• 제목/요약/키워드: head and neck reconstruction

검색결과 267건 처리시간 0.024초

Clinical analysis of factors affecting the failure of free flaps used in head and neck reconstruction

  • Beom Jin Lim;Jin Yong Shin;Si-Gyun Roh;Nae-Ho Lee;Yoon Kyu Chung
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2023
  • Background: Free tissue transfer is the preferred method of reconstructing head and neck defects, with a success rate of approximately 95%. Although flap failure is uncommon, it has a major impact on patient morbidity and diminishes quality of life, making it is important to investigate the causes of flap failure. Methods: This retrospective chart review analyzed patients who underwent free tissue transfer during head and neck reconstruction at a single institution between 2016 and 2021. Results: During the study period, 58 patients underwent 60 free flap procedures. Revision surgery was needed in 14 patients. Subsequent free flap surgery was performed in one patient, and three free flaps (5%) could not be salvaged. Cardiovascular disease was significantly associated with flap failure, and venous congestion (thrombosis) was the most common reason for revision surgery. Conclusion: Cardiovascular disease clearly emerged as a factor related to the failure of free flap surgery, and this issue warrants particular attention in patients for whom free tissue transfer is planned.

하악골을 침범한 점액표피양 암종에서 하악 일부를 보전한 변형적 하악 절제술 치험 1예 (A Case of Mandibulectomy with Partial Preservation of Mandible in Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Invading Mandible)

  • 황준식;임영창;김진환;박일석;노영수
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.223-226
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    • 2002
  • The segmental mandibulectomy should be performed, if mandiblie invasion is suspected clinically and radiologically. And if tumor is located to mandible very closely or when microinvasion to mandible is suspected, marginal mandibulectomy is recommended. But in segmental mandibulectomy, reconstruction is difficult and cosmetic problem remains. In this case, we performed modified segmental resection of mandible, preserving the inferior margin of mandible, and maintains the continuity of the bone, in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of parapharynx, invading mandible. We reviewed the diagnosis, pathology, and treatment, and report the case with reviews of literature.

두경부 악성종양 환자에서 유리조직이식 후 시행한 혈류장애 구제술 (Emergent Exploration after Free Tissue Transfer in Head and Neck Cancer)

  • 장용준;정철훈;이종욱;조우성;김진환;노영수
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Microvascular reconstructive surgery has become an integral part of the treatment of head and neck cancer patients. This review of 121 free flaps for head and neck cancer patients performed over the last 11 years was done to evaluate circulatory crisis, salvage, and secondary reconstruction and to investigate which factors may contribute to these rates. Method: Nine emergent explorations among 121 head and neck reconstruction with free flaps were reviewed to analyze detection of vascular crisis, the time interval from detection of circulatory crisis to exploration, operation procedures and results, and secondary reconstructions. Emergent exploration was done with our protocol. Result: Nine free flaps exhibited signs of vascular problems between 1 day and 6 days postoperatively. The emergent exploration rate of this series was 7.4% (9/121). The salvage rate was 55.6% (5/9), giving an overall flap viability of 96.7% (117/121). In our study, preoperative radiation therapy, positive smoking history, alcohol consumption history, combined disease such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension, recipient vessels and types of vascular anastomosis were not related to the causes of circulatory crisis. The mean time interval between the onset of clinical recognition of impaired flap perfusion and re-exploration of the salvaged 5 flaps was 3.2 hours, that of failed 4 flaps was 11.25 hours. Conclusion: Despite high overall success rate, relatively low salvage rate may be attributed to late detection of circulatory crisis and in long time interval between detection and exploration. We conclude that early detection of circulatory crisis and expeditious re-exploration are a matter of great importance for the success of salvage operation.

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후두적출술 후 발생한 인두피부누공의 치료 경험 (Management of Pharyngocutaneous Fistula Following Laryngectomy)

  • 민헌기;권순영;정광윤;최종욱
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 1995
  • Pharyngocutaneous fistula(PCF) is one of the complications following total laryngectomy in laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer. Fistula lead to delayed wound healing, more serious complications such as carotid blow-out, prolonged hospitalization, significant patient morbidity and occasional mortality. Identification of patients at high risk for fistula formation, appropriate preventive measures, and appropriate management are the head and neck surgeon's responsibility. So we analyzed the clinical data of pharyngocutaneous fistula which was developed after total laryngectomy. Following results were obtained: 1) Occurrence of PCF increases with salvage surgery compared to curative surgery. 2) Early detection and effective management of PCF are the key factors to decreasing the hospitalization period. 3) Constructing a pharyngostoma seems to be an ideal method of preventing dangerous complications and ultimately closing the fistula. 4) Simultaneous reconstruction is necessary in the high risk group.

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하인두 및 경부식도 결손의 재건 : 재건술의 선택 (Reconstruction of Hypopharynx and Cervical Esophagus : Choice of Flap)

  • 최은창;이세영;정태영;김세헌;김영호;유대현;김충배
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2000
  • Background and Objectives: Various flaps are using for reconstruction of hypopharyngeal and esophageal defect. However, complication and indication of each flap are not fully analyzed. Patient and Methods: Records of 52 hypopharyngeal cancer patients who had surgical treatment and 13 other head and neck cancer patients who underwent hypopharyngeal and/or esophageal reconstruction with flap were retrospectively analyzed. Eighty three percent(54 cases) of patients needed reconstruction other than primary pharyngeal closure. Five split thickness skin graft, 1 pectoralis major myocutaneous flap, 20 forearm free flap, 13 jejunal free flap, 15 gastric pull up were used. Result: Flap failure was noted in 2 cases who had subsequent gastric transposition. Wound dehiscence and fistula were most common problem of forearm free flap. Most fistulas were developed in patients with conduit type reconstruction of forearm flap while there wasn't any fistula in patient with patch type reconstruction. Stenosis of lower anastomosis was the frequent problem of jejunal transfer. Gastric pull-up has frequent com-plication of stomal stenosis. All but three patients had reached oral feeding postoperatively. Conclusion: Based on this study, forearm flap is effective in partial hypopharyngeal defect while jejunum is the choice for circumferential defect. Gastric pull-up is for combined esophageal defect.

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경부 종물 환자의 이해도 개선을 위한 3차원 재건 영상의 활용 (3D Reconstructed Image of Neck Mass to Improve Patient's Understanding)

  • 유영삼
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.193-197
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : Patients with neck tumor and their family need every information about the disease. Especially, the size and location are confusing with verbal information. With the aid of CT, the problem had some answer, but it needs some medical education. We would like to know the usefullness of 3D reconstructed images in patient education about the disease. Material and Methods : Neck CT data were collected from 10 patients with various neck tumors and converted to 3D reconstructed images. Understanding of the patients about the size and location of tumors were rated from questionaires using axial CT images and 3D images. Results : Understanding score about 3D images were greater than that of CT images(p<0.006). Conclusion : 3D reconstructed images of CT could give the patients more real visual information about the disease.

두경부재건 시 수용부 혈관으로서 목가로동맥의 유용성과 적절한 정맥의 선택 (Transverse Cervical Artery and Appropriate Veins as Recipient Vessels in Head and Neck Reconstruction)

  • 이동원;이원재;유대현;나동균;탁관철
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the transverse cervical artery of those who received preoperative radiotherapy or radical neck dissection and those who are unable to utilize the branch of external carotid artery system, which are most commonly used as recipient artery in head and neck reconstruction. Methods: 10 patients were selected as head and neck cancer candidates for study. 8 patients received radical neck dissection or modified radical neck dissection and 3 patients underwent preoperative radiotheraphy. In call cases, reconstruction using free flap was performed with transverse cervical artery as recipient artery and posterolateral cervical vein or transverse cervical vein as recipient vein. Results: Partial necrosis of flap due to wound infection was noted in one case and successful microsurgery was achieved in all other cases. The average pedicle length was 9.3 cm and all arteries underwent end to-end anastomosis. In 7 patients, posterolateral cervical vein was used as recipient artery and transverse cervical vein was utilized in 3 patients. Conclusion: In cases where recipient artery from external carotid system cannot be utilized due to preoperative radiotherapy or radical neck dissection, the transverse cervical artery can be an alternative option of choice. Due to diverse variations of transverse cervical vein as a recipient vein, the posterolateral cervical vein may be considered in such cases.

외이도-유양동-귀뒤바퀴피부 누공환자에서 수술 전, 후의 외이도 공명의 변화 (The Changes of External Ear Resonance after Surgery for Repair of the Postauricular Meato-Mastoid Cutaneous Fistula)

  • 김상준;강명구;정성욱;이동근
    • 임상이비인후과
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.235-239
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    • 2018
  • Due to the structure with one end closed, the external ear resonance effect in which the high frequency is amplified can be generated, and the sound can be perceived well. The external ear resonance normally has a first peak and a second peak. On average, the first peak has a gain of 18.6 dB at 2620 Hz and the second peak has a gain of 18.2 dB at 4210 Hz. The resonance of the external auditory canal changes with the state of the tympanic membrane, the presence of the ventilation tube, and the structure (length, diameter, shape) of the external auditory canal. A patient with a postauricular meatomastoid cutaneous fistula was admitted to the hospital with a foreign body which is the molding of the hearing aid. After removal of the foreign body, the resonance of the external auditory canal was lost and the subjective sound cognitive ability decreased. In the case of postauricular meatomastoid cutaneous fistula, we confirmed the improvement of sound cognitive ability, the change of pure tone hearing threshold, and the change of the external ear resonance after reconstruction of the ear canal without middle ear reconstruction.

아랫입술의 편평세포암 환자에서 아랫 입술 폭 손실을 최소화하고 입벌림 기능을 보존하기 위한 새로운 점막지붕 피판 재건술 (Mucosal Roofing Flap Reconstruction to Minimize Horizontal Lip Length Loss and Preserve Mouth Opening in Lower Lip Squamous Cell Carcinoma)

  • 김종협;고인창;임수연;김훈
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2023
  • Lower lip reconstruction in cases with a full-thickness defect over one-third of the vermilion is challenging. Numerous conventional techniques have been applied with unsatisfactory surgical outcomes because of microstomia and oral commissure blunting due to shortened horizontal lip length. Herein, we present a case in which a full-thickness lower lip defect of more than one-third of the horizontal lip length was covered with a novel mucosal roofing flap reconstruction to minimize the loss of horizontal lip length and to preserve mouth opening. No recurrences or metastases were observed during 3 years and 6 months of follow-up, with horizontal lower lip length maintained and mouth opening of 2.5 finger breadths.

하순에 발생한 편평상피암 절제 후 생긴 거대한 결손을 카라판직 피판술을 이용하여 재건한 1예 (Large Lower Lip Defect Reconstruction Using a Karapandzic Flap: A Case Report and Literature Review )

  • 김지훈;정창은;이종건
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.33-36
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    • 2022
  • Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common cancer occurring in the oral cavity and oncologic wide cancer excision is a major cause of large lip defects. Large lower lip defect reconstruction with good functional and aesthetic results has always presented a challenge for plastic surgeons. There are various lower lip reconstruction methods depending on its size, location, and surgeon's expertise. This is a case of a large defect spanning more than two-thirds of the lower lip after wide excision due to squamous cell carcinoma. The Karapandzic flap was used to reconstruct the defect with a commissuroplasty carried out in a second operation, which yielded a relatively good functional and aesthetic result. No recurrences or metastases were observed within a one year follow-up period.