• Title/Summary/Keyword: greenhouse emission

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Composting Greenhouse using The Forced Aeration Method

  • Hong, Ji-Hyung;Park, Keum-Joo;Sohn, Bo-Kyoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1996.06c
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    • pp.685-691
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    • 1996
  • Recent research in composting greenhouse has focused on some of the fundamental properties during the process such as temperature , carbon dioxide content and odors which change as the composting progresses. The composting greenhouse of cattle manure with rice hulls by a forced aeration method without turning is available for the practical proposition. The control of a predetermined temperature range(45-65$^{\circ}C$) is possible if intermittent aeration is used. The carbon dioxide concentration was maintained in the range from 400 to 2650 ppm by the intermittent aeration. The ammonia emission rose rapidly leading to a temperature increase of composting material up to more than 60$^{\circ}C$ for six days. Ammonia emission declined quickly and could hardly be detected after 10 days of running period.

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The Effect of Creating Shared Value (CSV) on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Case Study of Yuhan-Kimberly Company (공유가치창출(CSV) 활동에 의한 온실가스 감축 효과: 유한킴벌리의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae Hyeon;Park, Sun Kyoung;Kim, Rae Hyun
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2018
  • Creating Shared Value (CSV) is a new business paradigm in which enterprises benefit from social works. The goal of this study is to assess greenhouse gas emission reduction through CSV-related activities of Yuhan-Kimberly (YK) Company. YK Company has planted over 50 million trees between 1984 and 2016 as a part of CSV activities. Through planting of trees, annual $CO_2 $ emission reduction ranged from 196.2 thousand to $336.3\;thousand\;tCO_2-eq$ depending on forest type in 2016, representing 44 million to 84 million KRW. Those results indicate that the company can contribute to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as obtain economic profits through CSV-related activities. Furthermore, this study provides motives for other companies interested in similar CSV projects.

Application of LEAP Model to Reduce GHG Emissions from Residential Sector (LEAP 모형을 이용한 가정 부문 온실가스 저감효과 분석)

  • Jo, Mi-hyun;Park, Nyun-Bae;Jeon, Eui-Chan
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2013
  • This study uses the LEAP model that is a long-term energy analysis model to analyze reduction potential on S city residential sector energy usage for greenhouse gas emission. Energy consumption of S-si in 2009 is consumed most in residential and commerce sector by 39.1%. Also, energy and greenhouse gas emission of residential sector is expected to increase due to increase of households. Therefore, greenhouse gas reduction measures are desperately required in residential sector. For this study recognizes energy consumption of S-si residential sector and has established reduction measure of S-si residential sector greenhouse gas through literature search on domestic and foreign climate change correspondence policies. Also, construction of greenhouse gas reduction potential by reduction measures through LEAP model. There were a total of 5 reduction measures scenarios is Reference Scenario, LED Lighting, Energy Alternative, Green Life Practice, and Total Reduction Measure. As a result, greenhouse gas emission of Light Emitting Diode Lightings by 2020 was $1,181.0thousand\;tonCO_2eq$, decrease of 6.1% compared to the Reference Scenario and Greenhouse gas emission of Energy Alternative by 2020 was $1,171.6thousand\;tonCO_2eq$, decrease of 6.8% compared to the Reference Scenario. Greenhouse gas emission of Green Life Practice by 2020 was $1,128.7thousand\;tonCO_2eq$, decrease of 10.2% compared to the Reference Scenario. For Total Reduction Measures by 2020 emission was $966.9thousand\;tonCO_2eq$, decrease 23.1% compared to Reference Scenario.

Development of Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor of B-C Oil Fired Power Plants in Korea (우리나라 B-C유 사용 발전시설의 온실가스 배출계수 개발)

  • Kim, Jinsu;Lee, Seehyung;Myeong, Soojeong;Jeong, Jae-Hak;Lee, Seongho;Kim, Ki-Hyun;Bae, Wisup;Jeon, Eui-Chan
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2009
  • In order to provide fundamental data for developing greenhouse gas emission factor, we investigated power plants in Korea using B-C oil as Energy source. The power plant is a major source of greenhouse gases among the sectors of fossil fuel combustion, thus information of its emission factors is very essential to the establishment of control strategies for the greenhouse gas emissions. The caloric value of fuel was analyzed using calorimeter and the calorific value was 10,419 kcal/kg. The $CO_2$ concentration of flue gas and elemental analysis were conducted using GC-FID and elemental analyzer. The $CO_2$ emission factors from fuel analysis was 75,410 kg/TJ and that from $CO_2$ gas analysis was 94,265 kg/TJ. When compared with IPCC values, the emission factors by the fuel analysis was 2.5% lower, and that by $CO_2$ gas analysis was about 21.85% higher.

Paper Recycling of South Korea and its Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Forest Conservation

  • Cha, Junhee;YOUN, Yeo-Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.97 no.5
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    • pp.530-539
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    • 2008
  • The study evaluates the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction potential of paper recycling by paper industry in South Korea and determines the positive impact on global warming by conserving the world's forests through decreasing pulp wood use. South Korea is one of the leading countries in the world thai recycle papers with a collection rate of 71.8 percent and a recycling rate of 74.4 percent in 2005. Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential in terms of carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) equivalent from paper recycling was assessed scientifically by the use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Three types of papers including newsprint, container-board, and white-board were used for assessment in this study. Results of this study indicate that $CO_2$ emission reduction potential of recycling paper varies according to its types and recycling rates. Greenhouse gas emission reduction factor of 0.74869 $tCO_2$ per ton of recycled paper was derived from this study. In applying this factor. it was found out that the South Korean paper industry reduced GHG emission of around 6,364,550 $tCO_2$ by recycling paper in 2005. With this. the country's paper industry could claim that by recycling in thai particular year. approximately $23.8million\;m^3$ of woods were not harvested and thus 212,500 ha of world's forests were estimated to be saved in that particular year. Overall. it could be concluded that the Korean paper industry was able to reduce $CO_2$ emission and was able to conserve world's forests by its high rates of paper recycling.

Comparative study of greenhouse gas emission from coastal and offshore gillnet and trap fisheries by field research (연근해 자망과 통발 어업의 온실가스 배출량 현장실측 연구)

  • LEE, Seok-Hyung;KIM, Hyunyoung;YANG, Yongsu;KANG, Da-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 2018
  • Fossil fuel combustion during fishing activities is a major contributor to climate changes in the fishing industry. The Tier1 methodology calculation and on-site continuous measurements of the greenhouse gas were carried out through the use of fuel by the coastal and offshore gillnet (blue crabs and yellow croaker) and trap (small octopus and red snow crab) fishing boats in Korea. The emission comparison results showed that the field measurements are similar to or slightly higher than the Tier1 estimates for coastal gillnet and trap. In offshore gillnet and trap fisheries, Tier1 estimate of greenhouse gases was about $1,644-13,875kg\;CO_2/L$, which was more than the field measurement value. The $CO_2$ emissions factor based on the fuel usage was $2.49-3.2kg\;CO_2/L$ for coastal fisheries and $1.46-2.24kg\;CO_2/L$ for offshore fisheries. Furthermore, GHG emissions per unit catch and the ratio of field measurement and Tier1 emission estimate were investigated. Since the total catch of coastal fish was relatively small, the emission per unit catch in coastal fisheries was four to eight times larger. The results of this study could be used to determine the baseline data for responding to changes in fisheries environment and reducing greenhouse gas emission.

Comparison of Methane Emissions by Rice Ecotype in Paddy Soil

  • Tae Hee Kim;Jisu Choi;Seo Young Oh;Seong Hwan Oh
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.145-145
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    • 2022
  • South Korea greenhouse gas emissions have increased year by year, resulting in a total emission of 727.6 million tons of CO2 eq in 2018, a 2.5% increase compared to 2017. Among them, the agricultural sector emitted 21.2 million tons of CO2 eq., accounting for 2.9% of the total. Among the greenhouse gases emitted from the agricultural sector, a particularly problematic is methane gas emitted from rice paddies. Methane is one of the important greenhouse gases with a global warming potential (GWP) that is about 21 times higher than that of carbon dioxide due to its high infrared absorption capacity despite its relatively short remaining atmospheric period. Since the pattern of methane generation varies depending on the rice variety and ecological type, research related to this is necessary for accurate emission calculation and development of reduction technology. Accordingly, a study was conducted to find out the changes in greenhouse gas emission according to rice varieties and ecology types. As for the rice eco-type cultivar, early maturing cultivar (Haedamssal) and medium-late rice cultivar (Saeilmi) were used. Haedamssal was transplanted on May 25 and June 25, and Saeilmi was transplanted on June 10 and June 25. The amount of methane generated according to the growing day showed a tendency to increase as the planting period was earlier. The difference between varieties was that Haedamssal showed higher methane production than Saeilmi. The total CH4 flux in the saeilmi was 18.7 kg·h-1(Jun 10 transplanting), 12.4 kg·h-1(Jun 25 transplanting) during rice cultivation. Lower methane emission was observed in Saeilmi than in Haedam rice. In addition, the earlier the planting period, the higher the methane emission. This study is the result of the first year of research, and it is planned to investigate the amount of greenhouse gas emission between double cropping and single cropping using wheat cultivation after harvest for each ecological type.

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Prediction of greenhouse gas emission from municipal solid waste for South Korea

  • Popli, Kanchan;Lim, Jeejae;Kim, Hyeon Kyeong;Kim, Young Min;Tuu, Nguyen Thanh;Kim, Seungdo
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.462-469
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    • 2020
  • This study is proposing a System Dynamics Model for estimating Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission from treating Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in South Korea for years 2000 to 2030. The government of country decided to decrease the total GHG emission from waste sector in 2030 as per Business-as-usual level. In context, four scenarios are generated to predict GHG emission from treating the MSW with three processes i.e., landfill, incineration and recycling. For prior step, MSW generation rate is projected for present and future case using population and waste generation per capita data. It is found that population and total MSW are directly correlated. The total population will increase to 56.27 million and total MSW will be 21.59 million tons in 2030. The methods for estimating GHG emission from landfill, incineration and recycling are adopted from IPCC, 2006 guidelines. The study indicates that Scenario 2 is best to adopt for decreasing the total GHG emission in future where recycling waste is increased to 75% and landfill waste is decreased to 7.6%. Lastly, it is concluded that choosing proper method for treating the MSW in country can result into savings of GHG emission.

Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potentials in a Electronic·Electrical components company using LEAP Model (LEAP 모형을 활용한 전자소재·부품업의 온실가스 감축 잠재량 분석)

  • Park, Yeong-Su;Cho, Young-Hyuck;Kim, Tae-Oh
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.667-676
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzed the energy demand, greenhouse gas emission and greenhouse gas reduction potential of Electronic Electrical components company. The LEAP model targeting long term energy plan was used to establish the most efficient plan for the companies by examining the climate change policy of government and the countermeasures by companies. A scenario was created by having 11 greenhouse gases reduction plans to be introduced from 2011 as the basic plan. Regarding input data, energy consumption by business place and by use, number of employee from 2009 to 2012, land area and change in number of business places were utilized. The study result suggested that approximately 13,800 TJ of energy will be spent in 2020, which is more than 2 times of 2012 energy consumption. When the integrated scenario based on the reduction plan of companies would be enforced, approximately 3,000 TJ will be reduced in 2020. The emission of greenhouse gases until 2020 was forecasted as approximately 760,000 ton $CO_2eq$. When the integrated scenario would be enforced, the emission will be approximately 610,000 ton $CO_2eq$, which is decrease by approximately 150,000 ton $CO_2eq$. This study will help the efficient responding of eElectronic Electrical components company in preparing detail report on objective management system and enforcement plan. It will also contribute in their image as environment-friendly companies by properly responding to the regulation reinforcement of government and greenhouse gases emission target based on environment policy.

A study on the calculation of greenhouse gas emission in industry complex of Shiwha-banwol using the method of IPCC (IPCC 방법을 이용한 시화·반월 산업단지의 온실가스 배출량 산정 연구)

  • An, Jae-Ho
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2011
  • Recently environmental regulations like the Kyoto Protocol, adopted in 1997, required the reduction of the greenhouse gas of 5.2% up to 1990's emissions and 13th General Assembly in 2007, held in Bali of India, have agreed to duty reduction even in developing countries in 2013. Korean government needs research on climate change and greenhouse gas management, such as carbon emissions calculation system and the introduction of greenhouse gas reduction program. Using Top-Down approach with method of IPCC, greenhouse gas emissions from energy, transportation, agriculture, land use and forest, and waste was calculated. Total amount from Shiheung-City in 2007 was about 3,299.581 tons of greenhouse gas $CO_2$. By sectors, the total greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector mostly accounted for 78 percent, 12 percent from transportation, 6 percent of waste, the landuse/forest sector, 4% of the greenhouse gas emissions. Approximately 5,401,618 tons of the greenhouse gas $CO_2$ was total amount from Ansan-City in 2007. The share of energy sector greenhouse gas emissions was the highest portion of 79 % and 14 percent of transportation, 4% from the waste sector, 3 % from landuse/forest sector.