• 제목/요약/키워드: harmful content

검색결과 263건 처리시간 0.024초

Context-based classification for harmful web documents and comparison of feature selecting algorithms

  • Kim, Young-Soo;Park, Nam-Je;Hong, Do-Won;Won, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.867-875
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    • 2009
  • More and richer information sources and services are available on the web everyday. However, harmful information, such as adult content, is not appropriate for all users, notably children. Since internet is a worldwide open network, it has a limit to regulate users providing harmful contents through each countrie's national laws or systems. Additionally it is not a desirable way of developing a certain system-specific classification technology for harmful contents, because internet users can contact with them in diverse ways, for example, porn sites, harmful spams, or peer-to-peer networks, etc. Therefore, it is being emphasized to research and develop context-based core technologies for classifying harmful contents. In this paper, we propose an efficient text filter for blocking harmful texts of web documents using context-based technologies and examine which algorithms for feature selection, the process that select content terms, as features, can be useful for text categorization in all content term occurs in documents, are suitable for classifying harmful contents through implementation and experiment.

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A Content-blocking Framework for Harmful Media Regulation

  • Lee, Sanghoon;Lee, Namkyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 한국방송∙미디어공학회 2020년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.202-204
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    • 2020
  • We explored the blocking framework for regulating harmful content flooding the Internet. The procedure for obtaining content using the Internet was analyzed, and the technology for blocking content that can be applied at each stage of the acquisition process was investigated. Also, the characteristics and limitations of each blocking method were analyzed.

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The Effects of Adolescents' Exposure to Harmful Content on Digital Sexual Crime and the Mediating Effects of Digital Hate Speech (청소년의 유해콘텐츠 접촉 경험이 디지털 성범죄 노출에 미치는 영향과 디지털 혐오 표현의 매개효과)

  • Sunghui Cho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to examine the influence of exposure to harmful content and digital hate speech on adolescents' exposure to digital sexual crimes, an issue that has been escalating in society. Additionally, it seeks to verify the mediating effect of digital hate speech in the relationship between exposure to harmful content and exposure to digital sexual crimes. To achieve this, the research model was investigated using structural equation modeling (SEM) with data from 9,218 adolescents who participated in the 2023 Cyberbullying Survey. The findings confirmed both the direct influence of harmful content exposure and digital hate speech on adolescents' exposure to digital sexual crimes, as well as the mediating effect of digital hate speech in the relationship between harmful content exposure and digital sexual crime exposure. Based on these research findings, the study proposed for preventing adolescents' exposure to digital sexual crimes.

Page Group Search Model : A New Internet Search Model for Illegal and Harmful Content (페이지 그룹 검색 그룹 모델 : 음란성 유해 정보 색출 시스템을 위한 인터넷 정보 검색 모델)

  • Yuk, Hyeon-Gyu;Yu, Byeong-Jeon;Park, Myeong-Sun
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • 제26권12호
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    • pp.1516-1528
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    • 1999
  • 월드 와이드 웹(World Wide Web)에 존재하는 음란성 유해 정보는 많은 국가에서 사회적인 문제를 일으키고 있다. 그러나 현재 음란성 유해 정보로부터 미성년자를 보호하는 실효성 있는 방법은 유해 정보 접근 차단 프로그램을 사용하는 방법뿐이다. 유해 정보 접근 차단 프로그램은 기본적으로 음란성 유해 정보를 포함한 유해 정보 주소 목록을 기반으로 사용자의 유해 정보에 대한 접근을 차단하는 방식으로 동작한다.그런데 대규모 유해 정보 주소 목록의 확보를 위해서는 월드 와이드 웹으로부터 음란성 유해 정보를 자동 색출하는 인터넷 정보 검색 시스템의 일종인 음란성 유해 정보 색출 시스템이 필요하다. 그런데 음란성 유해 정보 색출 시스템은 그 대상이 사람이 아닌 유해 정보 접근 차단 프로그램이기 때문에 일반 인터넷 정보 검색 시스템과는 달리, 대단히 높은 검색 정확성을 유지해야 하고, 유해 정보 접근 차단 프로그램에서 관리가 용이한 검색 목록을 생성해야 하는 요구 사항을 가진다.본 논문에서는 기존 인터넷 정보 검색 모델이 "문헌"에 대한 잘못된 가정 때문에 위 요구사항을 만족시키지 못하고 있음을 지적하고, 월드 와이드 웹 상의 문헌에 대한 새로운 정의와 이를 기반으로 위의 요구사항을 만족하는 검색 모델인 페이지 그룹 검색 모델을 제안한다. 또한 다양한 실험과 분석을 통해 제안하는 모델이 기존 인터넷 정보 검색 모델보다 높은 정확성과 빠른 검색 속도, 그리고 유해 정보 접근 차단 프로그램에서의 관리가 용이한 검색 목록을 생성함을 보인다.Abstract Illegal and Harmful Content on the Internet, especially content for adults causes a social problem in many countries. To protect children from harmful content, A filtering software, which blocks user's access to harmful content based on a blocking list, and harmful content search system, which is a special purpose internet search system to generate the blocking list, are necessary. We found that current internet search models do not satisfy the requirements of the harmful content search system: high accuracy in document analysis, fast search time, and low overhead in the filtering software.In this paper we point out these problems are caused by a mistake in a document definition of the current internet models and propose a new internet search model, Page Group Search Model. This model considers a document as a set of pages that are made for one subject. We suggest a Group Construction algorithm and a Group Evaluation algorithm. And we perform experiments to prove that Page Group Search Model satisfies the requirements.uirements.

A Method for Identification of Harmful Video Images Using a 2-Dimensional Projection Map

  • Kim, Chang-Geun;Kim, Soung-Gyun;Kim, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes a method for identification of harmful video images based on the degree of harmfulness in the video content. To extract harmful candidate frames from the video effectively, we used a video color extraction method applying a projection map. The procedure for identifying the harmful video has five steps, first, extract the I-frames from the video and map them onto projection map. Next, calculate the similarity and select the potentially harmful, then identify the harmful images by comparing the similarity measurement value. The method estimates similarity between the extracted frames and normative images using the critical value of the projection map. Based on our experimental test, we propose how the harmful candidate frames are extracted and compared with normative images. The various experimental data proved that the image identification method based on the 2-dimensional projection map is superior to using the color histogram technique in harmful image detection performance.

A Study of PICS/RDF-Based Internet Content Rating System: Issues Related to Freedom of Expression (PICS/RDF 기반 인터넷 내용 등급 시스템 연구: 표현의 자유를 중심으로)

  • Kim, You-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.271-297
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    • 2007
  • Since the use of the Internet has proliferated, the availability of illegal and harmful content has been a great concern to both governments and Internet users. Among various solutions for issues related to such content, Internet content filtering technologies have been developed for enabling users to deal with harmful content. In recent years, commercial filtering has become massively popular. Many parents, teachers and even governments have chosen commercial filtering software as a feasible technical solution for protecting minors from harmful information on the Internet. The Internet content filtering software market has grown significantly. However, Internet content filtering software has led to intense debate among civil liberties groups, They deem this to be censorship and argue that Internet filtering technologies are simply unworkable because they have inherent weaknesses. They are critical of the fact that most filtering has violated free speech rights and will eventually wipe out honor and controversial, yet innocent incidences of free speech on the Internet. In this article Internet content filtering, in particular PICS/RDF-based label filtering, so-called Internet content rating system, will be explored and its advantages and drawbacks relating to end-users' autonomy and freedom of expression will be discussed.

Application of Image Analysis System for Red Tide Organisms

  • Cho Eun Seob;Kang Yoon Mi;Kim Gwang Hoon
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.172-175
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    • 1999
  • Relative DNA contents in some harmful algae were measured using DAPI staining and image analysis system. This method was useful to identify some morphologically similar species and isolates from harmful algal blooms (HABs). In exponential phase, Prorocentrum micans had higher relative DNA content (RD) of $1.83\pm0.52$ than any other isolates, followed by Cochlodinium polykrikoides $(1.10\pm0.46)$ Alexandrium tamarense $(0.93\pm0.32)$ Gyrodinium impudicum $(0.56\pm0.17)$, Scrippsiella trochoidea $(0.41\pm0.26)$ and P. minimum$(0.05\pm0.01)$. When they were fixed with Lugol's solution, it was difficult to d,iscern C. polykrikoides from G. impudicum under the light microscope, but the DNA contents were quite different in two species. C. polykrikoides contained about twice as much RD as G. impudicum under the same culture conditions and exponential phase. DAPI­stained DNA feature in C. polykrikodes showed concentrated in the peripheral part of the cell, but in G. impudicum showed a compact structure in the central part. Although A. tamarense and S. trochoidea were morphologically similar under the light microscope, nuclear DNA content of A. tamarense was twice as much as that of S. trochoidea.

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The Study on the Removal of Odor Emitting Environmental Fundamental Facility (환경기초시설에서 발생하는 악취가스 제거에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Kwan;Lee, Sang-Hun;Tak, Sung-Je;Lee, Byung-Ki
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2017
  • The objective of the research project is to develop the hybrid deodorizer for the removal of residual harmful gases generating during pretreatment process of biogas. This hybrid deodorizer is capable of treating harmful gases that contains hydrogen sulfide ($H_2S$), ammonia ($NH_3$) and other odor substances. This hybrid deodorizer reduced the hydrogen sulfide content from approximately 150~200 ppm to less than 16 ppm. These residual harmful gases were effectively removed in the effluent, achieving up to 97% removal of $H_2S$ and 94% removal of $NH_3$ after treatment using hybrid deodorizer.

A Distinction Technology for Harmful Web Documents by Rates (등급에 따른 웹 유해 문서 분류 기술)

  • Kim, Yong-Soo;Nam, Taek-Yong;Won, Dong-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • 제13C권7호
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    • pp.859-864
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    • 2006
  • The openness of the Web allows any user to access almost any type of information easily at any time and anywhere. However, with function of easy access for useful information, internet has dysfunctions of providing users with harmful contents indiscriminately. Some information, such as adult content, is not appropriate for all users, notably children. Additionally for adults, some contents included in abnormal porn sites can do ordinary people's mental health harm. In the meantime, since Internet is a worldwide open network it has a limit to regulate users providing harmful contents through each countrie's national laws or systems. Additionally it is not a desirable way of developing a certain system-specific classification technology for harmful contents, because internet users can contact with them in diverse way, for example, porn sites, harmful spams, or peer-to-peer networks, etc. Therefore, it is being emphasized to research and develop context-based core technologies for classifying harmful contents. In this paper, we propose an efficient text filter for blocking harmful texts of web documents using context-based technologies.

Design and Implementation of Harmful Word Management Board for Web-based Instruction (웹 기반 수업을 위한 유해 단어 관리 게시판의 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Ji Hyun;Kwak, Mira;Cho, Dong-sub
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2002
  • Nowadays, Web-based bulletin board system is widely used for e-learning because of its effectiveness in communicating and information sharing. But harmful or irrelevant contents are frequently posted and these affect students in learning community based on Web-boards and the ill effect of Web-board is revealed. Some Web-boards provide features that allow users can filter specific words to resolve this problem but those features have shortcomings. Using these features the content that contains harmful words is always removed even if the whole meaning of it isn't harm and user who uses harmful words habitually cannot have an opportunity of having his/her bad habit be corrected. In this paper, we proposed new way of dealing with harmful words that overcomes those shortcomings.

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