• Title/Summary/Keyword: head and neck reconstruction

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Partial Mandibulectomy for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Carcinoma (구강 및 구인두암의 수술에 있어서 하악골 부분절제술에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi Eun-Chang;Hong Won-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 1994
  • Segmental mandibulectomy causes severe functional disability and cosmetic problem. Many methods of reconstruction have been used but none of these procedures provides the ideal solution. There has been increased interest in the possibility of preserving a portion of the mandible and still carrying out a adequate tumor resection. We experienced four cases of marginal with sagittal mandibulectomy in patients with floor of mouth. buccal. and soft palate carcinoma, and sagittal mandibulectomy in 8 patients with tonsillar carcinoma and a case of marginal mandibulectomy in tonsillar cancer patient. In all cases mandible facing the tumor were successfully resected and repair of the mandible. postoperative facial contour were satisfactory. We think. that these sagittal procedures are oncologically sound in its removal of tumor. biomechanically secure and maximize postoperative rehabilitation while maintaining the normal contour of the face.

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Reconstruction of the Head and Neck Defects Using Lateral Thigh Free Flap (외측대퇴 유리피판을 이용한 두경부 결손의 재건)

  • Lee, Nae-Ho;Yang, Kyung-Moo
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.146-156
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    • 1998
  • Microvascular surgery has been widely used clinically for over 30 years. Although many types of free skin and myocutaneous flap are being used at present, surgeons are still looking for new flaps to suit the specific requirements of different recipient sites, to reduce the deformity at the donor site, to ease the management of the flap and to increase the success rate of those operations. The lateral thigh free flap was designed and reported simultaneously with the medial thigh free flap by Baek in 1983. The flap, based on the third perforator of the profunda femoris artery. is designed on the posterolateral aspect of the distal thigh. Clinically, the vascular variations and the locations of perforators of this system can be determined preoperatively with simple angiograms and Dopper audiometry. The lateral thigh free flap is suitable for reconstruction of defects in an oral floor with tongue and esophageal deficits, scalp defects with dural defects, and large full thickness defects of the lip. The advantages of this flap are safe elevation, a long vascular pedicles with a large lumen, skin that is generally thin, and good pliability. Furthermore, the skin territory is very wide and long. The donor site is hidden and therefore more acceptable to the patient. The disadvantage of this flap is that the anatomy of the pedicle vessels has irregular derivation from the main vessel. We had reconstructed lateral thigh free flap to the nine patients from January, 1997 to July, 1998 and got satisfactory results. In this paper we illustrate the arterial anatomy of the thigh and usefulness of this flap for the reconstruction of the head and neck.

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Phonosurgery after Transoral LASER cordectomy in Laryngeal Cancer Patients (후두암 환자에서 경구강 레이저 성문절제술 후 음성 복원 수술)

  • Cho, Jae Keun;Son, Young-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.102-106
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    • 2013
  • The cure rates for early stage laryngeal cancer are similar between laser cordectomy and radiation therapy. As well as the survival outcome, one of the main measures of success in treatment of early laryngeal cancer is voice outcome. Many studies have demonstrated that laser cordectomy and radiation therapy to be equivalent with regard to vocal outcome, whereas others favor radiation. Although such as somewhat disadvantages of voice outcome, laser cordectomy still remains a valid option. Since the patients who treated with laser may benefit from additional phonosurgery to improve postoperative vocal outcome. In this article, we reviewed the techniques of phonosurgery which can be used for laryngeal reconstruction after laser cordectomy. The indications for using each technique are discussed, with particular attention paid to functional outcomes following these reconstructive efforts.

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Oral and Oropharyngeal Reconstruction with a Free Flap

  • Jeong, Woo Shik;Oh, Tae Suk
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2016
  • Extensive surgical resection of the aerodigestive track can result in a large and complex defect of the oropharynx, which represents a significant reconstructive challenge for the plastic surgery. Development of microsurgical techniques has allowed for free flap reconstruction of oropharyngeal defects, with superior outcomes as well as decreases in postoperative complications. The reconstructive goals for oral and oropharyngeal defects are to restore the anatomy, to maintain continuity of the intraoral surface and oropharynx, to protect vital structures such as carotid arteries, to cover exposed portions of internal organs in preparation for adjuvant radiation, and to preserve complex functions of the oral cavity and oropharynx. Oral and oropharyngeal cancers should be treated with consideration of functional recovery. Multidisciplinary treatment strategies are necessary for maximizing disease control and preserving the natural form and function of the oropharynx.

Neck muscle atrophy and soft-tissue fibrosis after neck dissection and postoperative radiotherapy for oral cancer

  • Kim, Jinu;Shin, Eun Seow;Kim, Jeong Eon;Yoon, Sang Pil;Kim, Young Suk
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.344-349
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    • 2015
  • Late complications of head and neck cancer survivors include neck muscle atrophy and soft-tissue fibrosis. We present an autopsy case of neck muscle atrophy and soft-tissue fibrosis (sternocleidomastoid, omohyoid, digastric, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and platysma muscles) within the radiation field after modified radical neck dissection type I and postoperative radiotherapy for floor of mouth cancer. A 70-year-old man underwent primary tumor resection of the left floor of mouth, left marginal mandibulectomy, left modified radical neck dissection type I, and reconstruction with a radial forearm free flap. The patient received adjuvant radiotherapy. The dose to the primary tumor bed and involved neck nodes was 63 Gy in 35 fractions over 7 weeks. Areas of subclinical disease (left lower neck) received 50 Gy in 25 fractions over 5 weeks. Adjuvant chemotherapy was not administered.

Technical Aspects and Difficulties in the Management of Head and Neck Cutaneous Malignancies in Xeroderma Pigmentosum

  • Sibar, Serhat;Findikcioglu, Kemal;Erdal, Ayhan Isik;Barut, Ismail;Ozmen, Selahattin
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.344-351
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    • 2016
  • Background Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by xerosis, ultraviolet light sensitivity, and cutaneous dyspigmentation. Due to defects in their DNA repair mechanism, genetic mutations and carcinogenesis inevitably occurs in almost all patients. In these patients, reconstruction of cutaneous malignancies in the head and neck area is associated with some challenges such as likelihood of recurrence and an aggressive clinical course. The aim of this study is to discuss the therapeutic options and challenges commonly seen during the course of treatment. Methods Between 2005 and 2015, 11 XP patients with head and neck cutaneous malignancies were included in this study. Demographic data and treatment options of the patients were evaluated. Results The mean age of the patients was 32 years (range, 10-43) (4 males, 7 females). The most common tumor type and location were squamous cell carcinoma (6 patients) and the orbital region (4 patients), respectively. Free tissue transfer was the most commonly performed surgical intervention (4 patients). The average number of surgical procedures was 5.5 (range, 1-25). Six patients were siblings with each other, 5 patients had local recurrences, and one patient was lost to follow-up. Conclusions Although genetic components of the disease have been elucidated, there is no definitive treatment algorithm. Early surgical intervention and close follow-up are the gold standard modalities due to the tendency toward rapid tumor growth and possible recurrence. Treatment must be individualized for each patient. In addition, the psychological aspect of the disease is an important issue for both patients and families.

Thin and superthin perforator flap elevation based on preoperative planning with ultrahigh-frequency ultrasound

  • Visconti, Giuseppe;Bianchi, Alessandro;Hayashi, Akitatsu;Cina, Alessandro;Maccauro, Giulio;Almadori, Giovanni;Salgarello, Marzia
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.365-370
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    • 2020
  • The ability to directly harvest thin and superthin perforator flaps without jeopardizing their vascularity depends on knowledge of the microsurgical vascular anatomy of each perforator within the subcutaneous tissue up to the dermis. In this paper, we report our experience with ultrahigh-frequency ultrasound (UHF-US) in the preoperative planning of thin and superthin flaps. Between May 2017 and September 2018, perforators of seven patients were preoperatively evaluated by both ultrasound (using an 18-MHz linear probe) and UHF-US (using 48- and 70-MHz linear probes). Thin flaps (two cases) and superthin flaps (five cases) were elevated for the reconstruction of head and neck oncologic defects and lower limb traumatic defects. The mean flap size was 6.5×15 cm (range, 5×8 to 7.5×23 cm). No complications occurred, and all flaps survived completely. In all cases, we found 100% agreement between the preoperative UHF-US results and the intraoperative findings. The final reconstructive outcomes were considered satisfactory by both the surgeon and the patients. In conclusion, UHF-US was found to be very useful in the preoperative planning of thin and superthin free flaps, as it allows precise anticipation of very superficial microvascular anatomy. UHF-US may represent the next frontier in thin, superthin, and pure skin perforator flap design.

Atypical Angiosarcoma with a Solitary Erythematous Nodule on the Cheek: A Case Report (드물게 발생한 얼굴에 생긴 단일 종괴 형태의 혈관육종에 대한 증례보고)

  • Kyung Suk Lee;Jae Bong Shin;Jun Sik Kim;Gi Cheol Do;Min Hyung Kim;Nam Gyun Kim
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.45-48
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    • 2023
  • Angiosarcoma is a very rare subtype of sarcoma. It mainly occurs in the head and neck, and cutaneous angiosarcoma in this region seems to be a distinctive neoplasm with characteristic clinicopathologic features that differ from those of angiosarcoma in other anatomical locations. The prognosis of angiosarcoma in the head and neck region is poor, and the risk of local recurrence and metastasis is high. We reconstructed an atypical angiosarcoma that presented as a solitary nodule with a shape suggestive of hemangioma on the cheek using a modified bilobed local flap. At a 12-month follow-up visit, the patient in this case showed successful recovery after radiation therapy.

Reconstruction of the Defect after Resection of Tonsillar Carcinoma Using Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap (편도암 수술후 대흉근피판을 이용한 결손부위의 재건)

  • Choi Eun-Chang;Lee Jeong-Joon;Hong Won-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 1995
  • The pectoralis major myocutaneous flap represents a major contribution to head and neck cancer reconstruction. Its advantages are improved viability, one-stage reconstruction, and carotid protection. The oropharyngeal defect especially tonsillar area reveals valley shaped one with loss of a wide mucosal area. Using pectoralis major myocutaneous flap to this defect is sometimes difficult due to its natural figure of bulkiness. This article reviews our experience with patients undergoing 14 pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in carcinoma of the tonsillar area. Complications and their incidences were I total loss, 3 marginal loss, 2 minor seperation of suture, I wound infection and 2 hematoma. Most of the complications did not require a second procedure for reconstruction. Bulkiness of the flap and gravity force to the upper suture line were thought to be causes of the complications. Modification of the flap design with bilobular figure was useful to reduce its bulkiness at the folding area. More stable suture around hard palate was needed to overcome seperation of the suture.

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Reconstruction of the Extremity Injury using by Free Rectus Abdoninis Muscle or Myocutaneous Flap (유리 복직근 및 복직근피판술을 이용한 사지의 재건술)

  • Ahn, Ki-Young;Jang, Kyoung-Soo;Han, Dong-Gil
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 1995
  • Severe upper and lower extremity trauma may result in soft tissue loss with exposed bone and the subsequence of risk of chronic osteomyelitis or malunion of fracture fragments. Such injuries present a major reconstructive problem. But Since the introduction of microsugical technique, free muscle and myocutaneous flaps were employed to provide coverage of severely injured defects. Since Tai and Hasegawa(1974) first reported a breast reconstruction using by rectus abdominis myocuraneous flap, the free rectus myocutaneous flap has been widely employed for breast reconstuction, head and neck reconstruction, and extremity reconstruction in these days. The authors present their successful experience with free rectus abdominis muscle and rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps for upper and low extremity reconstruction. From Nov. 94, to May 95, Five cases of severely injured extremites due to trauma or contact burn were treated with free rectus abdominis muscle flap or free rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap. All flaps except 1 case were survived without severe complications. As free muscle or myocutaneous flap, the free rectus abdominis flap has the advantages of a reliable pedicle, easy dissection, and an acceptable donor site, so it seems logical to apply the free rectus abdominis flap to apply in upper and lower extremity reconstruction.

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