• Title/Summary/Keyword: hybrid integration

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A new methodology of the development of seismic fragility curves

  • Lee, Young-Joo;Moon, Do-Soo
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.847-867
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    • 2014
  • There are continuous efforts to mitigate structural losses from earthquakes and manage risk through seismic risk assessment; seismic fragility curves are widely accepted as an essential tool of such efforts. Seismic fragility curves can be classified into four groups based on how they are derived: empirical, judgmental, analytical, and hybrid. Analytical fragility curves are the most widely used and can be further categorized into two subgroups, depending on whether an analytical function or simulation method is used. Although both methods have shown decent performances for many seismic fragility problems, they often oversimplify the given problems in reliability or structural analyses owing to their built-in assumptions. In this paper, a new method is proposed for the development of seismic fragility curves. Integration with sophisticated software packages for reliability analysis (FERUM) and structural analysis (ZEUS-NL) allows the new method to obtain more accurate seismic fragility curves for less computational cost. Because the proposed method performs reliability analysis using the first-order reliability method, it provides component probabilities as well as useful byproducts and allows further fragility analysis at the system level. The new method was applied to a numerical example of a 2D frame structure, and the results were compared with those by Monte Carlo simulation. The method was found to generate seismic fragility curves more accurately and efficiently. Also, the effect of system reliability analysis on the development of seismic fragility curves was investigated using the given numerical example and its necessity was discussed.

Configuration and Ground Tests of Solar Cell and Fuel Cell Powered System for Long Endurance UAV (장기체공 무인기용 태양전지-연료전지를 활용한 동력원 구성 및 지상시험)

  • Park, Byeongseob;Kim, Hyuntak;Baek, Seungkwan;Kwon, Sejin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2015
  • Each of power systems of solar cell and fuel cell were configured and validated for long endurance UAV, as the preliminary research for the integration of power systems. Solar power system consisted of solar modules fabricated by solar cells of Sunpower's C60, commercial solar MPPT controller and Li-po battery, and then was validated. The re-start characteristics of hydrogen production from $NaBH_4$ hydrolysis was validated for operating the commercial fuel cell. The average voltage drop of Li-po battery in solar power system was -2.9 V/hour. The performance of re-start characteristics of $NaBH_4$ hydrolysis was stable in sequence mode of mission profile. Each of single systems were satisfied for the proposed mission profile.

Six-port direct conversion receiver front-end with carrier recovery circuit and phase shifter using multi-layer coupled line (다층형 결합 선로를 이용한 반송파복원기와 위상 변위기를 갖는 6-단자 직접 변환 수신 전처리부)

  • Kim, Young-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.2267-2272
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    • 2009
  • The six-port direct conversion receiver front-end that is comprised of a carrier recovery and a phase shifter, which gets the same structure with six-port phase correlator using the multi-layer coupled line, was designed and fabricated in this paper. The six-port element that is comprised of the power divider and the hybrid coupler is designed by multi-layer coupled line structure. The multi-coupled structure is utilized as the basic structure in receiver phase correlator, carrier recovery circuit and phase shifter. The receiver front-end with the same multi-layer coupled line structure for the receiver elements shows the simple structure and no difficulty in integration. The fabricated multi-layer coupled six-port receiver front-end re-generates the carrier signal with a constant phase and demodulates the PSK transmission signal.

Performance Analysis of Assisted-Galileo Signal Acquisition Under Weak Signal Environment (약 신호 환경에서의 Assisted-Galileo 신호 획득 성능 분석)

  • Lim, Jeong-Min;Park, Ji-Won;Sung, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.646-652
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    • 2013
  • EU's Galileo project is a market-based GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) that is under development. It is expected that Galileo will provide the positioning services based on new technologies in 2020s. Because Galileo E1 signal for OS (Open Service) shares the same center frequency with GPS L1 C/A signal, CBOC (Composite Binary Offset Carrier) modulation scheme is used in the E1 signal to guarantee interoperability between two systems. With E1 signal consisting of a data channel and a pilot channel at the same frequency band, there exist several options in designing signal acquisition for Assisted-Galileo receivers. Furthermore, compared to SNR worksheet of Assisted-GPS, some factors should be examined in Assisted-Galileo due to different correlation profile and code length of E1 signal. This paper presents SNR worksheets of Galileo E1 signals in E1-B and E1-C channel. Three implementation losses that are quite different from GPS are mainly analyzed in establishing SNR worksheets. In the worksheet, hybrid long integration of 1.5s is considered to acquire weak signal less than -150dBm. Simulation results show that the final SNR of E1-B signal with -150dBm is 19.4dB and that of E1-C signal is 25.2dB. Comparison of relative computation shows that E1-B channel is more profitable to acquire the strongest signal in weak signal environment. With information from the first satellite signal acquisition, fast acquisition of the weak signal around -155dBm can be performed with E1-C signal in the subsequent satellites.

A Hybrid Vulnerability of NFC Technology in Smart Phone (스마트폰에서 NFC를 이용한 융.복합 하이브리드 취약점)

  • Park, Chang Min;Park, Neo;Park, Won Hyung
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2012
  • Smartphones have all the recent technology integration and NFC (Near Field Communication) Technology is one of them and become an essential these days. Despite using smartphones with NFC technology widely, not many security vulnerabilities have been discovered. This paper attempts to identify characteristics and various services in NFC technology, and to present a wide range of security vulnerabilities, prevention, and policies especially in NFC Contactless technology. We describe a security vulnerability and an possible threat based on human vulnerability and traditional malware distribution technic using Peer-to-Peer network on NFC-Enabled smartphones. The vulnerability is as follows: An attacker creates a NFC tag for distributing his or her malicious code to unspecified individuals and apply to hidden spot near by NFC reader in public transport like subway system. The tag will direct smartphone users to a certain website and automatically downloads malicious codes into their smartphones. The infected devices actually help to spread malicious code using P2P mode and finally as traditional DDoS attack, a certain target will be attacked by them at scheduled time.

Evolution of Large-Scale Filmless Full-PACS in Korea

  • Kim, Hee-Joung;Haijo Jung;Yoo, Hyung-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.28-31
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    • 2002
  • Filmless full-PACS in korea has rapidly been growing, since government had supported collaborative PACS project between industry and university hospital in late of 1995. At the same time, a small company had started PACS business, while the Korea PACS society was being formed. In the beginning, PACS societies had focused on developing peripheral solutions such as DICOM gateway for image acquisition, x-ray film digitizer, and viewing software for research or management of personal image data, while Samsung Medical Center had started installing an imported partial PACS system which had recently upgraded with a new system. In similar time frame, a few hospitals had started developing and installing domestic large scale full-PACS system. Several years later, many hospitals have installed full-PACS system with national policy of reimbursement for PACS exams in November 1999. It is believed that Korea is the first country that adopted PACS reimbursement for filmless full-PACS as a national policy. Both experiences of full-PACS installation and national policy generated tremendous intellectual and technological expertise about PACS at all levels, clinical, hospital management, education, and industrial sectors. There are currently three types of PACS system which includes domestic, imported, and hybrid PACS system with imported solution for core system and domestic solution for peripheral system. There are more than 20 domestic PACS companies and they have now enough experiences so that they are capable of installing a truly full-PACS system for large-scale teaching hospitals. PACS societies in Korea understand how to design, implement, install, manage, sustain, and provide good services for large-scale full-PACS. PACS society has also strength for the highest integration technology of the Hospital Information. However, further understanding and timely implementation of continuously evolving international standard and integrated healthcare enterprise concepts may be necessary for international leading of PACS technologies for the future.

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An intelligent eddy current signal evaluation system to automate the non-destructive testing of steam generator tubes in nuclear power plant

  • Kang, Soon-Ju;Ryu, Chan-Ho;Choi, In-Seon;Kim, Young-Ill;Kim, kill-Yoo;Hur, Young-Hwan;Choi, Seong-Soo;Choi, Baeng-Jae;Woo, Hee-Gon
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1992.10b
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    • pp.74-78
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    • 1992
  • This paper describes an intelligent system to automatic evaluation of eddy current(EC) signal for Inspection of steam generator(SG) tubes in nuclear power plant. Some features of the intelligent system design in the proposed system are : (1) separation of representation scheme ,or event capturing knowledge in EC signal and for structural inspection knowledge in SG tubes inspection; (2) each representation scheme is implemented in different methods, one is syntactic pattern grammar and the other is rule based production. This intelligent system also includes an data base system and an user interface system to support integration of the hybrid knowledge processing methods. The intelligent system based on the proposed concept is useful in simplifying the knowledge elicitation process of the rule based production system, and in increasing the performance in real time signal inspection application.

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A Study on the Industrial Design in Computer Aided Product Development (컴퓨터 응용 제품개발 환경 하에서의 산업디자인에 관한 연구)

  • 이건표
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 1995
  • The paper aims to identify major research issues and basic framework of computer supported collaborative work in design through reviewing recent changes in product development which is getting more integrated, collaborative and computerized. At first the importance of collaborative work in design is discussed throughout the development of design process: from blackbox approach in vernacular design to recent Nigel Cross' es Hybrid model. Then Concurrent Engineering and Quality Function Depolyment are reviewed for showing recent phenomena of integration and collaboration in the process of product development. Computer-aided product development is demonstrated with the case of Blackboard system and Computergenerated form development. In order to outline the fundamental approach for computer-supported collaborative work in design, structures and processes of some related projects are introduced. Finally, based on the findings, some research issues for further rJevelopment are proposed.

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Identity of Jainichi-Korean Diaspora as a Marginal Man After the Division of the Korean Peninsula (양영희 영화에 재현된 분단의 경계인으로서 재일코리안 디아스포라의 정체성)

  • Lee, Myung-Ja
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.38-50
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    • 2013
  • This paper analyzes director Yang Yong-hi's documentary films "Dear Pyongyang"(2006), "Goodbye, Pyongyang"(2009) and her fiction film "Our Homeland"(2012). These films were produced on the base of the director's autobiographical experience, and raise issue of Jainichi-Korean diaspora who be caught in nation-state; North Korea, South Korea and Japan. With the family narratives crossing Jeju, Osaka, and Pyongyang, these films doubt boundaries be set by nation-state, and seek new breakout space. This paper traces restructuring identity in the tensional heterogeneity of nation-state exaction; Integration, unity, uniform education. In conclusion, these films foresee Korean diaspora's future identity from hybrid identities. It shows Korean diaspora's potential of receptivity, openness and solidarity which are required for Northeast Asian peace and the solution of two Korea's hostility.

Power System Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (고분자 전해질 연료전지를 이용한 무인비행체 동력시스템 설계)

  • Jee, Yeong-Kwang;Sohn, Young-Jun;Park, Gu-Gon;Kim, Chang-Soo;Choi, Yu-Song;Cho, Sung-Baek
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.250-255
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, the development and performance analysis of a fuel cell-powered unmanned aerial vehicle is described. A fuel cell system featuring 1 kW proton exchange membrane fuel cell combined with a highly pressurized fuel supply system is proposed. For the higher fuel consumption efficiency and simplification of overall system, dead-end type operation is chosen and each individual system such as purge system, fuel supply system, cooling system is developed. Considering that fluctuation of exterior load makes it hard to stabilize fuel cell performance, the power management system is designed using a fuel cell and lithium-ion battery hybrid system. After integration of individual system, the performance of unmanned aerial vehicle is analyzed using data from flight and laboratory test. In the result, overall system was properly operated but for more duration of flight, research on weight lighting and improvement of fuel efficiency is needed to be progressed.