• Title/Summary/Keyword: growth.

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A Study on the Distribution and Dynamics of Relict Forest Trees and Structural Characteristics of Forest Stands in Gangwon Province, Korea (강원지역 산림유존목의 분포, 동태 및 생육임분의 구성적 특성)

  • Shin, Joon-Hwan;Lee, Cheol-Ho;Bae, Kwan-Ho;Cho, Yong-Chan;Kim, Jun-Soo;Cho, Jun-Hee;Cho, Hyun-Je
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data such as distribution status, growth characteristics, and the structural characteristics of forest stands for the systematic conservation and management of relict forest trees (stem girth of 300cm or larger) established naturally in Gangwon Province, Korea. The survey showed that 434 individuals of 19 species (conifers: 228 individuals of 4 species, broad-leaved trees: 206 individuals of 15 species) were distributed in Gangwon Province, and Taxus cuspidata was the most abundant among them with 203 individuals or about 46.7 % of the total. The stem girth was average of 404cm (conifers: 373cm, broad-leaves: 421cm), and Tilia amurensis with multi-stemmed growing on Sorak mountain range had the largest stem girth at 1,113cm. The average height and the crown width of relict forest trees were 15.4m and 10.0m, respectively. Although the environments of relict forest trees showed a slight difference by species, the relative appearance frequencies of most trees were high in the environments where the altitude was higher than 1,000 m, slope degree was greater than $25^{\circ}$, the slope faced north, and microtopography was at the upper of slopes. Regarding the stand characteristics of relict forest trees per unit area ($/100m^2$), the average total coverage was 294% (max. 475%), the total average number of species was 36 species (max. 60 species), the average species diversity index (H') was 2.560 (max. 3.593), the average canopy closure was 84.8% (max. 94.6%), and the average basal area (/ha) was $52.7m^2$ (max. $116.4m^2$, relict trees $30.0m^2$, and other trees $22.7m^2$). The analysis of the dynamics of the forest stands where relict forest trees were growing showed four types of the maintenance mechanisms of relict forest trees depending on the supply pattern of succeeding trees: "Low-density but persistent type (Quercus mongolica, Abies holophylla, Tilia amurensis, and Pyrus ussuriensis)," "Long ago stopped type (Pinus densiflora)," "Recently stopped type (Abies nephrolepis, Quercus variabilis, and Betula schmidtii)," and "Periodically repeated types of supply and stop (Salix caprea and Quercus serrata).".

The study on the induction of superovulation of the Rabbitby P.M.S. treatment with Estrogen (P.M.S.에 의(依)한 가토(家兎)의 과잉배란(過剩排卵)에 있어서 Estrogen의 병용효과(倂用效果))

  • Jeon, C.G.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 1976
  • This study was conducted to induce superovulation by P.M.S. injection and P.M.S. associate with Estrogen comparatively in the rabbit. The results obtained in this study are as follows. At 23-48 hours following mating, there were 21.3-24.1 ova (Ovulation rate was increased 50.5-63.6%) in average in the group of 40 I.U P.M.S. injected per day per herd for 5 days (total 200 I.U. of P.M.S.) and 32.5-37.8 ova (Ovulation rate was increased 87.5-100%) in the group of P.M.S. associats with 0.1mg at 5th day. She number of unovulated-follicle were fewer in P.M.S.-Estrogen group than PMS group. As the result that dia meter of ova were classified in 3 group as 1-1. 4mm, 1.5-2.4mm and 2.5mm and observed, the ova in P.M.S. Estrogen group were slightly larger in size than P.M.S. group. It was conclued that P.M.S. associate with Estrogen injection was not so much effect on growth of ova but effect on ovulation of ova. so the number of ovulated ova were increased than P.M.S. group.

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The Economic Feasibility Analysis of Crop Cultivation Practice Project in Pirganj and Kurigram Districts, Bangladesh (작물재배기술의 경제적 타당성 분석 : 방글라데시 피르간즈군과 쿠리그람군 사례)

  • Tabassum, Nazia;Lim, Jae-Hwan;Gim, Uhn-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2008
  • The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded collaborative project on The Economic Feasibility Analysis of Crop Cultivation Practice Project in Pirganj and Kurigram Districts in Bangladesh will started during 2008-2012, for 4 years with total project cost of US$ 571,270. The project will be implemented in 6 villages; has 1,097 hectares areas which is divided into 948 hectares of agricultural land, 52 hectares of forest land and 345 hectares of other land, covered 1,059 households equal to 5,305 persons in Pirganj and Kurigram districts The project has proposed to be implemented in joint collaboration by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) and Rangpur Dinajpur Rural Service (RDRS) Bangladesh with full participation of the farmers' groups of respective project site. The specific objectives of the project are: (1) to estimate the productivity of paddy, wheat, maize, tobacco and sugarcane (2) to determine the cost of production and returns to the above mentioned crops (3) to study the interrelationship between inputs and output of the above mentioned crops and (4) to examine the resource utilization patterns at farm level. In this project analysis, the net incremental profit is US$33,028. The expected incremental project benefit and incremented production cost are estimated as US$ 219,959 and US$ 186,931 respectively. The financial decision making criteria would be followed in this crop cultivation practice project. After the project implementation, the expected project benefits are assumed to be continued for 15 years. The benefit cost ratio (B/C) of the project is estimated at 1.077 (table 11) when using discount rate of 10% as an opportunity cost of capital in Bangladesh. FIRR of project is estimated at 26.15% which is bigger than the opportunity cost by more than double. So this project is financially feasible and acceptable. Therefore, this project should be extended to other areas to increase the farm income and economic growth of marginal poor farmers in Bangladesh.

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A Research on Effect of Corporate's Competitive Advantage to the R&D Investment in Small and Medium Enterprise (중소기업 유형별 연구개발투자의 영향요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Choi, Su-Heyong;Choi, Chul-An
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.191-217
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    • 2014
  • The Purpose of this study is to find the effect factors of R&D investment in SMEs which plays an important role in the national economy, and the differences of the effect factors by the type of SMEs. The subject of this study is about 3,400 SMEs mentioned in "The survey of technical statistics on SMEs in 2007" by Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business. The effect factors are related with the size of business, the infrastructure of R&D and the activities of R&D which have been studied by many researchers. The methods of analysis are regression analysis, moderating effect analysis and the software package used is SPSS 12.0. The results of the study are as fallow. First, it was found that unlike in previous studies which show the effect of the elements of business's size, research infrastructure, research activities on R&D investment, one element alone can't be considered for meaningful result but the various elements have effect on R&D investment at the same time. In other words, the number of employees and the sales as the elements of business's size, the ratio of researchers, the technical ability, the ratio of equipment possession and the intellectual properties as the elements of R&D infrastructure, the activity of ideas and joint research as the elements of R&D activities have positive(+) effect, whereas the participation of CEO in the activity of R&D as the elements of R&D activities activity has negative(-) one. The number of employees, the ratio of researchers, and the sales had relatively high influence whereas equipment possession, technical ability, intellectual properties, the participation of CEO in the research, the activity of idea, joint research had relatively low influence. Next, it was also found that there are differences of the effect factors over the types of SMEs. SMEs were classified into 19 types by eight criteria such as start-ups and existing business by business age; small business and medium business by size; manufacturing business and service business by product type;independent business and subcontractor business by dealing type; businesses in the entering, growing, maturing and restructuring stage by growth stage; businesses with low, medium and high technology by technological level; pioneering business and non-pioneering business by industrial type; and businesses with state-of-the-art technology and non-advanced business by the level of business activities. The meaning of this study lies in the fact that it found the various effect factors should be considered at the same time when conducting study on SMEs' R&D investment, and the differences by the type should be acknowledged. This study surpassed the limitations of the previous studies which focused on a couple of factors and types. This study result can also be considered for other studies on achievement, organization, marketing and others. Moreover, it shows that a differential policy by business type is needed when formulating SME policy.

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Effect of Dietary Dandelion (Taraxzcum coreanum) and Dandelion Fermented Probiotics on Productivity and Meat Quality of Broilers (민들레와 생균제의 첨가가 육계의 성장 및 체조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, J.I.;Kim, G.M.;Ko, S.Y.;Bae, I.H.;Lee, S.S.;Yang, C.J.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2007
  • This experiment was designed to evaluate effects of Dandelion (Taraxzcum coreanum) and Dandelion fermented probiotics medium on the growth performance and meat quality in broiler chicks. A total of 150 "Ross" broilers,1-day old, were assigned to 5 treatments in a completely randomized design. There were 5 replications per treatment and 6 broilers in each replication for 5 weeks. The dietary treatments included a control (Dandelion and Dandelion fermentation was not added), antibiotic (0.05 chlortetracycline was added), 1.0% Dandelion supplementation and 0.5 and 1.0% Dandelion fermented probiotics, respectively. There was no significant difference in final body weight, weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio of broilers fed diets containing antibiotics, 1.0% Dandelion supplementation and 0.5 and 1.0% Dandelion fermented probiotics. The total cholesterol, HDL and LDL in plasma and meat cholesterol content was not affected by 0.5 and 1.0% Dandelion fermented probiotics and 1.0% Dandelion supplementation (P>0.05). The oleic acid content was significantly increased in 0.5% Dandelion fermented probiotics compared to that of the control (P<0.05). As a result, Dandelion and Dandelion fermented probiotics result in the influence on decreasing cholesterol in blood, particularly when adding probiotics, oleic acid that is the important factor in taste testing of meat increases thus the quality and taste of the chicken meat could be improved with the effect.

Effect of Stocking Density and Dietary Protein Level on Performance, Meat Quality and Serum Corticosterone of Slow-Growing Korean Meat-Type Chicken (Hanhyop 3) (사육밀도와 사료 단백질 수준이 저속 성장 육계(한협 3호)의 성장, 육질, 혈청 Corticosterone에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jun Yeob;Lee, Jeong Heon;Lee, Myung Ho;Song, Yong Han;Lee, Jong In;Ohh, Sang Jip
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2016
  • A total of 720 slow-growing Korean meat-type (Hanhyop 3) chicken were used to evaluate the effect of stocking densities and dietary protein levels on growth performance, meat quality, bone mineral composition, and serum corticosterone. Three (6.3, 9.5, and $12.6birds/m^2$) stocking densities and two dietary protein levels (19% and 18%) were factorially ($3{\times}2$) arranged for six treatments. Overall body weight gain (BWG) was highest (p<0.001) at the lowest stocking density ($6.3birds/m^2$). The feed intake (FI) of birds at the highest density ($12.6birds/m^2$) was lower than that of birds at the other densities, but resulted in better feed/gain (F/G). Among 18% protein groups, the overall FI of birds at $9.5birds/m^2$ was higher than that at the lowest density; therefore, birds at $9.5birds/m^2$ had poorer F/G than birds at the lowest density during days 61~75. Difference in F/G among densities was only significant (p<0.05) during days 61~75 but not significant (p>0.05) during days 41~60. Although there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in BWG and F/G between 19% and 18% dietary protein levels, FI of the 18% protein diet was less (p<0.05) than that of the 19% diet. Although there was no difference (p>0.05) in meat TBARS values, meat color differed (p<0.05) with stocking density and dietary protein levels. There was no effect (p>0.05) of stocking density and dietary protein levels on bone mineral composition. Serum corticosterone concentration increased (p<0.05) with increasing stock density but was not affected (p>0.05) by dietary protein levels. This study indicated that a density of $12.6birds/m^2$ is not recommended for slow-growing chickens. Between 19% and 18% dietary protein levels, 18% would be recommended for the Korean Hanhyop 3 chicken in the finishing stage.

Effects of Probiotic Complex on Performance, Blood Biochemical and Immune Parameters, Digestive Enzyme Activity, Fecal Microbial Population and Noxious Gas Emission in Broiler Chicks (복합생균제가 육계의 생산성, 혈액생화학성분과 면역지표, 소화효소 활성도, 분중 미생물 및 유해가스 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Jeon, Dong-Gyung;Ahn, Ho-Sung;Yoon, Il-Gyu;Moon, Eun-Seo;Lee, Chai-Hyun;Lim, Yong;Jang, In-Surk
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.169-180
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the effects of a probiotic complex (PC) containing Lactobacillus plantarum, Bacillus subtilis, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance, organ weight, immune parameters, fecal microbial count, and noxious odor in broiler chicks. A total of 216 birds (4-day-old) were fed a basal diet (CON) and a diet supplemented with 0.25% (PC1) and 0.5% (PC2) of PC until 35 days of age. No difference in body weight, feed intake, and FCR was observed among the groups. The intestinal mucosal weight of the PC1 group was greater than that of the CON group without affecting weights of the other organs. Intestinal secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) levels in the PC2 group increased significantly (P<0.05) compared with that in the CON group. The PC2 group also had a strong tendency for elevated blood sIgA levels. Dietary PC did not affect the level of interleukin-1β in the blood and mucosal tissues or alter maltase, sucrase, and leucine aminopeptidase activities in the intestinal mucosa. The PC2 group had higher colony-forming units (cfu) for L. plantarum and S. cerevisiae, but lower cfu for E. coli than those in the CON group. Compared to the CON diet, the PC2 diet resulted in a decreased H2S concentration and a tendency toward decreased CH3SH concentration. In conclusion, a 0.5% PC diet showed increased sIgA and desirable microbial population, and decreased noxious odor in the feces, suggesting that PC could be applied as an environmentally friendly feed additive in broiler chicks.

Effects of Light Sources in Poultry House on Growth Performance, Carcass Yield, Meat Quality and Blood Components of Finishing Broilers (계사 내 광원이 육계 후기의 생산성, 도체수율, 육질 특성 및 혈액성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Eui-Chul;Kang, Bo-Seok;Kang, Hwan-Ku;Jeon, Jin-Joo;You, Are-Sun;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Son, Jiseon;Kim, Chan-Ho;Kim, Hee-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the effect of different light sources in the poultry house on performance, meat quality, and blood composition of finishing broilers. Two hundred and forty male broilers (1-day-old, 42.2±0.1 g) were divided into three groups and subjected to different light source treatments (incandescent, LED, and fluorescent lamps) from 3 weeks of age (four replications/treatment, 20 birds/replication). After breeding for 6 weeks, the carcass yield and meat quality of broilers with similar body weight (BW; 3.4±0.07 kg) were investigated, and blood components were analyzed. Corn-soybean meal-based feed was provided as starter (CP 22.5%, ME 3,020 kcal/kg), early (CP 18.5%, ME 3,050 kcal/kg), and finishing (CP 18%, ME 3,100 kcal/kg). Performance, carcass yield, meat quality, and blood components were evaluated. BW, BW gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio did not show any significant differences among treatments. There was no significant difference on live weight and carcass yield among treatments. There was no significant difference on meat color, shear force, and water holding capacity; however, cooking loss at 17.2% was the highest in the LED treatment (P<0.05). There was no significant difference on blood components except for glucose (blood biochemistry component) among treatments. Glucose was 234.5 mg/dL, 256.9 mg/dL, and 250.1 mg/dL in the three treatments, respectively, with a significant difference between incandescent and LED treatments (P<0.05). These results are used useful as basic data for investigating the effect of lighting in broilers production.

The Ways to Improve Competitiveness and Performance for Salesmen of Small and Medium IT Company: Focusing on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Corporate Performance (중소 IT기업 영업사원의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 성과 창출 제고 방안: 조직시민행동 및 경영성과 제고 방안을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Gyu-Don;Lee, Sang-Jin;Lee, Chul-Gyu
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.101-128
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    • 2016
  • To improve competitiveness & performance for salesmen of small & medium IT company, this study aims not only to inspect how value orientation, leadership & justice make effects for Organizational Citizenship Behavior & Business Corporate Performance & but also to explore the role of adaptive selling practices as parameter. To support the study, the data collected from 314 employees in sales roles at more than 200 IT companies was processed via. regression analysis method. The research model of study lies at identification of 'the Effects of Value Orientation, Leadership, & Justice of/Posed by the Salesmen of a IT Company on Organizational Citizenship Behavior & Corporate Performance' based on the phenomena of unfair sales strategies rampantly being taken for short-term profits & survivals despite of the value of upholding business ethics to realize long-term, sustainable growth of a business of company. The hypotheses of this study are formulated as follows. First, value orientation, leadership, & justice shall have effects on organizational citizenship behavior & Corporate performance. Second, adaptive selling practices shall function as the parameters between the independent & dependent variables. The analysis results on the research, undertaken with verification of parametric effects, confirm the following: 1. Value orientation imposes positive (+) effects on adaptive selling practices which impose positive (+) impacts on organizational citizenship behavior & Corporate performance. 2. Adaptive selling practices function as a full parameter between value orientation & organizational citizenship behavior whilst functioning as a partial parameter between value orientation & Corporate performance. 3. Leadership imposes positive (+) effects on adaptive selling practices which impose positive (+) effects on organizational citizenship behavior & Corporate performance. 4. Adaptive selling practices function as a partial parameter between leadership & organizational citizenship behavior whilst functioning as a full parameter between leadership & Corporate performance. Therefore, this study is concluded that establishing & executing sales strategies in consideration of value orientation & fairness is of extreme importance for IT companies to realize & maintain their sustainable corporate management, & last but not least, it is necessary for IT companies to proactively introduce & provide educational systems for their salesmen thus to help them to uphold & sustain ethics & values of the business.

An Analysis of Young Children's Play Behavior by the Characteristics of Environment in the Forest Experience Center for Children (유아숲체험장의 환경특성에 따른 유아놀이 행태분석)

  • Kang, Taesun;Lee, Myungwoo;Jeong, Moonsun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.162-176
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    • 2016
  • The experience and play activities in forest spaces have played an effective role in children's growth and development, therefore, many studies and projects related to forest activity space have progressed actively. However, the focus of previous research has been merely on the effectiveness of forest activity but little on providing the basis for the spatial design of these types of forest activity spaces. Thus, this study aims to identify the relationship between children's developmental play activity and the physical characteristics of forest activity spaces for evidence-based design. First of all, indicators for Cognitive-Social play(CSP) was selected and forest spaces were categorize into play facility spaces and forest spaces. More detailed environmental characteristics of each space were 'play area' and 'paving materials' for play facilities and 'density of tree and shrub', 'slope', 'paving materials' and 'fixing and type of natural loose parts' for forest space. Through environmental inventory and behavior observation, the types of play behaviors and the occurrence frequency of children aged four to five were collected and analyzed. The results were as follows: 1) In play facility spaces, play behaviors occurred at a high frequency at the facility playground with play facilities and sand area. In terms of CSP, functional-solitary and functional-parallel plays occurred predominantly. 2) In forest spaces, various play behaviors occurred at high frequency in the environment with low density planting and various natural loose parts. For CSP, functional-group and symbolic-group plays occurred at a high frequency. 3) Symbolic-group play appeared to be highly affected by environmental characteristics like tree area of scatter density or less, 10~20 degree slope, and the presence of fixed large stumps. In conclusion, this study provides standards of physical environmental characteristics for forest activity space design through direct observation and analysis of children's play behaviors.