• 제목/요약/키워드: human cases

검색결과 2,396건 처리시간 0.035초

원자력 산업의 위반오류 발생 메커니즘 개발 및 유형 분류 (Conceptual Models of Violation Error in a Nuclear Power Plant)

  • 강보라;한성호;정동영;이용희
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.126-131
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    • 2016
  • Although many studies have been conducted to find solutions to deal with human errors effectively, violations have been rarely studied in depth. The violation is a type of human error when an employee takes an action with intention but does not intend harmful outcomes. Violations have characteristics similar to other types of human errors but it is difficult to understand the intention of an employee from accident reports. The objective of this study is to develop a conceptual model of violation errors for preventing accidents/failures in a nuclear power plant from violation errors. Based on the previous studies, the characteristics of violations were collected in 9 categories and 136 items. They were classified into three-kinds of characteristics (human-related, task-related, organization-related characteristics) to construct conceptual models of routine/situational violations. The representative cases of accidents/failures in a nuclear power plant were analyzed to derive the specific types of routine/situational violation occurrence. Three types of conceptual model for each violation were derived according to whether the basic, human-related, and task-related characteristics are included or not. The conceptual models can be utilized to develop guidelines to support employees preventing routine/situational violations and to develop supportive system in nuclear power plant.

국내 임상시험 및 대상자 보호프로그램 도입 현황과 안전관 리체계에 대한 설문조사 연구 (A Survey on the Current Status of Human Research Protection Program Settlement and Subject Protection Activities in Korea)

  • 박신영;조수진;서경정;김진석
    • 대한기관윤리심의기구협의회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess the status of the Human research Protection Program (HRPP) within a hospital or a research institute in Korea. Methods: Survey was conducted during June 12th-21th 2019. Survey was distributed to the members of Korean Association of IRB (KAIRB) through each IRB office. Descriptive statistics were performed using SPSS ver. 26. Results: A total of 86 people responded, and 75 (87.0%) answered that they have perceived the HRPP. Seventy out of 86 respondents (81.4%) were conducting internal audit, several institutions were operated simultaneously the other form of audits such as IRB audit, system audit. Regarding the management of Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction (SUSAR), 62.8% answered that they have regulation that can decide to suspend the study when there is a risk to subject safety. Among the respondents, 66.3% performed 'Help desk.' Conclusion: In this study, we assessed the current status of HRPP operation at each research institution based on Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) HRPP guidelines. The HRPP accredited institution operated the subject protection activities according to this program, and even if the HRPP was not officially operated, the related activities were conducted focusing on the cases that could have a significant impact on the safety of research subjects. In order to ensure the quality of domestic clinical trials and to stably establish the HRPP, efforts at the individual institution level will be required.

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치근단 방사선 사진에서 Paewinsky 연령추정법 적용에 대한 연구 (The Application of Paewinsky et al.'s Age Estimation Method to Periapical Radiographs)

  • 노병윤;서정욱;김창겸;최창운;이원준;이상섭
    • The Korean Journal of Legal Medicine
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.141-145
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    • 2018
  • There have been many radiographic studies on age estimation that evaluate reduction in size of dental pulp cavity with secondary dentin formation. The Paewinsky method reported high accuracy in estimating ages by measuring the width of the pulp cavity in panoramic radiographs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of the Paewinsky method to digital periapical radiographs. This study was conducted on 103 cases that reported to the Section of Human Identification of the National Forensic Service. The age was calculated by applying the Paewinsky method that measures the root and pulp canal width at three points in a tooth. The estimation results were compared with those calculated by the Johanson method. When the Paewinsky models were applied to digital periapical radiographs, the errors were significantly greater as compared to the original study. The errors of the maxillary second premolar and mandibular lateral incisor were greater than those of the maxillary central incisor, lateral incisor, mandibular canine, and first premolar. Furthermore, errors of the age estimation models in level C were greater than those in levels A and B. This study could be a reference for the application of the Paewinsky method to digital periapical radiographs.

자기공명분석기를 이용한 통증관리 (Clinical Study of Acute and Chronic Pain by the Application of Magnetic Resonance Analyser $I_{TM}$)

  • 박욱;진희철;조명현;윤석준;이진승;이정석;최석환;김성열
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 1993
  • In 1984, a magnetic resonance spectrometer(magnetic resonance analyser, MRA $I_{TM}$) was developed by Sigrid Lipsett and Ronald J. Weinstock in the USA, Biomedical applications of the spectrometer have been examined by Dr. Hoang Van Duc(pathologist, USC), and Nakamura, et al(Japan). From their theoretical views, the biophysical functions of this machine are to analyse and synthesize a healthy tissue and organ resonance pattern, and to detect and correct an abnormal tissue and organ resonance pattern. All of the above functions are based on Quantum physics. The healthy tissue and organ resonance patterns are predetermined as standard magnetic resonance patterns by digitizing values based on peak resonance emissions(response levels or high pitched echo-sounds amplified via human body). In clinical practice, a counter or neutralizing resonance pattern calculated by the spectrometer can correct a phase-shifted resonance pattern(response levels or low pitched echo-sounds) of a diseased tissue and organ. By administering the counter resonance pattern into the site of pain and trigger point, it is possible to readjust the phase-shifted resonance pattern and then to alleviate pain through regulation of the neurotransmitter function of the nervous system. For assessing clinical effectiveness of pain relief with MRA $I_{TM}$ this study was designed to estimate pain intensity by the patient's subjective verbal rating scale(VRS such as graded to no pain, mild, moderate and severe) before application of it, to evaluate an amount of pain relief as applied the spectrometer by the patients subjective pain relief scale(visual analogue scale, VAS, 0~100%), and then to observe a continuation of pain relief following its application for managing acute and chronic pain in the 102 patients during an 8 months period beginning March, 1993. An application time of the spectrometer ranged from 15 to 30 minutes daily in each patient at or near the site of pain and trigger point when the patient wanted to be treated. The subjects consisted of 54 males and 48 females, with the age distribution between 23~40 years in 29 cases, 41~60 years in 48 cases and 61~76 years in 25 cases respectively(Table 1). The kinds of diagnosis and the main site of pain, the duration of pain before the application, and the frequency of it's application were recorded on the Table 2, 3 and 4. A distinction between acute and chronic pain was defined according to both of the pain intervals lasting within and over 3 months. The results of application of the spectrometer were noted as follows; In 51 cases of acute pain before the application, the pain intensities were rated mild in 10 cases, moderate in 15 cases and severe in 26 cases. The amounts of pain relief were noted as between 30~50% in 9 cases, 51~70% in 13 cases and 71~95% in 29 cases. The continuation of pain relief appeared between 6~24 hours in two cases, 2~5 days in 10 cases, 6~14 days in 4 cases, 15 days in one case, and completely relived of pain in 34 cases(Table 5~7). In 51 cases of chronic pain before the application, the pain intensities were rated mild in 12 cases, moderate in l8 cases and severe in 21 cases. The amounts of pain relief were noted as between 0~50% in 10 cases, 51~70% in 27 cases and 71~90% in 14 cases. The continuation of pain relief appeared to have no effect in two cases. The level of effective duration was between 6~12 hours in two cases, 2~5 days in 11 cases, 6~14 days in 14 cases, 15~60 days in 9 cases and in 13 cases the patient was completely relieved of pain(Table 5~7). There were no complications in the patients except a mild reddening and tingling sensation of skin while applying the spectrometer. Total amounts of pain relief in all of the subjects were accounted as poor and fair in 19(18.6%) cases, good in 40(39.2%) cases and excellent in 43(42.2%) cases. The clinical effectiveness of MRA $I_{TM}$ showed variable distributions from no improvements to complete relief of pain by the patient's assessment. In conclusion, we suggest that MRA $I_{TM}$ may be successful in immediate and continued pain relief but still requires several treatments for continued relief and may be gradually effective in pain relief while being applied repeatedly.

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치료하기 어려운 창상에서 하이알로매트릭스$^{(R)}$의 사용 (The Use of Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$ in the Treatment of Difficult To Heal Wound)

  • 구현국;김영석;홍종원;노태석;나동균
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.600-606
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Although traditional and current treatment strategies may demonstrate success, persistence or recurrence of difficult-to-heal wounds remain significant problems. A novel product, Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$ (Fidia Advanced Biopolymer, Abano Terme, Italy) is a bilayer of an benzyl esterified hyaluronan scaffold beneath a silicone membrane. The scaffold delivers hyaluronan to the wound, and the silicone membrane acts as a temporary epidermal barrier. We present the results obtained with Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$ in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds. Methods: From November, 2008 to March, 2010, Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$ has been used on total 10 patients with wounds that were expected difficult to heal with traditional and other current strategies. After average 37.4 days from development of wounds, Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$ was applied after wound debridement. On the average, Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$ application period was 17.6 days. After average 16.5 days from removal of Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$, skin grafts was performed. Results: In all cases, regeneration of fibrous granulation tissues and edge re-epithelization were present after the application of the Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$. And all of the previous inflammatory signs were reduced. After skin grafts, no adverse reactions were recorded in 9 cases. But in one case, postoperative wound infection occured due to a lack of efficient fibrous tissues. In this model, the Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$ acts as a hyaluronan delivery system and a barrier from the external environments. In tissue repair processes, the hyaluronan performs to facilitate the entry of a large number of cells into the wounds, to orientate the deposition of extracellular matrix fibrous components and to change the microenvironment of difficult-to-heal wounds. Conclusion: Our study suggests that Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$ could be a good and feasible approach for difficult-to-heal wounds. The Hyalomatrix$^{(R)}$ improves microenvironments of difficult-to-heal wounds, reduces infection rates and physical stimulus despite of aggravating factors.

IHA(Indirect hemagglutination test)를 이용한 간흡충증(肝吸虫症)의 면역혈청학적(免疫血淸學的) 진단(診斷)에 관한 연구(硏究) -ELISA법과의 비교(比較) 및 치료(治療) 전후(前後) 의 혈청항체가(血淸抗體價) 변동(變動)에 관하여- (Changes of Serum antibody Levels by Indirect Hemagglutination Test after Treatment in Clonorchiasis)

  • 주경환;김종성;정명숙;임한종
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 1987
  • Detection of IgG antibody in clonorchiasis has been accomplished through various serodiagnostic procedure including complement fixation test, gel diffusion test, indirect fluorescent antibody test, indirect hemagglutination test etc. In this report enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) were used to determine IgG serum antibody levels before and after therapy with praziquantel. Briefly, sera from 62 cases of confirmed human clonorchiasis were examined before and after treatment with praziquantel. Among 62 cases treated 25 cases were categorized as completely cured groups by formalin-ether and careful examination of 4 cellophane thick smered slides at 18 months after treatment. The sera of 25 cases of cured groups were examined again by ELISA and IHA, and com-pared to the previous data. The results obtained were as follows; 1) Sensitivity of IHA test was 83.6% when cut-off titer of 1:8 was applied. No sera obtained from 10 normal healthy control showed positive reaction. 2) Twenty cases (80.0%) out of 25 cured one showed negative results by IHA at 18 months after treatment. 3) Although 5 cases showed positive titer even 18 months after treatment 3 cases of them showed decreased antibody titer. However 2 cases did not show any response. 4) Even though almost all cases showed de- creased ELISA value, only 11 cases (44.0%) out of 25 patients showed negative results by ELISA at 18 months after treatment. In conclusion, it is suggested that, while IgG ELISA for detecting long persisting antibody was more sensitive than IHA, IHA results more conclusively indicated effective treatment in clonorchiasis by negative conversion than did the results of ELISA.

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저속 후방 추돌 자원자 실험을 통한 두부와 경부의 동작분석 (Motion Analysis of Head and Neck of Human Volunteers in Low-Speed Rear Impact)

  • 홍성우;박원필;박성지;유재호;공세진;김한성
    • 자동차안전학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this research is to obtain and analyze dynamic responses from human volunteers for the development of the human-like mechanical or mathematical model for Korean males in automotive rear collisions. This paper focused on the introduction to a low-speed rear impact sled test involving Korean male subjects, and the accumulation of the motion of head and neck. A total of 50 dynamic rear impact sled tests were performed with 50 human volunteers, who are 30-50 year-old males. Each subject can be involved in only one case to prevent any injury in which he was exposed to the impulse that was equivalent to a low-speed rear-end collision of cars at 5-8 km/h for change of velocity, so called, ${\Delta}V$. All subjects were examined by an orthopedist to qualify for the test through the medical check-up of their necks and low backs prior to the test. The impact device is the pendulum type, tuned to simulate the crash pulse of a real vehicle. All motions and impulses were captured and measured by motion capture systems and pressure sensors on the seat. Dynamic responses of head and T1 were analyzed in two cases(5 km/h, 8 km/h) to compare with the results in the previous studies. After the experiments, human subjects were examined to check up any change in the post medical analysis. As a result, there was no change in MRI and no injury reported. Six subjects experienced a minor stiffness on their back for no more than 2 days and got back to normal without any medical treatment.

과학기술 문헌으로부터의 URI 기반 인력정보 구축 (The Construction of URI-Based Human Resource Information from Science and Technology Papers)

  • 정한민;이승우;성원경;강인수
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제6권9호
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 2006
  • 시맨틱 웹의 발전은 온톨로지를 포함한 언어 자원들에 기초하고 있으며, 온톨로지 상에서 개체(Individual)들은 식별체계인 URI(Universal Resource Identifier)를 이용하여 유일하게 지칭될 수 있도록 구축되어야 한다. 그렇지만, 현실에서 식별체계를 사용하는 경우를 발견하기가 힘들며, 특히 논문과 같은 과학기술 문헌은 그 적용 대상에서 제외되어 왔다. 이러한 이유로 인해 과학기술 문헌상의 인력정보를 식별체계 기반으로 구축하고자 하는 시도가 미약한 실정이었다. 이에 본 논문은 과학기술 문헌으로부터 인력정보를 내부와 외부로 나누어 URI 기반으로 구축하는 방법을 기술한다. 이 때, 인력정보 자동 검증 방법을 적용하여 구축 초기에 참고정보를 제공하거나 구축 후에 인력정보를 검증할 수 있도록 한다. 본 논문은 공저자 관계, 전자우편, 발행년도, 소속기관 등을 이용하여 동명이인 문제를 해소하고, 각 저자 그룹 별 URI 부여를 위해 국가과학기술인력 종합정보시스템을 활용한 사례를 소개하는 방식으로 기술한다. 이러한 과정을 통해 9,484건의 과학기술 문헌들로부터 획득한 외부 인력정보와 KISTI 내부 인력정보는 연구자 네트워크 분석, 성과 통계 등 다양한 시맨틱 웹 응용 분야들에 필수적으로 활용될 것이다.

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Association of +405C>G and +936C>T Polymorphisms of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene with Sporadic Breast Cancer in North Indians

  • Kapahi, Ruhi;Manjari, Mridu;Sudan, Meena;Uppal, Manjit Singh;Singh, Neeti Rajan;Sambyal, Vasudha;Guleria, Kamlesh
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.257-263
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    • 2014
  • Background: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), an endothelial cell specific mitogen, has been implicated as a critical factor influencing tumor related angiogenesis. The aim of present study was to evaluate the relationship between VEGF +936C>T and +405C>G polymorphisms of VEGF with risk of breast cancer in Punjab, India. Materials and Methods: We screened DNA samples of 192 sporadic breast cancer patients and 192 unrelated healthy, gender and age matched control individuals for VEGF +936C>T and +405C>G polymorphisms using the PCR-RFLP method. Results: For the VEGF +405C>G polymorphism, we observed significantly increased frequency of GG genotype in cases as compared to controls and strong association of +405GG genotype was observed with three fold risk for breast cancer (OR=3.07; 95%CI 1.41-6.65; p=0.003). For the +936C>T polymorphism, significant associations of CT and combined CT+TT genotypes were observed with elevated risk of breast cancer (p=0.021; 0.023). The combined genotype combinations of GG-CC and GG-CT of +405C>G and +936C>T polymorphisms were found to be significantly associated with increased risk of breast cancer (p=0.04; 0.0064). Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicated significant associations of VEGF +936C>T and +405C>G polymorphisms with increased breast cancer risk in patients from Punjab, North India.

Clinicopathological Significance of Reduced SPARCL1 Expression in Human Breast Cancer

  • Cao, Fang;Wang, Kuo;Zhu, Rong;Hu, Yong-Wei;Fang, Wen-Zheng;Ding, Hou-Zhong
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2013
  • Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteines-like protein 1 (SPARCL1), an extracellular matrix glycoprotein, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several disorders including cancer. However, little is known about the expression and significance of SPARCL1 in human breast cancer. The aim of this study was to determine the expression pattern and clinicopathological significance of SPARCL1 in a Chinese breast cancer cohort. mRNA and protein expression of SPARCL1 in human breast cancer cell lines and breast cancer tissues was detected using the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, real-time quantitative PCR, and Western blotting, respectively. Immunostaining of SPARCL1 in 282 Chinese breast cancer samples was examined and associations with clinicopathological parameters were analyzed. Compared to the positive expression in immortalized human breast epithelial cells, SPARCL1 was nearly absent in human breast cancer cell lines. Similarly, a significantly reduced expression of SPARCL1 was observed in human breast cancer tissues compared to that in normal breast epithelial tissues, for both mRNA and protein levels (P < 0.001). Immunohistochemical analysis showed that strong cytoplasmic immunostaining of SPARCL1 was observed in almost all normal breast samples (43/45) while moderate and strong immunostaining of SPARCL1 was only detected in 191 of 282 (67.7%) breast cancer cases. Moreover, down-regulation of SPARCL1 was significantly correlated with lymphatic metastasis (P = 0.020) and poor grade (P = 0.044). In conclusion, SPARCL1 may be involved in the breast tumorigenesis and serve as a promising target for therapy of breast cancer.