses. The LDP descriptor, a distribution of LDP codes within an image or image patch, is used to describe each expression image. The effectiveness of dimensionality reduction techniques, such as principal component analysis and AdaBoost, is also analyzed in terms of computational cost saving and classification accuracy. Two well-known machine learning methods, template matching and support vector machine, are used for classification using the Cohn-Kanade and Japanese female facial expression databases. Better classification accuracy shows the superiority of LDP descriptor against other appearance-based feature descriptors.


  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Han, Dong-Yeob;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2006년도 Proceedings of ISRS 2006 PORSEC Volume I
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    • pp.409-412
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    • 2006
  • Today's commercial high resolution satellite imagery such as IKONOS and QuickBird, offers the potential to extract useful spatial information for geographical database construction and GIS applications. Recognizing this potential use of high resolution satellite imagery, KARI is performing a project for developing Korea multipurpose satellite 3(KOMPSAT-3). Therefore, it is necessary to develop techniques for various GIS applications of KOMPSAT-3, using similar high resolution satellite imagery. As fundamental studies for this purpose, we focused on the extraction of 3D spatial information and the update of existing GIS data from QuickBird imagery. This paper examines the scheme for rectification of high resolution image, and suggests the convenient semi-automatic algorithm for extraction of 3D building information from a single image. The algorithm is based on triangular vector structure that consists of a building bottom point, its corresponding roof point and a shadow end point. The proposed method could increase the number of measurable building, and enhance the digitizing accuracy and the computation efficiency.

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Progressive Image Transmission using LOT/CVQ with HVS Weighting (HVS가중치를 갖는 LOT/CVQ를 이용한 점진적 영상 전송)

  • 황찬식
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.685-694
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    • 1993
  • A progressive image transmission (PIT) scheme based on the classified transform vector quantization (CVQ) technique using the lapped orthogonal transform (LOT) and human visual system (HVS) weighting is proposed in this paper. Conventional block transform coding of images using DCT produces in general undesirable block-artifacts at low bit rates. In this paper, image blocks are transformed using the LOT and classified into four classes based on their structural properties and further divided adaptively into subvectors depending on the LOT coefficient statistics with HVS weighting to improve the reconstructed image quality by adaptive bit allocation. The subvectors are vector quantized and transmitted progressively. Coding tests using computer simulations show that the LOT/CVQ based PIT of images is a effective coding scheme. The results are also compared with those obtained using PIT/DCTVQ. The LOT/CVQ based PIT reduces the block-artifacts significantly.

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  • Choi, Jae-Wan;Kim, Hye-Jin;Byun, Young-Gi;Han, You-Kyung;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2007년도 Proceedings of ISRS 2007
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    • pp.234-237
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    • 2007
  • Road networks are important geospatial databases for various GIS (Geographic Information System) applications. Road digital maps may contain geometric spatial errors due to human and scanning errors, but manually updating roads information is time consuming. In this paper, we developed a new road features updating methodology using from multispectral high-resolution satellite image and pre-existing vector map. The approach is based on initial seed point generation using line segment matching and a modified double snake algorithm. Firstly, we conducted line segment matching between the road vector data and the edges of image obtained by Canny operator. Then, the translated road data was used to initialize the seed points of the double snake model in order to refine the updating of road features. The double snake algorithm is composed of two open snake models which are evolving jointly to keep a parallel between them. In the proposed algorithm, a new energy term was added which behaved as a constraint. It forced the snake nodes not to be out of potential road pixels in multispectral image. The experiment was accomplished using a QuickBird pan-sharpened multispectral image and 1:5,000 digital road maps of Daejeon. We showed the feasibility of the approach by presenting results in this urban area.

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Image analysis using the weak derivative (약미분을 이용한 영상분석)

  • Kim Tae-Sik
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.289-294
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    • 2004
  • For the purpose of image analysis, we usually take the application method relying on the various mathematical theories. On the respect of image as two variable function one may uses the gradient vector or several type of energy functions induced by the conventional (partial) derivative. We also have used the tangent plane or curvature vector from the concept of differential geometry {**]. However, these mathematical tools my assume that the given function should be sufficiently smoothing enough to depict every local variation continuously. But the real application of these mathematical methods to the natural images or phenomena may occur the ill-posed problem. In this paper, we have defined the weak derivative as a loose form of the derivative so that it my applied to the irregular case with less ill-posed problem.

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Contents Adaptive MCTF Using JND (JND를 이용한 적응적 MCTF)

  • Heo, Jae-Seong;Ryu, Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제34권1C호
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2009
  • In scalable video coding, MCTF plays an important role for time-scalability and SNR-scalability. But there is image quality decreasing as MCTF level is increased because time interval of each frame is extended so that is hard to find suitable motion vector. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to prevent image quality from decreasing with unsuitable motion vector during MCTF update process using JND. We adapt JND to find errors within blocks of image and set a threshold which is used to add high frequency components during update process. We can overcome time-gap between frames and achieve better image quality through the proposed algorithm.

Deep Learning in Drebin: Android malware Image Texture Median Filter Analysis and Detection

  • Luo, Shi-qi;Ni, Bo;Jiang, Ping;Tian, Sheng-wei;Yu, Long;Wang, Rui-jin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제13권7호
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    • pp.3654-3670
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes an Image Texture Median Filter (ITMF) to analyze and detect Android malware on Drebin datasets. We design a model of "ITMF" combined with Image Processing of Median Filter (MF) to reflect the similarity of the malware binary file block. At the same time, using the MAEVS (Malware Activity Embedding in Vector Space) to reflect the potential dynamic activity of malware. In order to ensure the improvement of the classification accuracy, the above-mentioned features(ITMF feature and MAEVS feature)are studied to train Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) and Back Propagation (BP). The experimental results show that the model has an average accuracy rate of 95.43% with few false alarms. to Android malicious code, which is significantly higher than 95.2% of without ITMF, 93.8% of shallow machine learning model SVM, 94.8% of KNN, 94.6% of ANN.

Improved Feature Selection Techniques for Image Retrieval based on Metaheuristic Optimization

  • Johari, Punit Kumar;Gupta, Rajendra Kumar
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2021
  • Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system plays a vital role to retrieve the relevant images as per the user perception from the huge database is a challenging task. Images are represented is to employ a combination of low-level features as per their visual content to form a feature vector. To reduce the search time of a large database while retrieving images, a novel image retrieval technique based on feature dimensionality reduction is being proposed with the exploit of metaheuristic optimization techniques based on Genetic Algorithm (GA), Extended Binary Cuckoo Search (EBCS) and Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA). Each image in the database is indexed using a feature vector comprising of fuzzified based color histogram descriptor for color and Median binary pattern were derived in the color space from HSI for texture feature variants respectively. Finally, results are being compared in terms of Precision, Recall, F-measure, Accuracy, and error rate with benchmark classification algorithms (Linear discriminant analysis, CatBoost, Extra Trees, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, light gradient boosting, Extreme gradient boosting, k-NN, and Ridge) to validate the efficiency of the proposed approach. Finally, a ranking of the techniques using TOPSIS has been considered choosing the best feature selection technique based on different model parameters.

Object-based Stereo Sequence Coding using Disparity and Motion Vector Relationship (변이-움직임 벡터의 상관관계를 이용한 객체기반 스테레오 동영상 부호화)

  • 박찬희;손광훈
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.238-247
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we propose an object-based stereo sequence compression technique using disparity-motion vector relationship. The proposed method uses the coherence of motion vectors and disparity vectors in the left and right Image sequences. After two motion vectors and one disparity vector ate computed using FBMA(Fixed Block Matching Algorithm), the disparity vector of the current stereoscopic pall is computed by disparity-motion vector relationship with vectors which are previously estimated. Moreover, a vector regularization technique is applied in order to obtain reliable vectors. For an object-based coding. the object is defined and coded in terms of layers of VOP such as in MPEG-4. we present a method using disparity and motion vector relationship for extending two-frame compensation into three-frame compensation method for prediction coding of B-VOP. The proposed algorithm shows a high performance when comparing with a conventional method.

Object-Based Image Search Using Color and Texture Homogeneous Regions (유사한 색상과 질감영역을 이용한 객체기반 영상검색)

  • 유헌우;장동식;서광규
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.455-461
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    • 2002
  • Object-based image retrieval method is addressed. A new image segmentation algorithm and image comparing method between segmented objects are proposed. For image segmentation, color and texture features are extracted from each pixel in the image. These features we used as inputs into VQ (Vector Quantization) clustering method, which yields homogeneous objects in terns of color and texture. In this procedure, colors are quantized into a few dominant colors for simple representation and efficient retrieval. In retrieval case, two comparing schemes are proposed. Comparing between one query object and multi objects of a database image and comparing between multi query objects and multi objects of a database image are proposed. For fast retrieval, dominant object colors are key-indexed into database.