• 제목/요약/키워드: grid model

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A Study for Analysis of Micro Heat Grid Configuration and Deduction of Optimal Size in Hydrogen Cities (수소도시 내 마이크로 히트그리드 구성 방안 및 최적 규모 산정 연구)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.845-855
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    • 2022
  • In response to climate change, the world is continuing efforts to reduce fossil fuels, expand renewable energy, and improve energy efficiency with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality. In particular, R&D is being made on the value chain covering the entire cycle of hydrogen production, storage, transportation, and utilization in order to shift the energy supply system to focus on hydrogen energy. Hydrogen-based energy sources can produce heat and electricity at the same time, so it is possible to utilize heat energy, which can increase overall efficiency. In this study, calculation of the optimal scale for hydrogen-based cogeneration and the composition of heat sources were reviewed. It refers to a method of the optimal heat source size according to the external heat supply and heat storage to be considered. The results of this study can be used as basic data for establishing a hydrogen-based energy supply model in the future.

Sustainable Smart City Building-energy Management Based on Reinforcement Learning and Sales of ESS Power

  • Dae-Kug Lee;Seok-Ho Yoon;Jae-Hyeok Kwak;Choong-Ho Cho;Dong-Hoon Lee
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1123-1146
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    • 2023
  • In South Korea, there have been many studies on efficient building-energy management using renewable energy facilities in single zero-energy houses or buildings. However, such management was limited due to spatial and economic problems. To realize a smart zero-energy city, studying efficient energy integration for the entire city, not just for a single house or building, is necessary. Therefore, this study was conducted in the eco-friendly energy town of Chungbuk Innovation City. Chungbuk successfully realized energy independence by converging new and renewable energy facilities for the first time in South Korea. This study analyzes energy data collected from public buildings in that town every minute for a year. We propose a smart city building-energy management model based on the results that combine various renewable energy sources with grid power. Supervised learning can determine when it is best to sell surplus electricity, or unsupervised learning can be used if there is a particular pattern or rule for energy use. However, it is more appropriate to use reinforcement learning to maximize rewards in an environment with numerous variables that change every moment. Therefore, we propose a power distribution algorithm based on reinforcement learning that considers the sales of Energy Storage System power from surplus renewable energy. Finally, we confirm through economic analysis that a 10% saving is possible from this efficiency.

Intelligent System for the Prediction of Heart Diseases Using Machine Learning Algorithms with Anew Mixed Feature Creation (MFC) technique

  • Rawia Elarabi;Abdelrahman Elsharif Karrar;Murtada El-mukashfi El-taher
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.148-162
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    • 2023
  • Classification systems can significantly assist the medical sector by allowing for the precise and quick diagnosis of diseases. As a result, both doctors and patients will save time. A possible way for identifying risk variables is to use machine learning algorithms. Non-surgical technologies, such as machine learning, are trustworthy and effective in categorizing healthy and heart-disease patients, and they save time and effort. The goal of this study is to create a medical intelligent decision support system based on machine learning for the diagnosis of heart disease. We have used a mixed feature creation (MFC) technique to generate new features from the UCI Cleveland Cardiology dataset. We select the most suitable features by using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), Recursive Feature Elimination with Random Forest feature selection (RFE-RF) and the best features of both LASSO RFE-RF (BLR) techniques. Cross-validated and grid-search methods are used to optimize the parameters of the estimator used in applying these algorithms. and classifier performance assessment metrics including classification accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, precision, and F1-Score, of each classification model, along with execution time and RMSE the results are presented independently for comparison. Our proposed work finds the best potential outcome across all available prediction models and improves the system's performance, allowing physicians to diagnose heart patients more accurately.

A study on the uncertainty analysis of LENS-GRM using formal and informal likelihood measure (정형·비정형 우도를 이용한 LENS-GRM 불확실성 해석)

  • Lee, Sang Hyup;Choo, Inn Kyo;Yu, Yeong Uk;Jung, Younghun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.317-317
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    • 2020
  • 수재해는 수자원 인프라의 부족 및 관리 미흡 등 많은 요인들이 있지만 강우의 유무와 크기가 가장 원초적인 요인들 중 하나이다. 정확한 강우량 추정 및 강우발생시간 예측은 수재해로 인한 피해를 예방하고 빠르게 대처할 수 있다. 그러나 강우예측에는 많은 불확실성을 내포하고 있기 때문에 이러한 불확실성을 이해하고 줄여 나가는 것이 필요하다. 최근 컴퓨터의 성능의 발전에 비례해 강우 예측 자료들도 점진적으로 발전을 거듭하고 있다. 이를 강우-유출 모형에 적용시 유출량 예측의 정확성 또한 비례하여 한층 더 발전할 수 있을 것이다. 하지만 신뢰성이 낮은 입력자료를 대상으로 하는 유출해석 모형은 많은 불확실성을 내포할 것이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 위천 유역에 대해 LENS(Limited area ENsemble prediction System) 강우앙상블 예측자료의 적용성을 검토하고 그리드 기반 강우 유출 모델 GRM(Grid based Rainfall-runoff Model) 에 적용하여 유출예측의 불확실성을 평가하고자 하였다. 또한 강우예측 및 유출예측은 수 많은 매개변수를 포함하며 최종적인 예측은 더 큰 불확실한 범위로 산출될 수 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 Python3 기반 코딩으로 LENS 자료 구축 및 GRM 모형의 매개변수 보정을 각 2000회 씩에 걸쳐 총 2회 실시하여 수문학적, 지형학적 인자에 따른 불확실성 범위를 보정하고자 하였다. 매개변수의 보정은 비정형우도(Informal likelihood) NSE, 정형우도(Formal likelihood) Lognormal(Log-likelihood function)의 우도에 따른 행위모델을 산정하여 보정하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 선행연구들을 참고한 정형, 비정형 우도의 임계치를 이용한 불확실성해석에 적용하였으며 이는 사용자의 행위모델선정 임계치 범위 선정으로 인한 불확실성을 줄여나감에 기여할 수 있을것으로 사료된다.

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Backward estimation of precipitation from high spatial resolution SAR Sentinel-1 soil moisture: a case study for central South Korea

  • Nguyen, Hoang Hai;Han, Byungjoo;Oh, Yeontaek;Jung, Woosung;Shin, Daeyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.329-329
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    • 2022
  • Accurate characterization of terrestrial precipitation variation from high spatial resolution satellite sensors is beneficial for urban hydrology and microscale agriculture modeling, as well as natural disasters (e.g., urban flooding) early warning. However, the widely-used top-down approach for precipitation retrieval from microwave satellites is limited in several hydrological and agricultural applications due to their coarse spatial resolution. In this research, we aim to apply a novel bottom-up method, the parameterized SM2RAIN, where precipitation can be estimated from soil moisture signals based on an inversion of water balance model, to generate high spatial resolution terrestrial precipitation estimates at 0.01º grid (roughly 1-km) from the C-band SAR Sentinel-1. This product was then tested against a common reanalysis-based precipitation data and a domestic rain gauge network from the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) over central South Korea, since a clear difference between climatic types (coasts and mainlands) and land covers (croplands and mixed forests) was reported in this area. The results showed that seasonal precipitation variability strongly affected the SM2RAIN performances, and the product derived from separated parameters (rainy and non-rainy seasons) outperformed that estimated considering the entire year. In addition, the product retrieved over the mainland mixed forest region showed slightly superior performance compared to that over the coastal cropland region, suggesting that the 6-day time resolution of S1 data is suitable for capturing the stable precipitation pattern in mainland mixed forests rather than the highly variable precipitation pattern in coastal croplands. Future studies suggest comparing this product to the traditional top-down products, as well as evaluating their integration for enhancing high spatial resolution precipitation over entire South Korea.

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Prediction of ocean surface current: Research status, challenges, and opportunities. A review

  • Ittaka Aldini;Adhistya E. Permanasari;Risanuri Hidayat;Andri Ramdhan
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2024
  • Ocean surface currents have an essential role in the Earth's climate system and significantly impact the marine ecosystem, weather patterns, and human activities. However, predicting ocean surface currents remains challenging due to the complexity and variability of the oceanic processes involved. This review article provides an overview of the current research status, challenges, and opportunities in the prediction of ocean surface currents. We discuss the various observational and modelling approaches used to study ocean surface currents, including satellite remote sensing, in situ measurements, and numerical models. We also highlight the major challenges facing the prediction of ocean surface currents, such as data assimilation, model-observation integration, and the representation of sub-grid scale processes. In this article, we suggest that future research should focus on developing advanced modeling techniques, such as machine learning, and the integration of multiple observational platforms to improve the accuracy and skill of ocean surface current predictions. We also emphasize the need to address the limitations of observing instruments, such as delays in receiving data, versioning errors, missing data, and undocumented data processing techniques. Improving data availability and quality will be essential for enhancing the accuracy of predictions. The future research should focus on developing methods for effective bias correction, a series of data preprocessing procedures, and utilizing combined models and xAI models to incorporate data from various sources. Advancements in predicting ocean surface currents will benefit various applications such as maritime operations, climate studies, and ecosystem management.

Integrating physics-based fragility for hierarchical spectral clustering for resilience assessment of power distribution systems under extreme winds

  • Jintao Zhang;Wei Zhang;William Hughes;Amvrossios C. Bagtzoglou
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2024
  • Widespread damages from extreme winds have attracted lots of attentions of the resilience assessment of power distribution systems. With many related environmental parameters as well as numerous power infrastructure components, such as poles and wires, the increased challenge of power asset management before, during and after extreme events have to be addressed to prevent possible cascading failures in the power distribution system. Many extreme winds from weather events, such as hurricanes, generate widespread damages in multiple areas such as the economy, social security, and infrastructure management. The livelihoods of residents in the impaired areas are devastated largely due to the paucity of vital utilities, such as electricity. To address the challenge of power grid asset management, power system clustering is needed to partition a complex power system into several stable clusters to prevent the cascading failure from happening. Traditionally, system clustering uses the Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) to derive the clustering result, which is time-consuming and inefficient. Meanwhile, the previous studies considering the weather hazards did not include any detailed weather-related meteorologic parameters which is not appropriate as the heterogeneity of the parameters could largely affect the system performance. Therefore, a fragility-based network hierarchical spectral clustering method is proposed. In the present paper, the fragility curve and surfaces for a power distribution subsystem are obtained first. The fragility of the subsystem under typical failure mechanisms is calculated as a function of wind speed and pole characteristic dimension (diameter or span length). Secondly, the proposed fragility-based hierarchical spectral clustering method (F-HSC) integrates the physics-based fragility analysis into Hierarchical Spectral Clustering (HSC) technique from graph theory to achieve the clustering result for the power distribution system under extreme weather events. From the results of vulnerability analysis, it could be seen that the system performance after clustering is better than before clustering. With the F-HSC method, the impact of the extreme weather events could be considered with topology to cluster different power distribution systems to prevent the system from experiencing power blackouts.

Improving the Performance of Machine Learning Models for Anomaly Detection based on Vibration Analog Signals (진동 아날로그 신호 기반의 이상상황 탐지를 위한 기계학습 모형의 성능지표 향상)

  • Jaehun Kim;Sangcheon Eom;Chulsoon Park
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • New motor development requires high-speed load testing using dynamo equipment to calculate the efficiency of the motor. Abnormal noise and vibration may occur in the test equipment rotating at high speed due to misalignment of the connecting shaft or looseness of the fixation, which may lead to safety accidents. In this study, three single-axis vibration sensors for X, Y, and Z axes were attached on the surface of the test motor to measure the vibration value of vibration. Analog data collected from these sensors was used in classification models for anomaly detection. Since the classification accuracy was around only 93%, commonly used hyperparameter optimization techniques such as Grid search, Random search, and Bayesian Optimization were applied to increase accuracy. In addition, Response Surface Method based on Design of Experiment was also used for hyperparameter optimization. However, it was found that there were limits to improving accuracy with these methods. The reason is that the sampling data from an analog signal does not reflect the patterns hidden in the signal. Therefore, in order to find pattern information of the sampling data, we obtained descriptive statistics such as mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, and percentiles of the analog data, and applied them to the classification models. Classification models using descriptive statistics showed excellent performance improvement. The developed model can be used as a monitoring system that detects abnormal conditions of the motor test.

A Study on a Real-Time Aerial Image-Based UAV-USV Cooperative Guidance and Control Algorithm (실시간 항공영상 기반 UAV-USV 간 협응 유도·제어 알고리즘 개발)

  • Do-Kyun Kim;Jeong-Hyeon Kim;Hui-Hun Son;Si-Woong Choi;Dong-Han Kim;Chan Young Yeo;Jong-Yong Park
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.61 no.5
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    • pp.324-333
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    • 2024
  • This paper focuses on the cooperation between Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV). It aims to develop efficient guidance and control algorithms for USV based on obstacle identification and path planning from aerial images captured by UAV. Various obstacle scenarios were implemented using the Robot Operating System (ROS) and the Gazebo simulation environment. The aerial images transmitted in real-time from UAV to USV are processed using the computer vision-based deep learning model, You Only Look Once (YOLO), to classify and recognize elements such as the water surface, obstacles, and ships. The recognized data is used to create a two-dimensional grid map. Algorithms such as A* and Rapidly-exploring Random Tree star (RRT*) were used for path planning. This process enhances the guidance and control strategies within the UAV-USV collaborative system, especially improving the navigational capabilities of the USV in complex and dynamic environments. This research offers significant insights into obstacle avoidance and path planning in maritime environments and proposes new directions for the integrated operation of UAV and USV.

Comparisons of 1-Hour-Averaged Surface Temperatures from High-Resolution Reanalysis Data and Surface Observations (고해상도 재분석자료와 관측소 1시간 평균 지상 온도 비교)

  • Song, Hyunggyu;Youn, Daeok
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 2020
  • Comparisons between two different surface temperatures from high-resolution ECMWF ReAnalysis 5 (ERA5) and Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS) observations were performed to investigate the reliability of the new reanalysis data over South Korea. As ERA5 has been recently produced and provided to the public, it will be highly used in various research fields. The analysis period in this study is limited to 1999-2018 because regularly recorded hourly data have been provided for 61 ASOS stations since 1999. Topographic characteristics of the 61 ASOS locations are classified as inland, coastal, and mountain based on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. The spatial distributions of whole period time-averaged temperatures for ASOS and ERA5 were similar without significant differences in their values. Scatter plots between ASOS and ERA5 for three different periods of yearlong, summer, and winter confirmed the characteristics of seasonal variability, also shown in the time-series of monthly error probability density functions (PDFs). Statistical indices NMB, RMSE, R, and IOA were adopted to quantify the temperature differences, which showed no significant differences in all indices, as R and IOA were all close to 0.99. In particular, the daily mean temperature differences based on 1-hour-averaged temperature had a smaller error than the classical daily mean temperature differences, showing a higher correlation between the two data. To check if the complex topography inside one ERA5 grid cell is related to the temperature differences, the kurtosis and skewness values of 90-m DEM PDFs in a ERA5 grid cell were compared to the one-year period amplitude among those of the power spectrum in the time-series of monthly temperature error PDFs at each station, showing positive correlations. The results account for the topographic effect as one of the largest possible drivers of the difference between ASOS and ERA5.