• Title/Summary/Keyword: high-resolution satellite images

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A Study of CNN-based Super-Resolution Method for Remote Sensing Image (원격 탐사 영상을 활용한 CNN 기반의 초해상화 기법 연구)

  • Choi, Yeonju;Kim, Minsik;Kim, Yongwoo;Han, Sanghyuck
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2020
  • Super-resolution is a technique used to reconstruct an image with low-resolution into that of high-resolution. Recently, deep-learning based super resolution has become the mainstream, and applications of these methods are widely used in the remote sensing field. In this paper, we propose a super-resolution method based on the deep back-projection network model to improve the satellite image resolution by the factor of four. In the process, we customized the loss function with the edge loss to result in a more detailed feature of the boundary of each object and to improve the stability of the model training using generative adversarial network based on Wasserstein distance loss. Also, we have applied the detail preserving image down-scaling method to enhance the naturalness of the training output. Finally, by including the modified-residual learning with a panchromatic feature in the final step of the training process. Our proposed method is able to reconstruct fine features and high frequency information. Comparing the results of our method with that of the others, we propose that the super-resolution method improves the sharpness and the clarity of WorldView-3 and KOMPSAT-2 images.

A Ship-Wake Joint Detection Using Sentinel-2 Imagery

  • Woojin, Jeon;Donghyun, Jin;Noh-hun, Seong;Daeseong, Jung;Suyoung, Sim;Jongho, Woo;Yugyeong, Byeon;Nayeon, Kim;Kyung-Soo, Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2023
  • Ship detection is widely used in areas such as maritime security, maritime traffic, fisheries management, illegal fishing, and border control, and ship detection is important for rapid response and damage minimization as ship accident rates increase due to recent increases in international maritime traffic. Currently, according to a number of global and national regulations, ships must be equipped with automatic identification system (AIS), which provide information such as the location and speed of the ship periodically at regular intervals. However, most small vessels (less than 300 tons) are not obligated to install the transponder and may not be transmitted intentionally or accidentally. There is even a case of misuse of the ship'slocation information. Therefore, in this study, ship detection was performed using high-resolution optical satellite images that can periodically remotely detect a wide range and detectsmallships. However, optical images can cause false-alarm due to noise on the surface of the sea, such as waves, or factors indicating ship-like brightness, such as clouds and wakes. So, it is important to remove these factors to improve the accuracy of ship detection. In this study, false alarm wasreduced, and the accuracy ofship detection wasimproved by removing wake.As a ship detection method, ship detection was performed using machine learning-based random forest (RF), and convolutional neural network (CNN) techniquesthat have been widely used in object detection fieldsrecently, and ship detection results by the model were compared and analyzed. In addition, in this study, the results of RF and CNN were combined to improve the phenomenon of ship disconnection and the phenomenon of small detection. The ship detection results of thisstudy are significant in that they improved the limitations of each model while maintaining accuracy. In addition, if satellite images with improved spatial resolution are utilized in the future, it is expected that ship and wake simultaneous detection with higher accuracy will be performed.

Comparison of SGM Cost for DSM Generation Using Satellite Images (위성영상으로 DSM을 생성하기 위한 SGM Cost의 비교)

  • Lee, Hyoseong;Park, Soonyoung;Kwon, Wonsuk;Han, Dongyeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.473-479
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    • 2019
  • This study applied SGM (Semi Global Matching) to generate DSM (Digital Surface Model) using WorldView-1 high-resolution satellite stereo pair in Terrassa, Spain provided by ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing). The SGM is an image matching algorithm that performs the computation of the matching cost for the stereo pair in multi-paths and aggregates the computed costs sequentially. This method finally calculates the disparity corresponding to the minimum (or maximum) value of the aggregation cost. The cost was applied to MI (Mutual Information), NCC (Normalized Cross-Correlation), and CT (Census Transform) in order to the SGM. The accuracy and performance of the outline representation result in DSM by each cost are presented. Based on the images used and the subject area, the accuracy of the CT cost results was the highest, and the outline representation was also most clearly depicted. In addition, while the SGM method represented more detailed outlines than the existing software, many errors occurred in the water area.

대전광역시 도시화 패턴 분석을 위한 원격탐사 자료 처리 및 다중시기 토지이용 현황도 제작

  • Kim, Youn-Soo;Lee, Kwang-Jae;Jeon, Gap-Ho
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2004
  • The importance of satellite data for numerous applications is stressed by the fact that many countries have given the development of space technologies very high priority. Among these, Korea has established a medium-term space development strategy to promote space development both on a scientific as well as commercial level. As part of this strategy, the first operational earth-observation, multi-purpose satellite(KOMPSAT-1) was launched successfully in December, 1999. The Electro-Optical Camera (EOC) on board of KOMPSAT-1 supplies panchromatic images with a spatial resolution of 6.6m Until April, 2004, it collected over 150.000 images of the Korean Peninsula and the rest of the world. This paper examines the use of remote sensing data to analyze urban growth in the city of Daejeon from 1960 to 2003. By using visual interpretation, land use maps are created.

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Estimation of High-Resolution Soil Moisture Using Sentinel-1A/B SAR and Soil Moisture Data Assimilation Scheme (Sentinel-1A/B SAR와 토양수분자료동화기법을 이용한 고해상도 토양수분 산정)

  • Kim, Sangwoo;Lee, Taehwa;Chun, Beomseok;Jung, Younghun;Jang, Won Seok;Sur, Chanyang;Shin, Yongchul
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.62 no.6
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2020
  • We estimated the spatio-temporally distributed soil moisture using Sentinel-1A/B SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor images and soil moisture data assimilation technique in South Korea. Soil moisture data assimilation technique can extract the hydraulic parameters of soils using observed soil moisture and GA (Genetic Algorithm). The SWAP (Soil Water Atmosphere Plant) model associated with a soil moisture assimilation technique simulates the soil moisture using the soil hydraulic parameters and meteorological data as input data. The soil moisture based on Sentinel-1A/B was validated and evaluated using the pearson correlation and RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) analysis between estimated soil moisture and TDR soil moisture. The soil moisture data assimilation technique derived the soil hydraulic parameters using Sentinel-1A/B based soil moisture images, ASOS (Automated Synoptic Observing System) weather data and TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)/GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) rainfall data. The derived soil hydrological parameters as the input data to SWAP were used to simulate the daily soil moisture values at the spatial domain from 2001 to 2018 using the TRMM/GPM satellite rainfall data. Overall, the simulated soil moisture estimates matched well with the TDR measurements and Sentinel-1A/B based soil moisture under various land surface conditions (bare soil, crop, forest, and urban).

Accuracy Improvement of DEM Using Ground Coordinates Package (공공삼각점 위치자료를 이용한 DEM의 위치 정확도 향상)

  • Lee, Hyoseong;Oh, Jaehong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.567-575
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    • 2021
  • In order to correct the provided RPC and DEM generated from the high-resolution satellite images, the acquisition of the ground control point (GCP) must be preceded. This task is a very complicate that requires field surveys, GPS surveying, and image coordinate reading corresponding to GCPs. In addition, since it is difficult to set up and measure a GCP in areas where access is difficult or impossible (tidal flats, polar regions, volcanic regions, etc.), an alternative method is needed. In this paper, we propose a 3D surface matching technique using only the established ground coordinate package, avoiding the ground-image-location survey of the GCP to correct the DEM produced from WorldView-2 satellite images and the provided RPCs. The location data of the public control points were obtained from the National Geographic Information Institute website, and the DEM was corrected by performing 3D surface matching with this package. The accuracy of 3-axis translation and rotation obtained by the matching was evaluated using pre-measured GPS checkpoints. As a result, it was possible to obtain results within 2 m in the plane location and 1 m in height.

Control Policy for the Land Remote Sensing Industry (미국(美國)의 지상원격탐사(地上遠隔探査) 통제제탁(統制制度))

  • Suh, Young-Duk
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.87-107
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    • 2005
  • Land Remote Sensing' is defined as the science (and to some extent, art) of acquiring information about the Earth's surface without actually being in contact with it. Narrowly speaking, this is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that information. Remote sensing technology was initially developed with certain purposes in mind ie. military and environmental observation. However, after 1970s, as these high-technologies were taught to private industries, remote sensing began to be more commercialized. Recently, we are witnessing a 0.61-meter high-resolution satellite image on a free market. While privatization of land remote sensing has enabled one to use this information for disaster prevention, map creation, resource exploration and more, it can also create serious threat to a sensed nation's national security, if such high resolution images fall into a hostile group ie. terrorists. The United States, a leading nation for land remote sensing technology, has been preparing and developing legislative control measures against the remote sensing industry, and has successfully created various policies to do so. Through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's authority under the Land Remote Sensing Policy Act, the US can restrict sensing and recording of resolution of 0.5 meter or better, and prohibit distributing/circulating any images for the first 24 hours. In 1994, Presidential Decision Directive 23 ordered a 'Shutter Control' policy that details heightened level of restriction from sensing to commercializing such sensitive data. The Directive 23 was even more strengthened in 2003 when the Congress passed US Commercial Remote Sensing Policy. These policies allow Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State to set up guidelines in authorizing land remote sensing, and to limit sensing and distributing satellite images in the name of the national security - US government can use the civilian remote sensing systems when needed for the national security purpose. The fact that the world's leading aerospace technology country acknowledged the magnitude of land remote sensing in the context of national security, and it has made and is making much effort to create necessary legislative measures to control the powerful technology gives much suggestions to our divided Korean peninsula. We, too, must continue working on the Korea National Space Development Act and laws to develop the necessary policies to ensure not only the development of space industry, but also to ensure the national security.

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Modified a'trous Algorithm based Wavelet Pan-sharpening Method Using IKONOS Image (IKONOS 영상을 이용한 수정된 a'trous 알고리즘 기반 웨이블릿 영상융합 기법)

  • Kim, Yong Hyun;Choi, Jae Wan;Kim, Hye Jin;Kim, Yong Il
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.2D
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    • pp.305-309
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    • 2009
  • The object of image fusion is to integrate information from multiple images as the same scene. In the satellite image fusion, many image fusion methods have been proposed for combining a high resolution panchromatic(PAN) image with low resolution multispectral(MS) images and it is very important to preserve both the spatial detail and the spectral information of fusion result. The image fusion method using wavelet transform shows good result compared with other fusion methods in preserving spectral information. This study proposes a modified a'trous algorithm based wavelet image fusion method using IKONOS image. Based on the result of experiment using IKONOS image, we confirmed that proposed method was more effective in preserving spatial detail and spectral information than existing fusion methods using a'trous algorithm.

Classification of Industrial Parks and Quarries Using U-Net from KOMPSAT-3/3A Imagery (KOMPSAT-3/3A 영상으로부터 U-Net을 이용한 산업단지와 채석장 분류)

  • Che-Won Park;Hyung-Sup Jung;Won-Jin Lee;Kwang-Jae Lee;Kwan-Young Oh;Jae-Young Chang;Moung-Jin Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_3
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    • pp.1679-1692
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    • 2023
  • South Korea is a country that emits a large amount of pollutants as a result of population growth and industrial development and is also severely affected by transboundary air pollution due to its geographical location. As pollutants from both domestic and foreign sources contribute to air pollution in Korea, the location of air pollutant emission sources is crucial for understanding the movement and distribution of pollutants in the atmosphere and establishing national-level air pollution management and response strategies. Based on this background, this study aims to effectively acquire spatial information on domestic and international air pollutant emission sources, which is essential for analyzing air pollution status, by utilizing high-resolution optical satellite images and deep learning-based image segmentation models. In particular, industrial parks and quarries, which have been evaluated as contributing significantly to transboundary air pollution, were selected as the main research subjects, and images of these areas from multi-purpose satellites 3 and 3A were collected, preprocessed, and converted into input and label data for model training. As a result of training the U-Net model using this data, the overall accuracy of 0.8484 and mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) of 0.6490 were achieved, and the predicted maps showed significant results in extracting object boundaries more accurately than the label data created by course annotations.

Realistic Building Modeling from Sequences of Digital Images

  • Song, Jeong-Heon;Kim, Min-Suk;Han, Dong-Yeob;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.516-516
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    • 2002
  • With the wide usage of LiDAR data and high-resolution satellite image, 3D modeling of buildings in urban areas has become an important research topic in the photogrammetry and computer vision field for many years. However the previous modeling has its limitations of merely texturing the image to the DSM surface of the study area and does not represent the relief of building surfaces. This study is focused on presenting a system of realistic 3D building modeling from consecutive stereo image sequences using digital camera. Generally when acquiring images through camera, various parameters such as zooming, focus, and attitude are necessary to extract accurate results, which in certain cases, some parameters have to be rectified. It is, however, not always possible or practical to precisely estimate or rectify the information of camera positions or attitudes. In this research, we constructed the collinearity condition of stereo images through extracting the distinctive points from stereo image sequence. In addition, we executed image matching with Graph Cut method, which has a very high accuracy. This system successfully performed the realistic modeling of building with a good visual quality. From the study, we concluded that 3D building modeling of city area could be acquired more realistically.

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