• Title/Summary/Keyword: grain prices

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Changes in Factors Affecting International Grain Prices (국제곡물가격에 영향을 미치는 요인의 변화)

  • Choi, Sunkyu;Jung, Heonyong
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzed the effects of short-term interest rates, exchange rates and international oil prices on international grain prices using the EGARCH-GED model. The yield before one month of the international grain prices itself was found to have a significant effect on international grain prices for most periods. During the entire analysis period, none of the economic variables appeared to have a significant effect on international grain prices, whereas during the exchange fall period, only oil prices were shown to have a significant effect on international grain prices. In addition, during the pre-crisis period, interest rates, exchange rates and oil prices did not all have a significant effect, but during the post-crisis period only oil prices had a significant effect on international grain prices. It turns out that the factors affecting international grain prices are changing with the passage of time.

Linear causality in moments from climate to international crop prices (국제곡물가격에 대한 기후의 고차 선형 적률 인과관계 연구)

  • Jeong, Kiho
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2017
  • This paper analyzes the causal relationship from climate to international grain prices. Although climate is an important factor affecting the grain markets, it has been restrictively considered in previous studies analyzing the causal relationship of international grain prices. In this paper, monthly data from May 1987 to 2013 is used for the causal analysis in which the sea surface temperature (SST), a representative global climate variable, and the international prices of wheat, corn, and soybean, the world's three major crops, are considered. The test method is the parametric version of the nonparametric test for causality in high-order moments suggested by Nishiyama et al. (2011). The results show that the climate causes in the first moment the prices of all the three grains and causes in the second moment the prices of corn and soybean, but does not cause in the third moment any of the three grain prices.

A global-scale assessment of agricultural droughts and their relation to global crop prices (전 지구 농업가뭄 발생특성 및 곡물가격과의 상관성 분석)

  • Kim, Daeha;Lee, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.12
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    • pp.883-893
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    • 2023
  • While South Korea's dependence on imported grains is very high, droughts impacts from exporting countries have been overlooked. Using the Evaporative Stress Index (ESI), this study globally analyzed frequency, extent, and long-term trends of agricultural droughts and their relation to natural oscillations and global crop prices. Results showed that global-scale correlations were found between ESI and soil moisture anomalies, and they were particularly strong in crop cultivation areas. The high correlations in crop cultivation areas imply a strong land-atmosphere coupling, which can lead to relatively large yield losses with a minor soil moisture deficits. ESI showed a clear decreasing trend in crop cultivation areas from 1991 to 2022, and this trend may continue due to global warming. The sharp increases in the grain prices in 2012 and 2022 were likely related to increased drought areas in major grain-exporting countries, and they seemed to elevate South Korea's producer price index. This study suggests the need for drought risk management for grain-exporting countries to reduce socioeconomic impacts in South Korea.

Analysis of Global Food Market and Food-Energy Price Links: Based on System Dynamics Approach

  • Kim, Gyu-Rim
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.105-124
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    • 2009
  • The situation of the global food markets has been being rapidly restructured and entering on a new phase by new dynamic and driving forces. The factors such as economic growth and income increase, high energy price, globalization, urbanization, and global climate change are transforming patterns of food consumption, production, and markets. The prices and markets of world food and energy are getting increasingly linked each other. Food and fuel are the global dilemma issues associated with the risk of diverting farmland or of consuming cereals for biofuel production in detriment of the cereals supply to the global food markets. An estimated 100 million tons of grain per year are being redirected from food to fuel. Therefore, the objectives of this study are as follows: Firstly, the study examines situations of the world food and energy resources, analyzes the trends of prices of the crude oil and biofuel, and formulates the food-energy links mechanism. Secondly, the study builds a simulation model, based on system dynamics approach, for not only analyzing the global cereals market and energy market but also forecasting the global production, consumption, and stock of those markets by 2030 in the future. The model of this study consists of four sectors, i.e., world population dynamics sector, global food market dynamics sector, global energy market dynamics sector, scenario sector of world economic growth and oil price.

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A Study on GMO Legal System and the Problems of its Management in China (중국 GMO 법률 운영체계 및 관리정책의 문제에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Ye-Ri
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    • v.39
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    • pp.345-366
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    • 2008
  • The paper analyzes GMO legal system and the problems of its management in China and their suggestions to Korea. GMO has been arising as a principal alternative of grain while grain prices continue to climb. Although there has been concerns about GMO imported from China, it is true that we have not studied on China's legal system and the problems of its management in China. The paper believes that when Chinese government does not manage GMO primarily, we have a high possibility that China's GMO food will access to Korean market at any time, and threaten our health and safety. Hence, it is highly time to analyze how legally China treats GMO and what the problems of its management are. The paper found out problems of China's GMO management in three ways. Firstly, GMO legal system of China is confused and it has limitation of effectiveness. China has no regulations like "a law" to regulate GMO and regulations which exists now are not easy to apply in substance. Secondly, China has no administrative strictness to manage GMO. For example, the regulation which ministry of agriculture in China promulgated in March of 2002 started to use partially since 2003, 7. Thirdly, China, as a nation that administration superiors to, market does not do its roll to control GMO. It relates to the low concerns and care of Chines people about GMO. The paper shows suggestions and countermeasures according to problems of China's GMO management.

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Agricultural and Marine By-Products Fermented Diet and Its Economic Value in Pigs (농수부산물 발효사료가 양돈에 미치는 경제적 효과 분석)

  • Chu, Gyo-Moon;Kim, Hoi-Yun;Ha, Ji-Hee;Yang, Jeong-Mo;Yang, Bo-Seock;Park, Cheol-Jin;Song, Young-Min
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the economic analysis of fermented diet made of agricultural and marine by-products such as, dropped apples, persimmon shells, mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) by-products, king oyster mushroom by-products and brewer's grain in Berkshire or crossed pigs. The daily diet cost were decreased by 2.16~3.44%, 3.83~13.35% and 7.47~41.61% when fermented dropped apples diet, fermented persimmon shells diet and fermented mushroom (F. velutipes) by-products diet were fed to Berkshire pigs. The daily feed cost was also decreased by 1.59~4.05% and 59.09~66.90% when fermented king oyster mushroom by-products diet and fermented brewer's grain diet were fed to crossed pigs. Carcass prices were increased by 3.09%, 1.20~3.40% and 1.13% when 2% fermented dropped apples diet, fermented persimmon shells diet and 0.5~1.0% fermented mushroom (F. velutipes) by-products diet were fed to Berkshire pigs. Carcass prices were increased by 2.87~4.19% and 41.31~49.14% when fermented king oyster mushroom by-products diet and fermented brewer's grain were fed to crossed pigs. Therefore, fermented agro by-products diet of dropped apples, persimmon shells, king oyster mushroom, mushroom (F. velutipes) and brewer's grain was expected to improve swine farms income due to decreased diet cost and increased carcass prices in Berkshire pigs or crossed pigs.

Recent advances in tissue culture and genetic transformation system of switchgrass as biomass crop (바이오에너지 개발용 스위치그라스의 조직배양 및 형질전환 최근 연구동향)

  • Lee, Sang Il;Lim, Sung-Soo;Roh, Hee Sun;Kim, Jong Bo
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2013
  • Over the past decades, carbon dioxide concentration of the atmosphere of the world has increased significantly, and thereby the greenhouse effect has become a social issue. To solve this problem, new renewable energy sources including solar, hydrogen, geothermal, wind and bio-energy are suggested as alternatives. Among these new energy sources, bio-energy crops are widely introduced and under rapid progress. For example, corn and oilseed rape plants are used for the production of bio-ethanol and bio-diesel, respectively. However, grain prices has increased severely because of the use of corn for bio-ethanol production. Therefore, non-edible switchgrass draws attention as an alternative source for bio-ethanol production in USA. This review describes the shortage of fossil energy and an importance of switchgrass as a bio-energy crop. Also, some characteristics of its major cultivars are introduced including growth habit, total output of biomass yields. Furthermore, biotechnological approaches have been conducted to improve the productivity of switchgrass using tissue culture and genetic transformation.

Flooded Analysis for Multi-Utilization of Reclaimed Tidelands in the West Coast District (서해안지역 간척농지의 다각적 활용을 위한 침수안전지역 설정 연구)

  • Park, Myeong Soo;Yun, Dong Koun;Han, Guk Heon;Oh, Sung Tae;La, Min Chul
    • KCID journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.50-63
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    • 2012
  • Many reclaimed tideland projects in Korea have been conducted to secure the food self-sufficiency. In fact, the domestic food self-sufficiency has been greatly improved and reclaimed tideland projects contribute to Korea's economic and social development directly or indirectly replacing agricultural lands from urbanization, industrialization. As result, current self-sufficiency of rice reach the demand(104.6%) while rate of upland crops has less than 30% of self-sufficiency rate and corn, wheat, soybeans, etc. are virtually dependent on imports. Domestic price of crop is expected to be unstable by trend of international grain prices. Therefore, developing reclaimed tidelands as upland which is originally constructed for paddy fields could be a good option to become steady in domestic crop market and dedicate to ensure a stable food security. The study to prepare measures for dealing with disasters in reclaimed tidelands of west coast district is required in order to utilize those sites for infra construction of multi-utilization in those sites and The result of flooding analysis in this study can suggest policy direction for practical utilization of reclaimed tidelands in yellow sea area.

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Biofuel Industry and Recent Research in USA (미국의 바이오연료와 연구 동향)

  • Lee, Joung-Kyong;Bransby, David
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2008
  • Demand for alternatives to petroleum is increasing the production of biofuels from food crops such as corn, soybeans, sorghum and sugarcane, etc. At least for the next 5 years, ethanol demand will be increased greatly in the United States and in the world. Presently, most ethanol produced in the United States is corn (Zea mays) ethanol. As a result, especially in the Americas and Southeast Asia, agricultural land is diverted to biofuel production. Even though biofuel industry has many advantage including national security, economical, energetical and sustainable impacts, it is driving grain prices up and creating considerable concern about the potential negative impacts on a wide range of food products that depend on gain : chicken, pork, beef, and dairy products such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, cream and ice cream. Feedstock crops are crops such as switchgrass(Panicum virgatum, L.), corn stover and grasses that can be used in industrial processes such as fermentation into alcohol fuels. Feedstock is no compete with food. Furthermore it is friendly environmental bioenergy crops. In Korea, with increasing demand for fossil fuels the exploration of alternative sources of liquid fuel is inevitable. I suggest Korea need to research and to develop actively on feedstock for biofuel production through this review.

A comparative study of labels and construction of Korean Women's ready-to-wear dresses at three different price levels (가격별에 의한 상표와 봉제에 관한 연구 -한국 여성의 겨울 드레스를 중심으로-)

  • Chung Hyei Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 1978
  • The purpose of this study was; (1) to examine ready-to-wear dresses to find the characteristics of labels and construction which existed at three different price levels and (2) to make the gathered information available to consumers, designers, manufacturers and the people who are concerned with ready-to-wear garments. A check sheet was made listing a wide variety of features which could cause garments to be different. For the statistical analysis. 87 dresses were used out of 116 dresses examined. Observation was made at the stores in Myung Dong, Suh-Dae Moon and No Ryang Jin in Seoul from February 16, 1978 to March 3, 1978. The findings are; 1. The average prices of high, medium and low priced levels were ${\\}54,728$, ${\\}41,448$ and ${\\}7,225$. The average price discrepancy between high and medium priced levels was ${\\}13,000$ and ${\\}34,194$ between medium and low priced levels. 2. Most of the dresses examined had labels in all three priced levels. The most informative labels were found on medium priced dresses and then high. The low priced dresses had no information which would be of help to the consumer in regard to care, size and Jiber content. 3. Most of the dresses examined were cut on lengthwise grain. The stitching of medium and high priced levels were satisfactory. The chief way of fastening threads at the end of stitching was by backtracking. $28\%$ of the low priced levels was found unappropriate in stitching number because it was too large to the fabric. Many dresses in low priced levels were not pressed well. The average hem width of low priced dresses were less than 3cm, the high 3-4cm and the medium 4-5cm. Hemming was done mostly by hand in high and medium and by machine in low priced dresses. The medium priced dresses used more linings than low and high priced dresses.

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