• 제목/요약/키워드: human-information interaction

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Robust Sentiment Classification of Metaverse Services Using a Pre-trained Language Model with Soft Voting

  • Haein Lee;Hae Sun Jung;Seon Hong Lee;Jang Hyun Kim
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.2334-2347
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    • 2023
  • Metaverse services generate text data, data of ubiquitous computing, in real-time to analyze user emotions. Analysis of user emotions is an important task in metaverse services. This study aims to classify user sentiments using deep learning and pre-trained language models based on the transformer structure. Previous studies collected data from a single platform, whereas the current study incorporated the review data as "Metaverse" keyword from the YouTube and Google Play Store platforms for general utilization. As a result, the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and Robustly optimized BERT approach (RoBERTa) models using the soft voting mechanism achieved a highest accuracy of 88.57%. In addition, the area under the curve (AUC) score of the ensemble model comprising RoBERTa, BERT, and A Lite BERT (ALBERT) was 0.9458. The results demonstrate that the ensemble combined with the RoBERTa model exhibits good performance. Therefore, the RoBERTa model can be applied on platforms that provide metaverse services. The findings contribute to the advancement of natural language processing techniques in metaverse services, which are increasingly important in digital platforms and virtual environments. Overall, this study provides empirical evidence that sentiment analysis using deep learning and pre-trained language models is a promising approach to improving user experiences in metaverse services.

A Study on Infra-Technology of RCP Mobility System

  • Kim, Seung-Woo;Choe, Jae-Il;Im, Chan-Young
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.1435-1439
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    • 2004
  • Most recently, CP(Cellular Phone) has been one of the most important technologies in the IT(Information Tech-nology) field, and it is situated in a position of great importance industrially and economically. To produce the best CP in the world, a new technological concept and its advanced implementation technique is required, due to the extreme level of competition in the world market. The RT(Robot Technology) has been developed as the next generation of a future technology. Current robots require advanced technology, such as soft computing, human-friendly interface, interaction technique, speech recognition, object recognition etc. unlike the industrial robots of the past. Therefore, this paper explains conceptual research for development of the RCP(Robotic Cellular Phone), a new technological concept, in which a synergy effect is generated by the merging of IT & RT. RCP infra consists of $RCP^{Mobility}$ $RCP^{Interaction}$, $RCP^{Integration}$ technologies. For $RCP^{Mobility}$, human-friendly motion automation and personal service with walking and arming ability are developed. $RCP^{Interaction}$ ability is achieved by modeling an emotion-generating engine and $RCP^{Integration}$ that recognizes environmental and self conditions is developed. By joining intelligent algorithms and CP communication network with the three base modules, a RCP system is constructed. Especially, the RCP mobility system is focused in this paper. $RCP^{Mobility}$ is to apply a mobility technology, which is popular robot technology, to CP and combine human-friendly motion and navigation function to CP. It develops a new technological application system of auto-charging and real-world entertainment function etc. This technology can make a CP companion pet robot. It is an automation of human-friendly motions such as opening and closing of CPs, rotation of antenna, manipulation and wheel-walking. It's target is the implementation of wheel and manipulator functions that can give service to humans with human-friendly motion. So, this paper presents the definition, the basic theory and experiment results of the RCP mobility system. We confirm a good performance of the RCP mobility system through the experiment results.

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Discriminant Analysis of Human's Implicit Intent based on Eyeball Movement (안구운동 기반의 사용자 묵시적 의도 판별 분석 모델)

  • Jang, Young-Min;Mallipeddi, Rammohan;Kim, Cheol-Su;Lee, Minho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.212-220
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    • 2013
  • Recently, there has been tremendous increase in human-computer/machine interaction system, where the goal is to provide with an appropriate service to the user at the right time with minimal human inputs for human augmented cognition system. To develop an efficient human augmented cognition system based on human computer/machine interaction, it is important to interpret the user's implicit intention, which is vague, in addition to the explicit intention. According to cognitive visual-motor theory, human eye movements and pupillary responses are rich sources of information about human intention and behavior. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for the identification of human implicit visual search intention based on eye movement pattern and pupillary analysis such as pupil size, gradient of pupil size variation, fixation length/count for the area of interest. The proposed model identifies the human's implicit intention into three types such as navigational intent generation, informational intent generation, and informational intent disappearance. Navigational intent refers to the search to find something interesting in an input scene with no specific instructions, while informational intent refers to the search to find a particular target object at a specific location in the input scene. In the present study, based on the human eye movement pattern and pupillary analysis, we used a hierarchical support vector machine which can detect the transitions between the different implicit intents - navigational intent generation to informational intent generation and informational intent disappearance.

A Study on Effects of Agent Movement on User’s Impression

  • Yamazaki, Tatsuya
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07c
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    • pp.1886-1888
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    • 2002
  • Non-verbal information plays an important role not only in human-to-human communications but also in human computer interaction. In this paper, we examine effects of human-like agent's primitive movements on user's impression, where the human-like agent's primitive movements include eye, mouth, and head. SD (Semantic Differential) method was used for evaluation, and two factors were extracted as a result of the factor analysis. It is found that the first factor influenced the user's impression particularly.

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Analysis on Psychological and Educational Effects in Children and Home Robot Interaction (아동과 홈 로봇의 심리적.교육적 상호작용 분석)

  • Kim, Byung-Jun;Han, Jeong-Hye
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.501-510
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    • 2005
  • To facilitate interaction between home robot and humans, it's urgently needed to make in-depth research in Human-Robot Interaction(HRI). The purpose of this study was to examine how children interacted with a newly developed home robot named 'iRobi' in a bid to identify how the home robot affected their psychology and the effectiveness of learning through the home robot. Concerning the psychological effects of the home robot, the children became familiar with the robot, and found it possible to interact with it, and their initial anxiety was removed. As to its learning effect, the group that studied by using the home robot outperformed the others utilizing the other types of learning media (books, WBI)in attention, learning interest and academic achievement. Accordingly, home robot could serve as one of successful vehicles to expedite the psychological and educational interaction of children.

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Near-body Interaction Enhancement with Distance Perception Matching in Immersive Virtual Environment

  • Yang, Ungyeon;Kim, Nam-Gyu
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2021
  • As recent virtual reality technologies provide a more natural three-dimensional interactive environment, users naturally learn to explore space and interact with synthetic objects. The virtual reality researcher develops a technique that realizes realistic sensory feedback to get appropriate feedback to sense input behavior. Although much recent virtual reality research works extensively consider the human factor, it is not easy to adapt to all new virtual environment contents. Among many human factors, distance perception has been treated as very important in virtual environment interaction accuracy. We study the experiential virtual environment with the feature of the virtual object connected with the real object. We divide the three-dimensional interaction, in which distance perception and behavior have a significant influence, into two types (whole-body movement and direct manipulation) and analyze the real and virtual visual distance perception heterogeneity phenomenon. Also, we propose a statistical correction method that can reduce a near-body movement and manipulation error when changing the interaction location and report the experiment results proving its effectiveness.


  • Amaoka, Toshitaka;Laga, Hamid;Saito, Suguru;Nakajima, Masayuki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.01a
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    • pp.746-750
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    • 2009
  • In this paper we focus on the Personal Space (PS) as a nonverbal communication concept to build a new Human Computer Interaction. The analysis of people positions with respect to their PS gives an idea on the nature of their relationship. We propose to analyze and model the PS using Computer Vision (CV), and visualize it using Computer Graphics. For this purpose, we define the PS based on four parameters: distance between people, their face orientations, age, and gender. We automatically estimate the first two parameters from image sequences using CV technology, while the two other parameters are set manually. Finally, we calculate the two-dimensional relationship of multiple persons and visualize it as 3D contours in real-time. Our method can sense and visualize invisible and unconscious PS distributions and convey the spatial relationship of users by an intuitive visual representation. The results of this paper can be used to Human Computer Interaction in public spaces.

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Probabilistic Graph Based Object Category Recognition Using the Context of Object-Action Interaction (물체-행동 컨텍스트를 이용하는 확률 그래프 기반 물체 범주 인식)

  • Yoon, Sung-baek;Bae, Se-ho;Park, Han-je;Yi, June-ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.2284-2290
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    • 2015
  • The use of human actions as context for object class recognition is quite effective in enhancing the recognition performance despite the large variation in the appearance of objects. We propose an efficient method that integrates human action information into object class recognition using a Bayesian appraoch based on a simple probabilistic graph model. The experiment shows that by using human actions ac context information we can improve the performance of the object calss recognition from 8% to 28%.

Burned Area Detection After Wildfire Using Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-off Images

  • Quoc, Khanh Le;Sy, Tan Nguyen;Nhat, Thanh Nguyen Thi;Thanh, Ha Le
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2013
  • The increasing demand for monitoring wildfires and their impact on the land surface have prompted studies of burned area extraction and analysis. To differentiate burned and unburned area, the earlier method of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) Burned Area Detection Algorithm was proposed to estimate the change in land surface based on the reflectance energy. The energy, whose wavelengths are sensitive to burning, was selected to calculate the change parameter $Z_{score}$. This method was applied using the MODIS images to produce a MODIS Burned Area product. The approach was to simplify this algorithm to make it compatible with the Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-off images. To extract the refined version of burned regions, post-processing was carried out by applying a median filter, dilation morphology algorithm, and finally a gap filling method. The experimental results showed that the detailed burned areas extracted from the proposed method exhibited more spatial details than those of the MODIS Burned products in the large U.S areas. The results also revealed the discontinuous distribution of burned regions in Vietnam forests.

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