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Multiple Ossicular Dislocation Including Stapediovestibular Dislocation Presenting with Conductive Hearing Loss

  • Lee, Geonho;Kim, Yoonjoong;Kim, Bong Jik
    • Journal of Audiology & Otology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.159-162
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    • 2021
  • Temporal bone trauma can cause hearing loss and in case of prolonged conductive hearing loss, traumatic ossicular injury should be considered. Separation of the incudostapedial joint is the most common lesion, and stapediovestibular dislocation is relatively rare but can easily cause perilymphatic fistula. Here, we report a very rare case of external stapediovestibular dislocation after trauma, ending up with successful surgical outcome. A 27-year-old man with non-progressive hearing loss on the right side since childhood visited the clinic. Audiogram showed a conductive hearing loss with air-bone gap of 55 dB on the right side. Temporal bone CT revealed the disruption of ossicular chain. An exploratory tympanotomy identified multiple ossicular disruptions including external stapediovestibular dislocation with shiny fibrous membrane sealing the oval window. Ossicular chain reconstruction was performed using the total ossicular replacement prosthesis of titanium. A postoperative audiogram showed a recovery of air-bone gap less than 10 dB. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of external long-standing stapediovestibular dislocation, with oval window completely sealed with fibrous membrane, ending up with successful hearing recovery by surgery. This case would help dealing with such condition which can be encountered in the clinic.

Multiple Ossicular Dislocation Including Stapediovestibular Dislocation Presenting with Conductive Hearing Loss

  • Lee, Geonho;Kim, Yoonjoong;Kim, Bong Jik
    • Korean Journal of Audiology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.159-162
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    • 2021
  • Temporal bone trauma can cause hearing loss and in case of prolonged conductive hearing loss, traumatic ossicular injury should be considered. Separation of the incudostapedial joint is the most common lesion, and stapediovestibular dislocation is relatively rare but can easily cause perilymphatic fistula. Here, we report a very rare case of external stapediovestibular dislocation after trauma, ending up with successful surgical outcome. A 27-year-old man with non-progressive hearing loss on the right side since childhood visited the clinic. Audiogram showed a conductive hearing loss with air-bone gap of 55 dB on the right side. Temporal bone CT revealed the disruption of ossicular chain. An exploratory tympanotomy identified multiple ossicular disruptions including external stapediovestibular dislocation with shiny fibrous membrane sealing the oval window. Ossicular chain reconstruction was performed using the total ossicular replacement prosthesis of titanium. A postoperative audiogram showed a recovery of air-bone gap less than 10 dB. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of external long-standing stapediovestibular dislocation, with oval window completely sealed with fibrous membrane, ending up with successful hearing recovery by surgery. This case would help dealing with such condition which can be encountered in the clinic.

Osteocutaneous flaps for head and neck reconstruction: A focused evaluation of donor site morbidity and patient reported outcome measures in different reconstruction options

  • Kearns, Marie;Ermogenous, Panagiotis;Myers, Simon;Ghanem, Ali Mahmoud
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.495-503
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    • 2018
  • With significant improvements in success rates for free flap reconstruction of the head and neck, attention has turned to donor site morbidity associated with osteocutaneous free flaps. In this review, we address the morbidity associated with harvest of the four most commonly used osteocutaneous flaps; the free fibula flap, the scapula flap, the iliac crest flap and the radial forearm flap. A comprehensive literature search was performed to identify articles relevant to donor site morbidity for these flaps. We assessed morbidity in terms of incidence of delayed healing, chronic pain, aesthetic outcomes, site specific complications and patient satisfaction/quality of life. Weighted means were calculated when sufficient studies were available for review. The radial forearm and free fibula flaps are associated with high rates of delayed healing of approximately 20% compared to the scapular (<10%) and iliac flaps (5%). The radial forearm flap has higher rates of chronic pain (16.7%) and dissatisfaction with scar appearance (33%). For the majority of these patients harvest of one of these four osteocutaneous does not limit daily function at long-term follow-up. The scapular osteocutaneous flap is associated with the lowest relative morbidity and should be strongly considered when the recipient defect allows. The radial forearm is associated with higher morbidity in terms of scarring, fractures, chronic pain and wrist function and should not be considered as first choice when other flap options are available.

Usefullness of Chimeric Flaps Based on the Subscapular Vascular System (견갑하 혈관경을 기저로 하는 키메라 피판의 유용성)

  • Kim, Hyon Surk;Lim, Hyung Woo;Park, Seung Ha;Lee, Byung Il
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.597-604
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Compound tissue defects remain a challenge to reconstructive surgeons. The objective of this study was to introduce examples of successful reconstruction of compound defects of the head and neck and upper and lower limbs, using chimeric flaps based on the subscapular vascular system. Methods: We report 19 reconstruction cases using chimeric flaps based on the subscapular vascular system. The scapular flap, scapular fascia, scapular bone, parascapular flap, latissimus dorsi, latissimus dorsi perforator flap, latissimus dorsi myocutaneous perforator flap, serratus anterior, serratus anterior fascia, and rib bone were used as components for chimeric flaps. 12 cases had defects of the upper limb, three in the lower limb, three in the head and neck area, and one case had a defect of the thoracoabdominal wall. Results: Defect sizes ranged from 6×8cm to 20×22cm. The component used most often for skin coverage was the latissimus dorsi perforator flap; for soft tissue bulk, the latissimus dorsi; for fascia coverage, the serratus anterior fascia flap; and for bone reconstruction, the scapular bone flap respectively. All cases were successfully reconstructed without additional operative procedures or flap necrosis. Conclusion: Because it is fairly easy to employ vascular pedicles of sufficient length and diameter, enabling the use of diverse types of tissue with various shapes and sizes, the use of chimeric flaps based on the subscapular vascular system allows one - stage reconstruction tailored to the characteristics of the defect area.

Two Cases of Radial Forearm Free Flap Reconstruction after Wide Vertical Hemipahryngolaryngectomy (진행된 이상와암의 광범위 수직인후두부분절제술 후 요전완 유리피판을 이용한 재건술 2예)

  • Moon Il-Joon;Hong Sung-Lyung;Kim Si-Whan;Ahn Soon-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2005
  • Wide vertical hemilaryngopharyngectomy with immediate glottic and pharyngeal reconstruction using a radial forearm free flap is reported in 1991 by Chantrain et al. This procedure was designed for the preservation of healthy hemilarynx and resection of pharynx with safe oncological margin in especially piriform sinus cancer or supraglottic cancer invading the hypopharynx. In the original paper, they used palmaris longus tendon for reconstruction of neoglottis. In other groups, they used rib cartilage instead of palmaris longus tendon. In this paper, we report two cases of piriform sinus cancer patients who treated with wide vertical hemilaryngectomy with radial forearm free flap reconstruction. In one case, the operation was performed as Chantrain et al described. But in another case, the ipsilateral forearm was impossible due to the positive Allen's test. So the contralateral forearm flap and rib cartilage graft was done. This reconstructive technique make large resection possible. As the dissection of thyroid cartilage and lateral displacement makes direct visualization and manipulation of piriform sinus lesions, sufficient resection margin in lateral and inferior pharyngeal wall cab be obtained.

Evaluation of using Gantry Tilt Scan to Head & Neck of Patients during Radiation Therapy for Reduction of Metal Artifact (Head & Neck 환자의 방사선 치료시 Metal Artifact의 감소를 위한 Gantry Tilt Scan의 유용성 평가)

  • Lee, Chung-Hwan;Yun, In-Ha;Hong, Dong-Gi;Back, Geum-Mun;Kwon, Gyeong-Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The degradation of an image quality and error of the beam dose calculation can be caused because the metal artifact is generated during the CT simulation of head and neck patient. The usability of the gantry tilt scan for reducing the metal artifact tries to be appraised. Materials and Methods: The inferior 20 gantry tilt scan was made in order to reduce the metal artifact and 0 reconstruction image was acquired. The AAPM CT performance Phantom was used in order to compare the CT number of the reconstructed image and Original image. the difference of volume was compared by using the acrylic phantom. The homogeneity of the CT number was evaluated the Intensity volume Histogram (IVH) as in order to evaluate an influence by the metal artifact. A dose was evaluated as the Dose Volume Histogram (DVH). Results: in the comparison of the CT number and volume, the difference showed up less than 0.5%. As to the comparison of IVH, in the gantry tilt scan, influence by an artifact was reduced and the homogeneity of the CT number was improved. The comparison of DVH result reduced the mean dose error of the both sides parotid 0.2~6%. Conclusion: In the Head & Neck radiation therapy, It is difficult and to distinguish tumor and normal tissue and the error of dose is generated by the metal artifact. The delineation of the exact organization was possible if the Gantry tilt scan was used. The CT number homogeneity was improved and the error of dose could be reduced. The Gantry tilt scan confirmed in the Head & Neck radiation therapy to be very useful in the exact radiation therapy.

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A Treatment of Recurrent Clear Cell Hidradenoma on the Neck: A Case Report (경부에 재발한 투명세포땀샘종의 치료에 대한 증례 보고)

  • Kim, Sun Je;Yang, Heesang;Shin, Chungmin;Oh, Sang-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.41-44
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    • 2020
  • Clear cell hidradenoma is a skin adnexal tumor originating from eccrine glands. The risk of local recurrence after surgical resection exceeds 50%, and 6-19% of cases are malignant. The rarity of clear cell hidradenoma and its diverse histological findings make this type of tumor a diagnostic challenge. We present a case of recurrent clear cell hidradenoma of the posterior neck in a 70-year-old woman. The tumor recurred once after complete excision, and did not recur again after 1-cm wide excision and reconstruction with a local bilobed flap. Recurrent clear cell hidradenomas are activated by surgical stimulation, increasing the risk for metastasis. Therefore, we suggest that wide excision with confirmation of a tumor-free margin by frozen-section biopsy should be the first-line treatment for recurrent benign clear cell hidradenoma.

Aesthetic Reconstruction of Facial Skin after Resection of Facial Tumor (미용외과적 측면에서 본 안면부 종양 제거후 재건술에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Ahn J.Y.;Shin K.S.;Lee Y.H.
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 1988
  • Skin replacement in large cheek defects after excision of benign or malignant tumor on the face is a challenging task. The physical characteristics of cheek skin are matched best by adjacent skin. Various methods of reconstructing of the facial surface such as forehead flap, distant flap, or a full thickness or split thickness skin graft have replaced adjacent tissue for coverage in many cases. We have reviewed ten cases of aesthetic reconstruction of the face after resection of the facial skin tumor within the last 5 years. The first group of 3 patients were reconstructed with split thickness skin graft from the scalp or lower abdomen. The second group of patients were reconstructed with cheek flap. The third group of 3 patients were reconstructed with cervicofacial flap. The last 2 patients were reconstructed with nasolabial flap & island falp respectively. The advantages from our experience with various method of coverage are its hidden donor area & good color match with the facial skin & increased success rate.

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Validation of the Korean Version of the Neck Dissection Impairment Index in Patients Who Underwent Neck Dissection (경부청소술을 시행한 환자를 대상으로 한 경부청소술 후 장애지수에 대한 한글화 버전 표준화)

  • Lim, Won Sub;Lee, Chang Wook;Lee, Yoon Se;Jo, Min-Woo;Jung, Young Ho;Choi, Seung-Ho;Kim, Sang Yoon;Nam, Soon Yuhl
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2021
  • Background/Objectives: Shoulder function is an important aspect of health related quality of life (QOL). Neck dissection impairment index (NDII) is a simple shoulder-specific questionnaire. This study aimed to evaluate the association between QOL and NDII in patients who underwent neck dissection to validate the Korean version of NDII. Materials & Methods: This study enrolled 74 patients with head and neck cancer who underwent neck dissection from December 2013 to April 2014. Patients completed questionnaires on QOL including the European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer 30-item Core QOL questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) and NDII which was translated into Korean. Validity was evaluated by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient between NDII and EORTC QLQ-C30. Results: We compared preoperative, postoperative within a week, 1st and 3rd months NDII scores. The total NDII scores were 14.7, 47.4, 33.7 and 34.3 each. Clinical variables including gender, site of primary tumor, performing revision neck dissection, radiotherapy and flap reconstruction were not significantly associated with NDII. However NDII mean score of patients who underwent unilateral neck dissection over 3 levels is most increased after operation. During all periods NDII scores were significantly associated with functioning score. Although other scores are lower correlation than function scores, global health status scores and symptom scores are also correlation with NDII. Conclusion: NDII was valid instrument and can be used not only in the clinical practice to assess shoulder dysfunction but also in the simple instrument to evaluate global QOL in Korea patients with having neck dissection.

Lateral Arm Flaps : Its Clinical Applications and Superiority (외측 상완 피판 : 그 응용과 우수성)

  • Park, Myong-Chul;Park, Dong-Ha;Lee, Byeong-Min;Kim, Kwan
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 1996
  • Lateral arm flap has been used for the reconstruction of the various defects in hand, head and neck region. This flap is highly dependable as a free flap because of its thin flap thickness, constant vascular anatomy and possibility of osteocutaneous flap and fascial flap. Recently, many authors tried extended approach for vascular pedicle and distal flap extension for bigger defects. In this study, we review previous articles and 14 cases used lateral arm flaps for coverage of the varying defect on head and neck, upper and lower extremities succesfully. In conclusion, lateral arm flap has constant anatomical structure and can overcome the disadvantages such as short pedicle length and limited flap size, then the range of its application can be very widened.

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