• Title/Summary/Keyword: historical effect

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Relative contribution of geomagnetic and CO2 effects to global temperature anomaly

  • Kim, Jinhyun;Moon, Yong-Jae
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.79.3-80
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    • 2016
  • We have investigated the correlation analysis between global temperature anomaly and two main factors: geomagnetic activity (aa index) of Earth external factor and CO2 of Earth internal factor. For this, we used NOAA Global Surface Temperature anomaly (Ta) data from 1868 to 2015. The aa index indicates the geomagnetic activity measured at two anti-podal subauroral stations (Canberra Australia and Hartland England) and the CO2 data come from historical ice core records and NOAA/ESRL data. From the comparison between (Ta) and aa index, we found several interesting things, First, the linear correlation coefficient between two parameters increases until 1985 and then decreases rapidly. Second, the scattered plot between two parameters shows a boundary of the correlation tendency (positive and negative correlation) near 1985. A partial correlation of (Ta) and two main factors (aa index, CO2) also shows that the geomagnetic effect (aa index) is dominant until about 1985 and the CO2 effect becomes much more important after then. These results indicate that the CO2 effect become very an important factor since at least 1985. For a further analysis, we simply assume that Ta = Ta(aa)+Ta(CO2) and made a linear regression between (Ta) and aa index from 1868 to 2015. A linear model is then made from the linear regression between energy consumption (a proxy of CO2 effect) and Ta-Ta(aa) since 1985. Our results will be discussed in view of the prediction of global warming.

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Effects Analysis of Governmental Research Buildings by the Main Components and Frame Repair Activities (공공 연구원 건축물의 대수선에 따른 효과분석)

  • Lee, Kang-Hee;Chae, Chang-U
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2019
  • The research institute has a function to get the research outcome through the various experiments, data collection and analysis. Therefore, research building is important to keep the research condition or experiment environment. But buildings would be deteriorated and leaded into the deterrence of research. Maintenance is planned to protect the research building condition through various general repair or heavy repair. The heavy repair is generally conducted in massive repair scope or main components preparation. In this paper, it aimed at analyzing the effect of the massive or main components repair with inputted cost and its resulted output. In order to analyze the effect of a massive repair, it used the Benefit/Cost analysis and sensitivity analysis. Results of this study are as follows : The benefit/cost analysis shows that research building whose researcher continuously live and study has good effect. On the contrary, pace of the the experimental function is not good effect in benefit/cost analysis. But the experimental function is indispensible to get the research outcom for the research goal. Therefore, the experimental function will be planned to repair and get the historical repair data because the proper repair time would be prepared to cut down the repair cost.

The effect of arch geometry on the structural behavior of masonry bridges

  • Altunisik, Ahmet C.;Kanbur, Burcu;Genc, Ali F.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1069-1089
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    • 2015
  • Arch bridges consist of some important components for structural behavior such as arches, sidewalls, filling materials and foundations. But, arches are the most important part for this type of bridges. For this reason, investigation of arch is come into prominence. In this paper, it is aimed to investigate the arch thickness effect on the structural behavior of masonry arch bridges. For this purpose, Goderni historical arch bridge which was located in Kulp town, Diyarbakir, Turkey and the bridge restoration process has still continued is selected as an application. The construction year of the bridge is not fully known, but the date is estimated to be the second half of the 19th century. The bridge has two arches with the 0.52 cm and 0.69 cm arch thickness, respectively. Finite element model of the bridge is constructed with ANSYS software to reflect the current situation using relievo drawings. Then the arch thickness is changed by increasing and decreasing respectively and finite element models are reconstructed. The structural responses of the bridge are obtained for all arch thickness under dead load and live load. Maximum displacements, maximum-minimum principal stresses and maximum-minimum elastic strains are given with detail using contours diagrams and compared with each other to determine the arch thickness effect. At the end of the study, it is seen that the maximum displacements, tensile stresses and strains have a decreasing trend, but compressive stress and strain have an increasing trend by the increasing of arch thickness.

Assessing the Effect of Voltage Sag in Distribution System Using a Fuzzy Risk Assessment Model (퍼지 위험도 평가 모델을 이용한 배전계통의 순간전압강하 영향 평가)

  • Yun, Sang-Yun;Oh, Jung-Hwan;Han, Byung-Duk;Kim, Jae-Chul;Park, Joong-Shin;Lim, Dong-Gyun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07c
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    • pp.1085-1087
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we propose the method for assessing the effect of voltage sag in power distribution system using fuzzy risk assessment model. The proposed method is based on SCBEMA curve that expresses the representative susceptibility curve by voltage sag for each customer type. These corves are made using the CBEMA curves obtained from the experiment for the customers'sensitive equipment. In order to transform SCBEMA curves to the probability damage by voltage sag, the fuzzy risk assessment model is used in this paper. Case studies were performed to analyze the effect of voltage sag by varying parameters. The Monte Carlo simulation method and the historical reliability data in KEPCO are used for case studies.

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Global, Remote, and Local Effects on the Mediterranean Climate in Present-Day Simulations (현재 기후 모의실험에서 나타나는 지중해의 기후에 대한 전 지구, 원격, 지역 영향들)

  • Kim, Go-Un;Seo, Kyong-Hwan
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2020
  • Impacts on the atmospheric circulation and ocean system over the Mediterranean during boreal summer are investigated using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) historical simulations (from 1911 to 2005). As the climate warms, global and remote effects lead to a strengthening in descending motion, an increase in sea surface temperature (SST) and surface dryness, but a decrease in marine primary production over the Western Mediterranean. The global effect is estimated from interannual variability over the global mean SST and the remote effect is driven by diabatic forcing generated from the South and East Asian summer monsoons. On the other hand, a local contribution leads to the strengthened descending motion and increased surface dryness over the Eastern Mediterranean, whereas the marine primary production over this region tends to increase due to possibly the urban wastewater and sewage. Our result suggests that particular attention needs to be paid to conserve the marine ecosystem over the Mediterranean.

The Effect of Population Ageing on Healthcare Expenditure in Korea: From the Perspective of 'Healthy Ageing' Using Age-Period-Cohort Analysis (인구고령화가 의료비 지출에 미치는 영향: Age-Period-Cohort 분석을 이용한 '건강한 고령화'의 관점)

  • Cho, Jae Young;Jeong, Hyoung-Sun
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.378-391
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    • 2018
  • Background: People who were born in different years, that is, different birth cohorts, grow in varying socio-historical and dynamic contexts, which result in differences in social dispositions and physical abilities. Methods: This study used age-period-cohort analysis method to establish explanatory models on healthcare expenditure in Korea reflecting birth cohort factor using intrinsic estimator. Based on these models, we tried to investigate the effects of ageing population on future healthcare expenditure through simulation by scenarios. Results: Coefficient of cohort effect was not as high as that of age effect, but greater than that of period effect. The cohort effect can be interpreted to show 'healthy ageing' phenomenon. Healthy ageing effect shows annual average decrease of -1.74% to 1.57% in healthcare expenditure. Controlling age, period, and birth cohort effects, pure demographic effect of population ageing due to increase in life expectancy shows annual average increase of 1.61%-1.80% in healthcare expenditure. Conclusion: First, since the influence of population factor itself on healthcare expenditure increase is not as big as expected. Second, 'healthy ageing effect' suggests that there is a need of paradigm shift to prevention centered-healthcare services. Third, forecasting of health expenditure needs to reflect social change factors by considering birth cohort effect.

Creation through the Distancing Effect (Verfremdung) in the Fashion Field (패션에서의 '낯설게 하기(Verfremdung)'에 의한 창작)

  • Suh, Seung-Hee;Kim, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2011
  • The present study aims to apply the theory of Brecht's 'Verfremdung' or distancing effect to the process of fashion design. The distancing effect refers to an avant-garde artistic technique that enables artists to create their works by viewing particular objects separately from the phenomena that occur around those objects. Brecht encouraged a sense of purpose that involved shifting to the new society sought by modernism. He also suggested an artistic approach that isolates perception from judgment 'Verfremdung' which reflects his approach well. In this paper, with the distancing effect considered as a method for creation, the author identifies the system of thought associated with the distancing method and applies this system to fashion design. To this end, the author first reviewed the concepts of 'Entfremdung' (alienation) and the distancing effect and studied the backgrounds of the two concepts. Next, the author identified Brecht's epic theory and its application. As a result, a method of perceiving objects as used with the distancing effect was noted, and this method was utilized to distinguish the relationship between the body and its clothes. Specifically of interest were parts of the human body and the related functions of clothes as well as the motor functions of the body and detailed decorations on clothes. Moreover, the author discovered a trend in the wearing of clothes that exists in the context of historical changeability by examining Brecht's work as it relates to the types of clothes that are worn. Finally, the author applied the distancing effect to fashion design in consideration of the discovered trend.

The Role of Movies to Understand the Political Happening : Focused on Understanding of Modern Korean History (정치현상을 이해하는 영화의 역할 : 현대 한국 정치사의 이해를 중심으로)

  • Han, Ju-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1091-1099
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    • 2017
  • This study used movies to improve the students' immersion and interest in political classes. Movie is one of the most common and most powerful means of disseminating information that occur among humans. And it is the most easily accessible to the public. Especially, the recognition of visual images proceeds more easily and faster than the perception of thought. Understanding the political happening through movie can get double effect because of the high understanding and immersion. Above all, movies can penetrate into people's minds because they become a ideological. Therefore, it is publicized and also historical events are reproduced in movies. Likewise, politics is also based on the role of the thought or dominant beliefs, and public opinion is formed to justify various groups of human activities. It shows that today's political happening is not a new, but the historical phenomenon of the past are reproduced. Based on this, to discuss modern Korean political history through movies.

Design of Priest Naong's Memorial Area (나옹선사 기념관지구 설계)

  • 홍광표;허상현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2002
  • The site for this plan is located at the foot of Mt. Unseo at Galcheon-ri, Changsu-myon, Youngdeok-gun. On the site stands Jangyutsa Temple, built by priest Naong in 1355 (in the 4th year of King Gongmin during Koryo Kingdom). The purpose of this plan is to widely publicize and commemorate priest Naong by designing a district centering around the temple. The basic directions of design can be summarized as follows 1) A special Buddhists'pilgrimage and sight-seeing district aimed at commemorating priest Naong will be developed to preserve the historic figure of priest Naong. To this end, a facility will be built to collect, preserve and exhibit materials related with the great priest in order to preserve his legacy and enhance the image of the space. 2) Special fractions which are rare in other districts will be introduced to create an image different from the conventional memorial districts or sight-seeing zones. To this end, the district will be divided into the Jangyuksa Temple area proper and a district memorial area, each of which will have its own unique characteristics with different functions. On the other hand, the two different areas will be related with each other and complemented by each other. Such planning techniques as articulation and superimposition will be used for a synergistic effect. 3) The plan will accommodate various programs centering around historical and cultural assets, and at the same time will allow tourists to have various experiences and access to the natural environment as well as to a variety of events. 4) In order to plan such landscapes as shown in the traditional mountain temples, the traditional tectonic forms will be used for the facilities. It is expected that the district surrounding Jangyuksa Temple will become a popular sight-seeing destination, and with new historical and cultural environments will become a valuable resource to widely publicize the culture of Youngdeok-gun.

Development of Peel off style high viscosity Epoxy for exhumed historic sites (유구 이전복원을 위한 표면 박리형 Epoxy polymer의 개발)

  • Han, Won-Sik;Hong, Tae-Kee;Lim, Sung-Jin;Wi, Koang-Chul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.22
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2008
  • The pre-treatment for conservation must be needed for the exhumed historic sites. So, the study of conservation and restoration of historical sites has progressed favorably with using various polymers for solving upper problems. The problems which should be essentially solved for conservation of the exhumed historic sites are, however, using reinforcing agents that don't impair their original forms and sorting reinforcing agents on the lines of the historic sites' soil. These agents should be able to use without the effect of outer environments like marsh, winter time or temperature. In this work, we synthesized Epoxy resin and Epoxy hardener for the restoration of historical sites. These products have very good tension strength and adhesion strength and various physical properties that the users want. Particularly, these epoxy with high viscosity have good separation of between Epoxy final product and Urethane pre-surface.

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