Some literatures for the avifauna of Baekdudaegan from Jirisan to Deokusan were reviewed. A total of 136 species belong to 45 families, 15 orders was listed. Of which, 132 species were recorded in Jirisan National Park, 63 species were in Hamyang area,46 species were Jangsu area, and 63 species were in Deokyusan National Park. Status of migrants of these birds were classified as follows: 42 species of residents,40 species of summer visitors,31 species of winter visitors, and 23 species of passage migrants. Legal protected birds were listed 23 species including 15 protected species and 14 natural monument species. Of them, only three species, Accipiter soloensis, A. nisus, Falco tinnunculus were widely distributed. And the others, Aix gatericuzata, Perms apivorus, Accipiter gentilis, A. gularis, Buteo logopus, B. buteo, Circus cyaneus, Falco columbarius, Grus vipio, Bubo bubo, Asio otus, Otus scops,0. bakkamoenu, Ninox scutuznta, Strix aluco, Dryocopus martius, Dendrocopos nanus , Pitta brachyura, Galerida cristnta, Terpsiphone atyocauduta were showed restricted distribution. Therefore, it is considered that careful consideration should be given to these conservation measures.