• 제목/요약/키워드: hybrid optimization technique

검색결과 139건 처리시간 0.032초

The Hybrid Systems for Credit Rating

  • Goo, Han-In;Jo, Hong-Kyuo;Shin, Kyung-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 1997
  • Although numerous studies demonstrate that one technique outperforms the others for a given data set, it is hard to tell a priori which of these techniques will be the most effective to solve a specific problem. It has been suggested that the better approach to classification problem might be to integrate several different forecasting techniques by combining their results. The issues of interest are how to integrate different modeling techniques to increase the predictive performance. This paper proposes the post-model integration method, which tries to find the best combination of the results provided by individual techniques. To get the optimal or near optimal combination of different prediction techniques, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are applied, which are particularly suitable for multi-parameter optimization problems with an object function subject to numerous hard and soft constraints. This study applies three individual classification techniques (Discriminant analysis, Logit model and Neural Networks) as base models for the corporate failure prediction. The results of composite predictions are compared with the individual models. Preliminary results suggests that the use of integrated methods improve the performance of business classification.

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Study on the Simulation Model for the Optimization of Optical Structures of Edge-lit Backlight for LCD Applications

  • Ju, Young-Hyun;Park, Ji-Hee;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Ji-Young;Nahm, Kie-Bong;Ko, Jae-Hyeon;Kim, Joong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2008
  • The optical performances of 15-inch edge-lit backlight were simulated by using a Monte Carlo ray-tracing technique. The backlight model was built by combining a wedge-type light guide plate, a diffuser sheet, a tubular fluorescent lamp with a lamp reflector, and two crossed prism sheets. Angular distributions of the luminance on each optical component obtained from simulation were consistent with those obtained from experiments on a real 15-inch backlight. The constructed backlight model was used to evaluate the optical performances of a micro-pyramid film. It was found that the on-axis luminance gain on the pyramid film is higher than that on one prism film but much lower than that on the two crossed prism films. These results suggest that a reliable simulation model can be used to develop new hybrid films and to optimize the optical structure of edge-lit backlight in order to reduce the developmental period.

Graphene for MOS Devices

  • Jo, Byeong-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 한국재료학회 2012년도 춘계학술발표대회
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    • pp.67.1-67.1
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    • 2012
  • Graphene has attracted much attention for future nanoelectronics due to its superior electrical properties. Owing to its extremely high carrier mobility and controllable carrier density, graphene is a promising material for practical applications, particularly as a channel layer of high-speed FET. Furthermore, the planar form of graphene is compatible with the conventional top-down CMOS fabrication processes and large-scale synthesis by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process is also feasible. Despite these promising characteristics of graphene, much work must still be done in order to successfully develop graphene FET. One of the key issues is the process technique for gate dielectric formation because the channel mobility of graphene FET is drastically affected by the gate dielectric interface quality. Formation of high quality gate dielectric on graphene is still a challenging. Dirac voltage, the charge neutral point of the device, also strongly depends on gate dielectrics. Another performance killer in graphene FET is source/drain contact resistance, as the contact resistant between metal and graphene S/D is usually one order of magnitude higher than that between metal and silicon S/D. In this presentation, the key issues on graphene-based FET, including organic-inorganic hybrid gate dielectric formation, controlling of Dirac voltage, reduction of source/drain contact resistance, device structure optimization, graphene gate electrode for improvement of gate dielectric reliability, and CVD graphene transfer process issues are addressed.

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GT-PSO- An Approach For Energy Efficient Routing in WSN

  • Priyanka, R;Reddy, K. Satyanarayan
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2022
  • Sensor Nodes play a major role to monitor and sense the variations in physical space in various real-time application scenarios. These nodes are powered by limited battery resources and replacing those resource is highly tedious task along with this it increases implementation cost. Thus, maintaining a good network lifespan is amongst the utmost important challenge in this field of WSN. Currently, energy efficient routing techniques are considered as promising solution to prolong the network lifespan where multi-hop communications are performed by identifying the most energy efficient path. However, the existing scheme suffer from performance related issues. To solve the issues of existing techniques, a novel hybrid technique by merging particle swarm optimization and game theory model is presented. The PSO helps to obtain the efficient number of cluster and Cluster Head selection whereas game theory aids in finding the best optimized path from source to destination by utilizing a path selection probability approach. This probability is obtained by using conditional probability to compute payoff for agents. When compared to current strategies, the experimental study demonstrates that the proposed GTPSO strategy outperforms them.

Hybrid (refrctive/diffractive) lens design for the ultra-compact camera module (초소형 영상 전송 모듈용 DOE(Diffractive optical element)렌즈의 설계 및 평가)

  • Lee, Hwan-Seon;Rim, Cheon-Seog;Jo, jae-Heung;Chang, Soo;Lim, Hyun-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.240-249
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    • 2001
  • A high speed ultra-compact lens with a diffractive optical element (DOE) is designed, which can be applied to mobile communication devices such as IMT2000, PDA, notebook computer, etc. The designed hybrid lens has sufficiently high performance of less than f/2.2, compact size of 3.3 mm (1st surf. to image), and wide field angle of more than 30 deg. compared with the specifications of a single lens. By proper choice of the aspheric and DOE surface which has very large negative dispersion, we can correct chromatic and high order aberrations through the optimization technique. From Seidel third order aberration theory and Sweatt modeling, the initial data and surface configurations, that is, the combination condition of the DOE and the aspherical surface are obtained. However, due to the consideration of diffraction efficiency of a DOE, we can choose only four cases as the optimization input, and present the best solution after evaluating and comparing those four cases. On the other hand, we also report dramatic improvement in optical performance by inserting another refractive lens (so-called, field flattener), that keeps the refractive power of an original DOE lens and makes the petzval sum zero in the original DOE lens system. ystem.

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Economic and Environmental Assessment of a Renewable Stand-Alone Energy Supply System Using Multi-objective Optimization (다목적 최적화 기법을 이용한 신재생에너지 기반 자립 에너지공급 시스템 설계 및 평가)

  • Lee, Dohyun;Han, Seulki;Kim, Jiyong
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.332-340
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to propose a new optimization-based approach for design and analysis of the stand-alone hybrid energy supply system using renewable energy sources (RES). In the energy supply system, we include multiple energy production technologies such as Photovoltaics (PV), Wind turbine, and fossil-fuel-based AC generator along with different types of energy storage and conversion technologies such as battery and inverter. We then select six different regions of Korea to represent various characteristics of different RES potentials and demand profiles. We finally designed and analyzed the optimal RES stand-alone energy supply system in the selected regions using multiobjective optimization (MOOP) technique, which includes two objective functions: the minimum cost and the minimum $CO_2$ emission. In addition, we discussed the feasibility and expecting benefits of the systems by comparing to conventional systems of Korea. As a result, the region of the highest RES potential showed the possibility to remarkably reduce $CO_2$ emissions compared to the conventional system. Besides, the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of the RES-based energy system is identified to be slightly higher than conventional energy system: 0.35 and 0.46 $/kWh, respectively. However, the total life-cycle emission of $CO_2$ ($LCE_{CO2}$) can be reduced up to 470 g$CO_2$/kWh from 490 g$CO_2$/kWh of the conventional systems.

Construction Claims Prediction and Decision Awareness Framework using Artificial Neural Networks and Backward Optimization

  • Hosny, Ossama A.;Elbarkouky, Mohamed M.G.;Elhakeem, Ahmed
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents optimized artificial neural networks (ANNs) claims prediction and decision awareness framework that guides owner organizations in their pre-bid construction project decisions to minimize claims. The framework is composed of two genetic optimization ANNs models: a Claims Impact Prediction Model (CIPM), and a Decision Awareness Model (DAM). The CIPM is composed of three separate ANNs that predict the cost and time impacts of the possible claims that may arise in a project. The models also predict the expected types of relationship between the owner and the contractor based on their behavioral and technical decisions during the bidding phase of the project. The framework is implemented using actual data from international projects in the Middle East and Egypt (projects owned by either public or private local organizations who hired international prime contractors to deliver the projects). Literature review, interviews with pertinent experts in the Middle East, and lessons learned from several international construction projects in Egypt determined the input decision variables of the CIPM. The ANNs training, which has been implemented in a spreadsheet environment, was optimized using genetic algorithm (GA). Different weights were assigned as variables to the different layers of each ANN and the total square error was used as the objective function to be minimized. Data was collected from thirty-two international construction projects in order to train and test the ANNs of the CIPM, which predicted cost overruns, schedule delays, and relationships between contracting parties. A genetic optimization backward analysis technique was then applied to develop the Decision Awareness Model (DAM). The DAM combined the three artificial neural networks of the CIPM to assist project owners in setting optimum values for their behavioral and technical decision variables. It implements an intelligent user-friendly input interface which helps project owners in visualizing the impact of their decisions on the project's total cost, original duration, and expected owner-contractor relationship. The framework presents a unique and transparent hybrid genetic algorithm-ANNs training and testing method. It has been implemented in a spreadsheet environment using MS Excel$^{(R)}$ and EVOLVERTM V.5.5. It provides projects' owners of a decision-support tool that raises their awareness regarding their pre-bid decisions for a construction project.

Optimal Selection of Classifier Ensemble Using Genetic Algorithms (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 분류자 앙상블의 최적 선택)

  • Kim, Myung-Jong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2010
  • Ensemble learning is a method for improving the performance of classification and prediction algorithms. It is a method for finding a highly accurateclassifier on the training set by constructing and combining an ensemble of weak classifiers, each of which needs only to be moderately accurate on the training set. Ensemble learning has received considerable attention from machine learning and artificial intelligence fields because of its remarkable performance improvement and flexible integration with the traditional learning algorithms such as decision tree (DT), neural networks (NN), and SVM, etc. In those researches, all of DT ensemble studies have demonstrated impressive improvements in the generalization behavior of DT, while NN and SVM ensemble studies have not shown remarkable performance as shown in DT ensembles. Recently, several works have reported that the performance of ensemble can be degraded where multiple classifiers of an ensemble are highly correlated with, and thereby result in multicollinearity problem, which leads to performance degradation of the ensemble. They have also proposed the differentiated learning strategies to cope with performance degradation problem. Hansen and Salamon (1990) insisted that it is necessary and sufficient for the performance enhancement of an ensemble that the ensemble should contain diverse classifiers. Breiman (1996) explored that ensemble learning can increase the performance of unstable learning algorithms, but does not show remarkable performance improvement on stable learning algorithms. Unstable learning algorithms such as decision tree learners are sensitive to the change of the training data, and thus small changes in the training data can yield large changes in the generated classifiers. Therefore, ensemble with unstable learning algorithms can guarantee some diversity among the classifiers. To the contrary, stable learning algorithms such as NN and SVM generate similar classifiers in spite of small changes of the training data, and thus the correlation among the resulting classifiers is very high. This high correlation results in multicollinearity problem, which leads to performance degradation of the ensemble. Kim,s work (2009) showedthe performance comparison in bankruptcy prediction on Korea firms using tradition prediction algorithms such as NN, DT, and SVM. It reports that stable learning algorithms such as NN and SVM have higher predictability than the unstable DT. Meanwhile, with respect to their ensemble learning, DT ensemble shows the more improved performance than NN and SVM ensemble. Further analysis with variance inflation factor (VIF) analysis empirically proves that performance degradation of ensemble is due to multicollinearity problem. It also proposes that optimization of ensemble is needed to cope with such a problem. This paper proposes a hybrid system for coverage optimization of NN ensemble (CO-NN) in order to improve the performance of NN ensemble. Coverage optimization is a technique of choosing a sub-ensemble from an original ensemble to guarantee the diversity of classifiers in coverage optimization process. CO-NN uses GA which has been widely used for various optimization problems to deal with the coverage optimization problem. The GA chromosomes for the coverage optimization are encoded into binary strings, each bit of which indicates individual classifier. The fitness function is defined as maximization of error reduction and a constraint of variance inflation factor (VIF), which is one of the generally used methods to measure multicollinearity, is added to insure the diversity of classifiers by removing high correlation among the classifiers. We use Microsoft Excel and the GAs software package called Evolver. Experiments on company failure prediction have shown that CO-NN is effectively applied in the stable performance enhancement of NNensembles through the choice of classifiers by considering the correlations of the ensemble. The classifiers which have the potential multicollinearity problem are removed by the coverage optimization process of CO-NN and thereby CO-NN has shown higher performance than a single NN classifier and NN ensemble at 1% significance level, and DT ensemble at 5% significance level. However, there remain further research issues. First, decision optimization process to find optimal combination function should be considered in further research. Secondly, various learning strategies to deal with data noise should be introduced in more advanced further researches in the future.

Error Resilient Video Coding Techniques Using Multiple Description Scheme (다중 표현을 이용한 에러에 강인한 동영상 부호화 방법)

  • 김일구;조남익
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes an algorithm for the robust transmission of video in error Prone environment using multiple description codingby optimal split of DCT coefficients and rate-distortionoptimization framework. In MDC, a source signal is split Into several coded streams, which is called descriptions, and each description is transmitted to the decoder through different channel. Between descriptions, structured correlations are introduced at the encoder, and the decoder exploits this correlation to reconstruct the original signal even if some descriptions are missing. It has been shown that the MDC is more resilient than the singe description coding(SDC) against severe packet loss ratecondition. But the excessive redundancy in MDC, i.e., the correlation between the descriptions, degrades the RD performance under low PLR condition. To overcome this Problem of MDC, we propose a hybrid MDC method that controls the SDC/MDC switching according to channel condition. For example, the SDC is used for coding efficiency at low PLR condition and the MDC is used for the error resilience at high PLR condition. To control the SDC/MDC switching in the optimal way, RD optimization framework are used. Lagrange optimization technique minimizes the RD-based cost function, D+M, where R is the actually coded bit rate and D is the estimated distortion. The recursive optimal pet-pixel estimatetechnique is adopted to estimate accurate the decoder distortion. Experimental results show that the proposed optimal split of DCT coefficients and SD/MD switching algorithm is more effective than the conventional MU algorithms in low PLR conditions as well as In high PLR condition.

An XML Query Optimization Technique by Signature based Block Traversing (시그니처 기반 블록 탐색을 통한 XML 질의 최적화 기법)

  • Park, Sang-Won;Park, Dong-Ju;Jeong, Tae-Seon;Kim, Hyeong-Ju
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2002
  • Data on the Internet are usually represented and transfered as XML. the XML data is represented as a tree and therefore, object repositories are well-suited to store and query them due to their modeling power. XML queries are represented as regular path expressions and evaluated by traversing each object of the tree in object repositories. Several indexes are proposed to fast evaluate regular path expressions. However, in some cases they may not cover all possible paths because they require a great amount of disk space. In order to efficiently evaluate the queries in such cases, we propose an optimized traversing which combines the signature method and block traversing. The signature approach shrink the search space by using the signature information attached to each object, which hints the existence of a certain label in the sub-tree. The block traversing reduces disk I/O by early evaluating the reachable objects in a page. We conducted diverse experiments to show that the hybrid approach achieves a better performance than the other naive ones.