• Title/Summary/Keyword: geometry parameters

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Design of a Heat Exchanger to Reduce the Exhaust Temperature in a Spark-Ignition Engine (가솔린 엔진에서 배기 온도 저감을 위한 열교환기 설계 최적화)

  • Lee, Seok-Hwan;Park, Jung-Seo;Bae, Choong-Sik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2007
  • Design of experiments (DOE) technique has been used to design an exhaust heat exchanger to reduce the exhaust gas temperature under high load conditions in a spark-ignition engine. The DOE evaluates the influence and the interaction of a selected eight design parameters of the heat exchanger affecting the cooling performance of the exhaust gas through a limited number of experiments. The heat exchanger was installed between the exhaust manifold and the inlet of the close-coupled catalytic converter (CCC) to reduce thermal aging. To maximize the heat transfer between exhaust gas and coolant, fins were implemented at the inner surface of the heat exchanger. The design parameters consist of the fin geometry (length, thickness, arrangement, and number of fin), coolant direction, heat exchanger wall thickness, and the length of the heat exchanger. The acceptable range of each design parameter is discussed by analyzing the DOE results.

Experimental Investigation of Clay Fly Ash Bricks for Gamma-Ray Shielding

  • Mann, Harjinder Singh;Brar, Gurdarshan Singh;Mann, Kulwinder Singh;Mudahar, Gurmel Singh
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.1230-1236
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to determine the effect of fly ash with a high replacing ratio of clay on the radiation shielding properties of bricks. Some interaction parameters (mass attenuation coefficients, half value layer, effective atomic number, effective electron density, and absorption efficiency) of clay fly ash bricks were measured with a NaI(Tl) detector at 661.6 keV, 1,173.2 keV, and 1,332.5 keV. For the investigation of their shielding behavior, fly ash bricks were molded using an admixture to clay. A narrow beam transmission geometry condition was used for the measurements. The measured values of these parameters were found in good agreement with the theoretical calculations. The elemental compositions of the clay fly ash bricks were analyzed by using an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. At selected energies the values of the effective atomic numbers and effective electron densities showed a very modest variation with the composition of the fly ash. This seems to be due to the similarity of their elemental compositions. The obtained results were also compared with concrete, in order to study the effect of fly ash content on the radiation shielding properties of clay fly ash bricks. The clay fly ash bricks showed good shielding properties for moderate energy gamma rays. Therefore, these bricks are feasible and eco-friendly compared with traditional clay bricks used for construction.

Weldability Evaluation in Plasma-GMA Hybrid Welding for Al-5083 Using Analysis of Variance (AL5083 합금에 대한 Plasma-GMA 용접에서 분산분석을 이용한 공정변수의 특성 평가)

  • Jung, Jin Soo;Lee, Jong Jung;Lee, Hee Keun;Park, Young Whan
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, I-butt welding with 6mm thickness using Plasma-GMA welding was carried out. And weld characteristics of the Al-5083 aluminium alloy for Plasma-GMA hybrid welding was evaluated. The orthogonal experimental design was used to investigate the influence of plasma-MIG welding parameters such as plasma current, wire feeding rate, MIG-welding voltage and welding speed on the weld bead geometry and tensile strength using the ANOVA(Analysis of Variation). Then we conducted evaluation of contribution for process parameters. ANOVA results show that bead dimensions are affected by wire feeding speed, welding voltage and welding speed and tensile strength is mainly affected by welding speed and plasma arc current. Tensile strength was decreased by rise in plasma welding current because GMA welding current was decreased by plasma arc.

An Experiment Study for Hardness Characteristic of Weldment according to Welding Heat-Input of Vertical GMA Welding Process (수직 GMA 용접공정 입열량에 따른 용접부 경도특성에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Min-Ho;Lee, Jong-Pyo;Jin, Byeong-Ju;Kim, In-Ju;Kim, Ji-Sun;Kim, Ill-Soo
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2017
  • The GMA welding process involves large number of interdependent variables which may affect product quality, productivity and cost effectiveness. The relationships between process parameters for a vertical weldment and mechanical properties are complex because a number of process parameters are involved. To make the vertical-position welding, a method that predicts bead geometry and accomplishes the desired mechanical properties of the weldment should be developed. In addition, a reliable welding process and conditions must be implemented to reduce weld structure failure. In this study, the welding process analysis of investigates the interaction between the heat input and welding parameter(Welding current, Arc voltage, Welding speed) for predicting the weldment hardness.

Robust Optimal Design of Tail Geometry for Stable Water-running Robots (수면 주행 로봇의 안정성 향상을 위한 정적 꼬리 기구변수 최적화)

  • Lee, DongGyu;Jang, JaeHyung;Seo, TaeWon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.132-137
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    • 2016
  • Biomimetics involves the design of robotic platforms inspired from living creatures to achieve efficient operation under environmental conditions. A development within biomimetics involves investigating the function of a tail and applying it to robot design. This study aims to define the function of a static tail for water-running robots, and optimize its geometric and compliance parameters. The rolling angle of the tail is determined by the objective function, while the area and fillet ratio are used for geometric design and compliance parameters in the rolling and yawing directions. Repeated motion of the water-running robot's footpads at frequencies of 9 and 10 Hz is used as the operating condition. Robust design based on the Taguchi methodology is performed via orthogonal arrays. The optimized tail design derived in this study will be implemented in a robotic platform to improve steering and balancing functions in the pitching direction.

Hypersonic Aero-Heating Ground-Test Simulation Technique

  • Li, Ruiqu;Yao, Dapeng;Sha, Xinguo;Gong, Jian
    • International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.50-53
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    • 2015
  • It would encounter some complicated flow fields, such as transition, separation, reattachment and disturbances, in the hypersonic flight. Thus, it is difficult to theoretically analyze the hypersonic aerothermodynamics effects, so that the ground-test simulation is thought of as one of the most important methods to improve the understanding level of the hypersonic aerothermodynamics. However, the aero-heating tests could not simulate all aerodynamics and geometry parameters in the real flight due to the differences between the experimental environments supplied by the ground facilities and the flight, so that the feasible technique for the ground-test simulation of the hypersonic aerothermodynamics effects is required to be advanced. The key parameters that are especially required to simulate for aero-heating tests are analyzed and one detailed approach is suggested to perform the experimental investigation on the hypersonic aero-heating effects in the ground facilities in this paper, and the tests are performed in the FD-20 gun tunnel of CAAA (China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics) to give out the data which could be used to confirm the equation from the theoretical analysis.

Individual and Global Optimization of Switched Flux Permanent Magnet Motors

  • Zhu, Z.Q.;Liu, X.
    • Journal of international Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2012
  • With the aid of genetic algorithm (GA), global optimization with multiple geometry parameters is feasible in the design of switched flux permanent magnet (SFPM) machines. To investigate the advantages of global optimization over individual optimization, which has been used extensively for the design of SFPM machines, a comparison between the two approaches is carried out for the case of fixed copper loss and volume. In the case of individual parameter optimization, the sequence in which the individual parameters are optimized is very important. In the global optimization a better design can always be achieved although the corresponding torque density is found to be only slightly better than that of individually optimized with correct design sequence. By using the obtained global optimization results, the performance in machines having two types of stator and rotor pole combinations, i.e. 12/10 and 12/14, are compared, and it is shown that higher torque is exhibited in the 12/14 SFPM machine. Finally, this paper also demonstrates that global optimization, with the restriction of equal pole width, magnet thickness and slot opening, can maximize the torque density without significantly sacrificing other performance, such as cogging torque and overload capability.

A fractal fracture model and application to concrete with different aggregate sizes and loading rates

  • Chang, Kug Kwan;Xi, Yunping;Roh, Y.S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.147-161
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    • 2006
  • Recent developments in fractal theory suggest that fractal may provide a more realistic representation of characteristics of cementitious materials. In this paper, the roughness of fracture surfaces in cementitious material has been characterized by fractal theory. A systematic experimental investigation was carried out to examine the dependency of fracture parameters on the aggregate sizes as well as the loading rates. Three maximum aggregate sizes (4.76 mm, 12.7 mm, and 19.1 mm) and two loading rates (slow and fast loading rate) were used. A total of 25 compression tests and 25 tension tests were performed. All fracture parameters exhibited an increase, to varying degrees, when aggregates were added to the mortar matrix. The fracture surfaces of the specimens were digitized and analyzed. Results of the fractal analysis suggested that concrete fracture surfaces exhibit fractal characteristics, and the fractal geometry provide a useful tool for characterizing nonlinear fracture behavior of concrete. Fractal dimension D was monotonically increased as maximum aggregate sizes increase. A new fractal fracture model was developed which considers the size and shape of aggregate, and the crack paths in the constituent phases. Detailed analyses were given for four different types of fracture paths. The fractal fracture model can estimate fractal dimension for multiphase composites.

KAIST-CIWH Computer Code and a Guide Chart to Avoid Condensation-Induced Water Hammer in Horizontal Pipes

  • Chun, Moon-Hyun;Yu, Seon-Oh
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.618-635
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    • 2000
  • A total of 17 experimental data for the onset of slugging, which is assumed to be the precursor of the condensation-induced waterhammer (CIWH), have been obtained for various How rates of water Incorporating the most recent correlations of interfacial heat transfer and friction factor developed for a circular geometry and using an improved criterion of transition from stratified to a slug flow, two existing analytical models to predict lower and upper bounds for CIWH have been upgraded. Applicability of the present as well as existing CIWH models has been tested by comparison with two sets of CIWH data. The result of this comparison shows that the applicability of the present as well as existing models is reasonably good. Based on the present models for CIWH, a computer code entitled as“KAIST-CIWH”has been developed and sample guide charts to find CIWH free regions for a given combination of major flow parameters in a long horizontal pipe have been presented along with the results of parametric studies of major parameters (D, P, $T_{f,in}$, and L/D) on the critical inlet water flow rate($W_{f,in}_crit$ for both lower and upper bounds. In addition, two simple formulas for lower and upper bounds that can be used in an emergency for quick results have been presented.

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  • Choi, Gye-Chun;Chang, Il-Han;Oh, Tae-Min;Kim, Hak-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.09c
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2010
  • Marine clays are soft soil deposits having complicated mineralogy and formation characteristics. Thus, characterization of its geotechnical behavior has been a main issue for geotechnical engineers. Nowadays, the importance and applications of geophysical exploration on marine clays are increasing significantly according to the accuracy, efficiency, and reliability of geophysical survey technology. For marine clays, seismic survey is effective for density and elasticity characterization, while electro-magnetic wave provides the information about the fluid conductivity phenomena inside soil. For practical applications, elastic wave technology can evaluate the consolidation state of natural marine clay layers and estimate important geotechnical engineering parameters of artificially reclaimed marine deposits. Electrical resistivity can provide geophysical characteristics such as particle cementation, pore geometry shape, and pore material phase condition. Furthermore, nondestructive geophysical monitoring is applicable for risk management and efficiency enhancement during natural methane gas extraction from gas hydrate-bearing sediments.

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