• Title/Summary/Keyword: higher-order spectral analysis

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Land Use Feature Extraction and Sprawl Development Prediction from Quickbird Satellite Imagery Using Dempster-Shafer and Land Transformation Model

  • Saharkhiz, Maryam Adel;Pradhan, Biswajeet;Rizeei, Hossein Mojaddadi;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2020
  • Accurate knowledge of land use/land cover (LULC) features and their relative changes over upon the time are essential for sustainable urban management. Urban sprawl growth has been always also a worldwide concern that needs to carefully monitor particularly in a developing country where unplanned building constriction has been expanding at a high rate. Recently, remotely sensed imageries with a very high spatial/spectral resolution and state of the art machine learning approaches sent the urban classification and growth monitoring to a higher level. In this research, we classified the Quickbird satellite imagery by object-based image analysis of Dempster-Shafer (OBIA-DS) for the years of 2002 and 2015 at Karbala-Iraq. The real LULC changes including, residential sprawl expansion, amongst these years, were identified via change detection procedure. In accordance with extracted features of LULC and detected trend of urban pattern, the future LULC dynamic was simulated by using land transformation model (LTM) in geospatial information system (GIS) platform. Both classification and prediction stages were successfully validated using ground control points (GCPs) through accuracy assessment metric of Kappa coefficient that indicated 0.87 and 0.91 for 2002 and 2015 classification as well as 0.79 for prediction part. Detail results revealed a substantial growth in building over fifteen years that mostly replaced by agriculture and orchard field. The prediction scenario of LULC sprawl development for 2030 revealed a substantial decline in green and agriculture land as well as an extensive increment in build-up area especially at the countryside of the city without following the residential pattern standard. The proposed method helps urban decision-makers to identify the detail temporal-spatial growth pattern of highly populated cities like Karbala. Additionally, the results of this study can be considered as a probable future map in order to design enough future social services and amenities for the local inhabitants.

Seismic Fragility Analysis of Equipment Considering the Inelastic Energy Absorption Factor of Weld Anchorage for Seismic Characteristics in Korea (국내 지진동 특성에 대한 기기 용접 정착부의 비탄성에너지 흡수계수를 고려한 지진취약도 평가)

  • Eem, Seunghyun;Kim, Gungyu;Choi, In-Kil;Kwag, Shinyoung
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2023
  • In Korea, most nuclear power plants were designed based on the design response spectrum of Regulatory Guide 1.60 of the NRC. However, in the case of earthquakes occurring in the country, the characteristics of seismic motions in Korea and the design response spectrum differed. The seismic motion in Korea had a higher spectral acceleration in the high-frequency range compared to the design response spectrum. The seismic capacity may be reduced when evaluating the seismic performance of the equipment with high-frequency earthquakes compared with what is evaluated by the design response spectrum for the equipment with a high natural frequency. Therefore, EPRI proposed the inelastic energy absorption factor for the equipment anchorage. In this study, the seismic performance of welding anchorage was evaluated by considering domestic seismic characteristics and EPRI's inelastic energy absorption factor. In order to reflect the characteristics of domestic earthquakes, the uniform hazard response spectrum (UHRS) of Uljin was used. Moreover, the seismic performance of the equipment was evaluated with a design response spectrum of R.G.1.60 and a uniform hazard response spectrum (UHRS) as seismic inputs. As a result, it was confirmed that the seismic performance of the weld anchorage could be increased when the inelastic energy absorption factor is used. Also, a comparative analysis was performed on the seismic capacity of the anchorage of equipment by the welding and the extended bolt.

High-resolution Spiral-scan Imaging at 3 Tesla MRI (3.0 Tesla 자기공명영상시스템에서 고 해상도 나선주사영상)

  • Kim, P.K.;Lim, J.W.;Kang, S.W.;Cho, S.H.;Jeon, S.Y.;Lim, H.J.;Park, H.C.;Oh, S.J.;Lee, H.K.;Ahn, C.B.
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : High-resolution spiral-scan imaging is performed at 3 Tesla MRI system. Since the gradient waveforms for the spiral-scan imaging have lower slopes than those for the Echo Planar Imaging (EPI), they can be implemented with the gradient systems having lower slew rates. The spiral-scan imaging also involves less eddy currents due to the smooth gradient waveforms. The spiral-scan imaging method does not suffer from high specific absorption rate (SAR), which is one of the main obstacles in high field imaging for rf echo-based fast imaging methods such as fast spin echo techniques. Thus, the spiral-scan imaging has a great potential for the high-speed imaging in high magnetic fields. In this paper, we presented various high-resolution images obtained by the spiral-scan methods at 3T MRI system for various applications. Materials and Methods : High-resolution spiral-scan imaging technique is implemented at 3T whole body MRI system. An efficient and fast higher-order shimming technique is developed to reduce the inhomogeneity, and the single-shot and interleaved spiral-scan imaging methods are developed. Spin-echo and gradient-echo based spiral-scan imaging methods are implemented, and image contrast and signal-tonoise ratio are controlled by the echo time, repetition time, and the rf flip angles. Results : Spiral-scan images having various resolutions are obtained at 3T MRI system. Since the absolute magnitude of the inhomogeneity is increasing in higher magnetic fields, higher order shimming to reduce the inhomogeneity becomes more important. A fast shimming technique in which axial, sagittal, and coronal sectional inhomogeneity maps are obtained in one scan is developed, and the shimming method based on the analysis of spherical harmonics of the inhomogeneity map is applied. For phantom and invivo head imaging, image matrix size of about $100{\times}100$ is obtained by a single-shot spiral-scan imaging, and a matrix size of $256{\times}256$ is obtained by the interleaved spiral-scan imaging with the number of interleaves of from 6 to 12. Conclusion : High field imaging becomes increasingly important due to the improved signal-to-noise ratio, larger spectral separation, and the higher BOLD-based contrast. The increasing SAR is, however, a limiting factor in high field imaging. Since the spiral-scan imaging has a very low SAR, and lower hardware requirements for the implementation of the technique compared to EPI, it is suitable for a rapid imaging in high fields. In this paper, the spiral-scan imaging with various resolutions from $100{\times}100$ to $256{\times}256$ by controlling the number of interleaves are developed for the high-speed imaging in high magnetic fields.

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Resonant Characteristics in Rectangular Harbor with Narrow Entrance (1.Field Measurements and Data Analyses) (개구부가 좁은 직사각형 항만의 공진특성(1.현장관측과 자료 분석))

  • 정원무;박우선;서경덕;채장원;정신택
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.201-215
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    • 1999
  • Field measurements were made for long- and short-period waves and current velocities at the harbor mouth using pressure-type wave gauges and a current meter, respectively, at the Gamcheon Harbor which has a rectangular shape with a narrow entrance. The measured pressure data were subjected to spectral analyses after removing tidal effects by applying trend removal and high-pass filtering. For the band averaging of the raw spectra, in order to obtain good resolution over the entire frequency, instead of a constant band width, variable band widths were used, which gradually increase as marching from the lowest frequency towards higher frequencies. The Helmholtz resonance mode at the Gamcheon Harbor shows the relative amplification ratio of 9.2 at the wave period of 31.7 minutes, which is quite large compared with those at the harbors located on the east coast of Korea. The second and the third resonance period was 10.3 and 5.4 minute, respectively. On the other hand, the analysis of every 24 hours data shows that during storms the spectral densities are very large compared to those during calm seas and also the second and third resonances are predominant.

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Comparative analysis on darcy-forchheimer flow of 3-D MHD hybrid nanofluid (MoS2-Fe3O4/H2O) incorporating melting heat and mass transfer over a rotating disk with dufour and soret effects

  • A.M. Abd-Alla;Esraa N. Thabet;S.M.M.El-Kabeir;H. A. Hosham;Shimaa E. Waheed
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.325-340
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    • 2024
  • There are several novel uses for dispersing many nanoparticles into a conventional fluid, including dynamic sealing, damping, heat dissipation, microfluidics, and more. Therefore, melting heat and mass transfer characteristics of a 3-D MHD Hybrid Nanofluid flow over a rotating disc with presenting dufour and soret effects are assessed numerically in this study. In this instance, we investigated both ferric sulfate and molybdenum disulfide as nanoparticles suspended within base fluid water. The governing partial differential equations are transformed into linked higher-order non-linear ordinary differential equations by the local similarity transformation. The collection of these deduced equations is then resolved using a Chebyshev spectral collocation-based algorithm built into the Mathematica software. To demonstrate how different instances of hybrid/ nanofluid are impacted by changes in temperature, velocity, and the distribution of nanoparticle concentration, examples of graphical and numerical data are given. For many values of the material parameters, the computational findings are shown. Simulations conducted for different physical parameters in the model show that adding hybrid nanoparticle to the fluid mixture increases heat transfer in comparison to simple nanofluids. It has been identified that hybrid nanoparticles, as opposed to single-type nanoparticles, need to be taken into consideration to create an effective thermal system. Furthermore, porosity lowers the velocities of simple and hybrid nanofluids in both cases. Additionally, results show that the drag force from skin friction causes the nanoparticle fluid to travel more slowly than the hybrid nanoparticle fluid. The findings also demonstrate that suction factors like magnetic and porosity parameters, as well as nanoparticles, raise the skin friction coefficient. Furthermore, It indicates that the outcomes from different flow scenarios correlate and are in strong agreement with the findings from the published literature. Bar chart depictions are altered by changes in flow rates. Moreover, the results confirm doctors' views to prescribe hybrid nanoparticle and particle nanoparticle contents for achalasia patients and also those who suffer from esophageal stricture and tumors. The results of this study can also be applied to the energy generated by the melting disc surface, which has a variety of industrial uses. These include, but are not limited to, the preparation of semiconductor materials, the solidification of magma, the melting of permafrost, and the refreezing of frozen land.

Wind Vector Retrieval from SIR-C SAR Data off the East Coast of Korea

  • Kim, Tai-Sung;Park, Kyung-Ae;Moon, Woo-Il
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.475-487
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    • 2010
  • Sea surface wind field was retrieved from high-resolution SIR-C SAR data by using CMOD algorithms off the east coast of Korea. In order to extract wind direction information from SAR data, a two-dimensional spectral analysis method was applied to the normalized radar cross section of the image. An $180^{\circ}$-ambiguity problem in the determination of wind direction was solved by selecting a direction nearest to the wind vector of the ECMWF reanalysis data. Comparison of the wind retrieval patterns with the ECMWF and NCEP/NCAR dataset showed RMS errors in the range of 1.30 to $1.72\;ms^{-1}$. In contrast, comparison of wind directions revealed large errors of greater than $60^{\circ}$, which is enormously higher than the permitted limit of about $20^{\circ}$ for satellite scatterometer winds. Compared with wind speed results from different algorithms, wind vectors based on commonly-used CMOD4 algorithm showed good agreement with those derived by other algorithms such as CMOD_IFR2 and CMOD5, particularly at medium winds from 4 to $8\;ms^{-1}$. However, apparent discrepancy appeared at low winds (< $4\;ms^{-1}$). This study also addressed an importance of accurate wind direction data to improve the accuracy of wind speed retrieval and discussed potential causes of wind retrieval errors from SAR data.

Comparative Analysis of Functional Hydrogel Lens Containing Gallate and Carotenoid Groups

  • Seong Hoon Bang;A-Young Sung
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2024
  • The physical and optical properties of functional hydrogel lenses manufactured using Gallate and Carotenoid group materials as additives for hydrogel lenses were analyzed. In order to manufacture a hydrogel lens, a hydrophilic monomer, HEMA (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), a cross-linker EGDMA (ethylene glycol dimethacrylate), and a photoinitiator 2H2M (2-hydroxy-2-methylpropyphenone) were used. Additives such as Epigallocatechin gallate, Octyl gallate, and Astaxanthin were added to the basic mixed solution at a ratio, respectively, and photopolymerized with a wavelength of 365 nm for 40 seconds by a cast mold method. The Carotenoid material produced a nano dispersion through the solvent substitution method, and the physical properties of the manufactured contact lens were evaluated by measuring refractive index, water content, spectral transmittance, and contact angle to analyze the changes in physical properties according to the material. Hydrogel contact lenses using the gallate group showed increased wettability and high UV blocking ability compared to base hydrogel lenses. In addition, lenses with epigallocatechin gallate added produced a gradually darker pink color as the amount added increased. Hydrogel lenses using carotenoid nano dispersions showed an increase in both refractive index and water content, and a tendency toward higher wettability. In addition, contact lenses manufactured using an optimized blending ratio of gallate and carotenoid showed increased refractive index, water content, and wettability, as well as antibacterial function and improved UV blocking ability. Hydrogel lenses are manufactured by adding gallate and carotenoid to basic lens material in the ratio can be used as functional medical eye materials with high refractive index, water content, wettability, UV blocking properties, and antibacterial properties.

Precise Estimation of Nonlinear Parameter in Pulse-Like Ultrasonic Signal (펄스형 초음파 신호에서 비선형 파라미터의 정밀 추정)

  • Ha, Job;Jhang, Kyung-Young;Sasaki, Kimio;Tanaka, Hiroaki
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2006
  • Ultrasonic nonlinearity has been considered as a solution for the detection of microcracks or interfacial delamination in a layered structure. The distinguished phenomenon in nonlinear ultrasonics is the generation of higher-order harmonic waves during the propagation. Therefore, in order to quantify the nonlinearity, the conventional method measures a parameter defined as the amplitude ratio of a second-order harmonic component and a fundamental frequency component included in the propagated ultrasonic wave signal. However, its application In field inspection is not easy at the present stage because no standard methodology has yet been made to accurately estimate this parameter. Thus, the aim of this paper is to propose an advanced signal processing technique for the precise estimation of a nonlinear ultrasonic parameter, which is based on power spectral and bispectral analysis. The method of estimating power spectrum and bispectrum of the pulse-like ultrasonic wave signal used in the commercial SAM (scanning acoustic microscopy) equipment is especially considered in this study The usefulness of the proposed method Is confirmed by experiments for a Newton ring with a continuous air gap between two glasses and a real semiconductor sample with local delaminations. The results show that the nonlinear parameter obtained tv the proposed method had a good correlation with the delamination.

Analysis of Land Cover Classification and Pattern Using Remote Sensing and Spatial Statistical Method - Focusing on the DMZ Region in Gangwon-Do - (원격탐사와 공간통계 기법을 이용한 토지피복 분류 및 패턴 분석 - 강원도 DMZ일원을 대상으로 -)

  • NA, Hyun-Sup;PARK, Jeong-Mook;LEE, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.100-118
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    • 2015
  • This study established a land-cover classification method on objects using satellite images, and figured out distributional patterns of land cover according to categories through spatial statistics techniques. Object-based classification generated each land cover classification map by spectral information, texture information, and the combination of the two. Through assessment of accuracy, we selected optimum land cover classification map. Also, to figure out spatial distribution pattern of land cover according to categories, we analyzed hot spots and quantified them. Optimal weight for an object-based classification has been selected as the Scale 52, Shape 0.4, Color 0.6, Compactness 0.5, Smoothness 0.5. In case of using the combination of spectral information and texture information, the land cover classification map showed the best overall classification accuracy. Particularly in case of dry fields, protected cultivation, and bare lands, the accuracy has increased about 12 percent more than when we used only spectral information. Forest, paddy fields, transportation facilities, grasslands, dry fields, bare lands, buildings, water and protected cultivation in order of the higher area ratio of DMZ according to categories. Particularly, dry field sand transportation facilities in Yanggu occurred mainly in north areas of the civilian control line. dry fields in Cheorwon, forest and transportation facilities in Inje fulfilled actively in south areas of the civilian control line. In case of distributional patterns according to categories, hot spot of paddy fields, dry fields and protected cultivation, which is related to agriculture, was distributed intensively in plains of Yanggu and in basin areas of Cheorwon. Hot spot areas of bare lands, waters, buildings and roads have similar distribution patterns with hot spot areas related to agriculture, while hot spot areas of bare lands, water, buildings and roads have different distributional patterns with hot spot areas of forest and grasslands.

Channel Model and Wireless Link Performance Analysis for Short-Range Wireless Communication Applications in the Terahertz Frequency (테라헤르츠 대역 주파수에서 근거리 무선 통신 응용을 위한 채널 모델 및 무선 링크 성능 분석)

  • Chung, Tae-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.868-882
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, channel model and wireless link performance analysis for the short-range wireless communication system applications in the terahertz frequency which is currently interested in many countries will be described. In order to realize high data rates above 10 Gbps, the more wide bandwidths will be required than the currently available bandwidths of millimeter-wave frequencies, therefore, the carrier frequencies will be pushed to THz range to obtain larger bandwidths. From the THz atmospheric propagation characteristics based on ITU-R P.676-7, the available bandwidths were calculated to be 68, 48 and 45 GHz at the center frequencies of 220, 300 and 350 GHz, respectively. With these larger bandwidths, it was shown from the simulation that higher data rate above 10 Gbps can be achieved using lower order modulation schemes which have spectral efficiency of below 1. The indoor propagation delay spread characteristics were analyzed using a simplified PDP model with respect to building materials. The RMS delay spread was calculated to be 9.23 ns in a room size of $6\;m(L){\times}5\;m(W){\times}2.5\;m(H)$ for the concrete plaster with TE polarization, which is a similar result of below 10 ns from the Ray-Tracing simulation in the reference paper. The indoor wireless link performance analysis results showed that receiver sensitivity was $-56{\sim}-46\;dBm$ over bandwidth of $5{\sim}50\;GHz$ and antenna gain was calculated to be $26.6{\sim}31.6\;dBi$ at link distance of 10m under the BPSK modulation scheme. The maximum achievable data rates were estimated to be 30, 16 and 12 Gbps at the carrier frequencies of 220, 300 and 350 GHz, respectively, under the A WGN and LOS conditions, where it was assumed that the output power of the transmitter is -15 dBm and link distance of 1 m with BER of $10^{-12}$. If the output power of transmitter is increased, the more higher data rate can be achieved than the above results.