• Title/Summary/Keyword: growth program

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Comparison of Thatch Accumulation in Warm-Season and Cool-Season Turfgrasses under USGA and Mono-layer Soil Systems (USGA 지반 및 약식지반에서 난지형과 한지형 잔디의 대취축적 비교)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Nam;Kim, Byoung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2010
  • This study was initiated to investigate thatch accumulation in several turfgrasses grown under two soil systems. The 45 centimeter deep USGA system was constructed with rootzone, intermediate and drainage layers. The mono-layer system, however, was made with only a 30cm rootzone layer. Turfgrasses used in the study were comprised of 3 varieties from Korean lawngrass of Warm-Season Grass(WSG) and 3 blends and 3 mixtures from Cool-Season Grass(CSG). A total of 9 turfgrass treatments were replicated three times in RCBD in both systems. Cultural practices for the research plot followed a typical maintenance program for highly managed turf. Treatment differences for thatch accumulation were observed among the turfgrasses in both soil systems. Thatch under the USGA system was 9% greater than under the mono-layer system due to its more favorable conditions for turf growth. Higher thatch depth was found with Korean lawngrass, 34~87% in the USGA system and 16~75% in the mono-layer system when compared with CSG. Among WSG, the Joongji variety was the highest in thatch layer under both the USGA and mono-layer systems. Kentucky bluegrass(KB) was the greatest among CSG, since it is a rhizomatous-type in growth habit, resulting in faster production of organic matter over bunch-type of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Proper depth in the thatch layer was known to be beneficial by enhancing the resiliency and wear tolerance of the turf in athletic fields. Thus, KB was considered to be a very excellent turfgrass in terms of turf quality, environmental performance, physical properties and soccer player safety. However, disadvantages such as poor water-holding properties, more inclined to injury from environmental stresses and severe diseases and insect injury were also expected where thatch was excessively accumulated. Therefore, these results demonstrate that more frequent measures for controlling thatch such as vertical mowing, topdressing or coring should be employed for soccer fields with Korean lawngrass and KB over other turfgrasses.

The Influence of Small Enterprise Workplace Learning on Management Performance: The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction (소상공인 일터학습이 경영성과에 미치는 영향 직무만족을 매개로)

  • Choi, Jeong-Hee;Bae, Byung Yun;Hyun, Byung-Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2020
  • This study is based on workplace learning, which has revealed its significant influence in the previous enterprise case studies. Why do small business owners have the opportunity to participate in workplace learning based on authenticity? It was intended to clarify whether it was necessary and to increase the growth and development potential of small business owners based on its contents. Moreover, this study is focused on identifying the influence of workplace learning on management performance through this series of processes. In order to investigate the influence of small enterprise workplace learning on management performance, research hypotheses were set based on a review of previous studies, and empirical analysis was carried out. A total of 203 questionnaires were empirically analyzed using SPSS 18.0 program. As a result, first, workplace learning had partially significant positive influence on job satisfaction. Second, workplace learning had significant positive influence on management performance. Third, job satisfaction had significant positive influence on management performance. Fourth, job satisfaction had partial mediating effect in the relationship between workplace learning and management performance. The analysis result showed that among sub-factors of workplace learning, only formal learning did not affect job satisfaction and that job satisfaction did not have mediating effect in the relationship between formal learning and management performance. According to analysis, this was because in poor small enterprise environments, opportunities to participate in formal learning like external training or in-house training were not kept. In other words, poor small enterprise environments were plainly revealed from the managerial, economic and social standpoint. Therefore, there is a need to establish the foundation of growth for them to solve problems and develop win-win development capabilities and an institutional system that can make a contribution to policy and education, and management, by helping small enterprises keep opportunities to participate in workplace learning. In spite of these significant study results, there can be a limitation. For improving this limitation, further research will need to target diverse fields focusing on samples, which can explain relations of many different variables. Also, working-level relation research connected to studies that can highly enhance management performance will be required.

The knowledge and human resources distribution system for university-industry cooperation (대학에서 창출하는 지적/인적자원에 대한 기업연계 플랫폼: 인문사회계열을 중심으로)

  • Park, Yoon-Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.133-149
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    • 2014
  • One of the main purposes of universities is to create new intellectual resources that will increase social values. These intellectual resources include academic research papers, lecture notes, patents, and creative ideas produced by both professors and students. However, intellectual resources in universities are often not distributed to the actual users or companies; and moreover, they are not even systematically being managed inside of the universities. Therefore, it is almost impossible for companies to access the knowledge created by university students and professors to utilize them. Thus, the current level of knowledge sharing between universities and industries are very low. This causes a great extravagant with high-quality intellectual and human resources, and it leads to quite an amount of social loss in the modern society. In the 21st century, the creative ideas are the key growth powers for many industries. Many of the globally leading companies such as Fedex, Dell, and Facebook have established their business models based on the innovative ideas created by university students in undergraduate courses. This indicates that the unconventional ideas from young generations can create new growth power for companies and immensely increase social values. Therefore, this paper suggests of a new platform for intellectual properties distribution with university-industry cooperation. The suggested platform distributes intellectual resources of universities to industries. This platform has following characteristics. First, it distributes not only the intellectual resources, but also the human resources associated with the knowledge. Second, it diversifies the types of compensation for utilizing the intellectual properties, which are beneficial for both the university students and companies. For example, it extends the conventional monetary rewards to non-monetary rewards such as influencing on the participating internship programs or job interviews. Third, it suggests of a new knowledge map based on the relationships between key words, so that the various types of intellectual properties can be searched efficiently. In order to design the system platform, we surveyed 120 potential users to obtain the system requirements. First, 50 university students and 30 professors in humanities and social sciences departments were surveyed. We sent queries on what types of intellectual resources they produce per year, how many intellectual resources they produce, if they are willing to distribute their intellectual properties to the industries, and what types of compensations they expect in returns. Secondly, 40 entrepreneurs were surveyed, who are potential consumers of the intellectual properties of universities. We sent queries on what types of intellectual resources they want, what types of compensations they are willing to provide in returns, and what are the main factors they considered to be important when searching for the intellectual properties. The implications of this survey are as follows. First, entrepreneurs are willing to utilize intellectual properties created by both professors and students. They are more interested in creative ideas in universities rather than the academic papers or educational class materials. Second, non-monetary rewards, such as participating internship program or job interview, can be the appropriate types of compensations to replace monetary rewards. The results of the survey showed that majority of the university students were willing to provide their intellectual properties without any monetary rewards to earn the industrial networks with companies. Also, the entrepreneurs were willing to provide non-monetary compensation and hoped to have networks with university students for recruiting. Thus, the non-monetary rewards are mutually beneficial for both sides. Thirdly, classifying intellectual resources of universities based on the academic areas are inappropriate for efficient searching. Also, the various types of intellectual resources cannot be categorized into one standard. This paper suggests of a new platform for the distribution of intellectual materials and human resources, with university-industry cooperation based on these survey results. The suggested platform contains the four major components such as knowledge schema, knowledge map, system interface, and GUI (Graphic User Interface), and it presents the overall system architecture.

Composition and Development of Archival Content Service for Teaching-learning Materials (교수·학습자료용 기록정보 콘텐츠 서비스의 구성 및 개발)

  • Shim, Sungbo
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.16
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    • pp.201-256
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    • 2007
  • Nowadays Korean main archives and manuscript repositories are planning to develop archival information service for students and teachers in their web sites. This study is aimed at discovering main issues of developing archival information service for students and teachers and finding a solution. The goal of archival information service for students and teachers is the promotion of use through launching service and the gradual growth of archival management program. The customer group is segmented into the students and teachers who are learning and teaching Korean history in classroom. As a result of analyzing curriculum and educational environment, the archival information must be developed into teaching-learning materials. And the processing archival information into archival content is needed. Consequently the character of archival information service for students and teachers is conceptualized as archival content service for teaching-learning materials. At every step of developing archival content service for teaching-learning materials, the next main points are considered and achieved. First, the strategy of customer-focused service must be the same from beginning to end. Second, the growth of traditional archival management(e.g. classification, description and finding aids) must be contributed. Third, the collaboration system leading by professional education staff must be organized. Fourth, the archival information must be related with teaching-learning activities. Fifth, the quality of content is more important than the quantity of it. Sixth, the networking with another agencies for cooperation must be considered.

The Introduction of archival science and the renovation of records Management(since 1999) (기록학의 도입과 기록관리혁신(1999년 이후))

  • Kim, Ik-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.15
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    • pp.67-93
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    • 2007
  • This article deals with the short history from 1999 to the present time, how the Korean record and archives management world had grown up, and what the development of the branch of records and archives studies resulted in. First of all, it is looked out upon the transition and feature of each initiative bodies of records management, containing the records producing body, records and archives management body, records and archives professional body, and civil society. As a result, this article points out the disequilibrium state of the records producing body and civil society, for all the growth of records and archives management institutions and records and archives professionals. During the time of establishing the law, the Korean records and archives management had been made a rapid progress by some part of the leading group being to Korean Records and Archives Service and the society of professionals. But it is estimated only the malformed development depending on the model of elites, although we could achieve the establishment of Korean Records and Archives Act. The condition of records and archives management of the Participation Government was distinguish from the state of former times, being driven up the renovation of records and archives management. The main power of the renovation was sought our by overcome of the elite model with the development of archival institutions and professionals extending wide range. Particularly professionals to accept the education of graduate school grew up in quantity and quality and then they let the pattern of the collaboration with archival institutions rake root in Korea. As The Road Map on the Renovation of National Records and Archives Management was made, the government put into practice, so the management of records and archives in Korea could take a step of steady and continuous growth. But the development of the records producing bodies and civil society is staying at the low level as yet. Accordingly it is expected to have the most important means that the professional instruction become to normalize and archivists who posted in public agencies after graduating professional education program discharge their duties. And each public agencies have to speed up to set up the institutions for records management including some archivists so that overcome the condition of underdevelopment as fast as possible.

A Study on Wintering Microclimate Factors of Evergreen Broad-Leaved Trees, in the Coastal Area of Incheon, Korea (인천해안지역의 난온대성 상록활엽수 겨울철 생장에 영향을 미치는 미기후 요인)

  • Kim, Jung-Chul;Kim, Do-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated the feasibility of wintering evergreen broad-leaf trees in the Incheon coastal area through a climate analysis. The coldest monthly mean air temperature ranged from $-2.9^{\circ}C{\sim}-1.6^{\circ}C$. The warmth index of the coastal area of Incheon ranged from $98.89^{\circ}C{\cdot}month-109.03^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$, while the minimum air temperature year ranged from $-13.9^{\circ}C{\sim}-3.6^{\circ}C$. This proved that the Incheon coastal area was not suitable for evergreen broad-leaf trees to grow as the warmth index ranges from $101.0^{\circ}C{\cdot}month{\sim}117.0^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$, and the temperature year-round is $-9.2^{\circ}C$ or higher. This suggests the coastal areas of Incheon is not suitable for the growth of evergreen broad-leaf trees, however some evergreen broad-leaf trees lived in some parts of the area. Wind speed reduction and temperature effect simulations were done using Landschaftsanalyse mit GIS program. As a result of the simulations of wind speed reduction and temperature effects affecting the evergreen broad-leaf trees, it was discovered that a coastal wind velocity of 8.6m/sec was alleviated to be 5m/sec~7m/sec when the wind reached the areas where evergreen broad-leaf trees were present. It was also discovered that species that grew in contact with buildings benefited from a temperature increase of $1.1^{\circ}C{\sim}3.4^{\circ}C$ due to the radiant heat released by the building. Simulation results show that the weather factors affecting the winter growth damages of evergreen broad-leaved trees were wind speed reduction and local warming due to buildings. The wind speed reduction by shielding and local warming effects by buildings have enabled the wintering of evergreen broad-leaved trees. Also, evergreen broad-leaved trees growing in the coastal area of Incheon could be judged to be gradually adapting to low temperatures in winter. This study reached the conclusion that the blockage of wind, and the proximity of buildings, are required for successfully wintering evergreen broad-leaf trees in the coastal area of Incheon.

A Study on the Impacters of the Disabled Worker's Subjective Career Success in the Competitive Labour Market: Application of the Multi-Level Analysis of the Individual and Organizational Properties (경쟁고용 장애인근로자의 주관적 경력성공에 대한 영향요인 분석: 개인 및 조직특성에 대한 다층분석의 적용)

  • Kwon, Jae-yong;Lee, Dong-Young;Jeon, Byong-Ryol
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.33-66
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    • 2017
  • Based on the premise that the systematic career process of workers in the general labor market was one of core elements of successful achievements and their establishment both at the individual and organizational level, this study set out to conduct empirical analysis of factors influencing the subjective career success of disabled workers in competitive employment at the multi-dimensional levels of individuals and organizations(corporations) and thus provide practical implications for the career management directionality of their successful vocational life with data based on practical and statistical accuracy. For those purposes, the investigator administered a structured questionnaire to 126 disabled workers at 48 companies in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Chungcheong, and Gangwon and collected data about the individual and organizational characteristics. Then the influential factors were analyzed with the multilevel analysis technique by taking into consideration the organizational effects. The analysis results show that organizational characteristics explained 32.1% of total variance of subjective career success, which confirms practical implications for the importance of organizational variables and the legitimacy of applying the multilevel model. The significant influential factors include the degree of disability, desire for growth, self-initiating career attitude and value-oriented career attitude at the individual level and the provision of disability-related convenience, career support, personnel support, and interpersonal support at the organizational level. The latter turned out to have significant moderating effects on the influences of subjective career success on the characteristic variables at the individual level. Those findings call for plans to increase subjective career success through the activation of individual factors based on organizational effects. The study thus proposed and discussed integrated individual-corporate practice strategies including setting up a convenience support system by reflecting the disability characteristics, applying a worker support program, establishing a frontier career development support system, and providing assistance for a human network.

A Study on the Influence of Office Workers' Job Performance Ability, Retirement Readiness, and Future Anxiety on Entrepreneurship Will: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Another Success Expectation on Life after Retirement (직장인의 직무수행능력, 노후준비도, 미래불안감이 창업의지에 미치는 영향연구: 퇴직후 삶에 대한 또 다른 성공기대감의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Park, Gug Gun;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.167-187
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    • 2020
  • Currently, Korea is changing into an ultra-aging society, and office workers retire at the age of 49.5 on average from their main jobs, and the national pension is delayed from 62 years old to 65 years old by 2034, so research is needed to prepare for the aging of office workers after retirement. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors affecting the intention to start a business after retirement and the mediating effect of another sense of success expectation on life after retirement, targeting office workers nationwide. Changes in individual attitudes and systematic institutional support are needed to prepare for a sustainable job until the age of 100 after retirement, that is, a start-up utilizing wisdom and experience in work life. As a result of the study, the ability to perform the goal as job performance, economic preparation for retirement preparation, preparation for external relations, and future anxiety have a positive effect on the entrepreneurial will, and the ability to use new technologies as job performance, and physical preparation for retirement. Preparation and preparation for internal relations were found to have no effect. In the influencing relationship between preparation for external relations and the will of start-up, and future anxiety and will of start-up, another sense of success was confirmed to have a partial mediation effect. In the relationship between economic preparation and willingness to start a business, the effect of complete mediation was confirmed. In order to increase the will to start a business after retirement, it was confirmed that another sense of expectation for success was an important variable. Introducing a government-sponsored education system in the company to reduce the government's financial burden due to super-aging and achieve corporate growth through employee training while potential founders, office workers, are employed, and entrepreneurship and goals for the three life goals of office workers By introducing a performance improvement program, we were able to get implications that would be a solution to the growth of individuals and businesses and reducing the government's financial burden.

The Mediating Effect of Experiential Value on Customers' Perceived Value of Digital Content: China's Anti-virus Program Market (경험개치대소비자대전자내용적인지개치적중개영향(经验价值对消费者对电子内容的认知价值的中介影响): 중국살독연건시장(中国杀毒软件市场))

  • Jia, Weiwei;Kim, Sae-Bum
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 2010
  • Digital content makes big changes to our daily lives while bringing opportunities and challenges for companies. Creative firms integrate pictures, texts, videos, audios, and data by digitalization to develop new products or services and create digital experiences to promote their brands. Most articles on digital content contribute to the basic concept or development of marketing it in literature. Actually, compared with traditional value chains for common products or services, the digital content industry seems to have more potential value. Because quite a bit of digital content is free to the consumer, price is not necessarily perceived as an indicator of the quality or value of information (Rowley 2008). It becomes evident that a current theme in digital content is the issue of "value," and research on customers' perceived value of digital content is a necessity. This article argues that experiential value has an advantage in customers' evaluations of digital content. Two different but related contributions to the understanding of "value" of digital content are made here. First, based on the comparison of digital content with products and services, the article proposes two key characteristics that make experiential strategy available for digital content: intangibility and near-zero reproduction cost. On top of that, based on the discussion of the gap between company's idealized value and customer's perceived value, this article emphasizes that digital content prices and pricing of digital content is different from products and services. As a result of intangibility, prices may not reflect customer value. Moreover, the cost of digital content in the development stage may be very high while reproduction costs shrink dramatically. Moreover, because of the value gap mentioned before, the pricing polices vary for different digital contents. For example, flat price policy is generally used for movies and music (Magiera 2001; Netherby 2002), while for continuous demand, digital content such as online games and anti-virus programs involves a more complicated matter of utility and competitive price levels. Digital content companies have to explore various kinds of strategies to overcome this gap. Rethinking marketing solutions such as advertisements, images, and word-of-mouth and their effect on customers' perceived value becomes essential. China's digital content industry is becoming more and more globalized and drawing special attention from different countries and regions that have respective competitive advantages. The 2008-2009 Annual Report on the Development of China's Digital Content Industry (CCIDConsulting 2009) indicates that, with the driven power of domestic demand and governmental policy support, the country's digital content industry maintained a fast growth of some 30 percent in 2008, obviously indicating the initial stage of industry expansion. In China, anti-virus programs and other software programs which need to be updated use a quarter-based pricing policy. Customers can download a trial version for free and use it for six months or a year. If they want to use it longer, continuous payment is needed. They examine the excellence of the digital content during this trial period and decide whether to pay for continued usage. For China’s music and movie industries, as a result of initial development, experiential strategy has not been much applied, even though firms in other countries find the trial experience and explore important strategies(such as customers listening to music for several seconds for free before downloading it). For the above reasons, anti-virus program may be a representative for digital content industry in China and an exploratory study of the advantage of experiential value in customer's perceived value of digital content is done in the anti-virus market of China. In order to enhance the reliability of the survey data, this study focused on people who were experienced users of anti-virus programs. The empirical results revealed that experiential value has a positive effect on customers' perceived value of digital content. In other words, because digital content is intangible and the reproduction costs are nearly zero, customers' evaluations are based heavily on their experience. Moreover, image and word-of-mouth do not have a positive effect on perceived value, only on experiential value. That is to say, a digital content value chain is different from that of a general product or service. Experiential value has a notable advantage and mediates the effect of image and word-of-mouth on perceived value. The results of this study help provide an understanding of why free digital content downloads exist in developing countries. Customers can perceive the value of digital content only by using and experiencing it. This is also why such governments support the development of digital content. Other developing countries whose digital content business is also in the beginning stage can make use of the suggestions here. Moreover, based on the advantage of experiential strategy, companies should make more of an effort to invest in customers' experience. As a result of the characteristics and value gap of digital content, customers perceive more value in the intangible digital content only by experiencing what they really want. Moreover, because of the near-zero reproduction costs, companies can perhaps use experiential strategy to enhance customer understanding of digital content.

The Trend and Achievements of Forest Genetics Research in Abroad (선진국(先進國)에 있어서의 임목육종연구(林木育種硏究)의 동향(動向))

  • Hyun, Sin Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1972
  • The trend and achievements of forest genetics research in abroad were investigated through observation tours and reference work and following facts were found to be important aspects which should be adopted in the forest genetics research program in Korea. Because of world wide recognization on the urgency of taking a measure to reserve some areas of the representative forest type on the globe before the extingtion of such forest type as the results of continuous exploitations of the natural forests to meet the timber demand all over the world, it is urgently needed to take a measure to reserve certain areas of natural stand of Pinus koraiensis, Pinus parviflora, Pinus densiflora f. erectra, Abies koreana, Quercus sp., Populus sp., etc. as gene pool to be used for the future program of forest tree improvement. And the genetic studies of those natural forest of economic tree species are also to be performed. 1. Increase of the number of selected tree for breeding purpose. Because of the fact that the number of plus tree at present is too small to carry out selection program for tree improvement, particularly for the formation of source population for recurrent selection of parent trees of the 2nd generation seed orchard it is to be strongly emphasized to increase the number of plus tree by alleviating selection criteria in order to enlarge the population size of plus trees to make the selection program more efficient. 2. Progeny testing More stress should be placed on carrying out progeny testing of selected trees with open pollinated seeds. And particular efforts are to be made for conducting studies on adult/juvenile correlation of important traits with a view to enable to predict adult performances with some traits revealed in juvenile age thus to save time for progeny testing. 3. Genotype-environment interaction Studies on genotype and environment interaction should be conducted in order to elucidate whether the plus trees selected on the good site express their superiority on the poor site or not and how the environment affect the genotype. And the justification of present classification of seed distribution area should be examined. 4. Seed orchard of broad leaf tree species. Due to the difficulty of accurate comparison of growth rate of neighbouring trees of broad leaf tree species in natural stand, it is recommended that for the improvement of broad leaf trees a seedling seed orchard is to be made by roguing the progeny test plantation planted densely with control pollinated seedlings of selected trees. 5. Breeding for insect resistant varieties. In the light of the fact that the resistant characteristics against insect such as pine gall midge (Thiecodiplosis japonensis U. et I.) and pine bark beetle (Myelophilus pinipera L.) are highly correlated with the amount and quality of resin which are known as gene controlled characteristics, breeding for insect resistance should be carried out. 6. Breeding for timber properties. With the tree species for pulp wood in particular, emphasis should be placed upon breeding for high specific gravity of timber. 7. Introduction of Cryptomeria and Japanese Cypress In the light of the fact that the major clones of Cryptomeria are originated from Yoshino source and are being planted up to considerably north and high elevation in Japan, those species should be examined on their cold resistance in Korea by planting them in further northern part of the country.

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