• Title/Summary/Keyword: health maintenance

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Sensor enriched infrastructure system

  • Wang, Ming L.;Yim, Jinsuk
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.309-333
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    • 2010
  • Civil infrastructure, in both its construction and maintenance, represents the largest societal investment in this country, outside of the health care industry. Despite being the lifeline of US commerce, civil infrastructure has scarcely benefited from the latest sensor technological advances. Our future should focus on harnessing these technologies to enhance the robustness, longevity and economic viability of this vast, societal investment, in light of inherent uncertainties and their exposure to service and even extreme loadings. One of the principal means of insuring the robustness and longevity of infrastructure is to strategically deploy smart sensors in them. Therefore, the objective is to develop novel, durable, smart sensors that are especially applicable to major infrastructure and the facilities to validate their reliability and long-term functionality. In some cases, this implies the development of new sensing elements themselves, while in other cases involves innovative packaging and use of existing sensor technologies. In either case, a parallel focus will be the integration and networking of these smart sensing elements for reliable data acquisition, transmission, and fusion, within a decision-making framework targeting efficient management and maintenance of infrastructure systems. In this paper, prudent and viable sensor and health monitoring technologies have been developed and used in several large structural systems. Discussion will also include several practical bridge health monitoring applications including their design, construction, and operation of the systems.

Optimal Sensor Allocation of Cable-Stayed Bridge for Health Monitoring (사장교의 상시감시를 위한 최적 센서 구성)

  • Heo, Gwang-Hee;Choi, Mhan-Young
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 2002
  • It is essential for health monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge to provide more accurate and enough information from the sensors. In experimental modal testing, the chosen measurement locations and the number of measurements have a major influence on the quality of the results. The choice is often difficult for complex structures like a cable-stayed bridge. It is extremely important a cable-stayed bridge to minimize the number of sensing operations required to monitor the structural system. In order to obtain the desired accuracy for the structural test, several issues must take into consideration. Two important issues are the number and location of response sensors. There are usually several alternative locations where different sensors can be located. On the other hand, the number of sensors might be limited due to economic constraints. Therefore, techniques such as methodologies, algorithms etc., which address the issue of limited instrumentation and its effects on resolution and accuracy in health monitoring systems are paramount to a damage diagnosis approach. This paper discusses an optimum sensor placement criterion suitable to the identification of structural damage for continuous health monitoring. A Kinetic Energy optimization technique and an Effective Independence Method are analyzed and numerical and theoretical issues are addressed for a cable-stayed bridge. Its application to a cable-stayed bridge is discussed to optimize the sensor placement for identification and control purposes.

Long-term health monitoring for deteriorated bridge structures based on Copula theory

  • Zhang, Yi;Kim, Chul-Woo;Tee, Kong Fah;Garg, Akhil;Garg, Ankit
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.171-185
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    • 2018
  • Maintenance of deteriorated bridge structures has always been one of the challenging issues in developing countries as it is directly related to daily life of people including trade and economy. An effective maintenance strategy is highly dependent on timely inspections on the bridge health condition. This study is intended to investigate an approach for detecting bridge damage for the long-term health monitoring by use of copula theory. Long-term measured data for the seven-span plate-Gerber bridge is investigated. Autoregressive time series models constructed for the observed accelerations taken from the bridge are utilized for the computation of damage indicator for the bridge. The copula model is used to analyze the statistical changes associated with the modal parameters. The changes in the modal parameters with the time are identified by the copula statistical properties. Applicability of the proposed method is also discussed based on a comparison study among other approaches.

The application of machine learning for the prognostics and health management of control element drive system

  • Oluwasegun, Adebena;Jung, Jae-Cheon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.10
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    • pp.2262-2273
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    • 2020
  • Digital twin technology can provide significant value for the prognostics and health management (PHM) of critical plant components by improving insight into system design and operating conditions. Digital twinning of systems can be utilized for anomaly detection, diagnosis and the estimation of the system's remaining useful life in order to optimize operations and maintenance processes in a nuclear plant. In this regard, a conceptual framework for the application of digital twin technology for the prognosis of Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM), and a data-driven approach to anomaly detection using coil current profile are presented in this study. Health management of plant components can capitalize on the data and signals that are already recorded as part of the monitored parameters of the plant's instrumentation and control systems. This work is focused on the development of machine learning algorithm and workflow for the analysis of the CEDM using the recorded coil current data. The workflow involves features extraction from the coil-current profile and consequently performing both clustering and classification algorithms. This approach provides an opportunity for health monitoring in support of condition-based predictive maintenance optimization and in the development of the CEDM digital twin model for improved plant safety and availability.

A Study on the Cause Analysis of Human Error Accidents by Railway Job

  • Byeoung-Soo YUM;Tae-Yoon KIM;Sun-Haeng CHOI;Won-Mo GAL
    • Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study investigates human error accidents in the Korean railway sector, emphasizing the need for systematic management to prevent such incidents, which can have fatal consequences, especially in driving-related jobs. Research design, data and methodology: This paper analyzed data from the Aviation and Railway Accident Investigation Board and the Korea Transportation Safety Authority, examining 240 human error accidents that occurred over the last five years (2018-2022). The analysis focused on accidents in the driving, facility, electric, and control fields. Results: The findings indicate that the majority of human error accidents stem from negligence in confirmation checks, issues with work methods, and oversight in facility maintenance. In the driving field, errors such as signal check neglect and braking failures are prevalent, while in the facility and electric fields, the main issues are maintenance delays and neglect of safety measures. Conclusions: The paper concludes that human error accidents are complex and multifaceted, often resulting from a high workload on engineers and systemic issues within the railway system. Future research should delve into the causal relationships of these accidents and develop targeted prevention strategies through improved work processes, education, and training.

Understanding and treatment strategy of the physiologic occlusal change in elderly patients (임상가를 위한 특집 1 - 장노년의 생리적 교합변화의 이해와 치료전략)

  • Kim, Jee-Hwan;Shim, June-Sung
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.6-12
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    • 2012
  • As in all other parts in the body, oral tissue also undergoes dramatic changes with increasing age. Since these changes occasionally go beyond physiological scope, which may result in pathological changes, it is essential for dentist to understand changes caused by normal aging process. With increasing age, tooth morphology and occlusion also varies, especially loss of hard tissue, which is taking place in lifelong time, occurs as a result of tooth wear. When this loss of hard tissue is presented rapidly or excessively, functional and esthetical problems are raised, resulting in lowering quality of life of patient as well as making dental treatment for oral rehabilitation even more complex. Therefore, based on understanding of change in occlusion with increasing age, strategic approaches for maintenance of oral health in both functional and esthetic aspect are required as appropriate restoration and maintenance for progressive tooth wear enables desirable occlusal relationship. Carefully planned-restorative treatment in accordance with changed occlusal relationship is also required in the same context. Instead of taking changes in oral tissue as only a consequence of ageing, it is vital to educate patient and his or her guardian, assuring maintenance of oral hygiene and regular dental check-up are of utmost importance for improved oral health.

Development of Maintenance Management System Module in BTL Project for Educational Facilities (교육시설물 BTL 사업의 유지관리 시스템 모듈 개발)

  • Lee, Eun-Dong;Son, Jae-Ho;Kim, Jae-On
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.132-141
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    • 2007
  • According to the public information of the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, the construction project of educational facilities from 2005 to 2007 will use BTL (Build-Transfer-Lease) contract. Budget of those projects will be the worth over 13 trillion won. In this research, the estimation standards for the public health maintenance expenses are established which is the part of the operation and maintenance cost in the total BTL project cost. Also, a system core module using the developed standard was introduced in this paper. A comparative analyses were conducted with the several possible estimation case to validate the system developed.

Change of Self-Concept of Smoking Experience in Middle School Students (중학생의 흡연경험과 자아관 변화 연구)

  • Song, Yeon-Yi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was done to identify change in self-concept of smoking experience in middle school students. Method: The study was a longitudinal survey design and used only the responses on self-concept and smoking state from the data of the Korea Youth Panel Survey (KYPS). The sample for this study consisted of 3,449 middle school students and the data were collected over a two-year period (2003-2004). Results: Self-esteem scores for the first and second year were significantly higher and self-stigma and aggression scores were significantly lower in the non-smoking maintenance group. There was a significant increase in self-esteem scores for students in second year who quit smoking compared to those in first year. There was a significant decrease in scores for attachment to surrounding people and emotional sense of control in second year students compared to those first year for students in the non-smoking maintenance group and the group that quit smoking. Self-intimacy scores were significantly lower in the smoking maintenance group. There was a significant increase in sex-role identity scores in second year students compared to those in first year for students in the group who newly started smoking. Conclusion: Findings from this study can contribute to designing appropriate smoking prevention strategies to improve self-constructs related smoking experiences in adolescents.

Bridge Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Preventive Maintenance (예방적 유지관리를 통한 교량의 생애주기비용 절감 효과 분석)

  • Jeong, Yo-Seok;Kim, Woo-Seok;Lee, Il-Keun;Lee, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • The paper aims at evaluating effects of preventive maintenance on life cycle cost(LCC) reduction of bridges. The preventive maintenance activities capable to delay bridge deteriorations can reduce overall maintenance costs and extend service life of a bridge by regularly providing maintenance activities and avoiding larger maintenance(repairs or rehabilitations) costs. Couple of prediction models were proposed in order to calculate LCC of a typical bridge: a health score model and repair rehabilitation cost model. In addition, the maintenance activities such as wash and painting were also suggested in order to consider effects of preventive maintenance in the analysis based on literature reviews. According to analysis results, new maintenance strategy(reactive maintenance + preventive maintenance) can save \0.5 billion per bridge for future life-cycle costs over 100 year analysis or \184 billion for entire HBMS(Highway Bridge Management System) inventory over 20 years. Small investments for preventive maintenance in improved bridge management can have a very significant return when considering the large bridge inventory.

Maintenance of complete denture (총의치의 유지관리)

  • Song, Young-Gyun
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 2017
  • As residual ridge resorption occurs, complete dentures tend to become loose. Denture relining and rebasing are an essential element for improving a denture's stability and prevention side effect such as sore spot, epulis fissuratum. This paper focuses about health insurance is available for maintenance of complete denture and, methods of relining or rebasing.

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