• 제목/요약/키워드: hotspot

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Spatial assessment of heat wave and river water quality (폭염과 하천 수질의 공간적 평가)

  • Lee, Jiwan;Kim, Sehoon;Han, Daeyoung;Shin, Hyungjin;Lim, Hyeokjin;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.9
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    • pp.693-704
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between heat wave and river water quality. The daily maximum air temperature (Tmax) of 91 meteorological stations of the Korea Meteorological Administration and 13 river water quality factors (DO, BOD, COD, TOC, TN, DTN, NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, TP, DTP, PO4-P, Chl-a) of Ministry of Environment were analyzed. The correlation analysis was performed on Tmax and water quality factors, and the determination coefficients (R2) of DO, Chl-a, and TN with Tmax showed high values of 0.782, 0.609, and 0.691 respectively. To analyze the spatial impact between heat waves and water quality factors, the heat wave intensity (HWI) and heat wave duration (HWD) were calculated using the Tmax. The hotspot and spatial statistical analyses were applied for spatial impact evaluation. As a result of hotspot analysis, the heat wave index (HWD, HWI) showed high spatial pattern in the downstream of Nakdong River basin, and Chl-a and TN showed the same pattern. In case of spatial statistical analysis for water quality due to heat wave, the most obvious spatial variability was DO.

Characteristics of Night Specialized Traffic Accident Hotspot Using Continuous Risk Profile (CRP) Analysis (CRP (Continuous Risk Profile) 분석을 이용한 야간 특화 교통사고 다발구간의 특성)

  • Kim, Heesoo;Oh, Heungun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a methodology to select a cluster of night traffic accidents using CRP (Continuous Risk Profile) analysis. the other purpose of this study is to present the characteristics of the traffic accident cluster section selected at night using CRP analysis. The CRP analysis was performed considering traffic volume of target routes through traffic accident data. In addition, variables were set according to the freeway sections. the method of subtracting the daytime CRP from the nighttime CRP was used to analyze the nighttime traffic accident. As a result, Using the CRP analysis, the sections of hotspot were identified and plotted based on traffic accidents. Also, the sections where traffic accidents are frequent were those where IC or Tunnels were installed, and there was a deviation from the general section. In conclusion, CRP analysis could be used to calculate the frequent section of specialized traffic accidents at night, and it was selected as a point in need of improvement due to the frequent occurrence of specialized traffic accidents at night in the section where IC or tunnel facilities are installed. In addition, it is inferred that the number of specialized traffic accidents at night in the section where IC or tunnel facilities are installed is a factor in the problem of night visibility due to lighting facilities.

Lung Adenocarcinoma Mutation Hotspot in Koreans: Oncogenic Mutation Potential of the TP53 P72R Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (한국인의 폐선암 돌연변이 핫스팟: TP53 P72R Single Nucleotide Polymorphism의 발암성 돌연변이 가능성)

  • Jae Ha BAEK;Kyu Bong CHO
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to identify new markers that cause lung adenocarcinoma by analyzing mutation hotspots for the top five genes with high mutation frequency in lung adenocarcinoma in Koreans by next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis. The association between TP53 mutation types and patterns with smoking, a major cause of lung cancer, was examined. The clinicopathological characteristics of lung adenocarcinoma patients with TP53 P72R SNPs were analyzed. In Korean lung adenocarcinoma cases, regardless of the smoking status, the TP53 P72R SNP was the most frequently occurring mutational hotspot, in which the nucleotide base was transversed from C to G, and the amino acid was substituted from proline to arginine at codon 72 of TP53. An analysis of the clinicopathological characteristics of lung adenocarcinoma cases with TP53 P72R SNP revealed no significant correlation with the patient's age, gender, smoking status, and tumor differentiation, but a significant correlation with low stage (P-value =0.026). This study confirmed an increase in TP53 rather than EGFR, which was reported as the most frequent mutations in lung adenocarcinoma in Koreans through NGS. Among them, TP53 P72R SNP is the most frequent regardless of smoking status.

Selection Method for Installation of Reduction Facilities to Prevention of Roe Deer(Capreouls pygargus) Road-kill in Jeju Island (제주도 노루 로드킬 방지를 위한 저감시설 대상지 선정방안 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Ji;Jang, Rae-ik;Yoo, Young-jae;Lee, Jun-Won;Song, Eui-Geun;Oh, Hong-Shik;Sung, Hyun-Chan;Kim, Do-kyung;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2023
  • The fragmentation of habitats resulting from human activities leads to the isolation of wildlife and it also causes wildlife-vehicle collisions (i.e. Road-kill). In that sense, it is important to predict potential habitats of specific wildlife that causes wildlife-vehicle collisions by considering geographic, environmental and transportation variables. Road-kill, especially by large mammals, threatens human safety as well as financial losses. Therefore, we conducted this study on roe deer (Capreolus pygargus tianschanicus), a large mammal that causes frequently Road-kill in Jeju Island. So, to predict potential wildlife habitats by considering geographic, environmental, and transportation variables for a specific species this study was conducted to identify high-priority restoration sites with both characteristics of potential habitats and road-kill hotspot. we identified high-priority restoration sites that is likely to be potential habitats, and also identified the known location of a Road-kill records. For this purpose, first, we defined the environmental variables and collect the occurrence records of roe deer. After that, the potential habitat map was generated by using Random Forest model. Second, to analyze roadkill hotspots, a kernel density estimation was used to generate a hotspot map. Third, to define high-priority restoration sites, each map was normalized and overlaid. As a result, three northern regions roads and two southern regions roads of Jeju Island were defined as high-priority restoration sites. Regarding Random Forest modeling, in the case of environmental variables, The importace was found to be a lot in the order of distance from the Oreum, elevation, distance from forest edge(outside) and distance from waterbody. The AUC(Area under the curve) value, which means discrimination capacity, was found to be 0.973 and support the statistical accuracy of prediction result. As a result of predicting the habitat of C. pygargus, it was found to be mainly distributed in forests, agricultural lands, and grasslands, indicating that it supported the results of previous studies.

Spatial analysis of water shortage areas in South Korea considering spatial clustering characteristics (공간군집특성을 고려한 우리나라 물부족 핫스팟 지역 분석)

  • Lee, Dong Jin;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the water shortage hotspot areas in South Korea using spatial clustering analysis for water shortage estimates in 2030 of the Master Plans for National Water Management. To identify the water shortage cluster areas, we used water shortage data from the past maximum drought (about 50-year return period) and performed spatial clustering analysis using Local Moran's I and Getis-Ord Gi*. The areas subject to spatial clusters of water shortage were selected using the cluster map, and the spatial characteristics of water shortage areas were verified based on the p-value and the Moran scatter plot. The results indicated that one cluster (lower Imjin River (#1023) and neighbor) in the Han River basin and two clusters (Daejeongcheon (#2403) and neighbor, Gahwacheon (#2501) and neighbor) in the Nakdong River basin were found to be the hotspot for water shortage, whereas one cluster (lower Namhan River (#1007) and neighbor) in the Han River Basin and one cluster (Byeongseongcheon (#2006) and neighbor) in the Nakdong River basin were found to be the HL area, which means the specific area have high water shortage and neighbor have low water shortage. When analyzing spatial clustering by standard watershed unit, the entire spatial clustering area satisfied 100% of the statistical criteria leading to statistically significant results. The overall results indicated that spatial clustering analysis performed using standard watersheds can resolve the variable spatial unit problem to some extent, which results in the relatively increased accuracy of spatial analysis.

Spatial Cluster Analysis and Random Forest-Based Study on the Influencing Factors of Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions Hotspots on General Highways (공간적 군집분석 및 랜덤포레스트를 이용한 국도 동물 찻길 사고 핫스팟 영향요인 연구)

  • Hyunjin Seo;Sehee Kim;Euigeun Song;Chulhyun Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.92-110
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to identify the spatial clustering patterns of wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVCs) on General Highways in South Korea and to determine the key environmental factors influencing hotspot occurrences. To achieve this, WVC occurrence data were collected nationwide, and spatial clustering analysis was conducted. Additionally, hotspot areas were identified, and the influence of various environmental factors on these hotspots was quantitatively analyzed using the Random Forest model. The analysis revealed that WVCs exhibited distinct changes in clustering patterns at approximately a 1 km distance. Among the key environmental factors influencing the hotspots, speed limits were identified as the most significant factor, followed by the number of lanes, mean elevation, population, and core area. By systematically analyzing the spatial distribution and influencing factors of wildlife-vehicle collisions, this study provides scientific evidence for mitigating WVCs. The findings are expected to be practically utilized in establishing tailored mitigation strategies for specific road sections, selecting locations for ecological corridors, managing road speed limits, and formulating effective wildlife protection policies.

ESCO issue_Hotspot - 그린에너지분야의 새 장을 열다, 에스피앤지(주)

  • 에너지절약전문기업협회
    • The Magazine for Energy Service Companies
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    • s.80
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    • pp.28-31
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    • 2013
  • 1985년 6월 25일 창립하여 현재까지 공압ENG분야의 한길을 걸어왔고, 그 노하우를 기반으로 국내유일의 공압ENG를 접목한 ESCO 사업을 영위하고 있다. 산업 전분야에 있어서 에너지절감에 대한 컨설팅으로 고객사의 에너지비용절감에 주력하고 있는 에스피앤지. 최근 지식경제부 장관상 수상 및 그린에너지분야 2012년 부산시 10대 선도기업 선정 등 대내외적으로 업계 리더의 역할을 톡톡히 해내고 있다. 그린에너지의 리더로서 보유하고 있는 기업의 가치를 살펴본다.

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모바일 핫스팟: 차량 내 WiFi 접속 기술 연구 동향

  • Kim, Yeong-Hyeon;Baek, Sang-Heon
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.80-88
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    • 2013
  • 본 고에서는 차량 내에서 WiFi 기기를 사용하여 사용자들에게 인터넷 접속 서비스를 제공하는 구조인 모바일 핫스팟 (Mobile Hotspot)에 대한 연구 동향을 기술한다. 모바일 핫스팟과 관련된 연구 주제로는 1) 차량이 이동하더라도 인터넷 서비스를 끊임 없이 제공하는 이동성 관리 기술, 2) 사용자들의 향상된 서비스 품질을 보장하는 기술, 그리고 3) 모바일 핫스팟의 성능을 심도있게 분석하는 연구 등이 있다. 본 고에서는 이와 같은 연구 주제로 진행된 연구 결과를 정리하고 향후 연구 주제를 살펴본다.

An Implementation of Wireless Channel Scanning for Unauthorized Mobile APs Detection (비인가 모바일 AP 탐지를 위한 채널 스캔의 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Jaeryong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.363-364
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    • 2015
  • On the area which is restricted an unauthorized WiFi service, mobile WiFi hotspot causes security problems like leaking and gathering internal data. In this paper, we modify a wireless lan driver and implement a detector that periodically scans the wireless channels.

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ESCO Issue_Hotspot - 민간차원의 ESCO 발전방안, 그 해법을 제시하다

  • 에너지절약전문기업협회
    • The Magazine for Energy Service Companies
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    • s.78
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 2012
  • 지난 7월 30일, 양재 L타워에서 '시장친화적 ESCO발전방안 연구용역' 공청회가 개최되었다. 에너지절약전문기업협회 주최로 진행된 이번 공청회에서는 에너지절약전문기업의 시장친화적 발전방안과 관련한 중간 연구결과가 보고됐다. 또한, 에너지시민연대 정희정 사무처장, 서울연구원 김민경 박사, 용인송담대 남시복 교수, SKC라이팅 고진규 전무, 율촌 변웅재 변호사가 패널로 참여해 지정 토론 및 관련 내용에 관한 업계의 의견을 수렴하는 시간을 가졌다. 에너지효율향상과 에너지절약에 대한 관심이 집중되고 있는 가운데 열린 공청회 현장을 소개한다.

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