• 제목/요약/키워드: head and neck reconstruction

검색결과 267건 처리시간 0.023초

양측 이하선에 발생한 림프절 외 변연부 B세포 림프종 1예 (A Case of Extranodal Marginal Zone B-cell Lymphoma in Both Parotid Glands)

  • 김소연;남우주;김태환;이상혁
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2017
  • Primary malignant lymphoma of the parotid gland is extremely rare entity and seldom described in the literature. Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue(MALT lymphoma) is a relatively indolent disease and tents to remain localized for prolonged period of time. MALT lymphoma can be diagnosed after immunohistopathological study. Clinically, most MALT lymphomas are localized at the time of diagnosis and may be curable with local therapy alone, either surgery or radiotherapy. We present a case of MALT lymphoma in both parotid glands of patient who detected a left infraauricular huge mass as a first symptom and underwent surgical excision and immediate reconstruction using sternocleidomastoid myocutaneous flap.

연구개의 괴사성 타액선 화생 2예 (Two Cases of Necrotizing Sialometaplasia of the Soft Palate)

  • 정문상;이명철;모정아;조평산
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.24-26
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    • 2010
  • Necrotizing sialometaplasia was defined by Abrams et al. in 1973 as a reactive necrotizing inflammatory process involving minor salivary glands. Prior to recognition of necrotizing sialometaplasia as a benign, self-limited lesion, it was all too often diagnosed as either squamous cell carcinoma or mucoepidermoid carcinoma and had been improperly treated because of its clinical and histological resemblance to malignancy. We report two cases of necrotizing sialometaplasia. One case involved a 56-year-old female who developed a necrotizing sialometaplasia in association with palato-pharyngeal flap wound after excision of soft palate cancer and reconstruction. Another case involved a 55-year-old male who had a soft palate mass.

요측전완과 이개전부 유리피판을 이용한 아전상악절제술과 비주결손의 동시 재건 (Simultaneous Reconstruction of a Subtotal Maxillectomy and Columella Deficit using Radial Forearm and Preauricular Free Flaps)

  • 윤태근;은석찬;조성우;이재서
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2022
  • Reconstruction of subtotal maxillectomy defects with columella deficit is challenging. We report a unique case of facial reconstruction using a free radial forearm flap and a free preauricular flap for the maxillectomy and columella deficit. A 73-year-old woman was diagnosed with recurrent sebaceous carcinoma of the nose. We performed wide excision, including areas of the right cheek, nose, upper lip, maxilla, and columella. The resultant subtotal maxillectomy defect was reconstructed using a three-dimensional flap. First, a free radial forearm flap was transfered to resurface the nasal, oral, and external facial side. Second, a preauricular flap was positioned into the columella defect and anastomosed with the distal portion of the radial forearm flap pedicle. The two flaps survived, and the patient recovered uneventfully. We believe the radial forearm and preauricular double free flaps with the pedicle connection method were effective in reconstructing the present case of subtotal maxillectomy defect.

노인에서의 미세수술에 의한 재건술 (Microsurgical Reconstruction in Elderly Patients)

  • 전명곤;박봉권;안희창
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2000
  • The microsurgical reconstruction is necessary for elderly patients to treat severe trauma and head and neck tumor. The aim of this study is to analyze the risks of microvascular surgery and whether or not happening of more complication in elderly patients who are older than 60 years old and to suggest the solution of the complication. The retrospective study included 41 elderly patients who underwent treatment of 44 microsurgical reconstructions among total 271 cases of microsurgical reconstruction from July, 1988 to December, 1998. Their ages ranged from 61 years to 79 years. There were 26 males and 15 females. The involved sites were 23 head and necks, 13 upper gastrointestinal tracts, 3 lower extremities, 1 chest and 1 sacral region. The causes of microsurgical reconstruction were 36 head and neck tumors, 2 radionecrosis, 2 traumas and 1 melanoma in lower limb. The used flaps were 14 radial forearm flaps, 13 jejunal flaps, 10 latissimus dorsi muscle flaps, 3 rectus abdominis muscle flaps, 2 lateral arm flaps, 1 scapular flap, and 1 iliac osteocutaneous flap. They had medical problems which were 29 tobacco abuse, 14 hypertensions, 13 alcohol abuse, 10 chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, 7 diabetes mellituses, 3 ischemic heart diseases. All patients have had successful results without specific complications except 3 cases of free flap failure and 3 perioperative death. The causes of 3 flap failures were 2 flap necrosis due to arterial insufficiency and 1 flap loss due to secondary infection. All of these cases were treated with secondary free flap surgery. However 3 patients died perioperatively due to 2 respiratory arrests and 1 sepsis. It was not related to operate microsurgical reconstruction itself, but was correlated with the complication of postoperative care after head and neck surgery. We conclude that plastic surgeons consider the importance of prevention of expected complication as thorough analysis of operative risk factor and appropriate treatment. We had to select the donor and recipient vessel appropriately to perform successful microsurgery in elderly patients and consider vein graft and end-to-side anastomosis to reduce complication if necessary. In addition, we emphasize the importance of pre, peri and postoperative care in head and neck cancer patients to reduce postoperative complication and morbidity.

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가상내시경으로 본 후두개 낭종 (Application of Virtual Endoscopy in Epiglottic Cyst)

  • 유영삼;최정환;김상우;우국성;김동원
    • 대한기관식도과학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.108-111
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    • 2011
  • Epiglottic cysts cause stridor mimicking asthma and hinder intubation in surgery. A huge cyst can obstruct the airway, making laryngeal examinations impossible. Before surgery, complete visualization of the larynx is necessary for the successful excision of a cyst. If laryngeal examination fails, computed tomography (CT) scanning can provide detailed information. Virtual endoscopy based on CT data reconstruction can yield a detailed three-dimensional image of the larynx. Here, we report two cases of epiglottic cysts along with virtual endoscopic findings and surgical photographs.

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광배근 근피판을 통한 두피 재건 및 두개골성형 (Scalp Reconstruction and Cranioplasty using the Latissimus Dorsi Musculocutaneous Flap in a Patient with Recurrent Wound Dehiscence Accompanied by MRSA Infection)

  • 윤태근;김상화
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 2022
  • The latissimus dorsi flap has high vascularity and is helpful for the reconstruction of infected areas. Herein, we present a patient with recurrent infections and soft-tissue defects who underwent cranial reconstruction using a free latissimus dorsi flap. The patient had undergone craniectomy and reconstruction using alloplastic bone 18 years previously. A scalp defect accompanied by infection occurred five years ago, and patient underwent reconstruction using a free flap at another hospital; however, the problem persisted. After debridement and bone flap removal, the right latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap was elevated, and the thoracodorsal artery and vein were anastomosed end-to-end to the right superficial temporal artery and vein. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was eradicated, and the flap survived. Cranioplasty was performed eight months later, and one year follow-up proceeded without complications. Effective reconstruction and cranioplasty are possible using the free latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap, even on scalp with persistent infections and soft-tissue defects.

하구순 편평상피암의 절제후 재건 치험례 (Reconstruction of the Lower Lip Following the Wide Excision of Squamous Cell Carcinoma)

  • 류봉수
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 1996
  • Since the upper lip does not receive direct actinic radiation, only 5% of lip tumors develop in the upper lip, while the lower lip is the site of the remainder. Among the lower lip cancer, squamous cell carcinoma is the most common tumor, especially the vermillion border of lower lip is the most common site. The aims of reconstruction of the lip are both aesthetic effect and functional restoration and the ideal procedure must produce a aesthetically normal, not-tao-tight lip and a good sensation and muscle tone of the lip. We have a satisfactory reconstruction of a subtotal loss of lower lip after squamous cell carcinoma extirpation using Gillies fan flap and the case is presented with reviewing a many published reports.

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The Pros and Cons of Computer-Aided Surgery for Segmental Mandibular Reconstruction after Oncological Surgery

  • Han, Hyun Ho;Kim, Hak Young;Lee, Jun Yong
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2017
  • Computer-aided surgery (CAS) started being used for head and neck reconstruction in the late 2000s. Its use represented a paradigm shift, changing the concept of head and neck reconstruction as well as mandible reconstruction. Reconstruction using CAS proceeds through 4 phases: planning, modeling, surgery, and evaluation. Thus, it can overcome a number of trial-and-error issues which may occur in the operative field and reduce surgical time. However, if it is used for oncologic surgery, it is difficult to evaluate tumor margins during tumor surgery, thereby restricting pre-surgical planning. Therefore, it is dangerous to predetermine the resection margins during the presurgical phase and the variability of the resection margins must be taken into consideration. However, it allows for the preparation of a prebending plate and planning of an osteotomy site before an operation, which are of great help. If the current problems are resolved, its applications can be greatly extended.

구강암 환자에서 비골 유리 피판 재건술 후 공여부 부위의 괴사가 발생한 사례에 대한 증례 보고 (A Case of Donor Site Necrosis after Fibular Osteocutaneous Free Flap in Oral Cavity Cancer)

  • 권진호;김지훈;정현필;홍현준
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.50-53
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    • 2012
  • Advanced cancer of the oral cavity has been treated with wide excision in conjunction with mandibulectomy and neck dissection. This has resulted in significant mandibulofacial defects with functional and cosmetic significance. Therefore, proper mandibular reconstruction is very important for physiologic and esthetic restoration. The risk factors of free flap reconstruction have been reported including obesity, age, smoking, previous irradiation, and systemic vascular disease. We recently experienced a case of donor site necrosis after fibular osteocutaneous free flap in oral cavity cancer.