• Title/Summary/Keyword: growth.

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Survivability and Growth Performance of Sal (Shorea robusta C.F. Gaertn) with Compatible Associated and Naturally Grown Tropical Timber Tree Species in a Field Experiment at Madhupur Sal Forest, Bangladesh

  • Golam Mustafa Chowdhury;Laila Abeda Aktar;Habibur Rahman;Muhammad Azizul Hoque
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.196-209
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to develop a mixed plantation strategy, with Sal (Shorea robusta) as the primary tree species, along with four associated and two naturally grown tree species. Using a randomized complete block design (RCBD), the field experiment involved a control group (mono plantation) and three mixed plantation groups, each replicated four times, totaling 80 replicates (40 in 2019 and 40 in 2020). Survival rate, height and collar diameter growth of seedlings were recorded in both mono and mixed plots in July 2021. Statistical analyses, including one-way ANOVA on means from three replicate plots (p<0.05) and a Tukey HSD test, were conducted to assess differences between treatments. Significant differences in survival rates were found among mono plantations, with TMono04 showing the highest survival rate (88% to 91%). However, there were no significant differences in survival rates among seedlings in mixed plantations. Notably, survival rates were lower in mono plantations compared to mixed plantations. Mono plantations showed significant differences in height growth across both 2019 and 2020 plots, with TMono05 achieving the highest height growth (101.1 cm to 123.6 cm). Similarly, mixed plantations showed significant differences in height growth, with TMixed7 displaying the most substantial growth (116.4 cm to 138.2 cm). Overall, mixed plantations showed greater height growth compared to mono plantations. Significant variations in collar diameter growth were noted in both the 2019 and 2020 mono plantation plots, with TMono01 showing the highest growth (10.2 mm to 11.1 mm). Similarly, among mixed plantations, a significant difference in collar diameter growth was observed, with TMixed4 exhibiting the highest growth (10.4 mm to 13.1 mm). Overall, mixed plantations showed higher collar diameter growth compared to mono plantations. The findings suggest that planting Sal trees alongside compatible associated and naturally grown tree species in the Sal forests is preferable over establishing mono plantations.

Study on the Changes in Enzyme and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Concentrations in Blood Serum and Growth Characteristics of Velvet Antler during the Antler Growth Period in Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

  • Park, Jaehyun;Jeon, Byongtae;Kang, Sungki;Oh, Mirae;Kim, Myonghwa;Jang, Seyoung;Park, Pyojam;Kim, Sangwoo;Moon, Sangho
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.1303-1308
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to investigate changes in blood enzyme parameters and to evaluate the relationship between insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), antler growth and body weight during the antler growth of sika deer (Cervus nippon). Serum enzyme activity and IGF-1 concentrations were measured in blood samples collected from the jugular and femoral veins at regular intervals during the antler growth period. Blood samples were taken in the morning from fasted stags (n = 12) which were healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease. Alfalfa was available ad libitum and concentrates were given at 1% of body weight to all stags. The experimental diet was provided at 9 am with water available at all times. There were no significant differences in alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase during antler growth, but alkaline phosphatase concentrations increased with antler growth progression, and the highest alkaline phosphatase concentration was obtained 55 days after antler casting. Serum IGF-1 concentrations measured from blood samples taken from the jugular vein during antler growth, determined that levels of IGF-1 was associated with body weight and antler growth patterns. Serum IGF-1 concentrations were higher at the antler cutting date than other sampling dates. Antler length increased significantly during antler growth (p<0.001), and there was a similar trend to between right and left beams. Body weight increased with antler growth but was not significant. Consequently it appeared that serum alkaline phosphatase concentration was related to antler growth and both antler growth and body weight were associated positively with IGF-1 concentrations during antler growth.

Effect of Single Growth Factor and Growth Factor Combinations on Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells

  • Choi, Kyung-Chul;Yoo, Do-Sung;Cho, Kyung-Sock;Huh, Pil-Woo;Kim, Dal-Soo;Park, Chun-Kun
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.375-381
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    • 2008
  • Objective : The effects on neural proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells (NSC) of basic fibroblast growth factor-2 (bFGF). insulin growth factor-I (IGF-I). brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). and nerve growth factor (NGF) were assessed. Also, following combinations of various factors were investigated : bFGF+IGF-I, bFGF+BDNF, bFGF+NGF, IGF-I+BDNF, IGF-I+NGF, and BDNF+NGF. Methods : Isolated NSC of Fisher 344 rats were cultured with individual growth factors, combinations of factors, and no growth factor (control) for 14 days. A proportion of neurons was analyzed using $\beta$-tubulin III and NeuN as neural markers. Results : Neural differentiations in the presence of individual growth factors for $\beta$-tubulin III-positive cells were : BDNF, 35.3%; IGF-I, 30.9%; bFGF, 18.1%; and NGF, 15.1%, and for NeuN-positive cells was : BDNF, 34.3%; bFGF, 32.2%; IGF-I, 26.6%; and NGF, 24.9%. However, neural differentiations in the absence of growth factor was only 2.6% for $\beta$-tubulin III and 3.1% for NeuN. For $\beta$-tubulin III-positive cells, neural differentiations were evident for the growth factor combinations as follows : bFGF+IGF-I, 73.1 %; bFGF+NGF, 65.4%; bFGF+BDNF, 58.7%; BDNF+IGF-I, 52.2%; NGF+IGF-I, 40.6%; and BDNF+NGF, 40.0%. For NeuN-positive cells : bFGF+IGF-I, 81.9%; bFGF+NGF, 63.5%; bFGF+BDNF, 62.8%; NGF+IGF-I, 62.3%; BDNF+NGF, 56.3%; and BDNF+IGF-I, 46.0%. Significant differences in neural differentiation were evident for single growth factor and combination of growth factors respectively (p<0.05). Conclusion : Combinations of growth factors have an additive effect on neural differentiation. The most prominent neural differentiation results from growth factor combinations involving bFGF and IGF-I. These findings suggest that the combination of a mitogenic action of bFGF and post-mitotic differentiation action of IGF-I synergistically affects neural proliferation and NSC differentiation.

A Semilongitudinal Study on Cranial Base, Maxillary and Mandibular Growth of Korean Children Aging 7 to 17 Years Old (한국인 7-17세 아동의 두개저, 상악, 하악의 성장에 관한 준종단적 연구)

  • Sohn, Byung-Wha;Kim, Hyung-Soon
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.29 no.1 s.72
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 1999
  • Lateral cephalograms or 251 males md 286 females were taken and pubertal growth pattern or cranial base, maxillary and mandible of 7 to 17 years old Korean children was evaluated. 10 landmarks and 16 analytical measurements were evaluated. Analytical measurement and annual difference for each age group was calculated and tested for statistical significance. Analytical measurements were classified into three groups which were cranial base, maxillary and mandibular measurements and also classified into make and female measurements. Following results were achieved. 1. The circumpuberal growth spurt was earlier in Korean females than in males. 2. Cranial base, maxilla and mandible showed circumpuberal growth. The cranial base showed a relatively smaller amount of growth than the facial complex. 3. Middle and posterior cranial base length showed a floater increase than anterior cranial base length and circumpuberal growth spurt was also more definite. 4. the forward and downward growth or maxilla results from maxillary growht itself and transposition or the maxilla due to circumsutural growth aroud the maxilla. Ar-ANS and Ar-Pr which represent maxillary position relative to the cranial base showed more growth than ANS-PNS which represents maxillary bone growth. 5. mandible showed more vertical growth than horizontal growth but without significance. 6. Alveolar gwoth of maxilla and mandible show maximum growth rate of the time of permanent teeth eruption following loss of deciduous teeth . After this period alveolar growth shows a decreasing tendency.

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An Evaluation on the Growth Rates of Magnolia denudata and Albizzia julibrissin Produced in Containers (컨테이너에서 재배된 백목련과 자귀나무의 이식전후 생장률 평가)

  • 김태진;김학범
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the growth rate of landscape trees produced in containers for three year, and the growth rate of the establishment period during sixth month~twelve months after transplanting. Two types of container such as plastic pot(pot) and fabric growing bag(bag) were adopted to restrict tree roots. Each type of container was divided into seven sub-types. One traditional production method was included as comparison. Two landscape woody plant species (Magnolia denudata, Albizzia julibrissin) were planted in the seven sub-types of container. After one or two growing season in the container, the trees of each container type were transplanted. Half of the trees were transplanted in the mild spring season, and the other half were transplanted in the improper summer season. The data was collected on the diameter of root cellar and the tree height in each year. The research results are as follows; 1. Container production method was lower than the traditional production methods by 1.3 times ~ 2 times in the growth rates. 2. The Geocell bag and Root control bag revealed higher growth rates than pp-woven bag. And pot- in-pot(double pot)system revealed higher growth rates than the ether container pot system in A denudata. There were no differences in the growth rates between container production system in Albizzia julibrissin. 3, The growth rates of improper transplanting trees was high in the \"pot\" type - \"bag\" type - \"control\" in descending order. Especially, the growth rates of \"pot\" type revealed higher than \"control\" by 4 times. 4. From the results of ANOVA and Ad hoc test, the variable of growth factors of each container types in improper transplanting experiment was not significant for a range of 5% or 1% level. And the growth rates of traditional production method was lower than the container production method. 5. There was no differences in growth rate between the containerized and the traditional production system in the case of proper transplanting experiment. The growth rates of diameter of root collar was higher in the \"control\". The growth rates of tree height was higher in the \"bag\" type. Finally, based upon the results of this study, subsequent research on the development of container materials and maintaining methods that focused on the growth rates would be required.aintaining methods that focused on the growth rates would be required.

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Study on the Plant Growth Variation According to Change of Luminous Flux LED Light in Plant Factory (식물공장의 LED 광강도 변화에 따른 식물성장 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Ji Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.304-311
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to change plant growth according to the light quantity of LED light source and to standardize plant factories technology according to the optimal LED light range. Growth was relatively stable at the 1,400 lx and 1,600 lx intensities, and growth continued with increasing light intensity, but growth slowed down with growth without leaves (Ed- I don't understand). The growth characteristics at 400 lx to 800 lx were sustained to some extent during the experimental period, but the growth of the larvae was maintained until the 7th day and the growth of leaves was not developed. From 1,000 lx to 1,400 lx, brightness, leaf growth and daily growth increased, and the growth cycle exhibited a repeating cycle of growth and slowdown. In addition, 1,600 lx and 1,800 lx showed similar growth to that at 1,400 lx, but leaf growth was high. However, at 1,800 lx, the growth was slightly higher than at 1,400lx and it slowed down over time. In addition, the stronger the light, the higher the temperature around the plant and the greater the dryness of the leaves due to the heat emitted from the light source.

Effect of Commercial Organic :Medium Amended with Vermicast on the Growth of Rice Seedlings(Oryza sativa L.) -Amended with Vermicast of Oyster Mushroom Waste- (지렁이 분립을 첨가한 유기상토가 벼의 유식물체 생육에 미치는 영향 -느타리버섯 폐배지로 생산한 분립의 첨가-)

  • Lee, Ju-Sam;Kim, In-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we assessed the growth of rice seedlings(Chucheong variety) in commercial organic growth medium that was substituted with different ratios of vermicast of oyster mushroom waste grown under potting alone, and potting and floor layering treatment. The commercial organic growth medium was substituted with vermicast at ratios of control, 2%, 4% and 6%, respectively. The control consisted of commercial organic growth medium alone without vermicast. Incorporation of $4%{\sim}6%$ vermicast of oyster mushroom waste into a commercial organic growth medium enhanced the growth of rice seedlings significantly as compared to commercial organic growth medium alone(control), and 2% amended with vermicast in potting treatment. This results demonstrate that substitution with low ratios of vermicast($4%{\sim}6%$) will promote growth of rice seedlings. The growth of rice seedlings in commercial organic growth medium alone without vermicast was enhanced significantly as compared to the substituted with vermicast in floor layering treatment, it may due to nutrient uptake by elongated root from the vermicast when applied to on the floor layering. Floor layering treatment is an effective method for potting processing of vermicast. The vermicast of oyster mushroom waste should have a high safety and great potential as materials of growth media for increasing plant growth, either as soil conditioner, or as substitution or amendments to commercial organic growth medium. For the enhanced growth of rice seedlings, demand to increase with total nitrogen, and decrease with the carbon and nitrogen ratio(C/N) of commercial organic growth medium supplied by such as vermicast.

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The Soil Factors Affecting the Growth of Populus alba X glandulosa (Populus alba X glandulosa의 생장과 토양인자화의 관계)

  • Son Doo-sik;Kim Kyu-hyun;Lee Weon-Yeol
    • Journal of Korea Foresty Energy
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 1981
  • Populus alba x glandulosa shows greater growth performance in the lower part of the hill than in the upper part. In order to study this reason, correlation between the soil factors and the growth was examined. The results were as follows. 1. Annual mean height growth was 1.29m in foot hill but 0.7m in upper part, showing 184$\%$ better growth in the foot hill than in the upper part and the similar situation was shown in the diameter growth. The longer slope distance, the better growth: generally the good growth shows in the first harf of the distance. 2. High positive correlation shows between the growth performance and soil moisture: r=0.76 in the hight and r=0.71 in the diameter, and also positive correlation between soil depth and the growth performance. r=0.65 in the height and r=0.79 in the diameter. On the other hand, negative correlation between the slope and soil depth are considered as limiting factors to the growth. 3. A significant correlation appeared between growth performance and organic matter and between the growth performance and total nitrogen as well. This shows that the nutrient elements were contained much in the foot hill. 4. The correlation between the height growth and potassium, and between the growth and calcium and pH were shown . 5. However, no correlation was shown between the growth and available phosphate, magnesium and available managanese .

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Comparative Study on the Growth Condition of Landscape Woody Plants according to the Ground Structure - Focusing on Manseok Beach Town Complex 2, Incheon - (지반구조에 따른 수목 생육상태 비교 연구 - 인천광역시 만석비치타운 단지를 대상으로 -)

  • Cho, Sung-Ho;Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Seok-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.63-82
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to compare growth condition of landscape woody plants growing on the different ground structures in apartment complex. I chose Manseok Beach Town Complex 2, in Manseok-dong, Seo-gu, Incheon which has both natural and artificial ground as a subject site. Analysis of three phases of soil showed that artificial ground had average liquid phase of 30.89%, artificial ground mounding 33.88% and natural ground 24.40%. It means that artificial ground has higher water content than natural ground despite having same earthiness. It is believed that artificial ground is not as well drained as natural ground even though it is connected to the natural ground and has a deep soil depth because of mounding. Comparative study between woody plants on natural ground and those on artificial ground demonstrated that trees on natural ground grew 40.4% compared to those on artificial ground(0.875mm more) in terms of diameter growth. Average diameter growth of trees on natural ground was 3.040mm against 2.165mm for those on artificial ground. All 19 tree species which were measured for root diameter growth showed similar or higher growth on natural ground than on artificial ground. When it comes to growth of height, arborvitae showed highest growth on natural ground, followed by Thuja occidentalis, Pinus strobus, Magnolia denudata, Diospyros kaki and Aesculus turbinata. I measured branch growth and rate of leaf adherence of Pinus strobus. Average annual rate of branch growth of woody plants on natural ground was twice as high as those on artificial ground. I could conclude that ground structure influences branch growth of Pinus strobus. Statistics analysis of tree damage demonstrated significant result, meaning that there is a difference in the average damage rate depending on structure of ground. In order to validate growth difference by planting ground, I conducted T-Test of growth of diameter, root diameter, branch and height on woody plants growing on natural and artificial ground. As a result, it is believed that there is a difference in the growth of trees depending on the ground structure. Putting all these results together demonstrates that woody plants on natural ground generally grow better than those on artificial ground, which means ground structure does have an influence on the environment of growth of trees.

Nutritional Requirements of Actinomyces Isolated from Rumen of Goat

  • Park, Ki Moon;Shin, Hyung Tai;Kang, Kook Hee;Lee, Jae Heung
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this work was to investigate the nutritional requirements for the growth of Actinomyces sp. 9RCC5 isolated from the rumen of a native goat in Korea. The growth of strain 9RCC5 on the basal medium or the medium minus certain ingredients from the basal medium demonstrated that strain 9RCC5 showed absolute requirement of vitamin B complex mixture, while hemin and volatile fatty acids (VFA) were stimulatory to growth to some extent. The 9RCC5 strain grew well with casein hydrolysate as the sole added nitrogen source. However, neither a complex of 18 amino acids nor ammonium sulfate effectively replaced casein hydrolysate. Vitamins such as riboflavin and pantothenate were essential for growth, while thiamin and biotin were stimulatory. With regard to VFA, the growth was stimulated by acetic acid but inhibited by valeric acid. Relatively large quantities of $Na^+$, $K^+$ and $Ca^{2+}$ were absolutely required for growth. Supplementation of clarified rumen fluid to the basal medium in a range of 0-10% (vol/vol) resulted in an increased rate of growth as well as an increased extent of growth.