• Title/Summary/Keyword: harvest times

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Establishment of Optimum Pattern of Farm Machinery for Forage Production (조사료 생산을 위한 농업기계의 적정모형 설정)

  • 김건엽;김정갑;한민수
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.222-230
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    • 1995
  • This study was canied out to ddermine optimum areas for various sizes of land coverage of the farm machinery utilization in 1993-1994. A kind of machinery size and work systems were classed as the power tiller of 10HP+man power, the tractor of 35~46HP (tractor of 64~86HP and attachment were leased to harvest work), 64-86HP+ attachment and 90- 105HP+ attachment, respectively. \ulcornerhe results are summarized as follows: 1. The optimum areas of tractors of 90~105HP, 64~86HP and the power tiller of lOHP were estimated as 21.9 (corn-rye cropping system)- 26.9ha (sorghum × sudangrass - rye cropping system), 14.7 - 22.8ha and 1.2 - 1.61ha, respectively. The break-even-point areas of the tractors of 90-105HP. 64-86HP and the power tiller of lOHP were 16.6 (corn-rye cropping system)- 19.9ha (sorghum × sudangrass - rye cropping system), 12.5 - 16.lha and 0.12-0.13ha, respectively. 2. The optimum areas (land sizes, annual field capacity) for 50 cows by feeding rate(%) of roughage to concentrate were 6.8ha, 13.6ha in the 4060, 8.5ha, 17.0ha in the 5050 and 10.2ha, 20.4ha in the 60:40, and in case of 30 cows, it were 4.lha, 8.2ha in the 40:60, respectively. In the former case for the form of work system was the trador of 90-105HP+attachment and 64~86HP+ attachment, and the latter was the tractor of 35~46HP (tractor of 64~86HP and attachment were leased to harvest work) and 64-86HP+ attachment. 3. Productiori cost for corn-rye cropping system reducted to 51.8% in 102.9 wonkg dry matter the tractor of 90~ 105HP+ attachment with 213.4 wonkg dry matter the power tiller of 10HP+ man power.

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Nutritive Value and Fermentation Quality of the Silage of Three Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinas L.) Cultivars at Three Different Growth Stages

  • Kim, Byong Wan;Sung, Kyung Il;Nejad, Jalil Ghassemi;Shin, Jong Suh
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritive value and the quality of ensiled kenaf after fermentation with three cultivars at three different times of harvesting. Experimental plot were allocated with three harvest date (Early;8/3, medium;8/15 and late;8/28) and three cultivars (Tainung-a, Everglade, Whitten). The DM (dry matter) yield increased with maturity in all three cultivars, especially in Whitten which showed the highest yield at each harvest time. The DM content in Whitten at late harvesting time was higher than other treatments (231 g kg1 DM). The CP (crude protein) contents of the kenaf silage of all three cultivars ranged from 151 to 164 g kg1. Highest content of NDF (neutral detergent fiber) was observed in Everglade at medium harvesting date, but the ADF (acid detergent fiber) content was highest in Everglade at early harvesting date (p<0.05). All treatments produced a pH less than 4.0, which is sufficient for stable storage. The pH of Tainung-a was higher than other cultivars at all harvesting times (p<0.05). Whitten showed the higher content of lactic acid (25.8 g kg1 DM) showed at early harvesting date than other cultivars (p<0.05), while the acetic acid content (21.1 g kg1 DM) was higher in Tainung-a at medium harvesting date (p<0.05). No significant difference was observed in ammonia-Nand butyric acid concentrations among all treatments. These results indicate that a kenaf silage could be used as fodder for ruminants. Especially, the Whitten harvested at late growing stage showed promise as a forage silage crop under Koran environments.

Quilitative certificational plan of Gouqizi (구기자(枸杞子)의 품질인증(品質認證) 방안(方案))

  • Kim, Chan-Gu;Roh, Seong-Soo;Kil, Ki-Jeong;Lee, Young-Chul;Seo, Young-Bae
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2005
  • Source : We can use a Lycium chinense Miller and a Lycium barbarum L. at the same time. but they only autorize Lycium barbarum L. as a source of Gouqizi. Culture : We have to culture at the central district and southward has a long term of blooming, bearing fruits and maturing in fertile soil, well drainage sandy soil. A cuttage has a advantage at producing number. and prowing and weeding has to be executed 2-3 times in a year. We fertillze 3 times a year, give a water not to be dry and have to be good at managementing drainage. Harvest : Generally it is best to be a harvested Gouqizi at summer. Process : Points of process is to protect a laceration which is made by a high heat, change color to black, well done dry the rind offruits has no a stiffness and the flesh of fruits has to be soft and freshred color. Quility : It is good that big and red fruits, thick fleshes of fruits, few seeds, soft and moist, sweet not bitter taste. A content of betain is more than 0.5%. And it must be content of ash is less than 6.0%. Contents of heavy metals has to detect less than 30 ppm and there are no reminding agriculural medinces.

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Topdressing method of Potassium for the better efficiency in rice (수도(水稻) 가리시비(加里施肥) 효율향상(効率向上)을 위(爲)한 추비방법(追肥方法))

  • Oh, Wang Keun;Ryu, In Soo;Park, Hoon;Kim, Woo In
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.199-217
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    • 1975
  • For the establishment of efficient method of potassium topdressing on rice the optimum time and amount were investigated and discussed on the basis of available data from nutriophysiological studies, soil characteristics and fertilizer trials in fields. The followings were pointed out. 1. According to yield rice plants require more potassium around heading under water culture. 2. Potassium involves in harvest index, filled grain ratio, grain weight and number of spikelets per panicle. 3. Potassium is lost after heading in most fields in spite of highest requirement during this period. 4. The higher K2O/N ratio in straw at harvest is, the higher the yield. 5. Relatively low efficiency of potassium fertilizer under the field condition may be due to improper application method rather than natural supply from soil and irrigation water. 6. Appropriate topdressing time appears at in effective tillering stage for the prevention of nitrogen excess and at 15 to 20 days after transplanting, ear formation stage and 5 days after heading for the prevention of soil reduction damage. Two times of topdressing for clayey soil and three times for sandy soil seems reasonable in practice together with nitrogen topdressing, 7. The reasonable ratio basal to topdressing of potassium fertlizer seems to be 2/3 and N/K2O ratio of fertilization for ear formation stage appeared also as 2/3.

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Changes in Effective Component Contents of Apple Cultivars by Ripening (사과 품종별 성숙에 따른 유용성분 함량 변화)

  • Hong, Jeong Jin;Seol, Hui Gyeong;Kim, Yoon Suk;Jeong, Eun Ho;Kim, Yeong Bong;Hong, Kwang Pyo
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.364-370
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to select cultivars and determine the harvest period suited for the availability of biological activities in unripen apple. To analyze effective the components in the apple (Malus domestica), three cultivars, 'Summerking', 'Hongro', 'Fuji' were harvested from 40~50 days after full bloom to harvest time. Soluble solid content increased gradually by ripening but titratable acidity decreased with ripening regardless of the cultivars. The total phenol content significantly reduced with ripening from May 30 to July 30 (p<0.05). Substantially, the total phenol content of 'Hongro' in May 30 was four times higher than that of 'Summerking' in the same period and ten times higher than that of 'Hongro' in August 30. The total flavonoid content reduced with ripening regardless of cultivars (p<0.05) and that of 'Hongro' in May 30 was significantly highest (p<0.05). The ascorbic acid content was the highest in 'Hongro' in May 30 (p<0.05). The contents of tannin and ursolic acid significantly reduced with ripening from May 30 to July 30 (p<0.05), while no significant difference was observed between Hogro and Fuji after July 30. Therefore, 'Hongro' harvested in May 30 was considered to be best in the utilization of the effective components of immature apple.

Evaluation of the Antioxidant Activity of Wheat Sprouts Produced by Different Cultivation Methods and Harvest Times (새싹밀의 재배방법과 수확시기에 따른 항산화 성분 및 활성 평가)

  • Yang, Ji Yeong;Song, Seung-Yeob;Seo, Woo Duck;Lee, Mi Ja;Kim, Hyun Young
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.584-592
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the antioxidant activity of methanol extracts of wheat sprouts grown in wild fields and cultivated fields and harvested at various times were analyzed to compare the quality characteristics of the wheat sprouts as a function of their cultivation and harvest time, as well as for the development of functional materials. The total polyphenolic and flavonoid content, as well as antioxidant activity of the wheat extracts, were subsequently analyzed. The ABTS radical scavenging activity of the wheat extract increased from 16.97 mg TEAC/g sample on cultivation day three in cultivated field wheat sprouts to 25.99 mg TEAC/g sample after seven days of wild field cultivation. The total polyphenol content increased from 17.08 mg GA eq/100 g in cultivated field wheat sprouts grown for three days to 28.70 mg GA eq/100 g after seven days of wild field cultivation. In addition, the flavonoid content increased from 7.02 mg catechin eq/100 g (7 days) to 8.47 mg/g after 12 days of wild field cultivation. Notably, the activity subsequently decreased. These results suggest that the wheat sprouts with higher biological activity were those produced from the wild field after 20 days.

Investigation of piezoelectric ceramic size effect for miniaturing the piezoelectric energy harvester (소형 압전 에너지 하베스터 구현을 위한 세라믹 크기 변화)

  • Kim, Hyung-Chan;Jung, Woo-Suk;Kang, Chong-Yun;Yoon, Seok-Jin;Ju, Byeong-Kwon;Jeong, Dae-Yong
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 2008
  • Energy harvesting from the vibration through the piezoelectric effect has been studied for powering the small wireless sensor nodes. As piezoelectric uni-morph cantilever structure can transfer low vibration to large displacement, this structure was commonly deployed to harvest electric energy from vibrations. Through our previous results, when stress was applied on the cantilever, stress was concentrated on the certain point of the ceramic of the cantilever. In this study, for miniaturing the energy harvester, we investigated how the size of ceramics and the stress distribution in ceramic affects energy harvester characteristics. Even though the area of ceramic was 28.6 % decreased from 10×35×0.5mm3 to 10×25×0.5mm3, both samples showed almost same maximum power of 0.45 mW and the electro-mechanical coupling factor (K31) of 14 % as well. This result indicated that should be preferentially considered to generate high power with small size energy harvester.

Establishment of Optimum Nitrogen and Potassium Application for Paprika Fertigation (파프리카 관비재배를 위한 질소 및 칼륨의 시비량 설정)

  • Choi, Gyeong Lee;Rhee, Han Cheol;Yeo, Kyung Hwan;Lee, Seong Chan;Kang, Nam Jun;Choi, Hyo Gil
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2017
  • The paprika has emerged as one of the highest-income crops by increase in dimestic and export demand in the greenhouse crops. Nevertheless, there is no standard for fertigation in soil, because general culture system is soilless culture. This study was conducted to establish the optimum nitrogen and potassium application level for paprika fertigation. Four different levels of nitrogen and potassium were applied, treatment levels were 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 times of pimiento fertilization recommendations based on soil testing. Experiment to instigate the optimum amounts of nitrogen and potassium were carried out in 2012 and 2013, respectively13. Nitrogen application : stem diameter of 0.5 times was significantly lower than other treatments, but stem length was not affected by nitrogen fiertigation levels. Number of fruit and yield of first fruiting group harvest were not significant difference. but those of the second fruiting group were decreased by increasing nitrogen level beyond 1.0 times treatment and were the lowest in 0.5 times treatment. Overall, the optimum level of nitrogen for fertigation was judged 1.0 times of pimiento fertilization recommendations based on soil testing. Potassium application : Growth was no signigicant trend except stem length. Number of locule, fresh thickness and sugar content were not significant difference. Number of fruit and yield were not significant difference at the first and second fruiting group harvest. But those were significant difference at third fruiting group harvest, maximum yield was obtained by 1.5 times fertigation level. The optimum level of potassium for fertigation was judged 1.5 times of pimiento fertilization recommendations based on soil testing.

Effect of EC Level of Nutrient Solution on the Yield and Quality of Cut Rose Based on Mixed Coir and Perlite (코이어와 펄라이트 혼합배지를 이용한 절화장미 수경재배 시급액농도가 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Gyeong-Lee;Cho, Myeong-Whan;Seo, Tae-Cheol;Roh, Mi-Young;Rhee, Han-Cheol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.348-353
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    • 2009
  • Organic materials reveal the remarkable absorption and high buffer capacity for nutrient. Hence, organic materials need some different nutrient management skill from inorganic one. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of EC level of nutrient solution on the yield and quality of cut rose grown in the mixed substrate of coir and perlite. 3 EC levels of nutrient solution was treated, which were 0.7, 1.0, 1.3 times of standard solution (Aichiken solution, Japan) for cut rose hydroponics. EC of the standard solution was changed by season following as 1.4 (Apr.~June), 1.0 (July~Aug.), 1.4 (Sep.~Oct.), and 1.6dSm1 (Nov.~Mar.) subsequently. The supply of nutrient solution was controlled by the signal of water potential at -5kPa using frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) sensor. As the results, marketable yield was similar for all treatments until 3rd harvest, but was decreased in high EC level from 4th harvest to 7th harvest as final. 0.7 times of standard solution decreased the ratio of unmarketable rose having short stem below 70cm and increased the ratio of high quality rose having long stem above 91cm. The flower weight and stem diameter of cut rose was higher in the low EC treatment than the others.

Breeding of King Oyster Mushroom, Pleurotus eryngii with a High Yield and Earliness of Harvest Trait and Its Sensory Test (큰느타리(새송이)버섯 다수확 속성 품종 육종 및 관능평가)

  • Im, Chak Han;Kim, Min-Keun;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Sun Young;Lee, Seong Tae;Heo, Jae Young;Kwon, Jin-Hyeuk;Kim, Dong Sung;Ryu, Jae-San
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2013
  • Two strains Pleurotus eryngii 'Aeryni' and 'Na' carrying superior traits of a pileus and a earliness of harvest were selected to improve previously bred strains by single crosses. New hybrid, Aeryni 3 (Aeryni10 × Na5) showed superiority to other hybrids in yield, fruit body shape and days for harvest. The new strain, Aeryni 3 was harvested earlier than Keunneutari No. 2 by 2~3 days, and yielded 110.5 g/bottle (850 mL) which was 108% of that of Keunneutari No. 2. The ratio of diameter of pileus and stipe was 1.8 indicating that new stain will be likely low damage rate of fruit body during a distribution, and that was better than 2.1 of Keunneutari No. 2. A sensory test of taste of the new strain showed that 84.7% of evaluation panels selected "very good" while that of Keunneutari No. 2 was 55.5%. In purchasing intent test, 86.9% of panels will buy the new stain whereas 46.8% will buy Keunneutari No. 2 implicating that the new strain will likely be more marketability than previously bred strain.