• 제목/요약/키워드: habitat aspects

검색결과 71건 처리시간 0.022초

Habitat Suitability Modeling of Endangered Cyathea spinulosa (Wall. ex Hook.) in Central Nepal

  • Padam Bahadur Budha;Kumod Lekhak;Subin Kalu;Ichchha Thapa
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2023
  • The endangered species of Cyathea spinulosa (tree ferns) are among the least concerned ferns of Nepal that bring threats to them and their habitat. A way to reduce such threats is by maintaining a database of species' whereabouts and generating a scientific understanding the habitat preferences. This will eventually help in the formulation of conservation plans for the species. This research aimed to characterize the suitable habitat of C. spinulosa by enumerating the location of species in the Panchase Forests of central Nepal. The statistical index method was applied to relate the occurrence locations of species with various environmental factors for the development of indices. The suitable habitat of C. spinulosa (more and most suitable categories) covered 119 km2 and accounted for 43% of the total area studied. 74.4% of occurrence locations of C. spinulosa were recorded from these habitats. The habitat characteristics suitable for C. spinulosa were: proximity to streams (high moisture), land covered by forested area (shady area), mid-elevations of hills about 1,000 m to 2,000 m (sub-tropical climate), slope gradient of 20° to 40° (steep slopes), and northern to eastern aspects. These habitat characteristics could be considered for in-situ protection of tree ferns and designating the conservation plots.

경관의 특성에 따른 동물의 이동경로에 관한 연구 (Analysis of Wildlife Moving Route with Landscape Characteristics)

  • 이동근;박찬;송원경
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2008
  • The loss, alteration, and fragmentation of habitat have led to a reduction of biodiversity. The growing awareness of the negative effects of habitat fragmentation on natural systems has resulted in conservation strategy that is concerned with not only population and habitat level but also ecosystem and landscape level. Especially, ecological network to link core areas or major habitat patches is one of the most important issues. Recently, landscape connectivity is increasingly used in decision making for fragmented landscape management in order to conserve the biodiversity in the regional scale. The objective of this study was to find potential forest as a ecological corridor in Go-yang city, Gyung-gi province using cost-distance modelling method that can measure connectivity based on animal movement. 'Least cost-distance' modelling based on functional connectivity can be useful to establish ecological network and biodiversity conservation plan. This method calculates the distance modified with the cost to move between habitat patches based on detailed geographical information on the landscape as well as behavioural aspects of the animal movement. The least cost-distance models are based on two biologically assumptions: (1) dispersers have complete knowledge of their surroundings, and (2) they do select the least cost route from this information. As a result of this study, we can find wildlife moving route for biodiversity conservation. The result is very useful for long-term aspect of biodiversity conservation plan in regional scale, because this is reflection of geographical information and behavioural aspects of the animal movement.

환경영향평가기법의 경관생태학적 접근방안 (Landscape Ecological Approaches to the Environmental Impact Assessment)

  • 정흥락;홍선기;이현우
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2005
  • Natural disturbance and environmental pressure on natural ecosystems are gradually increasing, and the cause is significantly related to large-scale environmental pollution, global warming, decreasing biodiversity and habitat fragmentation. Environmental impact assessment(EIA) in Korea has been focused on distribution and composition of fauna and flora as major evaluation aspects in ecosystem assessment. It is well known that those characteristics of flora and fauna strongly depend on characteristics and quality of habitat and ecosystem. However, there is no items to assess habitat and ecosystems of spatial ecological system in EIA. Many countries are trying to develop the EIA items to consider the spatial characteristics of habitat and ecosystem and those ecological dynamics as well as species level. In this stream, landscape ecology is emerging discipline to examine spatial pattern and ecological process within/between habitats and ecosystems. Landscape ecological analysis, as a special tool for ecosystem evaluation, has been appropriately adopted to the EIA system in the advanced countries. This review paper tries to introducing the possibilities of landscape ecological concept into the Korean EIA system.

Some Ecological and Physiological Features of the Antarctic Clam, Laternula elliptica (King and Broderip) in a Nearshore Habitat on King George Island

  • Ahn, In-Young;Chung, Ho-Sung;Choi, Kwang-Sik
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.419-424
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    • 2001
  • The Antarctic clam Laternula elliptica, is one of the most representative benthic invertebrates in the Antarctic nearshore waters. Endemic to the Antarctic, L. elliptica is widely distributed around the Antarctica occurring as dense patches in shallow sheltered areas and exhibits high biomass. Despite its apparent ecological importance, L. elliptica has rarely been studied until recently probably due to difficulties in sampling in the ice-impacted waters. Recent studies have revealed various aspects of its ecology and physiology. In this review, some physiological and ecological characteristics of this species are discussed in relation to some prevailing features of its habitat environment, in particular physical instability of habitat substrates and extreme seasonality of food availability.

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제주도 한라산 노루에 관한 시스템적 접근 (A systemic approach for Roe Deer in Jesudo)

  • 김도훈;홍영교
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.191-213
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    • 2006
  • Increasing of the number of Roe Deer in Jesudo is regarded as an direct cause of the damages of Roe Deer - i.e. damages of crops and trees by Roe Deer and traffic accidents between human and Roe Deer. But, no study of the number of Roe Deer in Jejudo has been found and never has been progressed it and nobody convinces about the total number of Roe Deer in Jejudo. In this paper, we focus at the moving pressure which enforces Roe Deer to move the other places. Moving pressure is appeared when the habitat environment destruction of Roe Deer and it forces Roe Deer in hilly section to move the middle mountains section and the low section. This moving pressure promotes the moving of Roe Deer to the other places and then the total number of Roe Deer in new places are increasing. High density of Roe Deer makes the habitat environment bad and increases the competition of Roe Deer. These patterns are repeated continuously. The habitat environment of Roe Deer is related with human life area very closely. We should keep and preserve our nature and environment, and if we develop our nature then we must consider our ecosystem in all aspects. It's the most important thing to us and Roe Deer and other living things.

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Landscape Planning for Shiwha Migratory Birds Habitat

  • Joo Shin-Ha;Ahn Se-Hyon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • 제2호
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    • pp.130-139
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    • 2004
  • Shiwha Lake is an excellent example of a body of water restored from a state of heavy pollution to a cleaner and more ecological state. This paper will explore techniques and methods available to landscape planning for the creation of new migratory birds habitats in Shiwha Lake. Because Shiwha lake is located adjacent to a new industrial site on reclaimed land, any planning effort aimed at restoring bird habitats must carefully consider the existing context. This plan had 3 goals; (1) to restore the coastal environment, (2) to create a habitat for migratory birds, and (3) to administer environmental education programs. To achieve these goals, several objectives were determined and planning criteria were proposed for topology, water environment(fresh, brackish and salt water swamps), zoning(for experts and general visitors), circulations, planting and mounding. The flora and fauna of the site was surveyed, and 5 alternatives were suggested and compared in several aspects. Planting species were carefully selected considering target birds and habitat requirements. In order to increase bio-diversity of the site, the plan proposed multi-staired mounds and extensive drainage systems. Bird watching facilities with natural materials, and the remote observing system using CCTV and the internet were some of the ecological techniques recommended by the plan. The bird watching trails are divided into two different zones for experts and general visitors.

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재도입을 통한 멸종위기종 묵납자루 Acheilognathus signifer (Pisces: Cyprinidae: Acheilognathinae)의 복원성공과 서식현황 (Recovery Success and Habitat Status of the Reintroduced Endangered Species, Acheilognathus signifer (Pisces: Cyprinidae: Acheilognathinae))

  • 고명훈;양현;방인철
    • 한국어류학회지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2019
  • 남한강 지류 흑천에 재도입(2010~2012년)된 묵납자루의 서식현황을 밝히기 위해 2017년부터 2018년까지 서식현황을 조사하였다. 조사결과 2017년(2회 조사)에는 329개체를, 2018년(4회 조사)에는 723개체를 채집하었고, 서식범위는 방류지점을 포함하여 약 5 km 구간이었다. 묵납자루의 집단서식지는 방류지역소의 상류부로 유속이 있고 수심 0.4~1.2 m이며 큰돌과 돌이 많은 곳이었다. 산란기는 산란행동 및 당년생 치어 크기로 볼 때 4월부터 6월로 추정되었으며, 성비는 암컷 438개체, 수컷 412개가 채집되어 1 : 0.94였다. 연령은 4월을 기준으로 전장 32~43 mm는 만 1년생, 50~61mm는 만 2년생, 62~75mm는 만 3년생, 76~89 mm는 만 4년생 이상으로 추정되었다. 연령별 구성비는 채집시기에 따라 차이를 보였지만 1년생(또는 당년생), 2년생, 3년생, 4년생 이상의 순으로 높게 나타나 안정적인 연령구조를 보였다. 따라서 흑천에 복원을 위해 재도입된 묵납자루는 성공적으로 정착하여 안정적인 개체군을 이루고 점점 확산되는 경향을 보였다.

생태계 기능모의를 통한 하천의 환경유량 및 서식처 평가 (Assessment of the environmental flow and habitat of the river ecosystem through ecosystem function model)

  • 나종문;박서연;조연화;이주헌
    • 한국수자원학회논문집
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    • 제54권3호
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 2021
  • 국내의 하천은 급격한 도시화와 산업화로 인해 자연하천의 모습은 사라지고 이수와 치수 기능 위주의 하천관리가 이루어져왔다. 최근 하천이 갖는 자연적 특성을 회복하는 환경적 측면을 강조한 생태하천 복원 사업에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으나, 하천복원의 시작은 생태계에 필요한 환경유량의 적절한 평가가 우선되어야 한다. 본 연구는 낙동강 제1지류 하천인 감천을 대상으로 부항댐 건설에 따른 유황변화 및 환경유량의 변화를 추정하여 하천생태계 서식처에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 감천의 환경유량을 평가하기 위한 분석대상은 감천에 서식하는 어류인 피라미, 긴몰개와 하천주변 식생을 선택하였으며, 미육군공병단에서 개발된 HEC-EFM (Ecosystem Function Model)을 활용하여 환경유량을 산정하였다. 평가된 환경유량은 GIS 분석과 연계 하였으며, 수생계의 하도내 서식처를 공간적으로 도시하여 댐 건설 전후 수생생물의 서식처 면적비교 및 서식처 연결성 분석을 수행하였다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 하천생태계의 서식처 개선을 위한 환경유량 산정 및 서식처 연결성 분석을 통하여 하천 복원 및 하천환경을 고려한 댐 운영의 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

A Whole LCA of the Sustainable Aspects of Structural Systems in Tall Buildings

  • Trabucco, Dario;Wood, Antony;Vassart, Olivier;Popa, Nicoletta
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2016
  • This paper summarizes the results of a two-year-long research project conducted by the CTBUH on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of tall building structural systems. The research project was made possible thanks to a $300,000 contribution from ArcelorMittal and the support of some of the most important structural engineering firms and players in the tall building industry. The research analyzed all life phases of a tall building's structural system: the extraction and production of its materials, transportation to the site, construction operations, final demolition of the building, and the end-of-life of the materials. The impact of the building structure during the operational phase (i.e., impact on daily energy consumption, maintenance, and suitability to changes) was also investigated, but no significant impacts were identified during this phase.

생태적 설계지표와 입지특성에 따른 도시공원 생태성 평가 (Assessing the ecological aspects of urban parks based on ecological design indicators and location characteristics)

  • 손희정;김나영;송영근
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2023
  • As urbanization progresses, there is a growing and continuous demand for green spaces that provide ecosystem services. However, increasing the quantity of green spaces within major cities is challenging. Therefore, it is essential to pursue qualitative improvements that consider ecological characteristics of existing green spaces. In this study, we focus on local neighborhood parks in Seoul and present the following two questions through an evaluation utilizing ecological design indicators and land use data: 1. Which factor, design or location, has a greater influence on the ecological quality of neighborhood parks in Seoul? 2. Additionally, when evaluating ecological characteristics, is there similarity between assessments based on land-use data and those utilizing ecological design indicators? For this study, we conducted research on 30 neighborhood parks in Seoul and classified them into mountainous types (adjacent to mountains, natural terrain parks) and urban types (independently designed within 300m without existing forests) based on previous studies. Firstly, we conducted evaluations according to park location types. When comparing the evaluation scores of urban types (14 parks) and mountainous types (16 parks), significant differences were observed with scores of 16.86 and 35.94, respectively. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between park types. In terms of habitat quality, the average values for urban and mountainous parks were 0.33 and 0.53, respectively, and statistically significant differences were observed between park types indicating differences in ecological potential according to park location. Secondly, when comparing the results of ecological potential evaluations based on park design and external connectivity, a correlation was found between habitat quality and total scores according to evaluation indicators. The correlation analysis showed significant linear relationships between habitat quality and total scores, biodiversity scores, and ecosystem function scores, with high positive correlation coefficients of 0.829, 0.861, and 0.802, respectively. This study holds significance in analyzing the ecological aspects of urban parks through the lens of both park location characteristics and design indicators. The analysis results underscore the importance of planning and managing ecologically sound urban parks contingent upon their location. Moreover, the utilization of appropriate ecological design indicators can help alleviate environmental limitations surrounding parks. Integrating these considerations could enhance the ecological quality and ecosystem services of urban green spaces.